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>Countdown to Waffle Deathtrap GP::

>Previous thread:


>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 Grands Prix without ever scoring a podium:
219 (216 starts)

>Sergio Pérez Grands Prix since last win:

>Fernando Alonso Grands Prix since last win:

>Races in the Alpine 100 Race Plan

>2024 WDC Standings
VER: 265 (+10)
NOR: 189 (+18)
LEC: 162 (+12)
SAI: 154 (+8)
PIA: 149 (+25)

>2024 WCC Standings
Red Bull: 389 (+16)
McLaren: 338 (+43)
Ferrari: 322 (+20)
Mercedes: 240 (+19)
Aston Martin: 69 (+11)

>2024 WEC Standings
PER: 806.32 (+54.52)
RIC: 805.19 (+50.15)
HAM: 770.13 (+18.37)

Qualifying: VER (10 grid drop) LEC PER
FKino apperently can't fucking race when there's rain
Death to the FIA
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2025 WDC
Garage ass track
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daily reminder that after a few drops of rain lando nowins suddenly vanished and qualififed 5th with the fastest car of the grid

lando nowins is in fact dogshit
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return to pink slut posting
>nobody knows why it was redflagged
maybe they shouldnt let us hear the drivers
Why does the Faggots In Asses fear this track?
> Max: Yeah, generally rain feels good for me. Which of course gives you confidence and I drove a lot in the rain last week here at Spa in the sim so... Even though most people whine about it but screw them all
Not even the best driver on his team
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fucking clownshow
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f1 races for this feel
You're just jealous of their women
They should remove Eau Rouge and Raidillon, 2 people would still be alive today without it.
Abu Dabby '21
Ferrari pole

/^India$/ op:no;
/^Bangladesh$/ op:no;
/^Pakistan$/ op:no;
/^Israel$/ op:no;
/^Saudi Arabia$/ op:no;
/^Morocco$/ op:no;
/^Algeria$/ op:no;
/^Tunisia$/ op:no;
/^Egypt$/ op:no;
/^United Kingdom$/ op:no;
/^Australia$/ op:no;
/^New Zealand/ op:no;
/^Thailand$/ op:no;
/^El Salvador$/ op:no;
/^Argentina$/ op:no;
/^Austria$/ op:no;
/^Finland$/ op:no;
/^Lithuania$/ op:no;
/^Latvia$/ op:no;
/^Estonia$/ op:no;
/^Venezuela$/ op:no;
/^Jamaica$/ op:no;
/^Philippines$/ op:no;
/^Czech Republic$/ op:no;
/^Russian Federation$/ op:no
/^Ukraine$/ op:no
/^Niger$/ op:no
/^Nigeria$/ op:no

Michael Schumacher
God imagine if it rains tomorrow for full wets and they cancel the race
>Leclerc win
>Max no points
Imagine the shitposting
Let's just ban motorsports, imagine all the people that would still be alive today without them.
god what a tosser

also thick as a plank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr4mKcaglz4&ab_channel=FORMULA1
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what can we do about the free/paid driver menace lads?

I'm sick of the track being padded out with shitters that are not there on merit and only there because of the money they bring, content with a comfy afternoon driving in circles and offering absolutely nothing.

Take qualifying - big name driver at risk, you look down to see whos on a flying lap and could knock them out and its someone like Zhou or Sergeant and you know it's not happening

I'm certain there are better drivers being blocked by these shitters and they should be able to be challenged by some sort of draft/challenger system whereby they can lose their seat from someone outside the current grid no matter what...

not sure how it would work but some of these drivers need a kicking and to have something on the line
This is genuinely pathetic.
McLaren have a dry setup.
that would be a really good outcome, because that way lando nowins stays without a real win, and the points he gain on max would be minimal
The walls of Eau Rouge and Raidillon were designed for bumper cars, not racing cars.
mclaren have dogshit drivers, like lando nowins
i'm all good with eau rouge being removed but only after lando nowins cracks his skull there and his brain matter is splattered all over it
>Ferrari pole
They didn't even get pole though.
Reminder that British drivers are the best in the wet.
a ferrari will be on pole tomorrow despite being a shitbox, meanwhile lando nowins is p5 in the fastest car of the grid
Yes they did.
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name the two drivers
hardmode: no van 't hoff
Modern F1 would never
that factually incorrect, british drivers are dogshit in rain
Red Bull did.
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Red Bull qualified fastest, but Ferrari have pole.
had me fooled
"...it's that I never even knew how in the first place, señor"
>20000 road fatalities in the eu in 2023 alone
Why don't they close roads when it rains?
The only British driver who was good in the wet was Button.
It's astonishing, considering that it always rains in that shithole.

