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>London 2012's inauguration ceremony still peak
How did they do it?
got a film director who understands how to coordinate everything (even though his films are shit) to sort it out. amazing how it's really that simple
London was dogshit
Beijing was miles better
For me it was the Industrial Revolution part, that gets me emotional for some reason and I’m not even English.
beijing was fake and soulless, it was I guess fitting
Still better than France
by not worshipping blacks
Your opinions are dogshit. London 2012 was the greatest opening ceremony of all time. This is a fact, you barbarian savage.
It happened before Gamergate
the british always suck their own dick
Cringe cunt.
Greece is the GOAT
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Paris' ceremony gave me the feeling that France hasnt produced anything culturally significant since the mid 90's. The only recognisable French influences were the 90's dance music.

Personally would have got Audrey Tautou to reprise her role as Amelie and made a whimsical opening ceremony themed along those lines with maybe dome daft punk music thrown in. But even that is 20+ years old
London 2012 was dogshit
Go fuck yourself mate.
Rowan Atkinson in Britain is "just" one of those late 20th century comedians, but abroad he was huge via his Mr. Bean and Johnny English characters. Like, there are people in Spain or Slovakia or Brazil who know him but have never seen a single frame of Alan Partridge, Rik Mayall or Father Ted.
It was absolutely kino and has mogged everything that's been in an opening ceremony since.
What I wouldn't give to go back to 2012 before we entered hellworld
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This, just get a movie director and it's automatic kino
You're so fucking annoying, just trash talking other countries, piss off.
Cope harder Pascal
meh, not by much if at all
it goes to show how much more culturally relevant the uk is

But them aside, I agree with you.
Beijin 2008 was better
i'll have-ah one-a peroni luigi
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This is London 2012 ceremony lad
I just had this webm

Does anyone remember if it was faggot woke like today?
London's was only good compared to Paris.
But even back then people said it was meh.
Too much pop culture shit, but they had to omit vast swathes of British history because most of it was violence against its European neighbours or colonialism.
Beijing is the gold standard. Just their history without shame.
London had to follow the literal GOAT opening ceremony (China).

They chose wisely by liberally sprinkling comedy into a bretty gud ceremony and got clowned on by /sp/ for going overboard with the multiculturalism.

I just got home from work and am about to watch Paris' from the beginning. How was it, btw?
>muh culturally signifcant
brits are such insufferable faggots
Wasn't multiple, entire segments.

People will remember that blue cunt. 2012 is remembered for 007 and Mr Bean.
Isn't the purpose of the opening ceremony to spend a lot of money to show of precisely how much of your own dick you can suck off? LA28 will do the same, just with more homeless and drugs.
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Directed by an Irish guy
It was complete shit and cringe
The last good inauguration ceremony was Beijing 2008
I was here when it happened. moot entered the thread and everybody lost their shit. Everyone hated it too. 12 years later people here pretend it's kino. Really makes you hmm
Ireland is basically a UK dlc country anon.
literally noone even remembers London except brits because their country went to shit from there onwards
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In 12 years people are going to post webms of Paris and claim it was the best ever, just you watch
How woke are you?
It was pretty good. You bongs had the toughest act to follow though.
Danny Francis Boyle is Anglo-Irish, just as many prominent English prople have been.
>Born Lancashire, England
>Irish Parents
Many such cases. Sad!

I dont think it is
I dont know where this idea even comes from
was that always the case?
I remember Greece 2004 and thought it was cringe, with muh 2000 year old civilization
Very kino moments at the end, but apparently 40k insects playing drums at the same time is peak art.
The fact daft punk -- the only french musical act of note -- refused to perform a single song atop the iron tower tells you everything. The french don't care about france anymore.
Pretty moderate.
It was easier to direct something on a stadium than across a WHOLE CITY.

