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What we watching?
>stadium is maybe 60% full
Grim. London remains undefeated
wheelchair racing
Di DongDongchads... we made it
David Weir of course
been racing for as long as Ive been watching and I'm old as fuck
Is that this 5000m race that's like a queue? What colour one is he?
Let's see if that French colossus did good use of my tax money.
good lad
wish they got John Virgo for the commentary tho
No commentator on my stream, which is a good thing.
Google is telling me Taekwondo is occuring right now, yet there is no stream going on anywhere. CBC/Radio-Canada both tell me it's tomorrow.
What is going on?
Weir HGH face getting scary at this point
>boccia players need their ramps inspected and approved
presumably they don't want them sneaking in a railgun or something
cute little crowd at the boccia
Got a fucking stag do this weekend and would rather watch the paralympics desu
Best name in these Paralympics to date?:
Met him on a Friday and he made me lol
Di di Dongdongdong Di di Dongdong
now where have i heard that befo-
the br is choking
Our player seems to be good at it.
Who in /sp/ would give him one?
...and a Hug afterwards?!
>Jordan also topped the podium with her pilot Dannielle Khan in the women’s B 1,000m time trial,
Didn't know katie price did para cycling
Don't like his face tbqhwyl
>allez les bleus
come on there's only one use his name
fix your TOWEL MILES
unbelievably fucking french looking, thats ancestral hatred encoded in your DNA
Shit I got no VPN
Not usually picky either, shagged a qatari, a black guy, a colombian and a vietnamese in my time
wtf rigged >our ball is closer
They yelled that in boxing too even when the French guy was in red lol
>van Gass
He fuels his Ford Transit via his farts
Not an achievement as benders will shag anything
Seriously why is taekwondo not available in CAnada?!
>Seriously why is taekwondo not available in CAnada?!
Because you don't have Channel 4
spaniards getting fucking rinsed at the basketball, that'll teach them
aieee c'est la fin des haricots
Cam on score some bowls you lazy fuck.
Yeah but all the sport are supposed to be available on ici.tou.tv or cbc.

Now I have to refresh tor every minutes.
beans beans they're good for your heart
the more you eat the more you fart
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If it doesn't win the match it will spend the night locked in the basement again.
van Gass must eat a lot of beans on toast then.
Just like vtuber Froot.
>shagging men
sounds a bit gay tbwqh
Who /lastleg/ here?
I only wank with one arm me
adam hills is so depressingly old now
Do they all the same conditions when competing against each other?
>des haricots
je ne sais pas, QRD?
The different sports handle it differently.
Individual sports have classifications and each class competes against that class only.
Like athletics has lower limb amputees, upper limb amputees, blind people, short stature, cerebral palsy and wheelchair classes.
Team sports like wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby apply point values to players like 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, etc and lower is less able. Each team has a limit of total points so the team is a mix of different levels of disability.
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Rate my wheelchair + electric attachement then, lads
Anyone else get a funny feeling sitting in a stream after the sport has ended and everyone is packing up and going? It's comfy but in a strange way.

Also you have a very Gallic face
He was leading 4-0, now it's 4-4
Is the motor in the attachment? Sounds handy being able to convert a wheelchair into an electric one but then you don't get hench arms.
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Electric attachment seems super convenient, when do you not use it?
Based basque?
I don't imagine it's your house but it's beautiful
>this brazilian fat bastard in table tennis
Is his disability morbid obesity?
lel we have a giraffe in taekwendo
frog won the boccia
you are so fucking french looking it makes me sick, I want to shoot a longbow at your cock
your chair is pretty slick tho
guess my streams are fucking shit, i thought it was over for the night
wow the br is a total qt she can spinkick me anytime
france.tv negro c'est tout gratos et sans commentaires
yeah it's garbage
Thanks. I'm quintessential France, a mix of the four corners: quarter Flemish, quarter Italian, quarter Basque and quarter Jewish (Alsace and Tunisia).

Doesn't get much french ER

I only use it when I know I'm alone and going far/going to take public transport/going over bumpy terrain. I take it off indoors and use my arms in my neighborhood which is nice and flat
>j'ai besoin de la voix stridente de daphné dans mon oreille quand je regarde du sport
y a pas tout justement
It's over, the Last Leg was showing a replay
You'd be making an English rose a pregnant widow, you monster
Have you been on the appalachian trail? It's bloody beautiful but I bust a fucking gut on some of the rougher bits and my legs work
uh, pauvre retard de merde qui extrapole sa connerie, bute toi connard
fucking frogs on wheels stealing our few decent looking women
1066 all over again
Apprécie bien tes streams de merde alors ducon
bah va chier avec ton france tv de pédé
Only walked around the beginning of it in 2015, accompanied by then landlady as she set off on her journey. She did it all in 6 months, and I got to fuck around in her house for 400$/month on my own. Shit was cash, until I had the car accident and became a glider

Don't text and drive lads
Did it happen in the US then?
I swear automatics are why yanks crash so much, lets you fuck around with your free arm where a manual keeps you occupied and focused on the road.
Giraffe chan lost :(
Apologies to the Britfriends ITT for my Cro Magnon single-celled compatriots having a little chimpout
What was the accident like, painful, or just nothing due to the injury?
>thread is almost entirely brits and french
you're a better man than me pierre, I would absolutely lie about how I got quaded, took a bullet for someone at the bataclan or something
don't worry lad, french lessons at our public schools are absolute shite so nobody knows what you're arguing about anyway
Literally exactly how I'd describe it. The free arm is actually a curse and my dumb arse fell right into it.