That was before they learned their lesson.
and the second?
There was legendary wet weather driver Jenson Button, but you're probably too young to remember him.
one out of a dozen shilled and overrated british drivers
There is also Sir Lewis Hamilton.
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>It's raining outside
>Needs to pick up groceries
I don't think I'm gonna make it bros.....this might be my last post
Jense had a gift for calling when to switch tyres in changeable conditions, but he wasn't actually an extraordinary driver in wet conditions
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>McLaren says it was willing the "pay the price" in a wet qualifying session by banking on a set-up optimised for a dry race, after Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri qualified only fifth and sixth at the Belgian GP
>"We didn't want to compromise our set-up for today's conditions, because we know that tomorrow we need the top speed," Stella told Sky Sports F1. "We were ready to pay a bit of a price in qualifying because we want to have the most reasonable car tomorrow in the right conditions.
Its over
He wasn't good in the wet, he was good in changeable conditions. Completely different thing.
lewis hamilton is dogshit, especially in rain
Dilano Van't Hoff
what did the uk do to this hungarian lad, seems to be something personal.
terrible cope, lando nowins is a terrible driver
who got heemed in the middle of Kemmel straight, poofter?
>remove paid drivers
>poor teams packed up and leave overnight.
Lawrence Stroll being milked by Aston Martin so Lance Stroll can race so it can have a much better chance staying in the grid for future seasons.
Motorsports is held together by the strength of its suppliers. If they can't pay them, the expense goes to creating it by themselves.
There was the 2008 British Grand Prix, but you probably weren't born then.
Is "dogshit" the word of the day on /f1/ today?
there are 3 drivers known for their wet weather drives
note how none of them are *nglos
>spygate mclaren
doesn't count
As a result of Eau Rouge and Raidillon.
Barichello was a way better wet weather driver than Jense.
well he is british...
Half of the posters on /f1/ suffer from Britain derangement syndrome.
>Britain derangement syndrome
True, most brits in these threads are fucking deranged.
My ancestors shot bongs for being gay faggots and I'm not afraid to follow my ancestors footsteps if this anglo cope keeps up
>>spygate mclaren
>doesn't count
Doesn't matter if you look at where he finished compared to everyone else and his teammate.
Not just that, they're all convinced that the UK has some sort of special animosity towards their country, when in fact we mostly don't care about their country.
As a result of not being a good enough driver
Someone fucked his sister while on a lads holiday to Budapest, he's been mindbroken ever since
In what retarded way will AMX kill himself?
snap his neck simracing
Electrocuted by his simracing setup
Wars are bad, they should ban them and millions of lives in Ukraine and Israel would still be alive today without them.
Heart attack during his first sexo with Kelly after winning 8th wdc
yes it counts, the 2008 spygate mclaren was an illegal cheat car
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Why does he have acne all over his face?
anglos usually look like that, they are fucking disgusting
late puberty
>the 2008 spygate mclaren was an illegal cheat car
Incorrect, that was the 2007 car.
Hotel shampoo
they developed the 2008 car with stolen data, this is factual
we got another gimmick poster?
No we don't, he's half belgian which is why he looks like that.
oh sorry i was wrong, the average anglo is much browner
That photo is 6 years old
They didn't because the FIA said they did nothing wrong.

