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US Open:

>Order of play




Ban this cheater for 2 years just like anyone else. Ban all "officials" who tried to cover it up.

Narcs BTFO. :-)

Former WADA head outlining Sinner case and how it will proceed. International doping associations currently reviewing the case, will most likely get involved based on the former head's experience.


This is not going away. Do not let the astroturf shills distract you from reality.

Sinner shills are not safe. Shilling is illegal and a prosecutable offense: https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/cases-proceedings/x030044-greeting-cards-america-inc-et-al

Previous: >>144052705
Djere is finished
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Djoko dropping this set for sure
Now do you believe?
Nole should give Ivanisevic a call to fix his serve if he survives today. And I hope he does
Yeah Djere was never going to close this set out kek
Splitting up with Ivanisevic was overall a stupid decision. His serve has gotten much worse since.
It’s over
Clearly... But he's an intelligent dude. He may react on time... But he needs a coach now. He got lucky today that Djere seems to have injured himself
Tanking to avoid giving Novak the extra match practice.
Laslo is pretty smart getting injured to avoid being called a choker
>Crapser Puud
Tennis has a problem with injuries. Seems like half the matches these days end because of player retirements.
It's pretty late in the year and it has been a pretty heavy year with the Olympics and all...
Anyone have the echeverry vomit webm?
Why does Cerundolo lose to Etcheverry in round 2 in 5 sets at every slam?
You complain about threadsplitting and yet you split your own fucking threads, biggest kike in /tennis/ history please have a heart attack or neck yourself
You know where it is retard, just pathetic bumping
You were the one complaining and you were the one threadsplitting you stupid faggot. Welcome to the hell you've created.
>You were the one complaining
You’re hearing voices again schizo, I complained about you being a massive fag not threadsplitting I 100% approve of that whenever you’re the one who makes a thread. You’re the shithead whose being crying about threadsplitting because you’ve had to sit in your own threads replying to yourself.
Bring in your samefag act, this whiny bitch act is already boring. Remember that you did this to yourself. :)
>You did this
t. Spastic who earlyfagged the last 100 threads because he needs his reddit karma.
Stay mad shill. :)
I don’t know where it is… ;_;
Why can’t we just have one thread this is really demoralizing with all these threads :(
Then why did you make this second thread dumbass, people moved to the one that was already there
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>Mamma mia. My physio had a clostobolli in his a pasta sauce before he a massaged my leg
>Dont a worry, the independent panel of judges from eeetaly ruled that it was a no fault of mine

How can anyone believe this messed up story. Get this ginger carrot boy out of the sport
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That's what I've been saying. Then every time we try to have a discussion we get assblasted Sinner shills like in picrel trying to shut down all discussion. It's already too late though, it's going to WADA. This isn't going away.
You haven’t said anything original about this in days, what could there possibly be to discuss except you lying about WADA then someone saying I disagree then you calling them a shill. Just repeat this ad infinitum in your head and you’ve had all the discussion to your hearts content :)
There's still plenty of time. Why so eager to brush it off? The truth will come out thanks to your efforts. :)
It’s already an exhausting circular discussion. I know you will be saying this same shit in 5 years, how fucking boring.
you’re just a lyin’ tometa
sinner cheated
>wake up
>bong vs burger turf war rages on
is this about more than just Sinner? can you 2 have sex and get it over with?
Guys when is Rune playing today?
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American excellence. Your autism has beat even the german autists which is saying something. I kneel
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michelsen is unbelievably fucking ugly
Why didn't the Ameriburgers turn the AC on during the match? ((((They))))) are trying to sabotage him right?
Pic related isn’t shutting down anyone except your dumbass for being a lying schizo replying to your own posts.
Remember when Korda said he was a favourite for Wimbledon and then lost in the first round
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The WTA will never recover.
Tbf you don’t come off any less schizo.. why do you care so much if the Sinner case gets talked about ?
Igor has the bunda to do this
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for whatever reason i enjoy watching clara vs diana more than watching anya
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Couldn't they at least have added some flowers? This court looks like a WW2 bunker
Get a bit of tasteful graffiti on those walls, make it truly NY.
Based Thommo
Heh my boy kordlingz…he just needs more calcium
Was that Ralph Lauren logo always there?
The blue colour always looked so clinical. Switch it to monochrome grey
Michelson looks like John dalys other son
Sinner in 3, this kid has no weapons to harm him
3 what?? 3 syringes full?
Pampered amerilard czech gets BTFO by true czech. Funny that Korda is also the son of a doper
just joking, I am undecided on this issue
yes sir
What issue ? It’s clear sinner cheated, why afraid to say it ? Sinner in 3 sets I meant btw
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>Couldn't they at least have added some flowers? This court looks like a WW2 bunker

