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Opening ceremony is nearly over. The last leg is on SOON.

What sports are you watching tomorrow?
those scars are fucking sick ngl
im miiiiiiiigin
Depends on the schedule, swimming, cycling, and archery definitely.
Who is that blonde qt?
faggot commentator said she was american(?) I might have misheard
Oksana something according to our presenters, she's a Ukrainian who competes for the USA
La la la la la la la laaaaaa
>tfw no qt paralympics gf
those prostheses look like they go all the way up to her fanny, no wonder she was wobbly
Quite like this bit.

Oooh, they made the agitos, nice
>tfw no deaf, dumb, and blind quadriplegic autism gf
Based Ravel
Blades look so cool, hope I lose a leg
I don’t remember, was Pistorius a Paralympic, or wasn’t there a big controversy about his prosthetic legs giving him an unfair advantage compared to regular people
Just take up motorcycling
Rehm could genuinely beat the olympic gold distance, the olympic long jump this time was low quality
Pistorious was in the paralympics, but also qualified for the olympics, think he only made heats or SFs though.
The IOC and world athletics said it was fine for him to compete.
Daphné cries again, euthanasy when ?
What's this piece of music now? It's nice
This is absolutely kino. What the hell, is it always like this?

I’m so used to seeing twerking during these big event ceremonies
Yeah that's her. She's cuter from far away and by night kek.
He was a Paralympian, but because of his success and his charisma, there was a campaign to let him participate in the regular Olympics too. I don't think it ever happened, but they did let him do a couple of able-bodied events and he came fourth or fifth if I remember correctly.
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this was atleast 8.4 times better than Olympic Opening Ceremony.
No, his controversy was that he killed his girlfriend.
It's sovlful, and although the boats were quite a nice idea you can't beat a parade.
Much better than the 20000 hour trip up the river from the Eiffel tower in the olympic ceremony.
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that's a nice ceremony you got there, it would be a shame if someone was spewing bullshit while it runs
>Ellie has a history degree
gonna fall in love with a midge again fuck
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This shit is fucking kino man I can't stop tearing up
It was insanely hot as fuck earlier today, so I’m glad for these people that this is happening now at night
Amazing how that haircut tells me all I need to know about her opinions
>Née en 1989 en RSS d'Ukraine, Oksana Masters est victime des radiations de la catastrophe nucléaire de Tchernobyl. Née sans tibias, une jambe plus courte que l'autre et six doigts à chaque mains — cinq d'entre eux étant collés —, elle est abandonnée par ses parents devant la porte d'un orphelinat. Pendant les premières années de sa vie, on l'ampute finalement des deux jambes. En 2020, elle explique dans un reportage de The Players Tribune qu'elle a été violée de ses cinq à ses sept ans, vendue au plus offrant par les employés de l'orphelinat.
What in the fucking fuck. Poor girl.
She's shutting the fuck up for now and it's so nice
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Letting the abled take a boat cruise, forcing the paras to move themselves in a parade

cruel in a way
I thought I was the only one who found it too loooooooong.
at least she's sort of milfy, rob walker is just worthless
27C in bongland today
She's not even the only american paralympian who is an orphan adopted by an American in the 1990s.
It seems to have been weirdly common in the ex-USSR to jump abandon disabled children and then in the 1990s they let yanks adopt them
I like that /para/ is a no shart zone, definitely an overall higher quality of posting
yeah I call bullshit on 80% of that story
When is the downie wrestling or midget hurdles?
She's even worse than what you picture.
Walking down the Champs Élysées is 100 times cooler than sailing on the shit water Seine imo
That old woman was the second most titled woman in olympics history, with 26 medals
Which event has the best looking tards?
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One-Legged it you mean?
empathy for the disabled is very much a western europe only thing
Imagine retard olympics
Probably the track events
Burgersharts are only getting live coverage for the first time this paralympics - and it's all on a cable channel not main NBC still.
Previously NBC just aired highlights on delay.