The hungarian is probably the schizo leaf on a VPN.
Shoemaker isn't dead. Yet. Don't come to /f1/ tomorrow.
doesn't help his case, he look more disgusting now
the fia constantly lets anglos get away with cheating, what they say doesn't matter
it genuinely is over. Max went back to a higher downforce setup
>the fia constantly lets anglos get away with cheating
That's because they actually aren't, you just decided that they are because you suffer from Britain derangement syndrome.
no, it's just that anglos are constantly cheating at everything
f1, football and basically every sport touched by *anglos
It's just that my siesta is more important
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>half a second off verstappen
>hailed as a hero
Classic Checo
oh another cheated "win" nobody takes this one seriously, this is why the disgusting goblin wants to prove so bad
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Cope, safety cars are apart of the sport. Some drivers benefit from them while some get unlucky and Lando put himself in a position to win with a lucky safety car that day.
I can see it, even more if he plays barefooted or something
I think we should just remove Bongland, imagine all of the people who would still be alive without it
"accidentally" sending out the safety car into a bad position so your 15 seconds disadvantage is gone is pure cheating, sorry but nobody takes your chated win seriously
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did hungary fuck the bongs mom are something? we're getting into post AB21 levels of bong breakdown
Nurburgring GP is still a better track than 90% of the current calendar
holy based, may nuclear hellfire bless bongland this night
No rules were broken
No refunds
No i'm just finally tired of him seething over Lando for the last few weeks.
Hungary is the one that's breaking down tho
They should reverse the track
Eau Rouge now becomes a descent
nobody takes that "win" seriously either, keep crying
they are mad when you spit facts about their muslimified shithole
>nobody takes that "win" seriously either, keep crying
Literal AD21 derangement kek
Seething eternally over a win and crying that it doesn't count
you know what i'm tired about?
anglos cheating in f1
AD21 was so based, because the first time in many years anglos were punished for their constant cheating
truly the greatest moment of F1
If 2024 Miami doesn't count then neither does AD21, both won with lucky safety cars.
no matter what happens, remember that no amount of cheating will ever wash out the dicktaste of AD21 from cheater anglo mouths
Yeah it was great and it’s beautiful to see them still seething years later
not really, miami was a clear case of cheating
AD21 was justice being served, basically anglos tried to cheat, and masi bended the rules to the point for *nglos that it backfired and the rightful champion won
No cheating took place in Miami.
yes, no cheating happened besides the safety car being rigged for cheatlaren
This event runs rent free on McLaren.
>double stack
>two #1 drivers
Imagine letting Lando Norris of all people live rent free in your head lmao
you should remove that giant SKY Q GLASS bbc dildo from your asshole fucking bong faggot. why are the british unequivocally the WORST f1 fans and commentators, is it because of years of cheating and brainwashing?
dog dennis sabotaging alonso's 3rd title to shill shartmilton is probably the lowest point of F1
holy based post
Because you're taking me too seriously.
lol after so much assblasting the anglo retard pulls the "i was just pretending to be retarded" card
Hamilton was the better driver that season since he was a rookie.
>anglos are unhappy no one likes them
maybe they should look in the mirror and self reflect a little. every british driver is a dumb pussy faggot. every british poster has shit up this general for far too long. no one likes you. simple as.
alosno was sabotaged up until the summer break, after that alonso shat all over the *nglo garbage
basically dog dennis robbed alonso from his 3rd title
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based leaf
lol just ignore the deranged hungarian
apparently some anglos fucked his mother and he is salty about it
>le indopedo is putting on a proxy out of sheer assblastery
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wait Juju noda is 18
>no wonder people dont talk about her anymore
It doesn't matter whether he was sabotaged or not, what matters is is that he lost to a rookie, you wouldn't expect Max to lose to rookie Liam even if his team isn't supporting him too.
We’re just waiting on the JAV introduction
>Putting powder in a fuel tank
everyone knows that they ended up on equal points despite alonso being sabotaged, your revisionism won't work here
Nobody would watch.
I know for a 100% fact that I would not only watch, but would bust a fat load to it.
so why was the f2 race not resumed?
rain is bullshit, heli not starting is bullshit too.
they got a little sugar in their tanks
>>AD2021 don't count
>AMX world champion on count back

What u trying 2 prove here?
Ryan Newman was robbed in 2003 and should have won the championship. If they used an exponential system that rewarded winning, and not DNF avoidance, then Ryan Newman would be champion. He was literally scammed by a system from the 70s that was invented so teams would compete in every race.

