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>Rangers Interested In Isaac Paredes
>Diamondbacks, Mariners Interested In Tanner Scott
>Padres Notes: Taillon, Catching, DeVries
>Orioles Acquire Zach Eflin From Rays
>Mariners Acquire Yimi Garcia
>Dodgers Trade James Paxton To Red Sox

prev: >>143024621
Hanshinbros this second half we're back!
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We're gonna turn the corner. It's all right there in front of us.
Can somebody explain the MLB schedule?
Why in the fuck they have so many games?
Google says is just because they can and it's tradition but is just that? Like why in the fuck they go against the same team like 10+ times in a single season?
gotta believe in those new york mets
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>Bragging when its July
for fucks sake not again. only brag when its said and done. I know the Bravos will be back when people are actually healthy for once
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It's not the constant losing that's getting to me, I'm already too used to that which is extremely tragic to have to say already.
The thing that truly gets me is why it's allowed to continue and how literally nobody has stepped in to do anything about it. Obviously we can't rely on Jerry to do shit because he doesn't care and just laughs his way to the bank but how come nobody else takes any action to do something? Why do they just let these losses, bad baseball, bad fundamentals, players who don't care, players who don't belong, staff who don't know what they're doing, a historically bad team just HOW can anyone let this continue? Why does no one take a stand or take action?
It baffles me to the core and hurts much more than the losing. (although that hurts too)
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A team is breaking the MLB record for losses in a single season and Manfred just sits there not only doing but also saying nothing about it.
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yea the genny would be much better if no one had fun at the high points in >their teams season. could you imagine if we just let people run around and talk a little shit? where would we be then?
Because they can. Because I like getting a near daily fix from my team, even if they're horrendous.
Why would want less of the most beautiful sport ever to exist?
well of course but I will not talk shit until the Braves are sealed 30 feet under with a slab of cement and concrete. They win today, then they can just take 2/3 against the Twins, who I know they struggle against as well. Im afraid of that road trip. Damn tornado against the Cardinals really threw a wrench in an already horrible road trip.
>could you imagine if we just let people run around and talk a little shit? where would we be then?
Overrun by memeiners fans?
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if the mets collapse and miss the playoffs, we will never heard the end of it. if they exit in the wildcard round people will still trash them. so I will have my fun now, and again if they make a run into October. and if the collapse comes, like it has so many times before, then I will shitpost about that too my friend.
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>mfw when the Rays have finally fallen to Earth
Can only ruin your pitchers arms and overachieve with no postseason success for so long I guess. FUCK KEVIN CASH.
>Rangers Interested In Isaac Paredes
A 3B? So Josh Jung will not be fully recovered.
This Rays' firesale is a disgrace for the sport.
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Ewww Tallion
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Sure Juan Yepez doesn't like the berdinals anymore.
cute girl
>Prayer circle for Tylor Megill to shit the bed today so Stearns can go out and get a real starter
leftard umpires are destroying america's pastime
do you really think one start on 7.27 is going to change any moves he makes before 7.30? He knows what has, and what he needs and wants already. I'd prefer to stay in second place for more than 24 hours.
Cubbies deserve a chance
Breeding Cubbies
I'm very angry today Pacos
por que?
Baseball is not physically taxing like some other sports, so it can be played often, and it's got a big luck factor involved, so it MUST be played often to eliminate the luck factor.

If a team played only 20 matches per year it wouldn't be possible to tell who's good and who got lucky.
On 162 matches? Much easier
Can the Braves win today so that my poodres can have the 1st WC seed?
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What do you want them to do? Press the "get good at baseball" button on their players' backs?
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Who breaks their winning streak first?
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yeah they break it on your head
why is there a mexican flag in our thread?
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merda I just realized that pepe was speaking spanish. re-translated it.
perfect italian
The board has been taken over by Argentina.
Generals getting some Mexican refugees is to be expected.
Stop looking at mirrors
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this is your MVP philly?
someone explain the OMG please
how is it related to the Mets at all
nate pearson to my cubbie bears
guy on met make song
Mets player Jose Iglesias is also a spanish language music star who dropped his #1 song OMG a few weeks ago and the team is using it for meme magic.
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that would be our number one hit making latin recording artist and utility infielder Jose Iglesias
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>Mexican song about being happy while working as a gardener / mechanic / maid
holy shit im dying
My pirates ):
cubbie bears making moves...looking solid...
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hey man he escaped communism and is now a professional baseball player / #1 hit maker, and I know you're not dissing maids on /mlb/...
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between kruk seething at umps and highlights like this, one of the funniest recaps I have seen in a long time
Anything as long as it stops the losing
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blowing their load early is what mestfags do
classic hoyer. the little *** ***** can't help himself. just a change of scenery guy that the cubs will hope to fix
Padres have an okay shot today minus Suarez being unavailable. IDK about Mets but Megill is not great
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>pedo comedian hating on musicians for attention
lmao no one cares what jerry seinfeld thinks. mets own your clown azz.
Cubbies makin moves
think mets fans love jerry, it's the gentiles they hate
Megill wouldn't even be starting today if Scott didn't need TJ.