But yeah less of them posting means less shitposts
table tennis player, nice
We didn't need to know that anon.
She's crying again
That'll be in 4 years
You never heard of the special olympics?
It's Lit
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I like the balloon, I think France should keep it

I want one where I live too, nicely illuminated at night
There's no downies in the paralympics mate, you're thinking of the special olympics.

There's some midget powerlifting next week.
fake cauldron with fake fire
What the fuck is that music
stop it stop it stop it
She must be crying all the fucking time in her daily life.
It gets worse lmao
The balloon's gone up
Balloon go UP!
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ya like jazz?
No tards in the paralympics, you're thinking of the special olympics.

You summoned them!
cope seethe dilate mald touch grass etc
absolutely terrible singer get """"him"""" out
Right beddy bye time for me lads, see you tomorrow.
holy shit dancing wheelchairs
There have been discussions about keeping it alreading, I believe Anne Hidalgo (mayor of Paris) asked for it
Too bad they didn't bring Patrick. Is he dead?
best of luck to your countrymen and I hope the finns don't get anything again
first balloon flight was in france iirc, dunno if that's related
That's called the special olympics and is a different thing
The original was so much better, fuck this queer retard
Purely coincidental
>>144058942 is fake, therefore it's opinions are invaliid
It's not
next song is probably patrick sebastien at this point
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same to you fren, lets hope the finns try their best (not)
Yeah she's ruining the song
well, it became a huge tourist attraction, shitloads of people trying to get pics or trying to paint it, stuff like that
Yes in that very garden
/sp/ has enough nice posters that sometimes we can all come together in one thread with absolutely no shitters, and it's a beautiful experience. I bet I have enjoyed posts you've written in other threads too.
Damn, how did I see so many older (as in retiree pensioner age) athletes earlier if they have to go through qualifiers
not liking this new musical direction Big Thief is taking desu
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Bye lad! Will soon go to sleep myself =~=
oh, that's cool
How is this still not over, gotta be the last song
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"Hanquinquant" is one of the coolest surnames I have ever seen.
Who's ready for /lastleg/? I hope Johnny Vegas is back
It's every year now, Tards
it's really only a matter of time until it falls on somebody if they keep it long-term
It's quite normal for a host city to keep some tokens like that, it's part of their history after all.
I used to live in Lausanne, they've made "olympic city" a major part of their branding
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night para frens

I really like the Olympic mascot this time around, idk if it’s just me
Yeah, the London olympic park still exists and is pretty nice.
the sideways wheelchair make this feel a little corny
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gnite, see ya tomorrow para fren!
That was pretty great, nice going frogs
apparently, hidalgo wants to keep the olympics rings in the tower too
The fuck is Goalball? Very generic name btw
Sexo theme
Goodnight anons, see you
Probably gonna buy some tickets, I'll post pictures in the threads
Fucking much better overall than the previous ceremony on the river.
non ça par contre c'est idiot
Good stuff, well done for being infinitely less pozzed this time.
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It's a sport for blind people with no able-bodied equivalent
Yeah nah, fuck this shit. The balloon ok, not the rings.
That would be quite unaesthetic imo
Le voiture de Phyrge
Can we keep the crackheads and migrants out too ?
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please do! looking forward to see them!
off to bed too lads, that was very comfy viewing in a comfy thread
what sites will be streaming once the games start?
need some footage with audio of this mad woman tonight
Other Paris anons, can you see it from where you’re at?
I'm sure she's already taken a bigger one
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>In the orphanage, Oksana witnessed another orphan girl, her best friend Lainey, be murdered. The children in the orphanage were always on the brink of starvation and malnutrition, so one night Lainey and Oksana sneaked out to get food, but Oksana slipped and hit a chair. Men hearing the noise found Lainey. Oksana managed to hide but heard them hit Lainey six times. Her best friend died as a result of the trauma she received.[6]
>After she turned 7, Oksana was adopted by Gay Masters, an unmarried American professor of communication disorders with no biological children.[6][11]
>The two weeks every four years when Rosie Jones is an interesting person with worthwhile contributions
https://www.channel4.com/ - will need a UK VPN

