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>>143022899 previous
I just hope we don't have an even more faggy ceremony in 4 years
When will Russia be allowed back? It's just not the same without their women.
>NBC literally cutting 1/3 of the planned ceremony out
They won't even show the face of Parkour dude? I feel robbed.
Hail the cube
Pale horse riding in was a Revelation reenactment
Forgot to throw in SpongeBob and Mickey Mouse somewhere.
They can still compete as *Independents*

No it was because they didn’t have a silver one
What does the Golden cow idol mean? Any French anons?
muh dik
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Why is France so gay?
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Bullish on RIVN
They went full faggot with their art movement and never let it go.
I'm so confused, why is the opening ceremony being mixed in with the parade of nations? It feels like this shit is all over the place. Is this how it is for you guys in the states, or is the Canadian coverage just mixing them both in. It'll like show a boat coming down with a country and then just cut to some pre recorded shit, jump to a boat, jump back to some drag show and continue like this
>electro music starts
>reporter goes
absolutely grim
Does France not have any other athletes than Zidane? Why is Nadal and Serena Williams holding the torch?
Same here. It kept jumping back and forth. Now that the parade of nations is over, they're sticking with one thing, the torch lighting ceremony.
They were staggering them, I think the boats are down now though
Daft Punk to light the cauldron
Also why is Carl Lewis there?
Would be based
Also an Obama monument. Complete with a transition (via AI) from a random slave that morphs into president Obama in a suit displaying how far the black community in America has come.
Nbc is actual shit with their coverage, audio is terrible and all the commercials
They will never appear together again. They hate eachother and broke up.
the production has been all over the place
They are just showing the boats/parade of athletes her in the states. No actual sports.
Did anybody else think that Beyoncé was just a blonde white woman at first? Why is she so white looking?
No it's two blacks
She likes marketing to center-right republican type guys
Its only as cohesive as your coverage provider made it.
I watched the eurosport live and it was pretty cohesive in terms of
>prerecorded stuff
>boats of teams
>boats of performers
>boats of teams
And it actually worked out pretty well. Watching the NBC Coverage its really bad.

It should be a lot more coherent now since thats all over.
doing the opening cermony in the middle of the day is gay
She is old ans regretting her life, bored with her cuck will Smith tier husband and wishes she settled down with a manly white guy.
Nadia Comaneci is still alive?
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That one-legged chick is kinda hot.
She was so young, they put in rules to keep kids her age out of the olympics. And that was the 70s.
Shes only 62
Oulala mon sweet cowboy pussy don't be scawed
/tv/ here, ehy was Lea Seydoux or Eva Green not involved In this at all?
This is the song from Climax
She doesn’t look of age anon…
Lmao, NBC didn't show any of the tranny stuff
even that too gay for them
Reminder that without frances help america would have never won its independence
Climax is what I do whenever I see serena williams
How did they become so gay then?
Same the other way
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Lady gaga... is it 2008 again?
Its all about inclusivity
The bitch with one leg? She was born this waaaay
American only threads are so lame and boring. Not the same sitting in a /sp/ thread without the rest of the countries making funny of it.
Europe can't stop going further left due to the last time it went right
I will never forgive France
unpopular opinion but I like the irl pageantry and the produced bits in between
>is it 2008 again?
God I fucking wish
There's just more political-tards
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They never went right, just further authoritarian left.
Wait, for real ? They censored some parts ?
France still controls most of west africa, they have to act the part
So this balloon is just going to float in the air for the next two weeks?
Yep they didn't show us the drag queen shit at all lmao
Because we fought the wrong country during ww2
>falling for the (((propaganda)))
>they put chocolate chips in my shit sandwich
Just the gay last supper
Cut a lot of the pozzed shit out. Mostly focused on the US boat and tons of commercials.
They showed some of the runway stuff in between introducing countries.
>tfw for once it feels good to be American
skeleton looking ass
I thought Celine couldn't sing anymore?
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They didnt show a single dancing boat, nor any of the dancing trannies, nor the papa smurf
You could hear the 90s dance music in the background, but it was just showing wide shots and the USA team

Why are you guys watching this while earlier you could have watched it live? NBC had it live.
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Yes. They didn't show this part at all
What do you think celine dions coin slot taste like? I bet it tastes like champagne
Imagine how cut up the Chinese broadcast looks
This is beautiful. French is truly the most kino language.
It tastes like terminal illness
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Some of us work during the day, NEET.
Im so sick of the media sucking simone biles cock.... that quitting bitch shouldnt even be on the team.
Some of us have jobs

bruh that skeleton ass is bellowing out some serious notes
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Yeah, but we saved your ass in World War II.
As a bears fan, I have to love Simone Biles now
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why the fuck do they have CDJs up there christ
and people say DJs do fuck all
imagine what a drag queen does when he DJs
>reddit spacing
don’t care, nerd
celine is nice
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Best ceremony ever, webbum related
I had a job too, but got fired because I said nigger out loud in Target.
So proud to be American now! Praise the Lord I knew that shit was blasphemous these French cannot get away with these insults in our great country.

