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Final DAY for the men, 10 games coming up, all times Paris

[5th-8th Classification] New Zealand vs Argentina
[5th-8th Classification] Ireland vs USA
Semi Final 1: South Africa vs France
Semi Final 2: Fiji vs Australia

11th Place Playoff:Japan vs Uruguy
9th Place Playoff: Samoa vs Kenya
7th Place Playoff
5th Place Playoff
Bronze Medal Game
Gold Medal Game


BongBros: All 10 games on BBC
cheers m8

Dude howndo I get rid of that "this banner will hide in seconds" shit?
Wait it's not loading for me >_<
ublock extension + clicking the little red cross
me neither
It's definitely started though

I'm panicking now omg
I've got a built-in adblocker on brave and it still doesn't work. Besides, the thumbnail just looks like its showing the basketball like on crackstreams
It is just showing basketball.
aye I'm checking all the sites and every "rugby" stream is showing Germany/Japan in basketball
I guess the default international broadcast was supposed to show ruggers but is instead stuck on that

fucking annoying desu
haven't missed a single game thus far but missing kiwis/argies right now
your dstv bruh?
Yeah it sucks, but the Saffa game should be showing as it involves the hosts. I'll keep an eye out.
It's not even listed on cricfree
I share a neighbour's with my pops and he is watching it now.
>9 eurosport streams
>and even none of them are showing it

so even if you forked out for this olympics you don't get to see it
one of the eurosport channels is showing USA-Zambia in women's football from Thursday night

The semis will be broadcast for sure though
I guess we suck
According to the rugby subreddit, the only place showing it is the Discovery+ app
No shit. I've not heard of any of the lads that got sent over while the French got fucking Dupont in their team. It's insane how lowly we think of this event while our gold numbers are low.
>All 10 games on BBC
i'm watching it on max with commentators
I don't think anyone should be surprised that the battle for 5th place isn't really getting any broadcast priority. No matter how shit the alternative sports are they aren't just time fillers like these.
they promised they would but I guess they don't care
would rather endless studio discussions on Britain's glorious bronze medal
i get the struggles anon, im sharing an account too
Not real
do GB not compete in this like the soccer or did they just not qualify?
its retarded there's no cross-play, both akira and reiko came up through the 7s, why the fuck couldnt they switch back once every 4 years,

half the world don't know the difference between 7s and 15s then they hear NZ are meant to be good at rugby then see us get stomped and just think it's all talk and nz is shit at rugby, fucking embarrassing over here
>can't subscribe to discovery+ via my smart tv

i guess they just don't want me to watch the olympics
Turns out they were showing the NZ-Arg match on RTÉ on a 15 minute delay, so I got to watch the second half. However, they are not showing the Ireland game.
They failed to qualify, losing to South Africa
just stream from laptop innit
nice try
the problem is those stingy kikes put the streaming limit at 1 not even Disney is that jewish with their practice, I refuse to shill out that much money for a service that doesnt work so lekker and I can mostly watch the matches on streaming sites, I just watch HotD and Last of Us on demand the Monday and my toppie knows that when Arsenal plays I'm watching it on DSTV.
if you support any team for gold that isn't Fiji you lack SOVL desu
Ireland and the USA look quite evenly matched.
I shant be supporting anyone but the blitzbokke me.
>cbc not showing this
>cbc isn't showing the semis
>cbc is only showing the finals
Every single thing I want to watch, isn't fucking being shown
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this to be perfect honest with you phamli
based anon
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did we just get eliminated?
I just want to watch the final. I will if i remember. I know the adhd versions of basketball, rugby and volleyball are all fun to watch.
you already were eliminated
already lost to nzd and ireland, any medal comes with a big asterix sorry mate, clearly not the best team
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alright alright
>wins gold
>not the best team
This is Ireland levels of delusion.
>semi final on
>thread dead
>Perez turns it over twice in 2 minutes
Bench him!
>Perez turns it over thrice in 2 minutes
Bench him!
we're all watching kim cadzow cycling for new zealands first medal
Dead meme sport
south africa are miles ahead all the other teams there is no point in watching anymore
>BBC showing men's Beach Volleyball instead of the Ruggers when they had shown every single game up until now

I hate them so much
this is the thread. posting rugby shit in the general was useless.
>men beach volley
what is the blue shit they have on their legs?
none of us can get a stream :(
what a defensive quagmire
you've got to bite the bullet and sub to discovery.
Carn south africa, score some fuckin pies
i like it but i don’t get all these stoppages. let the boys play
SA looked strong desu. Frenchies nervous. I hope France pulls it off.
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>Brit says dead meme
>his team didn’t even qualify while Japan and Uruguay did
The seethe is delicious
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we are still so shook, i cant imagine playing against this crowd must be like
Kinesio tape, for if they have an injury

its here
> i like it but i don’t get all these stoppages
Both teams played like dog shit and kept turning the ball over. That was the worst half of rugby this Olympics.
thanks lad
same, the hosts vs fiji for the final would be kino
many handling errors.
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God this is frustrating to watch. What more does he have to do for them?
dreadlocks for SA is a beast
SA too strong. France haven't been dangerous once
I'm Irish
as soon as dupont plays, the other players shit the bed
meth mostly

its on here too if you're a poor
good play
Also lol that saffa who just gave up
Sub off SA number 4, didn’t even try
I hate these French faggots so much
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he's such a fat cunt too
top comedy
Truly pathetic. You've got 2 mins left of running, should be going until you puke
so australia vs SA for the bronze
Usually i cheer for my bokke bros. But this isn't 15s. I cheer for my euro bros at the Olympics. LETS GOOOO FRENCHIES
Weird defense here Safas
was that guy dressed as Waldo? is Waldo french?
AFRICA DU SUD bros what happened to our ironclad defence?
had cezlin colby played 7s? Id like to see him or faf playing it, damien mckenzie too

like a little people version of 7s, maybe <80kg

netherlands always saying shit
its so over
It’s over congrats Fiji
hope aussies win otherwise in the name of inclusion we will have to offer the win to fidji
i hate frenchies so much
humiliation ritual for SA
based flop try
For the 2nd French try, why was it a pen against SA when the French knocked it on?
was saffa more french than france with their huguenots ?

we rigged it
Offside from the scrum.
France had more blacks so they got benefit of doubt
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>team doesn’t score a single point
>losing with 6 minutes left
>pic related enters
>France scores 21 straight points to head to the gold
I’m convinced. He is the greatest player of the 21st century
obviously rigged for France to win
dupont is an overrated faggot
will you guys watch the FEMALES tomorrow or do you not give a shit?