I think NBC's streaming service has it for the USA
channel 4 dot com
nah, we'll send them back to you once it's over
not like they want to stay in the rest of France anyway, they'll move back by themselves
I thought it was kinda boring compared to the Olympics ceremony
Maybe I'll take time to explain later I need to sleep now
Yes just saw her jump holy shit
It does, rather
Where did they send them? Did they "lose them" at sea?
The last leg lads get in here
in cities that are not Paris
here for it lad
Nah I've seen them enough, it's not their natural habitat here.
No surprise the thread is 90% our and your flag
Peacock for the US.
The only thing I haven’t liked are the enforced lanes where the fine is a gorillion euros for using, + the fences and big wooden enclosures surrounding stuff

Other than that, if the goal was to normalise the city being under military occupation, then mission accomplished.
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>Rosie Jones
Put blades on their legs
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>gay master
Alex and Josh got in on the jannie dancing again
Russia is beyond depressing
took me until now to realise why half of alex's head is red
>beating a small orphan child to death
in a cruel, often pointless, world, that seems especially cruel and pointless. what hell hole did she come from?
That was Ukraine in the 1990s
>advert for wotsits, quavers and monster munch
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this shit could kill the eiffel tower.

upvoted. i'm from Rio de Janegro. our corrupt mayor kept our olympic cauldron and now they light that shit every olympic and paralympic games.
Me too. You did a good 'un, France.
>And all around something ancient Egyptian
I'm not living in a certain river in that country when I say I approve. Also, three words, France: Yes. Very Yes.
Remember when we had to consider Oscar Pistorius? Really murdered his wife.
The special traffic lanes are a thing the IOC demands. Oslo said no and that's why Beijing got the last Winter Olympics.

Thanks for all your screenshots, Anons
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You’ve never heard of /sp/?
Is that a new requirement? Because with it, I guess my hometown is never ever hosting an olympics even if it was always a pipe dream
For me, it's French soul singer Beret White
by the way, she also asked to keep the women's portraits in the Seine
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>A bit like the matrix if the blue pill was thalidomide
nah, I remember some leaf from Vancouver saying the IOC basically privatized severals lanes from some higway for themselves back then
I have feminist exhaustion
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>Good to have joe pasquale back on the show
>The sequel to 50 shades of gray looks a bit shit
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Rosie Jones has barely opened her mouth so far.
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>Nice to have an australian drawing back on British TV again
I work in software
Jonnie Peacock mentioned!
Wait, for LA28. I'm actually exited about your paras, if London 2012 did a lot for our para athletes, I can't imagine what it will do for yours.

Contingent on NBC actually showing the sports damn live and getting sponsors to actually pull their fingers out.
I remember either an opening or closing ceremony once where they had some disabled woman carrying the torch. She was really old and could barely walk. She fell over and dropped the torch and it was really awkward. But other people ran in and helped her up and helped her finish. That really got me when I saw it.
>A Yank confuses The Paras for the Specials

Truly a day ending in 'Y'.
I swear South Park is at fault
>Even me, I think that that's a bit bizarre
It's going to be some catchphrase or something, but I don't know which one.
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Should I get a beer or no?
JC, I really need a translation with tape of her best bits.

If I was a Frenchie crip (French chip), I'd feel pretty condescended to.
Screenshots needed of this shit
Para breaking incoming on the last leg
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>French chip
The best kind of ship <3
Need screenshots/webms of this para-breaking
I thought I wanted to see that, but fuck me, it was creepy.
Ok, good night anons, I will see you bright and early for SPORTS
You'll get nothing from me, but I looked on YouTube and I am confident it was this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbdYh-Rs8_o
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Pretty sure they're used to these situations,they must "watch" movies with friends and so on.
I'm speechless, this is profoundly repugnant.
We really are the best posters.
But, at THEE biggest event for disabled athletes? Surely, they should expect better than that. That's not very inclusive.
It's like a cross between The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Twin Peaks.
Really wanna carry on with all you para watching lads and lassies, but I need to prepare for a job interview in the morning and my head is pounding.