Didn't know Jerry Seinfield was drippy like that
Based Seinfeld calling it how it is
>the worst part of seinfeld yells at cloud
why is Trumpet capitalized
Jerry is right
You have your own head so far up your ass you can’t even admit he’s right
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>stop having fun! you had fun before and didn't win a world series!
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>last WS won was in 1986
its up
>almost ruined my season
This faggot didn’t even play this season
trevor has mexican chlamydia
Reclamation project that’ll get some reps after they trade Smyly/Leiter/Nerris/Whoever

his fastball looks good DEZU I’ll wait for Foolish Bailey to comment before I come to any conclusions on this
nice, at least it erased his black chlamydia
>caring about what that little jew rat thinks
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buy an ad faggot
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I was joking m’lord
They got the power they got the speed
To be the best in the National League
>defending jerry seinfeld's hot takes with this much gusto
you made sure to tell ALL the neighbors you were moving in, right?
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83rd for my berds
Why can't you take Chad Green instead.
You need to lay off the drugs m8
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>mest tard won’t shut up
We were winning already without him it doesn't change anything
>Yankees are gonna do nothing at the deadline
the fan seethe is gonna be glorious
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damn oh sorry I'll stop posting now... enjoy his season highlight reel for me then, I'm too devastated to watch.
based believers
can he save seattle's season?
kek did he marry the first goblina that looked at him in mexico?
Wait the cubbie bears are... BUYERS!? Ok I'm spooked
Bro what? Senga is a huge loss. Mets don't have a single playoff starter
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>he thinks the mets are making the playoffs
Kelenic, PCA, and Baty are all flops I’ll gladly trade everyone but Sproat for the White Tarik/White Tyrone power duo
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yea he was essentially a "free" deadline acquisition with his comeback timing. but the mets will simply continue to outscore teams until the wheels fall off or they win the 'eries. maybe stearns does go get a starter now too.
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ohayooo gozaimasu~
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how do you even score this? I don't think I have ever seen this happen before.
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>Anon I'm screwed, senga is down what moves do I make?
what do?
Disagree with free but IKWYM since they got this far without him. Mets should be all over Snell, shouldn't take much more than a low-level lottery type
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could be wrong but i think it goes to the catcher as an unassisted putout
Out on interference probably
Would suck for the hitter since he has no choice but to take off

I guess you can't rely on pitchers from japan
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Trade everyone but Sproat for Tarik Skubal of Crochet and get Sproat into the lineup. You were never gonna win the World Series this year anyway but make an effort into the post season and show the boys you give a shit
Ohtani is Korean
Ohtani is American
Ohtani is Black
Ohtani is gambler
He's mentally asian, spiritually white, and physically black
>does nothing
>gets a 2u
How long until the white sox drop off the chart completely?
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Mets gotta get Jack Flaherty
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lmfao it's finally happening. they are toast after july 30th...

