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All whites and honorary whites
When did Italeave happen?
Never. We will always be there for Evropa.
*switches sides*
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Ameribros...not like this AAAAAAAAAHH
EVbros we're mogging so hard rn
where'd germany go
were still here
too many turks now
they don't do sports
funny coming from other europeans
2 Chinas???
Where is Russia?
I'm fucking tired of seeing them choking and losing finals.
shitposting aside, it's impressive how well Japan is doing
dominating Judo is expected even tho i thought France would win more golds
but winning gymnastics? fencing? complete upsets, congrats to them
Olympic Jail
never heard of it
They've had an impressive program to boost sports for their own Olympics, they will benefit from that for many years to come. Hosts always receive a boost like that, not only for the actually hosted games, but Japan's was better than most, probably. That being said, many of their strong events are at the beginning of the Olympics. They will not continue to gather medals at this rate. But they'll probably have a great overall result anyway
>Russia banned for a little border tomfoolery
>Israel allowed after openingly and continually committing genocide
Doesn't sit right with me
How original
We're shit for other reasons (mostly)
But the main reason is that most Germans are Turkish or engage in Berliner degeneracy
You are not shit you won 2 nice golds and more are coming
this is a EU frens thread non non frens allowed
yeah very true
i think we received a small boost even thanks to just our failed bid for Rome 2024
our athletics and swimming teams have never been stronger and they're mostly young lads, who benefitted from the increased funding in the couple of years (2014-16) when our bid was alive
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>only 4 gold
one's status is not dependent of the other's vlad
Commonwealth gang, its time to unite
shits getting awkward
then you wouldnt be any good either
*yawn* wake me when the real athletics start
Wake me up before you go go
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Once swimming starts USA will be number 1
we've got better PEDs
We've already had 7 swimming finals. USA won one gold.
We aren't ameriswims anymore
where's germany? holland? they did well the last olympics, what happened?
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They do meme sports in the beginning for the UK, Asians and Latin countries, then swimming, track and field, gymnastics starts to ramp up and America and Euros start earning more and more.
We'll finish with below 10 golds and probably not in the Top 10 overall. This is outrageously shit for a country of our size, wealth (good thing we're systematically destroying it lol), and historic sporting success. Germany is 3rd in the all-time medal ranking of the Summer Olympics, could even be 2nd depending on whether you split the Soviet Union apart or give it all to Russia. We should be getting at least 15 golds every single time, more like 20. We got 33 in 1992, and there were considerably fewer events back then. Sure, other countries caught up, but we're still way worse than we should be due to a lack of funding and archaic structures. It's really annoying, but it unfortunately applies to this country in many ways
Yeah, that could very well be, good for you then! This is how you do it. We also wanted to bid for Hamburg 2024, but they gave up in 2015 after a failed referendum. That was before any hype or new funding could gather. A shame, I think Hamburg could have been a good host. But they wouldn't have won the bid anyway, and I can understand scepticism regarding the costs of hosting, which also killed the Rome bid iirc
>USA won one gold.
amerishart bros...
who won the rest? australia?
Nigga we were absolute turbo shit last Olympics. It's just that we're going to be even worse this time
But in any case, we've only had four days since the opening ceremony. There are still many competitions and events to go, many sports completely undecided. Some countries have basically collected all their medals, others will still get many medals
>We got 33 in 1992
thanks to east germany
west germany cant into sports
Australia got 4
USA got 2 (and 7 silvers)
Italy got 2
UK, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland, Romania, South Africa got 1

There are 20 swimming events yet to be decided, USA will definitely still win one. Water diving is not counted here, China is completely BTFOing everyone in that
Let all 50 US states compete lol it'll be like other countries don't exist
now yuo see...
why cant >we win any golds
West Germany alone also usually had better results than what we have now as a unified country, and that's when there were like half as many events. It's ridiculous to assume only East Germany won medals, we've got 600 gold medals in total (Summer and Winter) and "only" 192 were won by East Germany, as powerful as that is
Germany awfully quiet
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Finally we on the board
>South Korea
only got 6 golds last time and they're flying on 5 already, what happened?
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The U.S. will win lots of gold medals in track and field...Japan's glory will end tommorow.*sign*