I didn't really dig the direction but the idea was nice.
You can't compare London and Paris because they are different things.
Tell me anons how would you feel if we launched a rocket to the moon in 2028 as part of the ceremony, do a wright brothers bit maybe have a drone, you know how much we like drones. Or will it all be all bullshit gay crap.
>tfw lancs and irish parents
It's very common here, I'd rather lancs was part of ireland than england t b h
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>Personally would have got Audrey Tautou to reprise her role as Amelie and made a whimsical opening ceremony themed along those lines with maybe dome daft punk music thrown in.
Sounds like it would've been kino anon
I loved it. I think the more I think about it, the Apocalyptic vibe was intentional and then it became extremely cool and DGAF to me. Maybe its intended to show we are France and we don't need religion anymore. So even do a trans Last Supper. All the countries of the world convene in one place and then we find out the winner just like in The Bible kind of. The Gojira thing was insanely wicked all the blood spray and beheadings holy shit. It could have been faster paced and maybe they went too far with the fashion show. I think fashion has to be a part of France though. I liked how they really didn't gaf and just went as full hardcore French as possible and you could not know languages and still know its France. I loved the boats and the river, the Parkour guy and the Minions was brilliant and Celine Dion had easily in her top five ever performances, tear jerking. Maybe liked it better than London ngl.
As a millennial it was Eurotrash good, but opening ceremony bad. Only people born in a very short timespan would have understood it as art. If there were french musicians I would be celebrating it, but weirdly there were few.
The last ceremony before full-globohomo.
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Athnes 2004 you mean
youre gay
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>I'd rather lancs was part of ireland than england t b h
Dont we all
It will be a 5 hour reenactement of the beating of Reginald Denny.
Only brits coping
the british always do that
makes me question most of history to be honest
its all probably a huge british lie from top to bottom
>moot entered the thread
Literally fucking who
Yeah your right launching a rocket to the moon would piss off all the save the earth liberals
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"British Isles"
The whole ceremony was disconcerting tonight but I think it's because I watched those new bohemian grove videos yesterday and keep mixing the vibe up.
BTW they should have had Leo's Carex direct it and do it like a Holy Motors tour of French pop culture with this based cunt as the protagonist.
they worship blacks now
Don't get me wrong
This shit ceremony of today was the worst ever, i'm so fucking mad right now
The part I remember enjoying the most was the Americans seething over the world wide web tribute. They were convinced that the internet is entirely an American invention.
Abe hans never stops fucking seething, just accept that Germans are a distant 3rd to us and France
>France hasnt produced anything culturally significant since the mid 90's
Other than USA and Japan, no one has
Barcelona 92 >= London 12 > The rest >>>>>> Wokis 24
How would you rename it, celto-saxon isles? anglo-gaelic isles?
Watch it with the mind open. Chicxulub Crater tier open.

Call an LGBT friend and let them brag about it
there you go again
in reality we founded both of your countries
I don't think leaning into your strength is a problem. Britain has a lot of widely recognized pop culture. There's nothing wrong with that. France has plenty of strengths they could lean into but their faggy director has a non-standard idea of what constitutes strengths.
>The Entire London ceremony + Beijing drummers + Barcelona archer + Beijing flag raising = Greatest show in human history
The Irish are tax haven hoarding cash with the sole purpose of creating a time machine to go back and stop the Romans from naming them the British Isles.
most of the tracks played during the dance anthems part of the ceremony aren't even French. off the top of my head: Freed from desire, some Kate Ryan, Met her at the Love Parade, Sandstorm - none are french
played some Cerrone, Cassius and Justice at points during the event though
made by an actual director. I hate boyle and there were some cringe segments during it but he knows how to put together a show
the one today was very very messy, I liked and despised individual parts but absolutely none of it really meshed except the end part
Yea and it was the same shit (globohomo, niggers etc) then but less because 4chan wasnt a polified shithole yet
Don't really care. It's just so quintessentially British to think that Ireland (the second largest of the islands) not recognising the term is nothing but a footnote. Says so much about how you see us.
the whole "british invented the interent" is one of those british horseshit
Btw don't get it wrong. Today's show was a fake Olympics intro. The actual one was performed around 2 decades ago.