I calculated this using the =sumproduct function (lower score is better)

1. Ryan Newman 1.12484E+30
2. Jimmie Johnson 7.94008E+30
3. Matt Kenseth 9.46747E+30

/f1/ related because Button drove in a NASCAR race at COTA
That lucky wins count, they are apart of the sport.
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except miami wasn't lucky it was just regural cheating
>apart of the sport
Charlotte Sine has just posted a picture of the spa circuit with the caption “P2!” And a heart emoji. On IG stories.
they sent out the safety car to a wrong position so nowins could get ahead of max
дoбap пocт
Is that Charlotte 1.0 the childhood neighbor?
stroll unironcally has more mental tenacity despite similar golden spooned upbringings and being an actual retard.
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enough of dabbing on anglos for tonight
reminder anglos cheat in every sport this is why they have a sour dicktaste in their mouths even if they "win"

also reminder that lewis hamilton is dogshit
and lando nowins is dogshit

also summoning based irish anon to put another nail into the londonistani coffin
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You're a seething beta.
>this is why they have a sour dicktaste in their mouths even if they "win"
No it's because they love to suck cocks
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>hung aryan and britbongs fighting
USA is always on top doe
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>ynr the copyshop tifosi foiling the biggest spy scandal in f1 in the last decades
>Hayes on pole
Americans keep winning.
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>ynr alonso telling ron dennis about the emails between ferrari, himself and pedro de la rosa about car setup data
>Ask female to do something simple
>It results in the biggest controversy in sporting history.
Never trust womens.
>any “legendary anglo driver” in past f1
>look it up
>they’re always a shitter, cheater and carbabby of their time
Like Jim Clark. Anglos talk about him like he was greater than Fangio himself. In reality he was a carbabby that won two mickey mouse seasons and was so shitty that not only did he kill von Tripps in a completely avoidable first lap incident but he also eventually killed himself simply by going off track in dry conditions at a benign stretch of track no one was even watching.
>victim of domestic abuse and victim of an oppressive, controlling partner
>cheater and carbabby
That can apply to all world champions.
You mean Chuck was the victim, right
Is she with checo now?
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Would Montoya be one if his engine didnt commit suicide?
Apparently McLaren have ominous pace in the dry.
But Norris's inability to make quick overtakes is going to get him into trouble.

No doubt they're going to throw Oscar under the bus.

So I'm going with a finish of
>Nor, Ver, Pia
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the quali suggests that this will happen again tomorrow
Lando will lose two places right from the start, wet or dry. Then he will be mentally broken for the rest of the race.
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Sorry posted wrong clip.
kmag isn't close enough to anyone relevant to do that so it's fine
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checo did the needful
If you get a 3 place grid penalty but qualify p20 it should roll onto the next race. If you qualify p19 you should still have a 2 place grid penalty to serve the next race. Etc.
Since they lost the chance to hire Ocon I hope Mercedes now hires Magnussen.
Did he died?
Shouldnt there be a maximum british amount of drivers in series. Because we need diversity
>yuki starting at the back of the grid for 4+ races
How many engine penalties can you take in a weekend? Just take 5 new engines for one weekend
Montoya is pure shit, bro
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Why did he do it
>faster than his teammate
>still KWABs and lets him pass for the win
Literally nobody in the history of motorsports has ever or would ever do this. Truly a transcendental KWAB.
This, but cause a collision. Stick a wheel up the inside and ruin your own race too, and what good does +5s do? Nothing. So roll it over, +5s or +10s this race AND +3 or +5 grid spots next race.
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Because when I see videos with this face I always click fast and drop a like.
The globohomos forced Rosberg to let Kwabmilton pass on at least two occasions in 2016 (Kwabmilton still lost the WDC)
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Tyres are looking good for Norris and The Clerk.
I think a cheeky podium Tifosibros.
f for bellof
>just read about fkino
death to FIA
It's a shame really.
The Bear Man was having his best race of the season.
What happen?
oooh I missed it, I'm gonna rewatch and then get back to this thread
I was waiting for something hot to happen
literally nothing.
that's the problem.
Depends on the track. Personally I would think using pervious concrete would be the best, as it will produce less spray in rain conditions and it dries quick.
you must be psychic
Not if they are a different colour.
You must be from Schleswig
Hamilton did it once.
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artist name?
Your mother
Is Sargent really a pay driver? I mean the dude couldn't even get an F3 seat in 2021 until Uncle Sargent, a military contractor with links to Trump (Trump 2024 BTW) made him sell his soul to a management group.. 3 years later he's in F1 with decent results in junior series
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bros.. we lost to spain
we are gay
dumb frogposters
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>That side profile hairline
Reminds me of Mount St. Helens.
I remember this being mentioned to Max who said something along the lines of "I raced all over Europe in the rain, it doesn't just rain in England"
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To be honest, McLaren fumbling with the fastest car is F1 heritage.
speak american
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what will ferrari do tomorrow to ensure lepole doesn't win?
Why’s Emilia Bottas not swimming at the Olympics?
They’ll let him drive the car
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To be honest not much. His lap was good but others fumbled.
For example Ham lost 3 tenths on the final chicane compared to his previous lap.

