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I didn't catch the ceremony, did my gauliggas Asterix and Obelix make an appearance?
Nope but the Minions did
>known abusers of PEDs at the Olympics
it would be a bad look anon
WADA needs to test whatever was in that cauldron for banned substances
A fat guy with a beard? Oh yes he was.
And I'm pretty sure the little one was breakdancing.
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Well no, but you had gay niggers, troons dancing with children and a Moloch statue, so it was French enough
No, they're white.
Tres blanc.
Asterix, Obelix and Falbala during the threesome part would had been great
sigh, here we go again.. *unzips dick
Id better see old geezers of the village having fun with that nympho
>no asterix
>no miracolous
>no wakfu
>no totally spies
>no code lyoko
>but minions
they'll do all the cliched french shit at the opening ceremony instead
>Nooooooo my kid cartoons
yes, I'm a manchild how could you tell
but sad they didn't make an appearance
>how can you tell
You have virtual tantrums.
Too problematic, they are white and the comics are full of ethnic stereotypes.

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