holy mother of all homosexual transgender land
Michelsen is 1.93 but looks 1.75. Weird body proportions
Thommo's just tactically dragging the set out to wear Hubi down
>shits and pisses his pants when someone mentions Sinner doping
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very good match from anya. low amount of errors (0 double faults also), not rushing anything under pressure. pleasantly surprised overall. she can snatch a 1000 somewhere soon

diana keeps her lvl high. clara did her best, but there was nothing she could do.
nice start of the day
Sinner already perfecting the Djokosmash, on his way to GOAT
/zoomermind/ strikes again, Sinner makes one good shot Zoomersen can’t help but glaze him (“YOOOOooo”) and proceeds to lose next 4 points
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Adidas > Nike for this slam
rare W for them
Fucking Micheltits
He's definitely used to waiting for a woman to finish up with a towel.
I can’t concentrate on the match with the fish face Zoomersen makes before each return
I care because you do.
yulia getting a foot massage was sexy
Hold serve you fuck
Who’s allowed to play tennis?
Umps let monitor broken
b..b...but WADA will get him, just don't ask me when or talk about CAS who would immediately overturn it anyway.
See it’s statements like that that show you’re schizo. >>144071115
>he got away with it so he’s innocent
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OOOHHHHHHH the schizos are back at it
Who’s allowed to play tennis?
>Sinner in 3 sets I meant btw
>debating autists
have a good you esso pen
The sinner shill schizo is back for sure, and replying to himself, lol.
I’m replying to you, dumbass. Who’s allowed to play?
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You guys should stop fighting and start kissing
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Breathe. Sinner doped. It will be resolved one way or the other. It’s OK, life goes on.
Yup, the schizo’s back boys.
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>he got away with it so he’s innocent
I actually think he's innocent because I've read the case

Why do you think he's guilty again? Oh that's right you just assumed it since you saw the news are you're a stubborn stupid fuck
I got a heat advisory warning on my phone I wonder if the USTA will do something
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>See it’s statements like that that show you’re schizo
See it's statements like that that that show you're are a cultureless whore
I’m down but the sinner schizo isn’t man enough.
He tested positive for dope.
>It will be resolved one way or the other
LOL It has been resolved already, you are insane if you actually believe we will get a single extra piece of relevant news.
>zommersen loses every single point at the net
>zoomersen keeps coming to the net
What did he mean by this?
2 different anons, I made the Sinner doping joke. my britbong friend is way too into this to make a joke lol
>coach tells him to not rush to the net
>he rushes to the net and gets rekt every single time
inb4 he blames his coach
sinner is a cheater lol
yeah it hasn’t, it is going to WADA and possibly international COA
forsen > michelsen
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>today, there is a lot of contamination

Sinner tested positive for doping. You schizoposting with yourself is only convincing me further of his guilt.
I hate US Open
no one is reacting to Sinner winning points and just constant noise of people talking like they are at a baseball game.
No ones clapping
Come on Machac, take out the son of a doper
>it is going to WADA and possibly international COA
Where'd you hear that then? fucking 4chan, kys. Lets say we fast forward a year and nothing has happened are you going to admit you were a naive retard? I doubt it I know your type.
I wish I didn’t know Nellie Korda had a brother or what he looked like
I am banned in Forsen's chat for reminding him that Man City was playing in the champions league...
>applauding a doper
Shan't unless it's Serena
the french are based
Orc vs Elf Mage
Sebi is a disgrace
Yulia :)

Sorry @ Xinyubro
>totally unhinged schizopost
It means what I wrote. You’re a total nut. Sinner cheated. Your rage accomplishes nothing.
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never in doubt machac
They know they might get their booze taken away if they act up. Mauresmo set a gruesome example this year
Why the fuck is TSN not showing the Sinner match God damn fucking retards fuck this retarded ass country who gives a shit about Hurkacz and Korda

