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For me personally, full 118-minutes of body positivity and black trans rights parade.
rapinoe lighting the cauldron would be kino

Project 2025 will make sure that doesn't happen
They will resurrrect a DNA clone of 2pac. They have the technology.
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Large choreo with people in motorized carts, sponsored by Walmart.
Synchronised kneeling
I fully expect it to be a 2 hour long campaign ad for whatever political party is in power at that time. That's all the states ever talks about. They're completely obsessed
Neither as spectacular nor degenerate as you people keep predicting.
I predict it being cancelled or relocated to another country due to the upcoming Second American Civil War.
>same year as elections
>probable final year of trump presidency
they'll use it to seethe about orange man
hopefully lean on hollywood focus (tom cruise)
Yuros are worse at woke stuffs than Americans desu.
>California Love playing for 4 hrs straight
3rd intifada sponsored by Applebees.
For me, I'm not watching just like this year
Will probably be a waste of billions of dollars
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I'll be waiting for you
see you at skid row you filthy faggots
those fancy low rider bikes that mexicans ride.
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for me it's holograms of 2pac and kobr
i swear LA doesnt have public transport
Four years is a loooong time

Who knows if I’m alive by then
depends on what you mean by "transport"
I imagine it will be very Mexican and Mexicans hate homo shit.
Public transport is meant to keep the serfs in the city.
Full frontal nudity, zoophilia, giant moloch statue. They will go all out.
How are they going to hide all the homeless people? I mean they gonna have to make the city look clean and tidy during the olympic weeks
They'll do what most "LA" teams do. Put a shit ton of the events in the White suburbs and use long camera shots to show the LA skyline in the background.
Don’t worry my friend. Governor Gavin Newsom has fixed the homeless problem by giving them safe injection sites.
New sport added: mobility scooter track racing
In the catacombs of Paris
Newsom is trying to kick them out right now
>tfw LA has the longest light rail line in the world
Can't let France out-degen California. They will fire live rounds at captured hobos under a moloch statue made of dollars and black body fluids.
Otherwise to answer this question. After seeing that France innovated and broke the codes, paraded on a river and all the rest, I think Los Angeles will want to surpass even more. In my opinion, they're also going to drop the stadium to do something Hollywoodian. Get ready to pay a little more in taxes because it will be expensive
I’m willing to bet ours will be less white but also less degenerate
I disagree. I feel that something 'Hollywood' would need a more controlled environment - so the focus will be on a more 'traditional' opening ceremony - athletes parading around a stadium, etc. Similar to Beijing. Maybe we'll get a taste at the end of the 2024 closing ceremony.
>but also less degenerate
the usa is france's only hope to not hold the title of most degenerate opening show ever, I'm counting on california to do what they do best
I believe Gavin Newsom will clean the streets and boost the public transit system he has already been pushing to make a show that will both amaze the world and finally fix LA. He will do this as even Trump acknowledges his efforts when welcoming you all, and with this Blessing from the Don himself he will ascend gloriously into the oval office and usher in a richer America for all its citizens while politely telling blacks to stop asking for money and keep playing sports.
The same thing than the Paris one but somehow of even worse taste.
you could do it on a shitton of hollywood soundstages if you wanted it out the stadium

it could actually be based
>After seeing that France innovated
you're retarded
itll be gay but hopefully fun to watch
We're looking forward to getting rid of the homeless for 4 weeks
It will have Eminem and West Coast stuff.
They can actually clean them right the fuck up when they want to. When Xi Jin Ping visited SF they completely disappeared for a week.
I just know Dylan Mulvaney has to be involved.

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