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Get rekt haters
Quintessentially French is what I would have called it
Those headlines were always going to happen regardless of what went on during the ceremony.
Macron could've spent 4 hours taking a shit into the Seine and they would've printed the same thing. These outlets aren't for "news" anymore, they're for social programming.
>arsonists praise house fire
certainly the gayest
Anyone feel exhausted and how tiresome and predictable all this stuff is?
The media propping up gay shit. Not surprised.
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They really shouldn't promote that kind of balloon activity, they burn up and fall down and can cause fires.
how am I a hater if I love you
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If they cut the faggotry even by 50% it would have been quite nice against other openings. The rain made it comfy as fuck like Prince playing at superb owl halftime years ago
As ameriburger, i'd say NBC's awful coverage was 100 times gayer than the actual faggotry in the ceremony. Makes me worried NBC has returned to its abominable coverage roots of old and will spend 70% of the time on useless sob stories with some annoying old hag.
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more like frangay
>emmanuel is a masculine name of hebrew origin
who would have thought
Watching it now. The whole bridge runway segment is an obvious nod to Paris fashion culture, which is a fag dominated industry. I don't see how it became the focus of the entire event. It was a beautiful ceremony but I think the nuright hate finds any reason to seethe and western dominance. If you hate France, you hate White people.
Nobody cares what the media thinks
Peu m'importe your opinion

Name one person in world who cares what you think.
yassss queen slayyyyy that opening ceremony was giving soooo much brat, periodt
the paris opening ceremonies were iconic y'all
yeah i don't care. what really matters is what the dailymail comments section thinks of it
At least his post seems to be written by a human being and not chatgpt, that gives it a bit more weight than the ones op posted
I don't care what these paid golems have to say. I have a working memory. I remember beijing 2008 and london 2012. The last 3 ceremonies have been incredibly cheap in comparison. That balloon thing is so lame, nothing will ever beat the flying chinaman from beijing.
The torrential rain throughout the show, which was supposed to destroy the ceremony, added a fairytale spirit to the whole thing. Almost a French "we don't care, we're afraid of nothing" type of attitude, just the way I like it.
that was gods desperate attempt to wash away your sins
Everyone believes that their country and people are special and different from the rest, until they don't.
But the French are afraid of a lot of things like bathing
I do.
I am here to read such actual opinions, rather than bot headlines.
I am sure the athletes loved it.
Yeah I watched the NBC stream and it was mostly dumb niggers saying “Wow all the flags of the world are here almost” and an inexplicable comment about how Montgolfier invented a hydrogen-filled dirigible in 1783.
Fucking wanker.
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>Brilliantly frantic for the BBC
But enough about the female athletes.
>For the first time in history, the Olympic delegations paraded down the Seine in front of hundreds of thousands of people gathered on the quays.

Paris was totally disruptive in this respect, with almost no false notes.
I don't give a shit about stadiums. French culture is also about innovation
The problem is that with this type of parade in such a huge setting, you need a solid production if you don't want the viewer to get bored in front of the TV. A stadium, on the other hand, can more easily capture attention thanks to its more confined space.
joining an olympic team looks about as gay as joining our military right now
Writes in English...
France lost.
You have to have an IQ of 2 STDs below the mean (i.e. be a /pol/ poster) to not see how "Paris Olympics bad" is a bot campaign. This thread with all the New Worlders posting at 4am while no Euro gives a shit proves it. This yellow man >>143030021 even posts >American military gay out of habit.
found a tranny nigger
>france taking the lead as the faggiest country in the world for the week
>queermany rushes out trying to reclaim first place
right on cue
>New Worlders
ironic thing for an "asian" to say.
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>rapid fire replies of /pol/ gibberish to convince the fools that I said something unthinkable
Pottery. Confirms that I'm right on the money.
Globohomo central.
Wow journalists enjoyed it, I wonder why fellow plebeians.
Thanks for you input DEI sister
It's fucking summer who cares about a little rain.
>Praised by anyone but /sp/
Confirmed good
>The problem is that with this type of parade in such a huge setting, you need a solid production if you don't want the viewer to get bored in front of the TV.
Exactly what I thought of it. It was so all over the place I gave up watching.
what did you search to find that image?
The music and the parade with teams on boats on the seine were actually quite good.
The trans dancing was clearly excessive but not everyone is obsessed by it like anon.
"Pozzed" for Anon
You dont want to go to social media, Froggy. Everyone is bashing the hell out of it, besides bots.
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We had the queen skydive out of a helicopter. The French had trannies on a walkway. I think it's fair to say who the better country is.
Surprisingly, the lefty Guardian was only lukewarm on it:

>Maybe this wasn’t just the worst Olympic opening ceremony ever. Maybe this wasn’t the worst outdoor event ever. Maybe this was the worst thing ever. ... Later on the stuff that kept on happening got a bit better.
not him but it comes up if you try "limp wrist" or "gay hand gesture"
The Germans will never out-gay the French no matter how hard they try

Holy Kek at all the Frogs damage controlling all over internet
mundo deportivo chads we keep on winning
Dont worry out hatred is mutual
>jews congratulating each other and pretending it's normal people congratulating jewish behavior
my favorite thing about jews, right next to "people want to know" "many people have said"
>everything I don't like is muh /pol/
grow up
dude everybody thinks that was a disgrace, only literal fags and women will defend that piece of shit
>4channel bots echochamber is eveybody
go out, touch grass, talk to normal sane people, damn just go to one of the bad neighbourhoods of paris and ask the resident muslims what they thought of it
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Saw about 40 minutes of the 2012 British one and it already shits all over this one. Plan on watching it in full, together with the Barcelona and Bejing one.

Goodbye white man.
Now that the dust has settled, I was amazed, it might be my favorite Olympics opening ceremony ever. To all the people crying about the appearance of gay people, drag queens, fat chicks, and the black singer, just fuck off. It added to the carnival feeling. The video montages for Louis Vuitton, the art, the masked guy, the boat parade, the fucking metal performance.. what a fun time it was. If you didn’t enjoy it you are a right strung fun sucking loser.
Take the tranny-cock out of your mouth before posting your next bit of drivel.
most mentally sane weimar supporter
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It's ok China, the 2008 ceremony is silver now and silver isn't bad.
I liked the event. I thought it had highs and lows while ultimately being fantastic. The drag show is obviously a low, the water horse a high.
>go out, touch grass, talk to normal sane people
Says the 4channel archetype
I don't follow aviation history. Was that comment inaccurate?
Still the single best segment.

If K-Pop is still a thing by 2028, I predict a cringeworthy K-Pop/mariachi mashup.
Wrong, narcissistic npcs aka 2/3rds of the population care very much what media think
The greek was nice as well desu
>you're le bad because we r*editors say you're le bad
You have nothing to say
France will be still up there korea will turn extinct by their own incelnity.
Nobody asked me if i liked the whole ceremony everybody assume shit out of their ass implying shit exposing their cluelessness their narrowmind their loneliness, didnt like the show ? Turn off the TV, it was that simple.
France isn't even a country at this point. It's a colony.
They invented the hot air balloon, which as the name indicates was filled with hot air
Alright, it's in full on youtube. added to my list.
>NBC's awful coverage
let me guess, Mike "Sex Offender" Tirico was the shill they used to smooth-talk the goyim through all of the faggotry?
That Celine Dion performance may have been on of the greatest live performances in human history. It unironically brought me to tears.
love how they all conveniently ignore the trannies
not even a "C'est la France"??