No one likes a cheater.
he's winning 6-4 5-0, any reason you want to watch that?
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Yulia :)

Mirra is next on Grandstand
Mich is getting bullied
That usually doesn't stop tv broadcasts from showing center court matches
I want to watch the greatest tennis player in the world in action
I believe you meant what you wrote, that's why you're fucking insane. Either me and everyone with a shred of credibility is a nut or you and some burger on /tennis/ are the only ones aware of this impending WADA attack
Always amazed at Xinyus size, what the heck
You people have no problem cheering on your olympic athletes every year though

He's playing last game.of the night.
they're growing on me. what are the lines of division? the burger has a frog on his side, the bong has a kraut on his. both sides seem to think the other side is one person.. how interesting, I feel like a anthropologist
>unhinged schizorage post telling me to kys
>sinner still cheated
>Korda out
>Big Mick bagelled
The future is grim for American tennis
Sinner handing out the Knödel
But college tennis!
they're very amusing, but they make it impossible to discuss sinner in any way
The German and you are the same person? Interesting.
Zigger monkey tier
We have Shelton Fritz and Tiafoe who do you have?
I’m all for discussing Sinner. Does anyone here actually believe his “story”. Biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard, wreaks of being contrived.
yes, your dopping is literally russia tier, I agree.
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Caught myself being totally zone out yesterday at 2am watching WTA in my dark room with no commentator just girls moaning and have been re-thinking my life since then.
Current rank number 2, Adolf Zverev.
How many majors does he have?
bo5 isn't real tennis, it's just a marathon
Michelsen floundering
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I do, What a crazy idea to think his trainer would use some shit he bought and it would lead to a positive test.
Total Hurkacz collapse bros
They have the demon
obviously Sinner is guilty. just look at his name, why would he be called Sinner if he didn't do it? it stands to reason
They are all on PEDs ffs. Just enjoy the show
non-schizotic people? not sure
>They are all on PEDs ffs
no they are not idiot.
This is not basketball, cycling, or sprinting.

Not all sports are the same.
Why is he even playing 2 months after wimby
When the steroids hit
Wish neither of them could lose, but come on Mirra :)
>Hurkacz tossing his racket
its over!