> brunette is a country
if new zealand dominate the pool then Ill tune in for their playoffs
kek 2nd half was all france. Congrats
You're an overrated flag. Népalbro os better.
I'll watch, but I feel like it's always ridiculous because there are a couple women that are ridiculously more athletic than everyone else.
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His trophy haul for France is quite impressive
I’ll watch the 5 min highlights if we meme a gold but other than that it’ll be a no from me.
I don't give a shit
Tomorrow ill watch basketball. I'll tune in from the semis onwards
how quicks the game turnaround till aus/fiji?
starts in 2 mins
this has been such a waste of time for Hugo Keenan
>just not at the races
his aura has been dented so will probably carry over to XVs
surprised the IRFU haven't pulled him rather than risk injury in some dead rubbers
Starts in two minutes
Duponcy cunt
Toss Viti
the booing isn't okay This is rugby. keep your football beefs in your containment zone.
I miss the days of semi redarara playing NRL and listening to the low IQ aussie commentators pronouncing his name different every time

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i paid 7.99 for this shit so may as well
Why did he pass!? All gas!!!
gold for australia lads
real gold or yellow but you just call it gold for some reason?
it's golden shower for australia after losing the bronze medal match
They’re playing too scared. It seems like they don’t trust themselves to personally attack and would rather pass.
Fijian bros we're not going to work next week!
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imagine getting beat by water lol
>time wasting for literally no reason
the tiny bit of energy the opposing player takes to walk back could be the difference maker
They’ll rig it for Fiji, they didn’t even review the knock on winning try they got against us
It was basically half lol. Makes sense to me. Tie it up, don’t leave extra time for Australia, receive at half…
poor tackling
thread theme

>fiji wins
this match for Fiji and the final for France knocking over the previous Olympic champs
its really joever now
Filthy line
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>rugby is a high IQ sp-ACK
time wasting penalty poof
Whatsup with the fucking time wasting? this is rugby not football ffs
yeah france are getting molested
Ez money
I actually really want to play this sport now.
don't reckon they'll be winning the 7s either
its ridiculous? are the rules different because its a cinderella story? absolute timewasting bullshit

11th Place Playoff:Japan vs Uruguay
9th Place Playoff: Samoa vs Kenya
7th Place Playoff: Argentina vs USA
5th Place Playoff: New Zealand vs Ireland
Bronze Medal Game: South Africa vs Australia
Gold Medal Game: France vs Fiji
>that pearl clutching Dutchman who salty about everything and everyone
Lmao fucking qualify
How is Fiji raping everyone?
the game was won anyway, they're saving energy you mong
3 and 4th place is tougher match, because unlike the finals youre not guarantied a medal
>Fiji at 2016 Olympic 7s
W 6 D 0 L 0
>Fiji at 2020 Olympic 7s
W 6 D 0 L 0
>Fiji at 2024 Olympic 7s
W 5 D 0 L 0 (One game to go)

good luck frog cunts lmao
finally, Japan v Uruguay
Don’t exactly see Australia lined up and ready to go begging for more action lol refs let both teams set the tempo. Have you played before?
the first try was knocked on, and that receiving kick australia got was "knocked on" but went back, a little creative storytelling by the olympic commission
literally the weight of their people and ancestors on their shoulders, everyone else would like another medal but this is the only thing Fiji have won on the world stage ever in anything ever
7s is an athletic game. 15s is a combination of both
France will beat them, they needed a rigged knock on try to beat us
fuck off with that. It's only 14 minutes of action. Thursday I booed Australia for the same thing.
saving energy with a minute on the clock, go fuck yourself with that nonsense poof
this is obvs setup for France to knock over the previous Olympic champs and Dupont to be crowned the GOAT
Scottish commentators on pretty much every event. >we are massive
I'm watching some of this rugby famalamalams
I'm not trying to sound racist, but why are they saying Samoa that way?
its how the Samoans pronounce it. a few of the regular SVNS commentators are Samoans or Kiwis so it rubbed off from them
9th: KENYA
10th: SAMOA
12th: JAPAN

Half Hour break until the 7th place playoff
that's how the natives say it
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7th Place Playoff: Argentina vs USA
5th Place Playoff: New Zealand vs Ireland
Bronze Medal Game: South Africa vs Australia
Gold Medal Game: France vs Fiji
YES we aren't the worst
>6 games
>1 win
8th: USA
9th: KENYA
10th: SAMOA
12th: JAPAN
fuck you ireland
yes, I REALLY care who gets 7th place instead of 8th place.
Just get to the gold medal game already
The BBC are lying they do not have the rights to the Olympics. You have to get Eurosport or Discovery Plus. You can get it in Prime Video or Discovery+ app.
they show a shitload of highlights on theier website though

but extremely cucked when it comes to live coverage
Yes they have highlights and TWO live camera feeds maximum in their license but they have continued to insinuate they have full coverage. Thankfully discovery plus standard pack is only £4 and has all the live feeds.

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