Therefore, I bid you all adieu. Till tomorrow!
Yeah, no. Breakdancing is already embarrassing in itself, this is too much. Also in this category they will all end up with the same moves, spinning and push ups.
There's no magical technology for them anon, there's audio-description and that's it, but imo it's shit.
I literally just got a job and will be missing most of the events live
Training starts monday

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holy fuck
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yes it is, but horrors such as that are way too common everywhere
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>the last leg
why? everybody is having fun
Highlight of the opening ceremony was the Portuguese midget/dwarf whatever is least offensive doing the TSSSSUUUUU Ronaldo celebration
Para badminton is starting right now. only thing on for a bit. swimming starts in an hour though.
>channel 4 presenters are named Billy Monger and a black dwarf called Fats Timbo
How was the opening ceremony?
Better than the olympic one by about 10x
based hopefully I can find it online
It's a great show, channel 4 started it dor London 2012 as a comedy show with some highlights as the last show of the day in their paralympics coverage.
The name was referencing the last leg of a relay and also a joke at the same time. Two of the three main comedians on it are disabled. It's often very funny.

It was so popular it's kept going as its own thing, plus on nightly at the paralympics.
Supposedly NBC's streaming service has it for you. If you have a VPN and can pretend to be in the UK you might find it on channel4.com
Swimming is on soon
Watching Badminton has never been more entertaining. Keep the midgets.
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Thought I recognised billy monger, he's the racing driver who lost his legs in a horrific accident aged 17
Our public service is not showing the badminton…
Is there any way to watch the events I want?
I think it was like that with channel 4 for the Tokyo ones
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>he thought it was over
Actually this link has today's streams: https://www.youtube.com/@Channel4Sport/featured

May need UK vpn
Thanks was watching the channel4 website and it was trash, its Goalball time
Why is this on SVT while the other was on Max? Of course SVT is better, but shouldn't Max be forced to show both?
Watching goalball now, it's fun
Max beats svt massively. I guess it’s because they want everyone to be able to watch it
low category swimming is one of my favourite events desu, genuinely remarkable stuff
I was going to ask where the fuck are all the streams on the C4 website, bizarre that they're on youtube.
Goalball dj playing AVICII
>that mega slow lad getting cheered on
I wonder if it's better to play para badminton with an amputated hand or being amputed further down the arm
holy shit this br lad turned himself into an actual fish
He is quite good for not having arms
>no arms
>fucked legs
Poor bastard
Handless badminton is barely different these lads could compete in the normal olympics (if they were good enough)
>Already 7 streams available across badminton, swimming, goalball, table tennis and taekwondo
I can't keep up!
For me it's midget badminton
For me it's giant badminton
these goalball birds are making me want to reactivate my fetlife
I didn't know something like that existed, did you get any shags out of it?
I see are billy still refuses to give up on that hairline
Fuck off
got a marriage out of it son, lasted about as long as you'd expect
10 minutes?
Just woke up, watching the goalball and its crowd shots and the athletes warming up with no ad breaks so much better than the regular olympics
I think he's fit, liking the tight polo
Also 10 streams online at the same time when we had 3 for the olympics!!
Fuck you Jews for selling those tv rights
damn some of these goalball turks are blind blind, like no eyes blind
The Badminton has people actively cheering for one player, it's nice even if it's probably demoralising for the other guy.
That's why they wear eye masks so everyone is on the same level
Yeah, for the olympics the BBC only had 1 TV channel and 1 stream due to Eurosport.