No one believes that bs story. Dude was juiced to the gills. Dimitrov should get his Miami final title. I used to like binner, most stoic guy on tour, can't stand watching him nor his team now.
It's a real fucking madhouse in those ITIA offices
Time for Mirra :) v Big Ashlyn
also come on are kateh
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And we're back
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>O'Connel break
Hinge and hold
>not sure
not sure if i'm gonna allow this. sir, have you not considered taking a wild guess then doubling down on said wild guess
It's hubover
Yeah but you’re a schizo.
So you believe it? Interesting, maybe we should look closer at Novak.
Yeah, which is what I gather as well. Schizos trying to shut down discussion about it reinforces my suspicions.
no i don't, novak is a doper too
Thompson v Arnaldi should be good
Name one visible person other than Nick Kyrgios that has implied Sinner is anything but innocent.
Arnaldi is so dreamy
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This fucking mutt has the best luck in the world
Yep, since I insulted him he started playing well
Alcaraz (in spanish) Shapovalov and Baena
Yup, both are in great shape lately
Single digit IQ between the four of them
Some retards on a papuan spearfishing forum
What happened?
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Consider killing yourself
lol what
Wrong, wrong and wrong. Re-read my post and don't give me shit about players complaining that they get their results published instantly or whatever
/bet/ btfo
I'm missing all the good matches at work
Djokovic, Tiafoe, Fritz, Alcaraz and all the other players in this video. https://youtu.be/IG39vdTISWE?si=Er-SL-eViaguyoC3
there's no point, he's just going to assume you are on one side or the other, it's his last resort/retort
Love O'Connell's 1HBH passing shots
Mirra already broken..
this is gonna sound far fetched, but let's say for the sake of argument some of them did thing he was guilty, do you not think they would lose more than they would gain from doing so?
Since there's Foe-Shelly, Djoko-Poppy will be day session right?
how's the match? looks like it's going long but i'm into the Boulter match
Wow... it's nothing just them regurgatating "well... uhhhh he was found innocent ya know so I guess we have to accept that". Djokovic literally is saying that 'preferential treatment' Sinner got should be given to everyone kek
Sinner sure is injecting a lot of pace into this match.
she's wearing the cursed dress of Raducanu, I don't feel so good...
The ones not with Nike not really, especially not the lower ranked ones. Anyway give me anyone, a doctor, a commentator etc it's genuinely just people on twitter and /tennis/
It's remarkable how much she's improved at the age of 28
Alina's all-around game mogs this fivehad clayrat
I'm not watching closely, only bits and pieces between other Aussie matches, but from what I've seen Connell's been pretty dominant. He was a break up in the third and should've won in straights but I guess he had a lapse
you would be a terrible PR manager
>Katie Falter
Everything is rape. Time to watch the Kokk
So many dumb errors, what are you doing lil girl
>the polish beanstalk is so boring nobody's even talking about him getting spanked by jordan thompson
Did Sinner’s coach suddenly get a cut on his finger? Only way to explain that bagel.
What a beating, best match he played in a months
It's going to be awkward when Kyrgios is the post match interviewer for Sinner
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please note that no one is booing
Sinner sure has enhanced his game with his massive intake of talent.
Get a life faggot. You live here.
Ashlyn is playing well and Mirra is shitting the bed
What an extremely disingenuous post trying to dismiss the discussion. It’s them all saying that his preferential treatment was extremely unfair to the other players and there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes that we don’t know. Alcaraz says “his team knows more”. I trust the players over some random schizo fanatically trying to shut down all discussion.
he's never flacid
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totally, Mirra's getting reamed here
It’s really too bad Nick wasn’t the one interviewing Sinner after the match. Maybe once Sinner plays a night session.
Raducanu is ugly
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damn, magical girl wta player anime is becoming reality!
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What's with the Aussie surge?
When did I ask about 'preferential treatment' they all accept his innocence, end of.
FYI he’s proven innocent and I’m just joking, calm down.
I'd love to watch Sinner calmly ripping that clown to shreds
:( I don't think she'll get the win today
starting to think she won't be able to turn this around
Nah it's for the best, Sinner isn't that eloquent in English unfortunately
>Mirra is shitting the bed
fredarica krueger is looking dangerous
Nick is ducking that smoke
that clown just loves running his mouth when his target can't respond, he's afraid of Sinner humiliating him
For Kokk's sake
no fun allowed
Boulter just can't get her game to the next level
how would he humiliate him
Honestly should just retire and have De Minaurs kid before she's dried up
same. she's not playing well at all, but ashlyn is on fire, big ash isn't the most consistent player though so there's a chance unless mirra goes into full meltdown mode
By winning twice as many ATP singles titles.
Where is the Portujinx?
I saw Nick interview Novak isn't that going to mess with his matches?
If Shang - PCB couldn't get him out of hiding, nothing will.
krueger is the last wtafu left :(
You have people that just enjoy the memes, then you have these schizos that are just mad and want to cry like OP.
Iga :)
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Mirra so trash and overrated
By being a good tennis player instead of a shittalking clown who is only known for his antics and has never won anything relevant
she is criminally cute today
i don't think sinner being a good player makes kyrgios look bad, so if he was talking about someone who's shit it would be fine?
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Of course Ben noticed this kek
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No cap, I especially like that she's in mostly white instead of the paint factory explosion kit.
Kyrgios makes a fool out of himself without outside help. Him shittalking a player who isn't even in his league just makes it worse.
still not giving up on her yet
>ukrop flag ribbon
she looks better when she has her fivehead covered though
what did he say that you didn't like?
>fivehead covered
the way she blew her nose.. what a cutie looks so huggable
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Onlyfans incoming
by staying calm and replying honestly to his accusation
he has been found innocent and has proof to back it up, Kyrgios only spouted baseless slander
There’s literally nothing good on
More like jerking off punks under the queensboro bridge for 15 bux a pop incoming
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Jannik Roider will never be as cool as Nick was, he should go back to Austria and milk the fucking cows.
>Mirra Kwabdreeva
Do I really need to recall all of his antics? Friendly reminder that clown openly insulted Wawrinka of all people
He won't be as mentally unwell either shame
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no i meant about sinner

