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And why is it Australia?
middle class brits leaving for australia and leaving the underclass behind with the third worldies
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Correct. Here is Britain for comparison.
Samoan dudes are cumming inside THESE girls? God damn
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British people 200 years ago looked like this
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Idk, but a German girl already made me cum
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i thought lower class people and convicts were shipped off to australia, that's why aussie english is derived from cockney
what streams are we using to watch the olympics?
This one
*pisses on you*
that was centuries ago. in recent generations it's been the middle class fleeing to a wealthier country.
Australian demographics were heavily saturated with Mediterranean migration after world war 2. This improved the average appearance compared to England.

Australia is also much less impacted by African Migration because it's much more difficult for them to make the journey here, even though our government would love it if they could import more.
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I would love to immigrate to australia, but i am afraid i would get mogged by even the most average aussie man

In bali all of them had luscious hair, strong jawlines and were at least 185cm
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We do not have native or original ngas; and the ngas -since the dawn of humanity- (until today) has been the most despicable, discriminated, mocked and hated being. The ngas has always been assimilated with an animal: with a monkey; both being on the same scale in the animal kingdom, and below any human being. Let's not be hypocrites now: all the videos shown in this forum, for which we laugh, we feel ashamed of the worst of the human being, are all or the great majority of ngas.

Disgusting and horrible countries that have ngas
Not bad. They look so white too. Whiter than Britain and France.
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Wish colombia sent more athletes
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Please remove the 16 y.o. from pic.
Sorry, please and thank you.
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yikes, are Iberians that ugly?
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Aussies really are unique among the anglosphere in that they are blessed with beautiful women
t. beaner
i don't think they are attractive
british women are most beautiful
>i don't think they are attractive
>british women are most beautiful
i thought chile was brown hmm
>This improved the average appearance compared to England.
Golden Sheilas and Bruces look best thoughever
they are classy and chaste
they prefer libraries and art galleries to clubs and pubs
>posts Daniel Ricciardo
Yep, some true English lineage right there.
crikey those free condoms will be put to good use on these sheilas
I was on a bus this morning and I overheard two girls loudly talking about how their arses hurt from being shagged out last night, they were rather chavish mind that.
I like all of them to be honest, lots of cuties
Keep sharing the compilation pics, I wanna see which country I move to
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Beautiful southern european eugenics
i was just memeing
i used to go clubbing my freshman year of college
club is a shithole
most of girls who go to the club often lie and have a phone full of men's phone numbers
when you date these girld, all you get is hair loss and credit card debt
The cheerleader effect in these collages is crazy
I don't get it how white aussies have so refined genes, don't they have mainly anglo heritage? we all know England, is a small island with small genepool. I live for a year in the midlands and most anglos looked like inbred fucks.
Maybe the chad convicts migrated to Oceania.
You’ve been huffing too much zigger propaganda, anglo genes are western european genes, anglos look bad because of poor diets, poor lifestyles and vitamin deficiencies.

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