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File: DM3_Minions_.jpg (27 KB, 360x443)
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They gave us a 3-minute long Minions advert in the middle of the biggest parade on Earth and everyone forgot about it immediately.
Frenchoids are pretending that it didnt happen
Anyone have a webm or link to a video?
Missed that part.
The minions are french
It was the best part though, the Minions are funny.
and it was the only part that actually tried to be about sports
It was the last thing I saw before going to bed so you are wrong
combining the live ceremonial with pre-recorded footage is always cringe, no matter what you show, I want 100% live show
is it called 'Les Mignons' in France?
les petits hommes de jaune (amusant)
I think it was cool. Hating on minions is le cringe
File: q1bmbwal23i71.jpg (27 KB, 824x400)
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hehehehehehe banana!
hating on minions is cringe

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