>Friendly reminder that clown openly insulted Wawrinka of all people
wawrinka is no angel
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more Nick
Katie B looked like she was going to become a top 10 player last 2 years, maybe a GS challenger. But this year it looks like she will drop out of top 50 soon
No they don’t. They all clearly imply he’s guilty. Alcaraz says coyly “but if they let Jannik keep playing, it’s for something, they said he’s innocent…that’s all I know and all I can talk about ;).” ;)”. What an incredibly dishonest person you are.
Sponsors won't abandon her so long as she keeps making the Daily Mail headlines, and she's found that being a complete disappointment is a much easier way of achieving that than actually playing tennis and winning matches
krueger freddies...
Tbh the punishment for getting caught doping should be 6 month suspension + you can’t play in the next 4 slams after you come back. People calling for 4 years are insane since they’re all doing it anyway
Why are you so mad?
looking a bit flacid today actually
Come on, break again please
4 years is more of punishment for being dumb enough to get caught
>implying he's saying the opposite of his words by adding "wink wink nudge nudge"
>call other people dishonest
actual schizo behaviour
>They all clearly imply he’s guilty
peak ESL
Unfortunately he just can't get it up against Nuno, unlike with a certain Thespian
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250/500 is her level really.
Mirra overrated. Schneider underrated
Kyrgyros is too scared to play Alcaraz, he will never come back. He will make children with his ugly girlfriend and talk about his lost Wimbledon final until he dies
i can completely focus on watching juniors now
Why is there only one ATP match on right now and its kokkinakis - borges?
vekic the fluffer
He implied Sinner got preferential treatment, which is objectively untrue to anyone actually informed about his case. And he also added something about no longer being friendly to him like he used to. Just a clown spewing vitriol to stay relevant after being a mediocre player only famous for being an absolute douchebag on and off the court
Mirra... :(
But kinda happy for big Ashlyn
Did Andreeva just give up at the end there? What the fuck were those errors?
krueger :)
mirra :(
No one can escape the Kokk
She played at the US Open this year?
She's too ugly for onlyfans, the top girls earn between 25-50 millions annually. She has not even 3 million insta followers and that's free
did you not see the thousands of posts and threads made about it?
Igors bakery open tonight
doing the freddy with krueger
Yesterday 1:45 am I was sadly asleep actually.
we back
>He implied Sinner got preferential treatment, which is objectively untrue
if he didn't, what would be preferential treatment
Pretty embarrassing, she won only 7 points in the entire set.
6 - Love
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He plays well, but that mental state of "hey look what an asshole I am, isn't this cool?" followed by "oh no I feel so bad because of my mental health issues, sympathy please" is the sign of a sure loser. He will never win a grand slam and deteriorate to the level of "colorful sports personality" (and alcoholic)
>fail two drug tests
>durrr hes innocent because big tennis decided not to punish him
Shitalians are complete retards
Thinking kyrgios is "cool" is a surefire sign of a low iq
just got back from the chippy, Mirra :(
pleased for big ashlyn though
Nick is silent banned for doping. That's why he's mad at Sinnerelli who had connections and status to avoid it.
Preferential treatment would be failing two tests and not getting punished oh wait
Mannakino thaim
When I'm really old I will take steroids to keep my body functioning. Everyone over the age of 65 should be roiding to maintain strength
>"hey look what an asshole I am, isn't this cool?" followed by "oh no I feel so bad
You described Nole
Goffin is like 100 years old and still looks 14. He is just like me
He didn't get disqualified because his team was immediately able to put forth a credible and circumstanced explanation about the source of the contamination. They provided proof his physio actually had an injured finger (there are pictures from before the test) and even provided the receipt for the medication containing clostebol (not an uncommon ingredient in that kind of creams) used by his physio. Levels detected were also so low they were pretty much incompatibile with intentional doping. That's all there is to it. Wada won't even try to appeal his absolution, you can screencap this
It's quite a prim and proper sport though, we need some personalities. Not too many mind.
dude stop wtf are you doing. you are talking to overly emotional people
let them have their self-affirmation and shut up
this guy litarally made 3 thread yesterday to fulfill his needs
Because his hair is perfect.
>tfw watching the superior french broadcast and never having to be reminded of kyrgios’ existence outside of this simps-filled genny
feels absolutely glorious honesty
was it wimby or rg when he lost from 5-0 up recently? anyway, it was shockingly bad
I just like btfoing retards sometimes, I know I shouldn't bother but I still do it