Gotcha. Thanks for the heads-up.
you literally answered yourself with the image you posted. rowan atkinson is kino, and mr. bean isn't even his best role
>Freed from desire
Fucking hell i thought at least Gala were French but theyre Italian
Because they respected their own history. They also understood that poking fun of themselves sometimes without actually meaning is part of entertainment. It helped that at some points the history of GB is synonymous with the history of the world. That Industrial Revolution segment should be shown in schools.
Sorry but you can't beat the greeks at BEING the olympics
>is nothing but a footnote
And they're right.
Im literally trying to wrack my brain, what is something famous and instantly recognizable FRENCH

im drawing blanks
Lady Gaga and Rafa Nadal
I still have memories from London inauguration ceremony but have none from Beijing. not sure I even saw it, maybe time zone problems?
The UK is up there too with LOTR, Harry Potter, James Bond, and Doctor Who
Well look, it's not our fault the classics were bad at geography, we're just following the naming convention like good philhellenes/romanophiles.
athens was based
people who don't rate it are just young
if england won the euros and jay slater is still alive, i'll concede that london 2012 was better
going to check brb
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That's Rio, you nicompoop retard. And those symbolize the funk parties held at the favelas, which like half the population hates because they're sponsored by the fucking cartels.
I fucking hate the Greeks so much
Les Miserables?
it wasnt, the british just suck their own dick
>London 2012 propagandizing NHS
>Rio 2016 propagandizing 14-Bis
>Paris 2024 propagandizing faggotry
Assassins Creed
how do you not get one of Air, M83, Justice or Daft Punk to actually appear live? the french house bit was great but really needed to be topped off by one of those
>London 2012 propagandizing NHS
>Rio 2016 propagandizing 14-Bis
Also based.
>Paris 2024 propagandizing faggotry
Yeah that's fucking cringe

Also might i add
>Tokyo 2020 propagandizing Japan opening up to globohomo
Celebs are cringe bruh
Why was there no Joan of Arc segment? Its insane to me, maybe they simply don't know who she is anymore.
So is Cuties really the last major French cultural contribution?
got to save something for the closing ceremony I guess
Europe (being kind, French) but mostly brits invented everything related to the internet, and the computer, but UC Berkeley and a bunch of actually smart Americans usurped us on a load of shit. It would be more accurate to say brits pioneered, but americans won the standards. The web on the other hand was the opposite; pioneered by others, but perfected by a brit at a European institution, using Steve Jobs hardware.

A proper mixed bag, but giving credit to one group is a plain lie. UK, France, and the USA made 99.99% of computing and telecoms.
The real question is who is responsible for Indians getting access to it and when will answer for it?
the first computer was literally from Germany
of course it doesnt feature in the british writing of history
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>100 movies and books
>Olimpics kino is still the only time Bond has met the Queen
You was kangz
Also shout out to dutch lithography.
says the country that cant stop sucking its own dick
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apart from Mr. Bean and Bond with the queen shit was forgettable as hell
The LOTR books are from the 1950s, the New Line movies aren't from the UK.
France probably has the richest culture of all of Europe.
Start with Amelie wandering through '90s Paris then going back in time.
Introduce the gauls, Asterix & Obelix, whatever.
Medieval times with Joan of Arc and some stained glass/cathedral theme with gregorian chanting.
And have Jean Reno reprise his role from Les Visiteurs.
Then depict France as bringing the light of liberty to the world, spawning the USA, statue of liberty, etc.