Meanwhile channel4 has 2 TV channels and everything streamed.
Plus no annoying commentary just the arena sounds
They took this from us
We have all the streams and commentary on each one but you'd need a VPN to watch it
Watching Bocciamania
Are lad normally destroys in that but apparently he hasn't done that well recently
There are too many sports I want to watch swimming, goalball and boccia and wheelchair basketball
Golfball, besides being a meme sport, is bad to watch because the public has to remain silent to hear the ball
I assume blind football is the same
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all these athletic women crawling around on the floor in blindfolds and tight leggings
bloody hell
that is why god denies you snooker
looool why is she shooting between her legs
Post a webm
Brs getting smashed despite that rigged benulty at the start
she can straighten herself against the goal and then just run backwards so she doesn't lose her bearings
that turkish lass who does a spin move is just using the force I guess
watching cerebral palsy people throw balls more accurately than I ever could
It always looks like they won't be able to throw it or it'll go nowhere but they're really accurate.
Oof boccia brit lad hasn’t been played a fair hand
wait until they get to the properly fucked ones who play by rolling the ball down a ramp with their head
It becomes almost a different sport then all about the setup angle and aiming the ramp.
Eliie Robinson is on channel 4
The roaches look much better at shooting but I do like the OI OI
Straight outta compton
Forgot how shit TV adverts are, how do normoids put up with this?
Just watch on Youtube.
>mens 50m freestyle
None of those look disabled
its mental how you can be born with a genetic thing that completely fucks your body but leaves your movie star face alone, fancy the arse off her I do
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Watch it on youtube
S10 is the least disabled category, essentially.
Swimming goes from S1-S10 where S1 is most functionally restricted and S10 the least.

(There's also S11-13 for blindness and S14 for mental issues).
S10, probably minor physical impairment like one leg is weak or something
>much better at shooting
>cause 3 penalties
Did they shoot a ref?
>boccia has the most viewers currently
It is quite good to watch, makes me want to try bowls desu
Ah I see

It’s clearly rigged. I meant their shots are much more powerful

Play pétanque
>Play pétanque
pétanque isn't a thing here, I don't live in Provence.
are david brings in the crowds
funny that he's actually aging really well
any streaming sites like cracksport showing paralympics? TV coverage over here is 0
He's 35 but looks 25
UK VPN + https://www.youtube.com/@Channel4Sport

Or maybe it works without a VPN, idk
.01 off the world record in women’s swimming
>S9 swimmer beat all the S10s

Fucking hell
Tried it. It doesn't show any active streams even on homepage.
ladies table tennis is some bullshit, couple of mildly wobbly norgs versus our girl falling over her tiny tim crutch
You need a VPN then, shows 9 streams for me
If you have a vpn try France tv, there’s 10 concurrent streams and no commentary anyway
Unfotunately high S number swimming is just as boring as able bodied swimming
S11-13 is blind/partially sighted people, they sometimes get a bonk on the head with a stick to signal the end of the length.
S14 is mental impairments
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lmfao he just fucking flinged it
muderball in 8 mins
>go for attack
>your ball just goes for miles
Seems too risky to be worth it
>S14 for mental issues
what like being a schizo?
It's stuff like short term memory issues, low iq (but not drooling level) - things that will impact the ability to train to a plan etc
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didn't know this was a sport, we used to play this as kids
With blindfolds and all?
did you use blindfold or jsut played while seeing?
I'd like to try goalball one day but I'm not keen on having to blind myself
The face of a broken man
that was honestly the very first thing i'd seen of this whole paralympics having just realised it was on and thought he was such a spack that that was just something that happens despit ehim supposedly being at the pinnacle of disabled bowls
How come S14 swimming didn't get cut when they got rid of all the other intellectual disability sports after the dago basketball debacle
It did, there were no disability events in Athens 2004 at all, they brought a limited number back for Beijing/London but there are way less than before the ID basketball scandal.
>no disability events
Meant intellectual disability of course
these spackers are way more accurate with the bowls than their throwing style makes seem possible
Do disabled horses compete in the horse events?
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surely armless should be an entirely separate category
must be an utterly massive disadvantage
not even just the decreased ROM, lion's share of people with CP also have tremors and/or epilepsy, mental how they keep themselves controlled long enough to throw
fucking scary strong though, knew a lad back at uni who would demolish every bone in your hand when he shook it if you condescended to him at all. he beat me at badminton once, I was drinking a lot back then
Any website stream that *does not* need VPN? It may be any of those ad infested ones
oh turns out he's one of the best ones there
mental stuff. basically shagging his way through the water
It's functional classification, they're meant to be roughly equivalent despite the varied differences
It's a yank channel and only 1 stream: https://olympicstreams.co/2024-paris-paralympics-live-stream/1/
swimming gets a bit pot luck once you're down to the low numbers, everyone's colossally fucked in very different ways. Remember years back there was this one israeli in S2 or 3 who had one arm with a few fingers and absolutely nothing else, not even stumps. Swam on his side looking like a sunfish and destroyed the competition
what's s1 like if that was 2 or 3?
Does the paralympics have S1 swimming?
first murderball match starting
GB vs Australia
no arms or legs, they flap their lips like a horse to swim
>In wheelchair rugby, players are assessed into seven classes: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 points. The lower level points indicate less functional ability and the higher points indicate greater functional ability.