imagine samefagging this hard and yet still nobody watches tennis in italy, sad
>can’t answer facts, tries to change discussion
I’m not mad, I said you’re an incredibly dishonest person as you’ve proved again.
He said “they said he’s innocent” not “I think he’s innocent”. Big difference, capisci Pietro ?
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Haddad Maia looking good...Anya bros can we do it?
If I owned a pub in Australien I'd call it 'The Weeping Kokk'
what are your thoughts ethiopia, do you buy >>144072866 or not?
Are y’all fr telling me there’s a kid out here called Tristan Schoolkate

God I hope he’s good I have to stan
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why do anglos keep losing at tennis?
Nobody needs embarrassing millennial lower class proles like nick
>samefagging and calling yourself out in a different post
You’re indeed doing a good job BTFOing yourself right now
Demon time
He clearly wasn't at 100% against Giron but if Giron couldn't beat him I don't expect Otto to
You recon Medvedev has a chance against Marzipan?
I'm not a doctor idk. Sinner seems like a nice kid so I give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't like his tennis but he seems decent.
Anna's last two losses on hard were to Amanda and Paula. Might be troubling
>lower class proles
His family background is not low class and 'lower class' is already implied when you use the term 'prole', you moron.
Kokk doesn't need to dope, he just uses bluechew
Although if Demon's movement is hindered that really hurts his ability to put pressure on Otto and force him to overhit and make mistakes

I think Fabian does have the game to beat him but it probably won't be as effective on hard
Aaaaand Kokk's choking again
The bigger question for me is, will he have the courage to call his femle child Kate?
Any neutral observer would say the same.
i only watch monfils ymer shelton tiafoe fils mpeshi perricard eubanks and donna vekic
Samson better come through
You are correct, I meant to write upper class proles.
>t. ethiopian jew poster
worshipping ukraine is cringe
and her fivehead is one of worst things about her, on par with her nose and buckteeth
i respect your opinion, what i disagree with is that you imply that people who use PEDs are not decent or less decent
untrue, i wouldn't even say i'm neutral i'd say i like him
i don't care about his interviews or whatever, i just like his tennis
>yellowish big teeth
her body might be hot but her face is so damn ugly
Kokk wilting
I agree it's fun to watch. He still has a loser mindset though, which is stopping him from reaching his potential.
>upper class proles
Lol that makes more sense
Lenabros its looking good
Sinner is obviously roided, just look at his unreal muscle mass. I could arm wrestle him, but that's just because I'm more roided than he is
kokk status: publicly circumcised
Sharapova won a legitimate first slam against an all-time great, Rybakina won an exhibition
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Potapova is sexy and I would sex her if you know what I mean...
but they are the og joos, didn't u kno?
>Facundo Diaz Acosta
If he doesn't beat him in 3 I'm never supporting him again
She literally just pulled out.
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idk man, she is just natural and I think is very pretty. Seems very introverted, but fun to be around. Would never guess she is a millionaire if I saw her without knowing how much money she makes
Funny that Tsatsikipas lost to Cuckkinakis, Borges shows what a bum he really is. Stef should just retire
Does anyone else think Otto looks like JD Vance
Just how bad of a coach is Aristoteles Tsitsipo
I'm glad Stef is finally free, i predict multiple slams in the near future
I didn't notice doe
Okay nice jinx from me here

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>seems very introverted
oh boy
they don't use PEDs for muscle mass
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Kalinskaya has a nice draw if she beats Bia
This isn't real wtf man
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Isn't it crazy that JD Vance is only 4 years older than Taylor Swift? Really makes you think
Samsonova is still alive :)
Ashlyn will fix that
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Only 65 mins, lets goo
Clostebol is a steroid, widely used by East Germany back in the day. Building muscle mass is what steroids do. I could believe him taking endurance enhancing drugs or something. But steroids are just ridiculous in his case
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It makes no sense, but I have to believe Iga :) will win
>Igor fan celebrating because his favourite tranny would admittedly lose to an AIDS patient