The 'theme' of the Paris olympics should have been 'imagination' and their literary and artistic contributions.
Jules Verne fantasy 20,000 leagues under the sea, journey to the center of the earth, etc, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Count of Monte Cristo, Three Musketeers.
All their cartoon classics like Little Nemo, flying around Paris at night in his bed, Tintin traveling the world, etc.
Van Gogh and all the impressionist painters.
Throw in some cute brown-haired blue-eyed French girls and everyone's happy.
i'm mortified thinking about 2028
have they named a director for it yet? Either way the paris closing ceremony will be the first glimpse
Says the country that sucked its own dick all the way into two huge superiority driven wars, both ending in utter humiliation. Hmm. Perhaps you're losers?
Michael Bay and Uwe Bol.
Yes, I’m still waiting for arcane s2 though
100% it was harder not to do something like this and come up with the abomination that they did. Which is very sad.
No offence but you sound like a massive faggot. Just sayin.
nvm Little Nemo was American, don't know why I associated him with France.
maybe we should have won?
All I did was list a bunch of massively popular French culture franchises so maybe the problem is on your end.
Maybe you should have tried harder and not been shit at everything?
>Director : Michael Bay
>Produced : Jerry Bruckheimer
This needs to happen
it was utter shitlib rubbish. ofc a shitskin would love it
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>cauldron is just a nuke going off

its just british sucking their own dick and rewriting history, like always
All American made
Heh I remember calling moot a nigger
Greece 2004 mogged London, Franz
Fucking hell can't wait
his surname is Gaelic and his parents were Catholic. I doubt he is anglo-Irish
Fucking hell fella, you ok? Take a mental health break.
you people literally cant stop an hour without sucking your own dick
why is this thread even up here, when we have the fuckign french olympics?
van gough was dutch as well, btw
USA has produced culturally significant work but all are odious and wretched poison
Daft Punk- but they weren't even there
How the fuck can a Germ from the saltiest most power hungry shithole on earth unironically post this lmao. Bussin.
you fucking them over doomed us to the hell of ZOG. You deserve so much more hatred than which you receive
because you keep bumping it with your impotent rage Dieter
>Personally would have got Audrey Tautou to reprise her role as Amelie and made a whimsical opening ceremony themed along those lines with maybe dome daft punk music thrown in. But even that is 20+ years old
If it was the early 2000s pre-globohomo troon era, that's what we would have got.
oh the fucking irony, let me guess we "wanted to take over the world"
while you literally had a fuckign empire
Excuse me but Philip Reis invented the telephone. But no one will teach you that in a history class.
Compare both things and you realize how much England mogs Frenchfags in terms of culture and achievements.
you're retarded if you think the reich would have survived after shitler's death
Your fetid country gave humanity Marx and Hitler. Sit down.
The USA nbc broadcast didn't even show the blue smurf, they knew we would not be down for that shit
They don' teach fictional creative writing in history class here anon. BTW congrats on the digital numerals.
the british rewrite history all the time to suck their own dick
This seething germoid has been here 24/7 for years melting down about us lmao
Supremacy by Muse is literally the only good olympic song ever written.
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Who /Munich/ here?

I'm from that shithole city LA. LA28 opening ceremony will be a 4 hour pride parade. These people can't help themselves. There will also probably be a Cesar Chavez segment where he kills a bunch of white people
are you an english pedo thats in brazil to prevent extradition?
have to say I've never seen him
Is that schizo Swede good luck charm still here?
You got the digits you seething kraut, now you can retire.
They'll crown Kendrick Lamer as king or some shit like that
Not seen Sven in a while tbdesu. Hope he's okay.
He was much more entertaining than ABE hans
will bongs ever stop trying to steal credit for things Americans did
London 2012 was kino because the Queen came through my city. They also gave free coca cola to us.
Mein fuhrer! es ist ein sign
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this board is incredibly entertaining because England always loses
sometimes i hate being british but then i remember how much our existence makes continentals seethe and it all feels better
not even in Prato they remember the 2008 ceremony. It was that souless.
crazy how we mindbroke this kraut
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It will forever be based ceremony
Rockets are more of a Florida thing, legalising knowingly spreading HIV is more the LA style
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what, by always losing?
We annihilated their entire country, it makes sense
not going to lie this part was kino
People hype up the Beijing one all the time because it was the first really bombastic opening ceremony of its kind, but if you look back it really does not compare to the more recent ceremonies. Paris honestly stands on its own because of how unique it was. They have raised the bar once again. As soon as you give it a few years and let it sink in a bit you will agree with me.
Jean of Arc is a symbol of nationalism, and le bad
!remind me 10 years
Still had shitty rap music and DEI globohomo shit. Beijing was the last good one where the spectacle was actually showing off the culture of the host country, rather than being a masturbatory blackedcuck orgy of degeneracy
Beijing was the best of all time.
Paris was ambition but the execution was stupid
My zoomer grand daughter told me about something called 'cope' and I think this may be what she was talking about? Can any zoomers help me out? I want to show her this but don't want to be mocked for getting a meme wrong.
can someone find the 2012 ceremony /sp/ thread in the archive
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is this brain damage what 60 years of hurt does to a motherfucker?
Why do you always suck American dick? They're still occupying your country

