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Olimpiadas edition

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where is beach tennis for all the Enzos?
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Just saw the olympics ceremony thingy, thank god we never cared for that shit
You will when you host it
What does it mean when everything is alright and you just think "I wish I'd die"
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what you mean you dont care? are you a nazi?!
we should make our own olympic event instead, only for argentina and brazil, with banheirao as the main competition
nothing new or exciting is going on in your life
You are describing libertadores
Let's be honest, Argentina rigged it in 1945
>Go to a news site
>Every article is about trans people, gay people or women acting slutty
wtf it's true
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Mileichads now i know where all the inflation went!
They should host a winter olympics.
Needs paper bag.
Too much 4chan. People talk about suicide here all the time. How many times do you even hear that world putside here
G1 is only talking about the olympics
- Rosario Central mejoró la propuesta e incluyó a un jugador, el volante Kevin Ortiz, en la negociación;

- Boca y Galoppo difieren en acuerdos salariales. Boca no quiere pagar lo que gana el deportista en São Paulo;

-Esto no cambia en nada la llegada de Pol Fernández.

TL;DR: Pol Fernandez will sign to Sao Paulo, Galoppo wont go to Boca.
Nao adianta brigar contra maré, se vc entrar em qualquer site americano ou europeu é isso
O negócio é torcer que a Russia destrua a europa e estados unidos
I know myself and I'm an irredeemable bum so if I get home I'll just turn my pc on and play instead of exercising. Besides, I don't have anywhere to put a power rack or dumbbells
"If X goes wrong/badly i'm going to kill myself/kill you" or some variation on ending your life if something doesn't go the way you want is a pretty common phrase here
trikaschizo here: Last year and this year, people told me to kill myself about 300 times per month
Thankfully I'm strongminded.
This one was funny https://g1.globo.com/mundo/olimpiadas/paris-2024/noticia/2024/07/26/ministerio-faz-postagem-racista-com-macaco-em-alusao-ao-barco-do-brasil-na-abertura-da-olimpiada-tira-do-ar-e-lamenta.ghtml
>common phrase here
my 14 year old nephew says this all the time. It's tiktok
Rio 2016 was better btw
Lets make that 301!
I mean the first headlines
It's the first headline
Olimpíadas dignas do actual momento do otanistão. Traduz tudo o que as elites ocidentais têm a oferecer: fracasso, feiura, estupidez, vulgaridade, sexo anal, opressão e destruição
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Mari Pergi Teluk Saya Merangkap

fuck a.nal
What about outside 4chan?
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Cachacos seething because our athletes use our gorgeous sombrero vueltiao in every major cultural event. To replace it they propose
They just hate it because it’s costeño. I swear to god I’d give my own life if that meant that we’d gain independence and we wouldn’t have to deal with these envious cachacos anymore. At every single opportunity they talk shit about our culture and traditions. I hate their guts
This is not common here
>o cara ja quer a saída do Ceni
Eu avisei que ele é um lixo
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Our delegation btw
>brazilians are so happy they can't grasp the concept of saying "me mato"
>I swear to god I’d give my own life if that meant that we’d gain independence
Draw the borders of Costeñombia for me.
At least there was a guy talking about peace
That's globo.com, not G1
Do bogotanos treat costenhos like paulistas treat nordestinos?
Oh look we have a globe expert here. Do you have a newspaper subscription too?
Im sorry if i was rude to you telling you to kill yourself and that i was going to kill you multiple times this year

I will probably do it again
don't be, the meaner we are to each other the more I feel like we're friends
someone please tell me this is bait?
cugoloso bros...!
bom vou assistir a TV boliviana
pelo menos nao tem propaganda LGBT
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This is the Caribbean coast
Not sure how you treat each other, but they constantly talk shit about us and this country wouldn’t be half known worldwide without us.
>Legisladores afines al dirigente cocalero Evo Morales y sus pares de la oposición ejecutan un bloqueo económico desde la Cámara de Senadores, calificado como el “más cruel y artero” que impide la aprobación de créditos externos para inversión pública, denunció el ministro de Defensa, Edmundo Novillo.

>“El golpe más cruel, hipócrita, artero e imperdonable a la economía de los bolivianos es el bloqueo económico del evismo y la oposición desde el Senado, al impedir y negarse a aprobar el crédito de más de 1.000 millones de dólares”, reprochó el titular de Defensa en sus redes sociales.

wait a minute so now the bolivian government declared open war against Evo Morales? who is jewing who?
Enzos are cancelled until further notice
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would've been a lot cooler without all that stuff at the bottom. Paisa inspector Gadget.

