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All their athletes are anemic since they barely have any blood (or piss) left in them lol.
good. those cheating chinks would if they could get away with it.
>steal all the Chinese piss to drink
Why did the US do it?
the only thing that matters is what they test for. god knows what new shit the chinks have cooked up in their superlabs to feed their athletes with that can't even be detected in their piss / blood.
What if one or two of them still do?
It's impressive how mutts have rigged the entire world system in their favor. Disgusting but impressive.
Hate them so much it's unreal.
The country of Gatlin, Gay, Jones and the likes always manages to stay off the doping headlines.
Because it's sterile and we like the taste.
They were freedomdoping for democracy. You wouldn't get it.
They hold onto it for years and do occasional tests for new stuff
good. they cheated. they deserve it
they have to know what to test for though.
And that's why they wait.
>Americans tested 2nd most

Hmm? Something you want to share with the rest of the globe?
Silly me forgetting american exceptionalism. I need to remind myself their doping is virtuous in nature.
yeah i'm sure that's why they stockpile gallons of chinese lady piss
They will win lots

Pan Zhanle (China) is the heavy favorite in the 100m free
>China's Pan Zhanle set a world record in the 100m free with a time of 46.80 in the 2024 World Championships, and at 19, he's only getting started

China will also beat the US in the 200m free

China's Qin Haiyang is favored to win Gold in the 100m breast
His only competition will be GB's star Peaty
>Qin swept the three breaststroke races in the 2023 World Championships, and his time of 57.69 from the 2023 World Cup isn't far off from Peaty's 2019 world record of 56.88.

Qin is heavily favored in the 200m breast
>he holds the record time of 2:05.48, set in the 2023 world championships. Qin is also the 2023 world champion in the race and has largely dominated the race since 2021.

200 IM is two horse race between China and France's star Marchand
>China's Wang Shun, who won gold in 2021, holds the fastest time in 2024

And that's just the men, haven't check women but I inow
China is Top 3 in both
Men's 4x100m relay
Women's 4x100m relay
USA has dominated swimming for so long, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the year the dominance begins to wane. Even if the Chinks are doping (they probably are) US does seem to have performed worse and worse in swimming events over the last few years. China has recently been dominating all of the world championship events in which almost all of the US swimmers that will be in this Olympics also compete in.
Americans dope as well. Don't delude yourself
I honestly don't know, I assume most of these athletes are doping in some way with whatever they can get away with, but with the Chinese it's like state sponsored doping like it was with Russia.
Yes and Americans do the same thing lmao
Much easier to collude like that in China than in the US. Someone would blow the whistle if there was state sponsored doping in US swimming, there's just too many people involved and people would love to blow the whistle on a scandal like that here.
No, you're just a typical brainwashed mutt
>Pan Zhanle (China)
Turns 20 on Aug 4
4-time World Champion

In 2023, SwimSwam magazine described Pan as being the first swimmer in history to have all three achievements of reaching sub-22 seconds in the 50 m freestyle, a time of under 47 seconds in the 100 m freestyle, and also reaching a time of under 1:45 in the 200 m freestyle

In February 2024, he became the world record holder in the 100 metre freestyle with a time of 46.80
I make reasonable points, you can't take it. Pro tip buddy, by your own logic the aussies are all doped to the gills too.
They are.
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The only chance the West has at beating him in the 100m is Romania's David Popovici
What's stopping them from tainting the pee samples with some new experimental drugs then 'discovering' it years later.
Sure is Chinky in Ausland now.
Nothing. America also bombed nordstream and funded ISIS with no consequences
>Russia banned for warmongering
>USA and their greatest ally are still able to compete
They control all the narratives.
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>percentage of australia that is european: 76%
>percentage of america that is european: 40%
Sit down, mutt
this aussie is so revved. must be a chink
everytime i see an australian or canadian flag I just automatically assume it's a chink
>David Popovici of Bucharest
Turns 20 in Sept
2x World Champ

former world record holder in the long course 100-metre freestyle (performance which still represents the European record

Popovici grew up idolizing Michael Phelps and Ian Thorpe. He also stated that he is inspired by Floyd Mayweather, following Mayweather's training methods and the way he motivated himself