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>this germ still fucking seething after years
Brazilian opening ceremony was also pretty good
Do you rate the Sydney ceremony?
Kylie was there so it was kino
The overall structure was organized and someone clearly knew how to slot everything to mesh. I don't really think London was as good as Beijing, but the first section or so of London is definitely 10/10, really great. It's probably when you hit post Mr. Bean that the entire ceremony dips below and starts to go on more than it should, really weighs the beginning down.

France seemed like they wanted to splice a lot of stuff in between since the olympic teams rarely start first, but it felt disconnected a lot. It also had a lot of segments that...had no reason to be there (like the entire Eurodance/European segment). The woman thing was really unusual and I think it would've honestly been better to celebrate the idea that there's just as many women competiting as men in these games by reminding people about gold medalist women and some of the best performances done by them. There's notable cases and focusing on the cultural/historical aspect I feel like was out of left field. Of all the things that was based in the history of France, that's what shouldn't have been.
This was really great. I think this and the horse along the river was a showing of why they picked the river for the focus, but at the same time, the boat format was just incredibly meh.

Absolutely fucking mind boggling there's no Count of Monte, no Hunchback and that Jules Verne only really got a 2-3 second nod in a part about "film". The film part only being like 30 seconds long.
i remember liking it but I haven't watched it in forever
didn't the cauldron fuck up or something in that one but they were able to play it off reasonably well? Or was that a different one
Sethe you little fag
Because they wanted to make a political statement about "modern" France, and with no reference to the old (white) classics. The only reference was in the film clip.
yes it's cause you 'all fuckin "wanted to take over the world"