PS3 barely improved at all. And Perez didn't even complete his final lap
You know remember spa 2022 getting a free stop while being 6th to get the fastest lap, coming behind alonso ruining your fastest lap , overtake him and get a 5sec penalty anyways for speeding in the pitlane and finishing behind alonso
The Red Bull was mid in the dry on Friday so Perez will probably drop to P8 while Max will climb up to the top 4 maybe.
pretty much, max took the higher downforce setup while mclaren has the low downforce race setup. Looking like mclel 1,2
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ik ook
>PS3 barely improved at all
McLaren were sacrificing quali pace to make sure the car was set up for dry tomorrow, they're banking on being able to sprint to the front before Max catches up
Odds of Lando having a weakmind moment and crashing both of them out if they have a battle?
Mclaren will make a "tactical pitstop" completely fucking up Piastri's race before that ever happens
He'll whine to the pit wall instead of actually trying to overtake PS3.
Both PS3 and Norris will take each other out tomorrow
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When it rains Ferrari will put on slicks as usual, then swap to the customary intermediates as the track dries.
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Man I can't wait to see Hamilton deal with Ferrari strategy.
all me
awww where are they going to celebrate?
Gay bar where they will both argue over who gets to be bottom.
PS3 is going to put Mutto into the fucking wall
If it's surely going to be dry tomorrow.
Everyone would set up for the race.
Based toothpaste schizo.
Higher downforce is faster around the track, and redbull still has the giga DRS for overtaking.
we are checking
Virtual crash at the Nurburgring 24h. His body won't differentiate iRacing from real life and sympathetically explode.
Now that perez is starting p2 its a lot easier for red bull to fight because its 2v2.
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They did all set up for the race, it's just that McLaren went for lower downforce even though it slowed them down in the corners in the wet.
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All this shows is how insanely petty Alpine is, why are they tracking his personal movements in his company provided car?
And Max would've been right
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I vote for them marking a grid slot on the track where the position with the penalties would be. So someone with a 60 place penalty who classified last would start roughly 500m behind P19.
The guesswork around Carlos Sainz has come to an end, according to information from F1-Insider.com. The Spanish has now decided where he signed a contract for 2025.

The team of his choice is Williams. Sainz signs a one-year contract with options for an extension to the British traditional team. Background: The Grove team is the only team to vacate all his wishes to the Spaniard who has to clear his Ferrari cockpit for Lewis Hamilton at the end of this season.
Sainz gets exit clause at Williams