i give it two more tilted scoreboards
Ranger Suarez to IL, sellers are salivating rn
Let it fucking happen
After all nobody does a single fucking thing anyways
They just keep losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and nobody not one person does or says a fucking thing
Fucking retarded
which is actually the gayest team? both unironically and ironically.
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THREE FAGS (happ is OK)
>Ranger Suarez to IL
which team in illinois?
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Unironically it’s the Giants
Ironically it’s the Dodgers for going along with the Giants gay shit
Remember when it was called the DL?
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delaware is an entirely different state than illinois
Genuinely starting to think Padres won the 2nd Soto trade
>The Cubs have acquired right-hander Nate Pearson
6 ERA but a 3.28 SIERA. Good move.
Dude what is that 3 run homer by Varsho.
Yeah…as much as the bullpen royally fxcked the cubs in April/May they have been able to fix bullpen arms. Merryweather, Leiter, Effross, etc.
he’ll get a lot of reps once they trade away some guys
If New York either doesn't win the world championship this year, nor resigns Soto, then the Padres definitely won the trade.
The wind in the 3 run homer has buckbroken Lorenzen.
in a vacuum maybe but the padres would obviously rather have CJ Abrams James Wood and Mackenzie Gore
Cubs should move Nico
I like him but Matt Shaw is going to be a better big leaguer imo (in my opinion)
depends on what you could get for him I suppose
Can anyone explain to me why Dylan Lesko is still a top prospect, I know the stat line isn't the end all be all but holy shit
Would rather have 2 years of King than 5 years of Gore desu, Gore has awful command. For sure the other two though, yeah, even if Abrams glove is awful.
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Yeah, obviously you can’t judge these moves in a vacuum. When you push your chips in sometimes it doesn’t work, they were able to get something for Soto, which is better than digging their heels in and letting him walk for nothing.
20 with three plus pitches; command is slightly improving but he's probably not a top-100 prospect over the offseason rankings
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>Jizz Chiscum
Berdinals play in 3 hours and 24 minutes
Get off your fucking ass jed
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Jazz is gonna cause a racewar on WFAN
Meh. I wish we got Belli instead but at least we finally did something
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>The inevitable Jazz and Stroman chimpout
what's gonna cause it /mlb/?
Are the Yankees planning to play him at 2B? Seems a weird fit otherwise
>Source: The Yankees are acquiring CF Jazz Chisholm Jr. from the Marlins for three prospects, headlined by C Agustin Ramirez.
Stroman, Verdugo, Chisholm... They are so desperate they don't care about dress codes and hair policies anymore.
It’s Aussie slurp time
I think Stroman is more of a plantano power guy while Chisolm seems like more of an arepa power guy
my atlanta braves will not be winning this ballgame
>I no longer have to watch that annoying faggot the next two games
Thank you stankees! Very cool!
is Jizz a good 2nd baseman? Could see the Stankees moving Gleybor now for pitching
Don't ask me I'm a broor
>Merrill grew up in Severna Park, Maryland and attended Severna Park High School.[1] Growing up, Merrill was a fan of the Boston Red Sox.[2]
Why the fuck wasn't this faggot an O's fan?
fuck the orioles for injuring Belli
Dirty soulless dirtbag franchise
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Zac Gallen was a Cards fan in Philly
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Typical Baltimorean FREAK
Baltimoreans gobble like THAT?!?
lol they really do b eatin' hot dogs without chewing
Braves fans but have competition now for gobbling if you catch my drift
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We’re 49-58, we have the highest paid manager in the MLB. It’s time to go all in. Get Vladdy to the Cubs. Get a third baseman. Get a catcher.
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JUST KILL THIS FRANCHISE. fuck you manfred
kek wheeze kek....ugh....
What is his xPOO?
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>tylor megill on the mound
>dj stewart in the lineup
seriously fuck bruce sherman he doesnt even have the right money to hire the right gms and shit
don't give me hope megill
its already over bravesbros...
Cubbies are sellers, not buyers.
>top 10 wealthiest city
>bunch of cubans

I don't get why Miami is a poverty franchise.
I think the Cubs have a real chance to win a playoff series or two this year. Don't count them out.
the catcher that yankees gave up for Jizz kinda looks like Salvador Perez (bastard kid?). Cashman got FLEECED
I heard the cubs have a lot of gay faggot tranny orgies, is that true too?
Is manfred going to intervene on these trades or is he gonna just hand the cubbies a championship?
That's the tardinals you asshole
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there is zero evidence to back this up
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Heard you partake in them, is this an nl central thing?
my god...

of course it is
Long time braves fan here, took my wife to her first game the other day, she even got a private meet and greet with Ozuna! she loved it although she was walking funny afterwards
foul ball
About time Jazz does something good.
Rangers lost the series.
>braves fan
obviously fake
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>Long time braves fan here, took my wife to her first game the other day, she even got a private meet and greet with Ozuna! she loved it although she was walking funny afterwards
Pete Alonso is just addicted to swinging at down and away sliders
Well florida is the orange state after all, bunch of braves fans there
pete loves that pitch
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He’s your problem now new york. Prepare for the dumbest human alive forma de zoomer to play for you.
Holy shit O's
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