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Holy shit chud it's actually your greeco western God!

Who would've guessed you're mocking your own God lmao
some jackass with a degree thought he was really smart after writing this crap
Dionysus would be proud of this sort of representation
There's only one God, and he doesn't dress like that
Can anyone find this clip on Youtube?
I know it is, the commentators literally said as it was on screen!
who and how does he dress?
If anyone can give me a plausible reason that this scene is related in any way to the absurdity of violence between human beings I will be impressed.
Well he lives up in the skies so i guess he's wearing a coat at the very least
We spend all our time fighting over religion and race when we should be teaming up to beat the shit out of that blue freak
>Why fight when we can party, says the god of parties
I guess when a nigga looks this goofy there’s no way he’s gonna be violent and most people would be too confused to be violent towards him. Sort of a ‘nothings that deep bro’ vibe

I’d fucking bash his bitchass ugly head in tho
The majority of people who saw this will think it was a Smurf. The retards who write this thought that the majority of humanity today who watches bread and circus like the Olympics will know who Dionysus is? Really?
Your god's not real
I know who Dionysus is but I didn't think that was Dionysus
What does Dionysus have to do with France anyway.
Wasn't he a Greek god.
And what of Aphrodite, Zeus, Ares, etc.
Kinda based honestly can't lie, the fat bitch behind him is gross but he's just a fat blue guy
Tell em Captain Britain
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There was a Greek trading colony in the south of France
Gee, I wonder what Greece has to do with the Olympics
Based captain
The lyrics were something like "rich, poor, it doesn't matter, once we're naked we're all equals". Why it had to be Dionysos singing it idk
Meanwhile france has a shitload of troops in africa to guard their interests
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ill always remember the blue guy's ballsack being shown on national tv
>when we should be teaming up to beat the shit out of that blue freak
based and human vs aliens pilled
Dionysus would proud of this entire presentation
Meanwhile, they do everything they can to tamp down on Olympians partying and try as hard as possible to stop the nightly Olympic orgies. Seems hypocritical.
But Dionysius was degeneracy incarnate, this entire shitshow would have make him cum buckets.
Here, found it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSUD-KCve8o
OP is a faggot
imagine ancient greeks watching this
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Based Cap
>olympics organizers only watch Disney movies and thought the Greek pantheon all have blue skin
Dionysus and Yahweh are the same
We're not mocking the ancient Greek myth. We're making fun of the fruity goofy French interpretation of the Greek myth. Very disappointing.
DONT look up cult of dionisyus or bacchanalia
It makes me want to kill all the people involved in that shitshow
I also thought those were his balls, but in another pic you could see that he was wearing some kind of underwear painted in blue.
still looks absolutely retarded
You can see it in that pic, too, if you look for more than a microsecond and aren't blind.
I agree argiebro. We deal with this shit all the time in the usa. It's demonic
Zeus also partied between rapes.
Holy shit.
Dyonisus is actually Eris and Ares?!
Moderated version of Hedonism God, kids watching
Based and Christ-pilled
commentators talked about it, so yeah, most people would know.
The olympics were held to honour Zeus not Dionysussy thobeit
>what does Greece have to do with Western civilization
Amerifat tier post
Jesus literally is Dionysus
Every journalist reviewing the ceremony is a total homosexual or tranny. No surprise they all rave about how (((wonderful))) it was.
>many replies
Jews and atheist tools can't help themselves.
>mocking your own God
you don't know much about greek/roman gods do you?
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sounds like the religious equivalent of this guy
inshallah abdul
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what does the interpretation of Jesus being a 300kg drag queen make us aware of?
That it's wrong to be French.
That's not Jesus, that's the goddess of reason
I'm wondering which one Judas is and what did they sell out obese dj Jesus for?
Admit it, guys. You like being mad about anything.
The cult of bachannalia was destroyed immediately upon discovery by romans. Dionysian feasts and celebration of pleasure had nothing to do with ttranniees or fags.
By your logic national ceremonies should have various random Greek elements because olympics comes from Greece. There's no link between dionysus and Olympics.
>There's no link between dionysus and Olympics.
but between Dionysos and the Seine.
Ancient Greek representation is good, since Olympics should be a Greek thing only to begin with.
The freakshow behind is not fine, however.
There is no connection
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a pity for you modern greece was created by people from the East India Trading Company
nigga how is this thread i post are still here
As-salaam 'alykum

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