In addition to a stately salary of around ten million euros, this includes the powerful Mercedes engine. Above all, however, his contract should contain a clause that allows him not to start or quit his job at Williams in the first place, since there should still be the possibility of switching to Mercedes or Red Bull in 2025.
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Just because they have notities doesn't mean they can't still be cute.
Why does mclaren ask norris what to do?
>10 million
Bottas would probably ask for far less with no clauses, is Sainz really that highly rated on the grid?
it's the same faggot site that wrote some bullshit about horner being fired
Toto is really going to have a 17 year old Antonelli race for Merc when Sainz is available right there
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What's the F1 equivalent to beach volleybal women wearing pants?
He's a more well rounded driver than Leclerc who only has speed
Toto is genuinely holding out for Max. He can put Antonelli on a short term contract and then grab max when shit boils over and when 2026 shows RB is complete and utter shit
Not really, this is the only season where Sainz is somehow on Leclerc's level, even when getting fucked constantly either by the team or the car Sainz was barely able to beat him the previous years.
Hybrid engines
They are a pussy team.
Who is NASCAR?
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They should have Magnussen as a replacement instead.
he won't be 17 then anon
his birthday is on the day of the dutch gp
They what now?
not racing during rain
>perez has couple of "good" results
>contract saved
>goes back to barely making into Q3
Nothing ever happens
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Will he redeem the double McLel DNF tomorrow?
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RB is making Retardo and Lawson have a shootout
we need to go back to naked athletes
>open stream
>they're all wearing yoga pants
I can't remember the last time F1 had a widespread aesthetic improvement desu
Red Bull will have to be so stupid to put a rookie in that 2nd seat instead of Daniel.
These "insiders" every fucking 2 weeks change between audi and williams
They really don't like Tsunoda, it's obvious they're keeping him to honor the Honda deal
That would be so stupid. They watch years Perez choking and decide his replacement with one day trial? And one of them is rookie. Daniel or Yuki to red bull and Lawson to rb.
i'm watching that deadfaggot movie
ocon absolutely basedfaced at it
Retardo is out of the VCARB at the end of the year no matter what, Horner has been trying to find a spot at another team for him but nobody wants him
>why are they tracking his personal movements in his company provided car?
common procedure.
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doesn't matter
Perez has 2 year contract and will be #1 driver in RB
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tacos be like
i meant #2 driver
So they should put him in Red Bull.
what are you talking about. Do you seriously think its common procedure for teams to track where their drivers are during their time off?
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5 bucks says crash on the first lap.
I think it's common procedure for a big company to track where the car they're loaning out is going. It's not that thought "Oh Ocon is using this car let's put a tracker on it", it's that all their loan cars already have trackers on them which just resulted in the humorous situation of them seeing him spend hours talking to the Williams people.
>Do you seriously think its common procedure for teams to track where their drivers are during their time off?
don't use company-cars for your private shit.
there are legal requirements wrt company-provided cars for taxes and accounting and whatever.
I understand that the cars all have trackers, it's more the question of why they're actively looking at the locations the loaner car is at while the employee isn't working
>there are legal requirements wrt company-provided cars for taxes and accounting and whatever.
This has absolutely nothing to do with someone actively looking at where the car is during time off use
>Get free shit
yeah nice try retardo nobody wants you
>This has absolutely nothing to do with someone actively looking at where the car is during time off use
once upon a time you had to keep a logbook for start and destination and distance and shit when going around with company-cars.
nowaydas that's done automagically with gps-tracking.

be smart.
who cares
>once upon a time you had to keep a logbook for start and destination and distance and shit when going around with company-cars.
And you think an Alpine employee is sitting behind the computer to wait for the loaner cars to move to then jot down a logbook? This is absolutely completely unrelated. There is no reason for Alpine to be actively looking at the GPS routes. An operation like Alpine has hundreds of loaner cars and all of the filing is automatic like you said.

You're just explaining why Alpine has access to the data, that's not the issue here.
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I have a company bike. you reckon that has a tracker?
>Tricky Ricky gets lucky once more
>suddenly comes alive, trashes Yuki and somehoe scores a podium on home soil meanwhile Ricciardo gets absolutely fuking destroyed by Max

Tale as old as time.
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To be the quickest driver you have to be the quickest gun in the west.
It’s up.
I was just checking 5 minutes ago and wondered why the lazy bastard hadn't uploaded yet
check your local KOMs
I'm going to expose myself as a zoomer

Michael Schumacher won the race closest to my birth
the rat must have agreed to terms that the team would be able to monitor the location of his car
fr fr
>leaves out the context of it being a company vehicle

They didn't track what he was doing in his personal time. They tracked the car they own and insure. He played himself. This just makes ratboy look like the idiot. Even if it wasnt tracked he wasn't exactly being secretive driving an alpine to Williams.
Unpopular opinion: ocon is better than gasly.
that's not how gps-tracking works.
shitty smartwatches and fitness-bands can store tracking-data for weeks, you think a car cannot?
Unpopular opinion: ocon is better looking than gasly.
can the rat not afford a driver?
Again why do you keep repeating that Alpine rightfully has access to the data? This is not even the point of discussion. Do you have absolutely 0 reading comprehension?