if the elections were today, he would lose HARD
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STFU, tarlouze!
it was just a huge humiliation ritual of trannies, degeneracy with some based moments sprinkled in
there is no depths they will sink to at this point
in 20 years it will be trannies literally shitting and pissing in each others mouths and it called "art, brave, stunning, groundbreaking"
we need to start voting for hitler esque political figures, not these luke warm conservatives that do nothing to stop the absolute landslide of degeneracy that is occurring at every level
BBC said it was "unique". What are they supposed to say? "Like a san franciso pride parade", "confirms once and for all that homosexuals do not have good taste", "why celine dion and not a french singer? Is the entire world just America now?". We're all thinking it and they know we're thinking it but as "news" I imagine it is difficult to cover. It was a terrible ceremony and it raises a lot of difficult questions about why someone was allowed to generate that, but that is really about the analysis.
Journalists unanimously praising something doesn't mean what you think it means.
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It was beautiful. Men are women. Blue is red.
Why are you more concerned about the state of my country than yours ?
People look up to France. Seeing it like this is distressing because it means there's no good in the world.
But i will still live with them you will long time dead gook..
Implying angloids had any respect for France like ever lol.
Why can't some people see it.

NPCs still believe this Propaganda
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>Italian headlines: "Italy was the highlight."
lmao what a backhanded compliment.
>gaynigger news channels praising gaynigger show
More news at 11.
>Woke MSM (redundant, but anyway) praising woke, pedophiliac ceremony
The same people celebrated Acolyte
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GOAT ceremony
(Gayest of all time)
No, you dont get it, there will still be white people in France you will long be gone, and right now, you aint even gook anymore, just another angloid mind colonised retard.
>there will still be white people in France
of course - who else is going to work, to pay for everybody else's bennies? lmao
every time
God may have promised no more floods, but he never said anything about spiteful rain.
a lot of names are of hebrew origin, jesus was a jew
>It added to the carnival feeling.
Yeah, I agree. They're sideshow attractions that are amusing once in a while but you don't want it around everyday or even often.
Marca went to shit as soon as they added an English section
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seeing all the virgins and muslims, seething and losing their minds, makes me wish it was twice as faggy
Viva La France
>a bunch of globohomo cunts loved the sacrilegious opening ceremony
I enjoyed the circus freakshow, but I thought putting bearded women and niggers on display wasn't kosher in the current year?
if journalists are saying it, it must be true!
He's 12.5% English btw
half of the fags on the bridge were niggers, not white
>i think
your a gook, you aint thinking, you do what your angloid master tell you
Brilliantly frantic for the BBC is the perfect description of France
i didn't watch any of it

was it complete shit like people say
is there a disasterclass highlights package i can watch
Nice bait thread frenchbro
Ignore the hate, it was epic.

>People look up to France
i thought it was pretty decent. i liked the metal bit with marie antoinette holding her head
Normal people loved it. Chuds which make up the majority of 4chan hated it but keep in mind most of these people are also mentally ill.
we dont like you either so thats fine
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>listening to journalists
They only show the good part?
Macron STILL won chuds
why are gooks such slave compatible ?
Facts are facts.
Also she’s gone so now you are not based anymore.
Polcels take yet another loss lmfao
>old hag
>Shitty pink paper
We voted right and our politicians in charge called it “Gay Pride Ceremony”.
Don’t put us with the frog humiliation ritual.
That was literally a man crossdressing.
is this american thing? No euro hates italy.
You can't be serious not spaniard ever trust el Marca as a relliable source.
>muuuuh jewish
trully an angloid slave shaped with 4channel retardness
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It was so much better in French, the female co-director of the ceremony was commenting live. I've never heard so much globohomo lexicon in one take, often punctuated with "we did it" each time a queer/gay/powerful woman appeared on screen (and not for the show itself which seemed secondary).
If you think it was overdone by accident you're wrong, it was openly assumed.
>Gazzetta dello Sport
Yes yes, [the current thing] is the best!
>forbidden or private
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>jesus was a jew
no way
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They're trying to censor anyone that are mocking them LMAo
Every writer is a faggot now days.
There's nothing more British than a man wearing a dress for comedic effect
The BBC comments section for it was full of people saying 'What a load of shite'.
This was a celebration of the death of France… the real France.
>A nigger faggot
Fuck you
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>not so fast frog
Chill, flor.
>it rained
>No euro hates italy
that was the point of the gif, watch it again
Italians are the biggest Italy haters
>flag upside down
lol it means SOS
sounds like cope to me senpai
Of course the anglos would love it, it was pretty much all anglos, the singers, the sketches, even a bunch of the athletes

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