In May 2023, Popovici donated one of the gold medals he won at the World Championships to charity, having it melted into little golden ribbons that where gifted as a sign of hope for children diagnosed with cancer.
china being able to mask their doping is as big an accomplishment as they did overcoming the semiconductor sanctions
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yeah it's 100% a chink no one gets this assblasted over chink doping. certainly not a native aussie.
In July 2022, Popovici was awarded the Order of the Star of Romania, the highest civil order in the nation, by the Romanian president Klaus Iohannis.
Only way to make the HFCS Coke taste good.
Calm down. Chronic yellow fever doesn't make you Chinese.
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>no, YOU'RE assblasted at chink doping
Romania is an Eastern Christian nation - primary Romanian Orthodox, led by Patriarch Daniel of Romania
It will come out in the future that Bolt was cheating, just like Armstong, years after he finished competing and the sponsors are gone.
The only reason so many Americans are such good swimmers is because they swam to America across the Rio Grande or from Cuba.
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From 1947 to 1989 Romania was part of the Soviet Bloc, a Marxist–Leninist one-party state

So it's like a USSR vs China battle in the 100m free
>dude our food got contaminetad , lol
How does "heart medicine" end up contaminating an entire hotel kitchen?
Chinkanoid seethe. We are tested the second most.
Chang you need to practice your math
Chinks literally don’t know how to not cheat. They cheat at everything, it’s ingrained in them. I truly feel like you should either ban them or just accept it. Because there’s 0 chance they won’t cheat
They cheat their way through school and then get out to real life and realize they’re retarded.

潘展乐 or Pan Zhanle's individual events will be the

50m free where the favorites is Australia's McEvoy

100m free - should win Gold

200m free where the favorite is Romania's David Popovici
It's funny the US tries to call everyone else cheaters while having a black midget with a weightlifter physique in gymnastics
Because all of their top swimmers have tested positive in the past. No leeway for the slanty jew.
覃海洋 or Qin Haiyang
Just turned 25
4-time World Champion

His indivdual events will be the

100m breast - should win Gold but UK's Adam Peaty might have something to say about that. Everyone else is competing for Bronze

200m breast - should win Gold (everyone else in completing for Silver)
Where were you in 2020/2021? That was our "bad" year, this is our comeback.
I think one day Australia will get a wake up call about their swimmers.
I've had questions for a while now.
AFL here is in the poo for having lax drug policies recently.
I think it's time.
Carlton look like body builders and are twice the size of sides with older and more trained players. It makes no sense.
>China's Wang Shun
He just turned 30

His only individual event will be the 200 IM where he won Gold at Tokyo 2020 and Bronze at Rio 2016 and is a 2x World Champion

He should win Gold but France's Leon Marchand might have something to say about that. Everyone else is competing for Bronze
Our men are trash this year. So unfair.
nobody has the intention to claim that fellow americans secretly control the world
honestly regarding doping
if you look at it like this
technology is entirely a product of mankind as a species and especielly western societies as a product of humanity
medicine is a technology that stems from mans evolution
medicine makes doping posisble
technology strives for efficiency and increased productivity thereby doping is technology and therefor part of mankinds motion to evolve and ascend the limitations of flesh and decay which every member of the human species is cursed with
by that it is clear thet doping should be legal, the taboos lifted and proper care and maintenance administered in developing it further so that it is entirely safe and effective in advancing the evolution of mankind
Nigger you can't even get a mortgage with a bachelor's degree here anymore, we don't get any of this shit either.
Your shithole is completely irrelevant, none of us even think about you.
Did you know they watch them pee when they do the test? I mean they look right at the front hole.
Puberty blockers are mandatory for every female athlete doing gymnastics, diving or figure skating and nobody has been officially caught with it yet...
If you know who they are how did they stay out of the headlines?
I thought the tests were supposed to be random?
Benefits of being the sole true superpower.
And pretty much every runner to win gold has been caught in the last 30 years.
They are, they just kept mistaking testing Chinese women while trying to randomly test the men.
It's over.
Their tests will never catch the Chinese, their doping programme is state-sponsored and highly organised.
it's kinda funny how the russians were "doping out of their minds" but "clean" american athletes were beating them anyway
it never made sense to me
it's like lance armstrong never occurred.
>Chinese and Russians get caught over and over again
>Americans... look funny?
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>get caught over and over again
they already did

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