My comment >>143057588 literally says its petty for Alpine to be actively looking at his private routes and you're somehow trying to dispute this with "UHH DON'T YOU KNOW THEY HAVE THE DATA??"

what if he paid someone to drive the company car to the williams parking lot while he was signing with haas?
your a dense motherfucker
holy fuck you're stupid. what would be the point of having access to the data if they're not going to examine it any way? somehow that's "petty"
i don't think he's crafty enough for that
>holy fuck you're stupid. what would be the point of having access to the data if they're not going to examine it any way? somehow that's "petty"
kek. This is purely for insurance and tax filing you unemployed mongoloid. I go through the same things with my company car. There is no reason to be actively looking at it.
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but passively.
Same but I'm not a zoom zoom
>but passively
it obviously didn't happen passively if they knew he signed with Williams before he had a chance to announce it. That's the entire point I'm making
Who is Esteban Ocon?
alpine confirmed for 1337 h4x0rz
what? I (>>143059893) wasn't replying to you, schizo. I was addressing the assertion that he wasn't aware (but looking back at the quote, it could mean he wasn't aware that they *had* done it, not that they *could*)
he didn't sign with williams, and they announced that he was leaving the team a month before the race at silverstone
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>the webm that ENDED pozfags
>This is purely for insurance and tax filing
how can you say it's "purely" for those purposes unless it's explicitly written in the contract
i don't give a shit how it's done with your company vehincle in your company, you're a nobody so comparing your contract to an f1 drivers is comparing apples to rhinoceroses
I'm sure they're personally monitoring Ocon's private-use loaner car so they can create a statistical analysis of his freeway driving in real time. Just quit your brainless babble
I want to drive an f1 company car really really fast
i'm not saying that you twerp. they're clearly doing it at least partly to get information on who he might be negotiating with. i'm disagreeing that it's petty
max should go back to simracing instead of debating the pros and cons of gps-tracking on a khazak horse-taming board
wtf I thought it would be prost
who is this male
F1 car wheels look so retarded
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I was born on a race day, and Prost won it.
>F1 car look so retarded
5.5m overweight boats slower than 20-year old cars on grooved tyres ayyy fucking lmao faggot "sport"
fuck fia
fuck fom
what did i miss? cuntry had no internet for a week
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Alex Brundle is committing treason to his Majesty's country.
I like this crash cause it's fast
It's in a straight though so it's not that impressive.
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Unpopular opinion, but I think Indycars look better than F1 cars currently, even with the windscreen.
>cuntry had no internet for a week
why'd that happen sir? what was it like?
I disagree...
what a coincidence that the two merc drivers caused a red flag at just the right moment
kermit's arsehole!!!

People dying due to lack of skill upsets women and faggots, who are of course the only demographic F1 cares about
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F1 cars are just so long now that it looks silly to me.
Why are these korean bpd whores so addicted to cameras?
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Why do I keep thinking there are grand stands near Eau Rouge when its just the giant billboards?
that's an old picture
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Because they're women.
Russell blaming Bottas for this will forever be one of the most unhinged KWAB moments in F1.
No shit sherlock, most of them are superficial and egotistical.
>No shit sherlock
You're the one that asked, faggot.
The crash was Bottas' fault though.
During the Dictatorship Era of South Korea, you could freely hit them.
that incel wall of text who's readin that shit lmao
What happened to his chin?
Stolen at gunpoint during a holdup in Mexico City.
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nothing just an inchindent
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Belgium next
Bottas forced him onto the grass.
KWAB, KWAN and NARB eternal.
they're too big, it's true, but the shape is still way better
that sounds cool
that sounds shit
that sounds neither good nor bad
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Is the Gran Turismo moovie worth a watch
Yeah its fantastic and i came during it
Miss Ploppers
it felt like it was tailor made to appeal to british zoomers
Claire Williams was the worst team principal of all time
t. haven't watched it
Why are women so much slower than men?
leaked results for tomorrow
3 VER + fastest lap
4. PER
10 ALO
11 HUL
12 RIC
13 GAS
14 BOT
15 ALB
16 ZHO
17 SAR
perez was 0.003 from having another "weekend to forget"
Smaller sample size
they're pozzed in the head
They cant beat 15 year olds in f4

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