>not appreciating semitic beauty
bad goy
1.000 millones de dólares = ?
How do you translate this to human language?
mil miliones = 1 billion? or 100 million?
a billion is a million millions

1 thousand millions is 1 thousand millions
1.000 million=lotsa bananas
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I have the feeling most of /robalib/ didn't even finish high school.
Kek, I think that with a different design it could be great. Colombia is a very colorful country. I’m not sure why they decided to use only the ones in our flag with a horrible background
about trhee fifdy
pq dizer mil milhão se é mais fazer dizer bilhão?
>most famous city/state is hated by the rest of the population
Woooooow i never seen this one before
>Jonathan Benkenstein Pinheiro apita São Paulo X Goiás, terça às 20 horas, no Morumbi, pela Copa do Brasil.
Why would someone who hasn’t completed high School speak English? Makes no sense to me. Some of us even speak 3 or 4 languages.
There is political conflict everywhere.
They kicked me out because I skipped 3 months straight
Por que francês fala quatro vinte ao invés de oitenta?
>what are translators
There is only one way to know if he is actually jewish
anon I've been since I was 14, I learned english from playing jueguitos with a english/spanish dictionary
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All my friends who graduated from college speak shit English. At least in this country it makes no sense to me why an uneducated person would speak English.
I mean, I didn’t graduated from college,
But I did go to college and I usually get compliments for my English.
So what do you do know? Neeting?
Yeah, but again, why would anyone want to come here and use a translator
How old are you?
I learnt all the english basics in elementary school, high school literally had 0 english and killed most of my braincells so IT IS possible to skip hs and know english.
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nice edition
I got a girl pregnant and had to dropout and get a job
i wish i impregnated a girl
i'm literally donnie darko
You need to have sex for that
kek today my dad sat down to watch the inauguration because according to him it was going to be really good because it was in I don't know what place and which had a lot of history and whatever
imagine his face when the black fat trannies started showing up
But are you ashamed of it?
You're very darko indeed, my paulista friend
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Como é ruim ser coxa-branca
donnie pardo*
Same here. Hi there almost 30 bro
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>I swear to god I’d give my own life if that meant that we’d gain independence and we wouldn’t have to deal with these envious cachacos anymore
your shitty municipio does that and it's fiesta nacional, and i'm not cachaco, you guys are really insufferable.
sexo com coritibanas
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Corinthiansberg o clube que até hoje só existe por causa dos judeus, da Globo e da CBF
esse é meu ídolo :')
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Una cuequita ben helada
>transexuals on the opening ceremony
Haha go on girls with beards
>transexuals on the female competition
Get the fuck out of the racing track you freak
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vamos trikas btw
I saw that movie with my grandparents in the background, it probably was akward but I don't remember
E do sao paulo, que e fregues.
pics plz
fica na cheirania
Are there any resources there? It's seems like it's in a good strategic position, perhaps USA could pull a Panamá over there
De tanto o trikaschizo falar dos judeus, a CBF colocou um judeu pra apitar Goiás x Sao Paulo
trikaschizo was right all this thime
i hate the antichrist
of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: trikaschizo was right again
He wasnt right, stop saying that.
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always rana
never monke
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delete this
I love her

it's sexday and you are shitposting in a trocadero imageboard. what's your excuse?
just saw the opening, i think the west has fallen
you won't do shit
nobody ever does shit
nothing ever happens
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for me, it's the galinhada
Good night lads

Valeu beleza status?
>cordero al palo
Como é ruim ser
no cuzcuz paulista. grim.

Informações que chegam aos nossos bastidores é que o Zenit está de olho na jóia rara do vestiário palestrino, Raphael Veiga. Aquele que mais crava os companheiros nos banheirões do Palmerda.

O chefe do banheirão, Abel Ferreira, está desesperado para manter Veiga. Ninguém chupa tão bem quanto ele. Seu talento com a língua é imprescindível para a motivação do elenco antes dos jogos.

O cheiro de borracha queimada que emana do vestiário quando Veiga está no banheirão é indescritível. Nenhum jogador do Palmeiras consegue ter o pau tão duro quanto quando Veiga faz suas mágicas com a boca.