owari da
Archery, shooting and fencing events are always early, that's where South Korea is best. In 2021, they won 4 golds in archery, 1 gold in fencing, and 1 gold in gymnastics. They weren't that successful at shooting events that year, only a few silvers. This time, so far, they've won 2 shooting golds, 2 archery golds, and 1 fencing gold. There still are 3 archery medals up for grabs. Korea could win all three of them. That would mean two more golds than in Tokyo, but it's unlikely that they'll get much more
Mutt pussies shitskins lose, as always
You have been doing great anon. You should feel proud.
Now combine the Anglosphere and weep.
you'd think they could find more sports to be good at where you don't need to be big and tall
>B-but add all the countries into one giant entity which would rank #1 in GDP and see how well they do
Come on Baz, you're better than that
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Japan and China hate each other tho
You should combine rope with your neck, judeoanglo scum
see: China, diving]
tiny skinny bodies that slice right through the water and don't make a splash.
curvy whites can't do a thing about it
If they are making new countries out of thin air it only makes sense.
go back to Brazil
>once swimming starts
Maybe they didn't tell you in your favela, swimming started on day 1.
Here is the swimming medal tally.
>one's status is not dependent of the other's vlad
More true as you can probably imagine-.
Swimming Golds are so spread out now damn. Is this the norm moving forward?
>Russia invades a sovereign nation without justification
>Israel responds to an attack on its nation against a landmass that's not a recognised country
Bit of a difference.
Very proud of Japan
Seems to be, heaps of random countries have their 1 guy or girl who is very dominant in their particular stroke it seems. Australia dominates women's short distance freestyle events but that's about it.
You're not supposed to nootice. Support the chosen people and anal sex or repent.
>Over 10 gold medals
Damn, swimming has that many categories? It seems unfair for more relevant sports.
Reddit is downstairs.
Nice bait, will copypaste it for trolling purposes.
I will miss us statpadding. At least your women are good. We've been losing like crazy.
And against people not recognised as humans*
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Swimming has 35 possible medals
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I thought you guys said we were Ameriswims.
We need MORE. Australiswims must win.
Both our male teams are atrocious this Olympics. I say we collaborate on the PEDS for the next Olympics.
They can detect the drugs michael phelps used now so they can't win swimming any more
9 honorary mention
9 loser grey medals
Why cant koreans or japanese do it? They're even smaller so they should be way better at it.
The daily life of a mixed race mongrel
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TRVE. Our winners in swimming were mixed race lmao.
EU is not a country you europoor retards
Tell me how embarrassed you're all going to be when after posting medal tables on day 3 of 14, when we post total medal counts on day 14 and it's all USA at the top?

Tell me where you'll be then?
Japan actually could have double gold count. They had sub par Judo results. Basically they're getting gold in European sports now.
CJK has the potential to be stronger the poorer the Olympic environment becomes.
America will finish on top in golds and totals when all's said and done.
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>no gold
I’ll be invalidating Amerifats’ medals.
See you in 11 days
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checked but I hope not
When did they attack france?
This year just feels wrong, there is something in the air. We'll probably win in total medals but not golds.
Hahahahahaha american are so weak. Fuck american
It's probably just that we don't have swimming to statpad as usual
But it'll be fine
It's day 3 changping
Come talk to me when it's day 14
Its not Ameriswims anymore, tis Ausswims now.
>Japan, China, Australia, SK, Canada, Hong Kong

wtf bros are east asians actually the most athletic of all?
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I kneel

Thirdies crying
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> 7 silvers
You'd best hope we don't overtake you in golds. Because I am going to be insufferable on this board for days if that happens.
Our time is almost over, and then US-China war begins
pretty sure we would have no medals in Track and field

well, 7 gold medals is ok
>South Africa, for the crime of being a little too based
China has like triple the population of the US. Notice how we don’t brag we have more medals than Canada? Of course not, we should. When you have triple the medals of the US, either gold OR total I’ll take either, you can talk shit.
The women sports are carrying us.
Man SA really got done dirty.
>banning SA
Based IOC. Ending apartheid was a good thing.
Damn, based Japs
America wins again
This! Clearly SA is doing much better now
It’s morally wrong no matter how the country does
Why are you being a racist little chuddie right now?
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>Romania won a gold medal
We're so back.
You need more black people in Japan to win track & field gold medals. China will get 0 like Japan, or maybe 1, since they need black people too.
So it’s better to do the “morally right”(only in your opinion btw) thing, even if every single person is objectively worse off for it? You are the type of person to morally justify mass murder.
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>Germany is behind Hong Kong
What happened to them?
I think they were the greatest people in the world
You’re retarded because you assume that SA was prosperous because of apartheid and not despite it. The US is successful and doesn’t have it.
the US will reign once they start giving out those sweet swimming medals
They don't put kids from the age of 2 breaths on a trampoline and make them drill the same motions over and over again for years
Based Kazakhs
We suck at swimming now
>olympics show the most developed countries with the highest IQ
What redpill
>le israel is bad meme
Of course it's a paki in britain complaining. Palestine was never a thing, learn your history
holy shit fucking kys muzzie scum
We basically did and it was better
Return of the amerisilvers
In T&A, I think they have a chance in the jumping and women throwing events. Blacks are only advantaged in running
So double standards? Got it
More chances at getting medals and earning money than other memelympic sports, so everyone is training for swimming events now
It truly is the end of the american empire.
Just ran the figures, Anglo nations have more golds than the eu does.
Why people seethe at that graph btw? Eu has a population size smaller than China and comparable to the USA’s
It's less the structures and more the incompetent people currently in charge of them.
They are dismissing them as "archaic" in order to shift the responsibility away from themselves.

Ultimately it's the green agenda, that has been in charge of this country since at least 1998, that wants to make sure, nothing German remains in this world.
Elections next year will probably be "fun". I wonder, if Scholz will pull a Maduro with full support by the "forces protecting our democracy".
Because you get many times more participants at every even doofus think a little
highest iq amerimutt.
the number of participants is proportional to the population size, so we would have the same participants.
whether athlete x shows the eu flag at the beginning of the game or at the end changes nothing on the result of that game
fucking 80 iq amerilards
>population size
and of course to selections, which makes the number participants even more irrelevant
when you will win the war [spoiler]never[/spoiler]
Very antisemitic post desu.
please kill yourself
incredible how people defend those isreali jew scumbags. look at the casualty numbers. hitler was right
>>Russia banned for a little border tomfoolery
that wasn't the reason you fucking retard
HK has its own separate government. I thought bongs knew this since they played a huge role in why that is.
...for another 24 years, wasn't it?
Don't expect too much of the bongs.
They aren't even really "English" anymore.
France is carrying us hard
There's still like 12 days of competition left

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