>Only four players are on the court at any given time. The total points on the floor for a team cannot exceed 8, but this maximum is increased by 0.5 points for every female on the court.
being a woman is a disability
I can't recall, why the fuck did Pistorius do it again? Wasn't he quite well liked before the murder
south african
Nobody knows, I think he still maintains he thought he was shooting at home invaders
What happened in the boccia?
>dago basketball debacle
Women have shit upper body strength compared to men I suppose

>The team at the centre of the row was the Spanish basketball team, who won the gold medal after beating Russia in the final despite fielding a team mainly composed of athletes with no intellectual disability.
Who has the best paralympic coverage atm? I can't even find a murderball stream
harvey price
Channel 4

Didn't he shoot her through the toilet door? It sounded like a planned murder desu
That's mental
our boy won, as per
>the normies competing in the retard category beat genuine retards on roids
based thanks
Hello you cunt
Does that link work without a VPN? I have no idea if C4 is region locking their youtube streams
nbcolympics is streaming most everything
I always forget channel 4 is publicly owned but commercially funded, it's like a mini-BBC if the BBC had adverts
the lats on kearney bloody hell
I was actually watching channel 4 on the website but it was showing swimming, I didn't know they had streams on youtube. Without vpn though it will say unavailable
For some reason channel 4 is only showing their two TV channel "streams" on their website - from the Channel 4 and More 4 channels. The other streams are all on youtube.
they should let murderball players punch each other
>and removing all events from the following Games for athletes with intellectual disabilities.[
Damn. Totally fucked it up for everyone else
Any website stream that shows everything that does not use vpn? Olympic streams only have one stream so no
Yeah, reading it looks like Athens and Beijing had no ID events, and then London brought them back for swimming and athletics only - i.e. not team events
business idea: paracalcio storico
why are the greedy french not showing all the events for free on the paralympics site?
this ain't it for me lads, guess I only care about winning, and our retards winning don't do it for me.
Love a bit of murderball me
Track cycling is on
Why are the jannies dancing?
I have a bridge to sell to you if you're interested.
if you've not seen calcio storico you're missing out
Are you really the same person who keeps coming here thinking it's the special olympics?
Not a true sports enjoyer
look how fat that italian is compared to our girl in track cycling
kek those hands