A diretoria já avisou que não pretende negociar o craque do clube. Veiga é mais importante que qualquer reforço em campo. Substitutos para boas performances táticas existem, mas ninguém substituirá Veiga nos sacríficios do vestiário.

Abel Ferreira chegou a declarar "aquele pau é mais importante que a vida para a nossa equipa" quando soube do interesse russo. O técnico português já declarou que se Veiga sair, ele mesmo vai engolir todas no vestiário.

O Zenit terá que desembolsar uma fortuna para ter o craque dos banheirões em sua equipe, pois pelo visto os palestrinos não querem ter que se contentar apenas com as punhetas coletivas sem o mestre Veiga por perto.
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god I would kill for some locro
just finished my sex quota for the day
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Salteñas are shit. There I said it.
Link me to any report of vinicius saying "white people are fragile".
You have exactally 30 minutes.
he smiled and that's all we need
how many dicks did you have to suck?
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I said this today
damm, papa smurf went full globohomo too?
Brancos sempre tentando se colocar como provocados para poderem serem racistas
Las serpentinas son argentinas.
what's the difference with a normal empanada
My mother died
Every night
It's safe to say
Quote me on that
Dry ass masa rellenated with guiso.
Bandeja paisa is so overrated. We have so many dishes.
>Asado (Negro)
fala verdade beleza
today I heard some halfwit call it cocola
damn, I generally hate when they put potatoes in empanadas but that sounds even worse
cala bouca e fica prunto
>no pidgeon dishes
>no rat dishes
>no cp
where is the coffee with cheese?
me rio a plazos?
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encebollado looks good
> your shitty municipio does that and it's fiesta nacional
Yeah, that’s why you had to intervene 15 years ago to smother the movement that wanted our Independence
> El 14 se marzo se llevó a cabo la consulta popular “Tarjetón Caribe”, impulsada por líderes políticos costeños. La iniciativa logró reunir 2 millones de votos a favor de la autonomía regional, algo inesperado para el gobierno nacional, tanto así, que asesinaron a los líderes que impulsaron la iniciativa, pero, no con balas, si no, con dinero.
Two million votes and I can assure you that if it took place today, it would get more votes because we can’t stand you and it’s not even because we don’t like you, it’s because you are insufferable cunts who hate us
this is such bullshit, most of them are either copied from somewhere else or just random stuff and meat thrown over fire or inside a pot lmao
for me, it's sopa paraguaya (a cake)
Yeah, almost as if we had been colonized 500 years ago
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Don't you dare to say that if you ever to there or youre gonna get beaten up to a pulp.
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>sopa paraguaya
>is not soup
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Corran la epístola
Friendly reminder it's called "Seleccion Colombia" because of us.
you said it, it was 15 years ago, people are different from back then, I'm more than sure that this shithole will not cry for that municipio if they want to be another panama extension.
I'd like to see a bunch of 1.5m indios trying to beat me
>he has an entire folder of francisco pics
based hermanito
Your gettin zerg rushed m8
Is Beleza the Che of brasil?
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damn what a good question, would it be beleza or valeu their che?
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it's over...
I think valeu is just OK.
what about opa
No idea
We dont say valeu beleza that often
It's another dino shoah...
he's lying
I've been to brazil, you can't lie to me
I say opa all the time
what's that arrow pointing at in top left
that's in spanish, brazucas don't use it that way
trinidense bros...why cant we play b*** every night?
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literally me
you know....sports
>Os Jogos Pan-Americanos de 2027, oficialmente denominados como XX Jogos Pan-Americanos, serão um evento multi-esportivo envolvendo as nações do continente americano, cuja organização está a cargo da PanAm Sports. Inicialmente, estava previsto para ser realizado em Barranquilla.[1] Porém, no dia 3 de janeiro de 2024, a cidade perde os direitos de receber a competição por descumprimento de acordos contratuais. Um novo processo de candidatura foi realizado em 12 de março de 2024[2] com Lima sendo eleita a nova sede desse Pan, se juntando a Cidade do México (1955 e 1975) e Winnipeg (1967 e 1999) como as cidades que receberam o torneio duas vezes, uma vez que a localidade já sediou o evento em 2019, além de ser a primeira vez em que o evento acontece no mesmo lugar em um curto prazo de tempo (oito anos), já que o México recebeu novamente o torneio vinte anos depois e Winnipeg recebeu trinta e dois anos depois.[3]
>los franceses menos putos
from now on all panam games will be held in Lima
You will eat the ceviche
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ahhh much better
now this is a proper opening cerimony
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we needed to impress our new guests
could chile realistically host a winter olympics?
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bros... how we feelin about tomorrows match
>equi titular
the they are winning even if i dont want them to
they voted for this
We are losing (it's a humiliation ritual)
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regret opening that
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A França acabou
Lady Gaga didnt even go to Paris. It was a big screen showing her. I dont understand why. It seemed disrespectful.
She did go but only before the ceremony. It was pre recorded and she flew back the day before.
We need another flood, gayuchobros
Even the globohomo media is bullshitting hard about the opening. It must have been really bad.
its a celebration for the 100 years of their first mundial
>shows LA what not to do
yeah they're gonna double down
artificial, disrespectful, souless and classless
if you ahave to have drags, at least have them fly in a jetpack or do a bungy jump instead of just walking
>agustin martegani to boca
bit out of nowhere but sure
and then there's a malfunction and they all die on live tv oh no haha
He's better than Banega btw
volveré y teré cujones
>and here comes /copalib/ boat with all its athletes
llora cagancia
play in similar positions and he's 12 years younger so thats a plus
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bora jantar uma cuequezinha cuelinha na peida, tmj blz
late match drama in Lima
>ship sinks bcs the amount of fatsos
>san lorenzo product
no refunds
sanfilippo, giunta and erviti were good..
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>slowly stopped watching footie in 2013 cause basketball became my favorite sport during the time
>started watching footie again in 2023 cause basketball became boring and to bond again with dad
>discover that one my favorite players at the time has passed away a long time ago
Bros... I thought he was just chilling somewhere post retirement, what the fuck, what a weird feeling
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Rafael Sobis turned punished sobis, and then your onions jurno.
>3 good examples spanning 6 decades
>Ivan Ramiro Cordoba is still their highest venta.