don't they beat collective shame into you lot anymore?
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False opinion. Today was better than London. Higher peaks, also lower lows. All in all i enjoyed it more. Paris is the superior city after all. Even though Vienna is the superiorst city in Europe. But they haven't hosted a summer Olympics yet.
thanks for the free games
TinTin is Belgian. Anyhow i do semi agree with you. The speeches should haven timed af. like 10 minutes in total tops (loved that Macron was done in 15 sec). And yes there should have been more nods to the actual city. I understand that Paris has changed a lot in a 100 years. But that history is still there. Those people still made this city what it is today.
there's a call center i know you could try
They should invite Anorexia Nervosa. It would combine with the depravity it was
Mentioning Dr.Who but not GoT.
Stop being disenginious you cunt
>LOTR - made famous by a NZ director, all the screenplay writers were from NZ, producers were from America/NZ, editors were NZ, musicians from canada, studios and production companies were from NZ/America, Cinematorgrapher was from Australia
>Harry Potter - made famous by an American director, screenplay done by an American, an Australian cinematographer, Australian editor, American composer, American production comapny that intended to hire American actors until J.K told them to keep it to Brits or they didn't get the rights
>James Bond - wasn't massively succesful till Goldfinger, but it counts
>Doctor Who - really not as big as you believe
I remember the fake singing and that’s it
Why would refusing to participate as part of the epitome of globohomo implicate hating themselves, it suggests self-respect if anything.
>But they could've saved it
No, let it be seen for what it's become.
Why was there no Carpenter Brut?
Why were none of you faggots calling for Carpenter Brut? You can all eat shit.
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Defeat in a war is a temporary loss. Destroying your own nation from within however is eternal. No matter how often you were to bomb Dresden, the damage would still be less than what the English have done to their own country in the past 100 years. Pitiful.
I rate Sydney over Athens, but I may be biased.
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I'm sorry but the entire industrial revolution segment and creating the Olympic rings was pure SOVL and kino beyond measure
>How did they do it?
Very simple, they made it in 2012. Things weren't anywhere as pozzed as they are today. If they'd hosted the games this year instead, it would be as awful as ours was.
what have you ever won you fucking degenerate
they're god tier at music and art overall, don't think anyone can refute this
honestly, we'd probably be worse because we wouldn't even have the rare excellent moments among the poz
>Doctor Who
outside of the bongs no one cares about this fag
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Kings coronation was pretty nice except for maybe the Jivin’ Jamaicans doing their little song throwing off the vibe of the event
Beijing was literally them compensating for their tiny cocks. While impressive it was overkill.
This desu
There were more kino shots in this 17 minute segment than France's entire 4 hour opening ceremony
Cant even remember 2012 only BJ parachuting and looking like a fool
>Harry Potter - made famous by an American director
It was already a cultural phenomenon on the book stage
The opening ceremonies are the main reason I hate olympics as a ceremony. There's so many faggots who come in just for that and they only commentate on that, what to add and what to show and who should sing.
Wow, you think the actress who played Amelie should've appeared? NO! YOU FUCKING NIGGER FAGGOT! They should've made an opening ceremony involving the sports and the athletes, the actual fucking purpose of the olympics. I don't give a fuck about the troons and or the cuties of french, sit the fuck down and let the champions of sports have the spotlight. You fucking retards.
Nothing would make me happier than seeing the olympics go bankrupt within my lifetime so there could be more focus on world championships for athletics, swimming and gymnastics.
He’s a zoomer. He doesn’t know people read the books without imagining Ratcliffe as Harry.
Beijing was cool if you're the kind of person who films fireworks.
It was still in the "book stage" during the movies. The first movie made it explode and actually become internationally known.
paris 2024 could have be the best easily but niggers and faggots ruined it
very similar to superbowl halftime show in a lot of ways
fuck what you said about world champs though
olympics is based because you can see all sorts of crazy shit at one event
they just need to stop using sports to push pozzed trash
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It was undoubtedly kino, but Athens has them all beat from 23:00 mark.
It's effortlessly flexing on other countries to a degree that no other country barring China or Egypt (as well as India or Mesopotamian countries to a lesser degree) could ever do.
Also Nike a cute!
I genuinely cannot remember anything besides the little girl fake singing over an ugly one
>muhh dikk

post your hand, shitskin mutt
Couple of kino moments do not make of for 40 minutes of transvestites and faggotry I watched. Nor shit like cheap shared boats. Orall of the "avantgarde" garbage.
Boyle being born and raised in England makes him Anglo-Irish.
This is correct
This sounds good but I'd have run with Parisian culture, 1940-1945. Corporate sponsors would love it, get Hugo Boss, IBM, Volkswagen involved
No Gérard Depardieu, No Party.
Beijing literally starts trending on social media every Olympics opening because normalfags start nostalgiafagging over it and comparing whatever current one. It is undoubtedly the GOAT opening ceremony and only the most fringe of contrarian chuds diagree.

Absolutely true.
I'm tired of people using this to dunk on French people, like anyone seriously thinks these elite spectacles are reflective of what the people of the country think.
You are retarded holy shit, LOTR wasn't made famous by a movie and Harry Potter was huge before the movie
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Not so fast anon
you won't see any homeless in LA '28. Gov Newsom just outlawed homelessness a few days ago. They did the same in '84. They are rounded up and put in jail for a couple of weeks, "three hots and a cot", and their tents and crap are removed.
I agree
>Van Gogh
Justice too, but they also weren't there
They did at least use one of their songs
What even is French culture now?
Iv just realised for the last 20 years, it's old old stereotypes that haven't existed since the 50s 60s?
>because their country went to shit from there onwards
this is true. honestly that ceremony (and the olympics in general) was the best thing we have done as a modern country and it has all been shite since then

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