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Why is peacock lying to me? most of these aren't live but are actually coming up in up to 30 minutes from now
all of those are live or starting in 5 minutes
they were listed as live 25 minutes ago, shooting is now listed as live and starts in 30 minutes, any amount of waiting for something it tells me is live is not acceptable
Bro just VPN to Canada and watch the CBC's coverage
I don't think I've watched NBC/Peacock's coverage since 2016, too annoying imo
Is it possible to get a free vpn on chromecast?
I might need to get that. I have youtube tv but it’s just judo, handball, maybe still dressage right now
Uh, I'm not sure, I mostly watch from my PC
Never used a VPN, would it cost more than the $8 I spent on Peacock already?
Different anon here, are all the peacock streams split screen?
Im trying to decide between using peacock or downloading a VPN.

I used both last olympics

You need a VPN that can "split tunnel"
You cant shitpost on 4chan with a vpn, so you need to split and only use the yurp IP address for streaming, and use your native ip for shitposting. Not all VPNs split
I use ExpressVPN for $12.95 for a single month
They have cheaper deals but they require you sign on for 6 or 12 months (supposedly they let you cancel within 90 days, but I've never tried that myself, so idk if you should try it)
No they seem to have everything individually
There's definitely sports streamed in split screen, I've confirmed badminton judo and fencing so far
Why is NBC so fucking incompetent? Why is Judo being shown in split screen? Why can't i pick a single mat to watch?
What are you gonna do about it?
They paid huge amounts of money to fuck you over.
I googled and found some bullshit article saying you could click on one of the screens to full screen it, I checked and even on PC you can't do any such thing
Eh, fuck it. Gonna roll with Peacock and complain like all the other dickless faggots this Olympics.

I tried clicking on the streams. I tried on my web browser and the Peacock app. NBC is just run by morons. Oh yes, lets advertise that every event is being streamed but we won't let you choose.
everyone ITT has a pea sized cock
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You thought the judo stream was bad?
What browser are you using?
It says you can isolate the streams and choose the audio.
>Peacock doesn't work on Linux
did you test it?
Not only does it list things that haven't begun yet as live but it also lists events that are over as live
just look up the schedule online you autists
that takes too long
is there any live updating thing like the OP that's actually accurate?
>you're streaming on too many devices

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