And that was like 24 years ago.
I think he meant Cyclon to Mouth trades
I was thinking about this >>143028000
He has a point.
hey man, there are teams with worse stats

Nice frog shadow.
falou e felou
verdagi hein verdagi
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D'alesandro is a comentarista
Dom Pedrito Iarley is a low-level coach
Nilmar is chronically depressed
Alexandre Pato is a chinelinho
Guinazu is a director tecnico in the middle of the jungle

It's over bro.
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Você irá assistir Boleiragem(TM), irá promover SAF, irá puxar saco de neguebas que sonham em jogar na série B da Inglaterra, irá concordar com Milly Lacombe e irá falar contra transfobia, antisemitismo e homofobia toda semana
E você será feliz
And now we have Hernia Falência and Borrado being carried by Wesley do Cruzeiro.
And with Robert Renan, who can't catch even the flu.
Lets face it: you have no own concept of a good life. You have only criticism of whatever is put forward by other people
today (27/07)
10:00 Argentina Olympic Team x Iraq Olympic Team
14:00 Israel Olympic Team x Paraguay Olympic Team

19:00 Palmeiras x Vitória
19:00 Juventude x Criciúma
20:00 Bahia x Internacional
21:30 Fortaleza x São Paulo
21:30 Botafogo x Cruzeiro

15:00 Independiente Rivadavia x Independiente
17:00 San Lorenzo x Newell's Old Boys
19:00 Rosario Central x Huracán

10:00 Miramar Misiones x Cerro Largo
12:30 Fénix x Progreso
17:30 Peñarol x Defensor Sporting
17:30 Montevideo Wanderers x Deportivo Maldonado

18:00 Once Caldas x Atlético Nacional
20:10 Independiente Santa Fe x Deportivo La Equidad
22:20 Independiente Medellín x Junior Barranquilla

17:00 Coritiba x Chapecoense
17:00 Mirassol x Operário-PR
18:00 Sport Recife x Ponte Preta

13:30 Deportes Copiapó x Coquimbo Unido
16:00 Unión Española x Cobresal
18:30 Colo Colo x O'Higgins
tomorrow (28/07
Tell me how you would like to be living, mr. Aryan, but without using words like "no", "without" or "any"
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Nao importa como vc tente vencer, o judeu estará sempre um passo a frente
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Your welcome
o famoso cuguloso
Leave Jahia to me
>Seja Rogerio Ceni, maior ídolo do São Paulo
>ao invés de ser presidente do clube, seja treinador

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