What a cuck
Can you smell what the Kokk is fukkin?
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I dont understand watching women's tennis. They are so slow and weak, it's like watching guys who are not on a top level. and they start crying all the time. If it's just for the girls, watch porn instead. I don't get it.
Ohhh get over yourself, we all know there'd be celebrations if the shoe was on the other foot.
I prefer to view tennis in slow motion, set to the melodic accompaniment of music
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Igor takes EPO
steroids also shorten recovery time, which is the property tennis players would use them for
That is wild actually. Billionaire cat lady.
potato actually playing and winning
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Sorry :(((((
I want kms
i read that it also helps you train harder and recover quicker
Of all the "journalists" in all the pro sports, it's arguable he's the very worst. Odious subversive.
>They are so slow and weak, it's like watching guys who are not on a top level
You basically described the whole Atp minus Sinner, Alcaraz and Novak.
no person should have zizou as their real name
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This is racism
Do it
'ate her panties
The final boss of sports jewrnalists
Jack pls.
Ridiculous. Even guys at like 100 hit much much harder and run faster than any of the girls. And they don't start crying _all_ the time.
jesus, AIDS relapse?
i'm not surprised at all for some reason. just saw the notification on my phone and had absolutely zero emotions reading it, like i was expecting it for a long time
pls don't, think of potato :(
True if big
How many slams did Louis Armstrong have? Guy could sling a trumpet and a racquet.
cant let her keep getting away with this