Its called mental illness chud she's going to invent another whole move btw, fasten your seatbelts.

Captcha: PJG4N PAGAN
Gotta give it to the frogs. That balloon cauldron is pretty cool. Very Jules Verne.
I just love that some DNC donating Jew had to say "we can't show that shit they are going to be pissed" to the tranny stuff
lrn2flag newfag
The Canadian coverage seems to have cut almost all of that out as well. All I saw was a couple seconds of a runway so far. I also haven't seen any boats other than ones with athletes on them.
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i don't remember ever having the urge to say it before i started coming here regularly
The balloon is in reference to 100 years ago when Ballooning was an olympic sport
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So far this is probably the most boring opening ceremony ever.
Okay. Most of those fru fru queens were lame, but that krip is cool in my book.
At the end of the day it's all about the shekels
Beyonce still has a pretty rockin body ngl
Kelly was just getting emotional over Celine, relax!
anybody notice that peyton manning didn’t talk at all through the whole thing LMAO he’s out of his element
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I got carried away with trying to quote the Simpsons... even if it was referencing England.
He's getting a free trip, and hanging out with athletes.
Good gig
Why do you celebrate the fact that your media are covering your eyes to the evil going on in the world and the blatant attacks on Christianity?
Well, they successfully gatekept me out of going to Paris to visit.
wtf does peyton manning know about olympic sports
>that's it

What does Snoop Dogg?
why is everthing Gay now? am i supposed to be Gay? i feel like i missed something.
What can I do about it? At least I don't have to see it

Not missing anything anyways
he play sport once
France has a lot of niggers
>What can I do about it?
For one you can not watch the olympics and put money in their pockets.

>At least I don't have to see it
and you're not capable of just changing the channel?
If everyone is gay, the human race would die out. I think that's their plan.
At least Snoop is hilarious
whats there to do for 2 hours
meth mostly
Is there a link somewhere that has the full Olympics schedule?

ETA for the first event?
I honestly liked it. Very artsy which I expected from France
consider killing yourself
Die seething
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idk about full but there is https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024/schedule
either the next sevens match happens later than i thought or they're missing matches
Seems like Badminton is the next event. 2:30AM, so starts in 3 hours
That trash was pure satanism and cult shit
I forgot there's a far right 4chan prominent side of twitter now, how crazy is that.
Am I the only one who kept waiting for the motherfucking balloon to go to the top of the eiffel tower and light it up?
3 hours from now
>Badminton - Womens, Mens, Doubles

3 1/2 hours from now
>Handball - Spain v Slovenia
>Rowing - Heats
>Shooting - 10m Air Rifle
>Men's Volleyball - Japan v Germany

4 hours from now
>Women's Fencing
>Hockey - Great Britain v Spain
>Hockey - Belgium v Ireland

Don't care about the rest cause I'll be asleep after that
Some say he's still there waiting to this day.
Blind, your numbers prove my post
lmao you’re so braindead
Death march WHEN
>summer olympics
Its been removed from the olympics
Yeah dude totally fake
Never, they removed it from these olympics.
Fuck, I got up 8 hours ago
I may just try to sleep right now and get up later


That's what it says man, idk
You can thank those who clamor for "gender equality"
>2800 year anniversary of the first ancient Olympic games
>not in Greece
>but muh epic numbers!!!!!!!!!!
meds now
What’s the symbolism of 699 again?
it's field hockey not ice hockey
There is still a Race Walk category, however it's been shortened to 20km. It's no longer 50km. Starts August 1st

Save it for 3000 they can play the 300 movie on 10 screens
enshittification of everything around us
If you want to read about it instead of just take our word as to why it was removed.
That's not the death march, though.
So, when is loli skateboard?
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>gender balanced competition
god damn it.


Click on the event you want
>continues to blasphemy in hopes of swaying others
Youll be
>28 July
So Sunday, how nice.
>looked at /b/ for the first time in like 10 years
>Theres a thread of porn addicted BBC gooners
Zoomers are weirder than us
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it's not zoomers it's JIDF and DoD
this website's been compromised by them for ages
>but muh ancient hebrew war god is gonna be butthurt at you!!!!!!!!!!
If she chokes again she's done for. I went to Walmart today and they don't even have her on all the new Olympic coke stands.
she can stand on my Olympic sized coke iykwim haha
Can you watch on youtube tv after it already happened?
you should be able to if you're American i think
i saw it was broadcast on there but couldn't watch without a VPN
The part of the orange suit guy dancing with the Eiffel tower in the background was kino
wtf is the point of those pads, that's ridiculous
The ball is hard, like a billiard ball. A girl I knew in HS played & got her nose broken by one lol
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Does anyone know who this is?
Did God punish them with the heavy rain?
Isn't because they didn't waste money on some white elephant stadium and made use of cross cuts to different dramatic locations? It's obviously mainly intended for watching on tv anyway.
Checks out.
So is this live or what?

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