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File: kevin cordon.jpg (87 KB, 1366x768)
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hell yeah, badminton is back baby

badminton is about to be on for 14 hours straight. women’s, men’s, singles, doubles, mixed, you name it

how to watch?

why do I have to watch 3 games at once tho
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i think it's great. china and korea are already raping
you will be tried for treason
i didn't mean it like that. of course i'm rooting for >us
Wait what the fuck is going on? I just realized the singles match is man vs woman
wait nvm the chinese woman just looked like a man
doubles badminton is intense
china vs china lmfaoooooooo
ok NOW i'm on your side. one match remaining and it's still triple screen
I would love to Gai sex
This is round robin right?
>usa vs china
>chink vs chink
how do americans cope
USA is a melting pot, we steal the best of the best from every nation
yeah, in all formats
mixed and doubles has groups of 4 with the top 2 in each group advancing
singles is less forgiving, 13 groups of 3 and only the top advances
I will only watch if Denmark or another nordic country is playing to beat the chinks
women's singles and men's doubles each have a denmark v china group match
Please root for >us /bad/sis. This Olympics will finally be the one where >we win a gold medal in badminton.
you really pulled away from singapore. now onto china
Thailand is raping Netherlands
Not like this Malay bros
Basedminton OP.
Chia/Soh finally broke the WC gold curse last year
Kek wait until you see the chinese """women's""" doubles pair
their tomboy was kinda cute ngl
root on my man kevin cordon in 4+ hours, i have to sleep
Sapsiree. She's lovely
Here we go Indonesia
cute nip
A rare case of the Japanese being the tall ones.
i am baffled that women play vs men
>china liu/tan
>usa xu/xu
for me, it's understanding that i will never be represented by team USA outside of skiing and hockey, and rooting for most the german or norwegian/danish teams instead
Is this the badminton general?
Here for my boy Kevin

damn they're drenched
Where the FUCK are the indonesians to keep the thread moving?
Why are they singing?
No doubt Chia/Soh won the WC gold, our country is still chasing after the elusive Olympic gold. Our best shot is either with Chia/Soh or Lee Zii Jia if they don't choke.
Who was humming the furry robin hood theme
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Kevin lost the first match but not the war..
Come on my Mayan WARRIOR
They're out rioting because they lost the first game.
Women's or Doubles?
I don't think I've seen Jonatan play yet.
...he keeps grabbing his elbow lads..
are >we finished?
Fucking hell...
GG poos
What a point
i want to be a pro badminton player
Damn they choked rip
>just one
Sweaty squash girls > sweaty baddy girls > sweaty tennis girls
LZJ too inconsistant and doesn't have a plan B. Chia/Soh either world class or dogshit no inbetween
No money in pro because BWF are dumb as shit. But the girls are sexy
Viktor or Anders?
AxelChad. Antonsen is weakmind
Anders has an good draw he could go far

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