I shouldn't laugh
No sitting volley stream?
Doesn't look like it, maybe they don't film the early rounds
This is overwhelming lads, there's so much stuff on, it felt like the Olympics just built up but this is all out from day one.
It's only 10 days instead of 16, and has more events due to the classifications. Swimming and athletics are both running most of the games here, where they only overlapped 2 days at the olympics.
also olympics started out with horseshit and airguns and other stuff you could safely ignore
That explains it
where are the illegal sites?
how do i win paralympics?
first I have to hit you with my car
Be China
You're morbidly obese so qualify
>ram the woman off the court so she gets a penalty
new meta?
is there fencing where they have the swords attached to their legs?
Nah, it's just wheelchair fencing
fuck, reckon that would be weird to win fights by stabbing your opponent's asshole
They should have wheelchair jousting
Why do they call it the paralympics? Not all of them are paralysed.
wheelchair fencing should be someone in a wheelchair directing an ablebodied fencer with a blindfold like a stand
You can compete if you have glasses
para is greek for alongside
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It was originally just for paralysed war veterans after WW2 and called the Stoke Mandeville Games.
The para bit stands for parallel now, as they're alongside the olympics.
Malay has overtaken the argentinian on the track
Does anyone have a robust steam for the badders (badminton)
where are you guys watching? there will be no live coverage in greece
Channel 4 + VPN
>The Soviet Union, hosts of the 1980 Summer Olympics, were invited to host the 1980 Paralympics. However, disability sport was non-existant there, and they passed; notoriously, a statement was issued denying the existence of any disabled people in the country (labelled "invalids" by Soviet officials)
Communism is so grim
so, uh, about those "heroic Ukrainian soldiers" anon...
https://www.youtube.com/@Channel4Sport + VPN for non-brits
Everyone is disabled under communism
>not a single disabled person in the country
That’s a utopia lad
Based channel 4 with the multiple live streams
BBC could never
BBC did it for the previous Olympics
I’m watching wheelchair «rugby» which just seems to be about running (heh) from one end of the terrain to the other. and why are they bouncing the ball on the ground like it’s handball or basketball?
We're just lucky the americans don't care, or else Discovery would have it.
Have to pass or bounce every 10 seconds so you can't just keep it in your lap the entire time
all the eastern block countries have like 3-4 athletes with the exception of ukraine which was made to close down all the soviet asylums by EU human rights observers, and uzbekistan which is copying iran's benevolent islam campaign
It's not really rugby based, the name was just chosen because they crash a lot
must be a bit shit being the team's megacripple knowing you're only there so they can get three blokes with decent upper body control on the court
Sitting volleyball is the race walking of the paras

Seems like handball but with rugby’s point scoring system. I assume they can’t pass forward
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Handbikes look a bit mental, I can't imagine doing long distances with your arms though.
China guaranteed gold-silver there
Scary as fuck that, get a neck cramp just trying not to crash
It's gotta be easier than wheelchair marathon
if they weren't fuckin expensive I'd get one myself, must be a great upper body workout
One leg cycling
I built two of these for my work, to be donated to some veteran at their «race for the troops» event (this was in the US)