she needs to be honest about her AIDs
only 2 is a good dancer. who?
unforgivable AIDs riddled whore
Can we get a list of all the silent bans in history? Jordan for gambling. And...?
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damn brat got me worried for a sec
It's all good, thanks for worrying about me <3
Lena should really end her season though...her health is so shit
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I hate you casuals, that was true 10 years ago, but male tennis players are getting worse and the girls are strong
maybe vukov wasn't the problem
I believe it cos I want to
Correct, but their main use is building muscle tissue. I mean, grug could look roided, sinner just doesn't have the physique du role. He'd also have to be a complete fool to intentionally take such a well known drug, which was detected in trace amounts, less than 1 part per billion. Much more compatibile with contamination than intentional assumption.
she doesn't look well at all, almost as if she is dying
she looks jew-like here
It's a wonderful World Tour Finals
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I don't understand, she had such a fun practice yesterday
That's a man, baby.
I got thread banned from the NBA thread in my local football forum in 2012 for saying NBA sucked
Yeah I’m over it
Why can't this bitch stay alive? Really making it hard to be a lena appreciator
Don’t see how this is an argument. Closterboli is used to aid in recovery so it fits his motivation well. Also
>du role
It’s “du rôle” you pig.
yeah, a long break is just what she needs right now. not just health, but also a new coach, something clearly is wrong with her and can't find a better time to sort things out
i think people don't generally use just one thing
What app are you using for that?
Emma syndrome. Also probably advanced ghosting tactics toward Carlos
Her skin looks bad. I wonder if she's on some fad diet that's malnourishing her
just let him believe sinner used a 60 years old steroid easily traceable in urine to recover faster
don't waste more energy or youll gonna need some of that cream too
Wouldn't surprise if Carlos fucked her so hard she got an injury
everyone already knew aids was the problem
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Nastya beats the dopeur at least
>When the AIDS jokes turn out to be true
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Carlos is a virgin.
The demon is demoning
No way.
This. They are both virgins. This gives them power.
reality is vukov ruptured her asshole
for the benefit of juniors enjoyers, Efremova just won her R1 qualifier
>It’s-a-just-a-coincidence ragazzi !
it's a russian tg channel, nothing special really - they post stats, schedules and webms of important/funny moments (and also betting adds). you can probably find an english/german alternative for it easily
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I wish her a speedy recovery.
Why there's an eye
I'm not sure he's innocent but he does have a credible explanation, reinforced by the extremely low amounts. Much bigger stars than him have been fucked up due to doping, he got acquitted, why would his case be diffeent?
>I wish her a speedy recovery.
Who? England? Yes, I do so too. It's been quite an embarrassment these past 100 years. Steady decline with zero signs of revitalization. Sad!
Then why are they so boring to watch?
Looks like it's in the Ukraine colours, someone must have put it there.
It's a crying eye with the Ukraine flag colours, you figure it out.
sometimes the choking and bad play is so bad that it's entertaining
slava ukrani innit?
look at the colours, plus the eye is weeping a tear
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Can anybody defeat the 6 kings?
the coincidence is the trainer with a cut on his finger 1 week before the first test. right?? right???
>oh no he cited a journo it's over
you can found everything on the internet kid
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Plausible deniability. I dont believe he was doping, but what you put forward isn't a good argument.
Alcaraz can potentially win 5 slams this season then
Rune looks even more gay.
what is this shit?
Lance Armstrong is the only bigger name I can think of. I can think that the ATP wouldn’t want to fuck Jannik’s career up when he’s so promising and just started, even if he cheated (I think he did but in this instance justified it as “minor” doping, i.e. a way to bend the rules). This is unlike Armstrong who was doping for decades and unrepentantly so, even trying to destroy the lives of those who questioned him. ATP also knows that the game is kind of fucked once Novak leaves, they desperately want the Carlos-Jannik rivalry to kick off to replace the void he will leave.
Five Kings and a Peon*
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lel, they've been playing a super-tiebreak instead of the third set. i thought, wow she's totally destroying her in record time..
The Saudi exho with cringy marketing, what else?
an anon other than the 2 autists needs to make the new thread. a clean break
Wow so half of Closteboli cases come from Italy and all the athletes have the same excuse Jannik just gave. You think he would’ve avoided using the doping cream given what his countrymen endured! All coincidencolis of course.
>Sources said that the prize fund for the winner is believed to “be as much as” $6M, with the six participants being guaranteed $1.5M
Has to be money laundering
I nominate Italian bro, Russian bro or Serb bro
All that money and they couldn't find anyone better than Holger?
Serb bro
You. Please make the next thread. Don’t let the autists do it. Bring balance to the Force. >>144074098
you make it
kek I only knew because I'd been keeping an eye on the match before hers to make sure I caught the start and that went to a super-tiebreak too. I did exactly what you did during that earlier match
Pogba, to name one?
I mean, Sinner is just a rising star in tennis for now, he's famous but not really untouchable star status, if that exists to begin with
all of them but 1 got suspended so i guess he wanted to quit tennis
you win
also the trainer with a cut its still a miraculous coincidence that saved his career, in reality he just wanted to "recover" faster after winning a GRAND SLAM just to play some master 1000.
make sense
Come on, why not? Haven’t ever seen a Serbian flag make a thread
Nadal's skin looks rough nowadays but no need to be insulting
pogba is washed up, his days on top of the sport were basically over when he was caught, sinner is a rising star and one of two people who actually give most fans something to look forward to when djokovic and nadal finally retire
would luv to but im to retarded
Not Anna :(
>ESPN on rybakina
>"I think there's something more going on here"
Even the broadcasters are starting to question the health thing
Is that the TikToker that everybody was gushing about?
the autist is gonna split it anyways just let him do it
i make them occasionally but not during slams, it's just too chaotic
OK, Serb bro, Italian bro or Russian bro. You’re on deck to make the next thread. Don’t let us down.
She cocks her arm like Billy Harris before serving
she just withdrew
Just make an early thread and we'll all migrate to the proper thread when it hits 500
she tried to play pregnant we know
vukov wants to keep the baby
all make sense
early new
The relentless smoke detector alarm is still going on...
I made a thread with a picture of photoshopped big boobs Emma once and everyone freaked out about it
another vote for a non-retarded thread baker, don't let us down
>Not an american flag
based earlyfag
Germanbro is the same as one of the bongs. If it hits 505 without a threadbaker I guess we’ll go there.
There are many other cases, and again the explanation is very believeable as it's part of common skin medications for burns and cuts you could buy at your local apothecary
Because it's not acceptable to watch porn on a communal tv...
i'll put it to you like this, and i'll use novak as an example to remove bias. let's say he was caught, of course he'd provide an explanation (and a good one), he has a whole team around him and resources at his disposal. but if you think to yourself, well if all of them have an explanation does that mean they're all innocent? and if not, are the ones who aren't an exception or one of many who aren't, i think it's the latter.
>only the non-anglojew have a soul
what a surprise!
corr both cuties
shes had decent wins against high ranked opposition. how is she ranked only 71?

and I callin katie b and semen-aur breaking up soon too

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