Thing cost 7,5k dollars and the all terrain electric version was 13,5k

Was very fun to test on the parking lot
>all the announcers at the Olympics are Brits
Makes it feel like it's ours desu
the paras unironically are
It's quite funny how the olympic flame is lit in some big fancy historic ceremony in ancient ruins, and the paralympic flame is lit in a playing field near wendover in the pissing rain
Stoke Mandeville used to be my hospital, it's a shithole and Aylesbury is a dump too.
I just put it on now (YouTube stream) and the very first thing I saw was my favourite Paralympic sport of one-legged cycling.
How bad is China gonna mog the rest of the planet in Paralympics this time?
They have a team larger than even the French, who get automatic qualifier spaces due to hosting
>The paralympic agitos has been on the arc de triomphe since the start of the summer (like the olympic rings on the Eiffel tower)
>IOC bitched and moaned over this and this is why the arc wasn't shown in any olympics shots of the city
Fucking really?
up until this year paralympians had to hide any olympic rings tattoos they had, even if they were former olympians. the IOC are absolute bastards about their IPs
>the IOC are absolute bastards
Could have stopped there lad
Do you guys think star players in wheelchair rugby chads pull tail?
>new world record
New WR
She (C2) also beat the Japanese rider who is C3 (i.e. less impaired)
Just got home bros. What's on?
Track cycling
Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair Rugby
Table Tennis
also goalball
our guy is getting btfo in taekwondo
Hello is this /brit/lympics?
What category are cycling atm? They look fucking slow
Yeah basically /brit/lympics & friends
Alright it's not that slow
Odd that it's not in the Olympics just Paralympic.
Just realised it's a fucking qualifying session not an overall time trial like a mong so no wonder they were laid back when Ghana were shit bless them.
Bowls is at the Commonwealth Games, they should have it at the Olympics imo
Basketball at the moment 48-23 for GB
It's the only sport that doesn't have an Olympic equivalent I believe
Love it when the bowls world champs is on BBC
wtf, the front one is just a huge regular track cyclist carrying the blind guy around?
kek I was just thinking that, the pilots look hench. I don't know how it works
Tbh I know nothing about the boules sports. Except for what I learned after playing Disco Elysium kek.
>lob balls and try and get them close to a target ball
They're all variations of that, bowls they're weighted and you roll them, in others you throw them.
Just had a look, the pilot is an experienced, sighted track cyclist, the 'stoker' is the blindie at the back. So it's a team effort really but a shit person at the back will still make a difference.
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>Bowls is at the Commonwealth Games, they should have it at the Olympics imo
Bowls is pretty comfy. But yeah outdoor bowls on the grass is better like the Commonwealth Games.
We choked the cycling
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this "goalball" is fucking shit
your pilot is too big to last 4km
Too many refs in those goal ball matches
just saw a badminton game between a girl with mobility issues against a girl missing an arm, can't take paralympics seriously when most of the disabilities aren't equal.
why don't these blind fuckers ever bounce the ball
If you bounce it in the wrong way its a penalty for the opponent
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literally as soon as they finally bounce one it goes in for the first time in a year
the way they just did it to score is what i meant
doesn't seem too bleedin difficult
Insane shot
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what's their disability?
>who run bartertown?
We're doing shit btw the Germans have overtaken us about 5 times and the bloke on the back has gone to sleep
Not finishing
I can certainly see the appeal of C3 boccia, getting an able bodied servant to build your ramps for you and telling them to hurry the fuck up
Well that's what I was expecting. I just wanted to know it was available. A professional AD service provided them and not some 'mom and pop' thing.
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>both get DQ'd and we lose 0-0
It was only a few tournaments ago that they made it a rule that anywhere that hosted the Olympics had to also host the Paralympics. Before, you didn’t have to have them if you didn’t want to.
wonder if any of them are proper slave driving cunts
Any streams?
>It's the only sport that doesn't have an Olympic equivalent I believe
Goalball doesn't either
They won’t even need to play wheelchair rugby to do so; they will all just have gigachad personalities. I would probably hate them if I met them.
It's all variations of "get close to the target".
>Petanque - uses heavy metal balls you throw on sand
>Boccia - soft balls you through/roll on hardcourt
>Lawn bowls - weight bowls you roll on grass
>Curling - skim stones on ice
saved AS FUCK.
boccia was invented specifically for gigadisabled people who can't play anything else
murderball also
I met a few of them working at a sports hall when i was a teenager, they're generally arrogant but not in a cunty way. v v fatalistic though, two of them seperately told me they hope they get their neck broke and die midgame
For me it’s palet
>throw a metal puck on a wooden board
Wheelchair anon here. The Brit is right, before settling down I could pull 3-4 girls a year as a low quadriplegic in a wheelchair. It is about self confidence and being funny.

Just learned today that my pregnant wife has a viable fetus inside her btw
congrats mate.
> Paralympic athlete missing in Paris for nine days reported to police

>A Rwandan female volleyball player vanished from near the team’s base in a northern suburb of Paris last week
least fertile frog, congratulations
can you still get a cob on or did you give her the old turkey baster
safe country amirite
Yea my todger still salutes pretty hard. It's the shooting that doesn't work so we had to find a workaround
You guys better step your fucking game up for LA28.
It did, all ID sports were banned for 10 years and it ruined Dan Peppers' career. He was one of the ones that were able to compete at 2012, but he wasn't at the peak of his career then, so wasn't able to medal. ID sports still haven't made a major comeback. The whole thing is so shameful.

>Thanks, Spain
Jesus, why so fucking expensive?
we can thx samaranch for that
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for me it's on le lead board

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