Need both hands to drive now and can't remove them from the steering wheel xaxaxa so it won't happen again (not cause of a phone anyway)
will never forgive Eden for putting the kibosh on the anglo-french union, imagine the possibilités
Here. The guests are better than they have been the last couple of days.
This cyclist guy being interviewed on the last leg has mega dick sucking lips
When I lived there I couldn't get over how you don't need a helmet to ride a motorbike in a good number of states, never had the bollocks myself
I didn't fly so good in French language classes so all is well.
Boccia's over and I don't care for taekwondo, badminton and basket so this is it for me lads, see you on the morrow
is there a rule that if you're appearing on a video call on TV you have to use a logitech from 2009? Average 20 views minecraft streamer has a better setup
No front number plates in some states too
Thanks Nige, I prefer telling the truth and hopefully make some poor sod think twice next time he takes his phone out, and avoid someone getting hurt.

No memory at all of the accident or the few days after, despite being conscious when they found me apparently.
I kept waking up after all the operations, strapped in and with a ventilator tube in my throat, and each time my parents had to explain what had happened again. I had a pretty bad head wound too so they thought I was gonna be a vegetable or brain damaged for sure.

I'm one of the lucky ones desu
Bon nuit or whatever it is in French
ich nichten lichten
nn pierre
Concorde, Millau Viaduct, the Chunnel... We've built some great things. I consider Britain to be our most similar large neighbour (when excluding smaller french speaking provinces like Switzerland and Belgium).

Did you know neither Italy nor Germany give you free tap water on demand at a restaurant? Mental
bloody hell i guess that's the brain just noping out due to how shit an experience it would have been to remember
based brain
Did not need to see adam hills in a fucking speedo
IIRC our royals only gave up their claim to the french throne in the early 1800s when being a french monarch got a bit dicey. In the grand scheme of things I still consider us basically the same people, you're certainly more like us than the sharts who are just a bunch of fucking germans
Didn't know the italians were that tight but germany doesn't surprise me at all, my brother recently moved back from Berlin to north east UK because he couldn't face having another argument with his neighbours about what time of day you should put the bins on the curb. Horrid people
Malaysia v France badminton looking extremely grim. Probably going to find something else to watch incase if it stays like this.
>Italian tap water
You're just a natural risk-taker, aren't you?
Taekwondo has finished I think they're doing the medals
>mullet montage
Qui fabrique tes jambes?

Frenchanons, help!
>Sharkano 2: The Second One
>Sharkano 3: Oh Hell No!
>Sharkano: The 4th Awakens
>Sharkano 5: Global Swarming
>The Last Sharkano: It's About Time
I don't know who builds your legs!!
what made the hams?
Thank you!
It was the advert break question on the Last Leg to translate
I'm afraid to ask if this is "made" as in prosthetics because it's the Paras, or "do" like in faire.
They meant made as in prosthetics
I don't get it, it's just a sentence to translate?
Yeah, we are all shit at French here (except my Nan who organized so many exchange trips with a normandy village she's fluent)
You say that but you'd be surprised at how many people can understand a smattering of French here
Its a quiz question
Remember foreign languages are like metaphysics to us
Christ Rob Walker gets about
Christ rob walker has a hell of a nose
Brit francophiles are so cute
Is Rob Walker that bloke that was in the Fast and Furious?
It's your games, the last leg crew get involved in the culture a bit.
They're currently playing some farce blind football game in berets
Rob Walker doing commentary for the opening ceremony and randomly breaking into an explanation of Italy's invasion of Ethiopia was fucking surreal
They got Andrew Parsons to go on the last leg tomorrow? How?
Fair but I doubt you would be translating from chinese or american
>explanation of Italy's invasion of Ethiopia
You can't just say that and not post a clip of this.
French guy went from like 20-10 to 20-16 before conceding match point. Good try.
Right, tll is over, so I'm off to bed. Night lads
you can't expect the average brit to understand the concept of a tonal language so chinese is out
plus we genuinely fucking despise the yanks, american ex learned that the hard way
nn I'm off in a minute too
The Departed is on film4 so i'm watching that
undoubtedly Scorsese's weakest effort but whatever
Watching highlights as I missed a load due to it kicking off at toil.
Our dwarf swimmer just btfo everyone at breakstroke in the IM, gained about 5 seconds on the field in 50m
fuck me is the badminton going into the wee hours, they only just started another match
I swear badminton starts at about 7am every day too.
Are they doing round robin or some shit?
>genuinely crying over silver
Why are our paraathletes more strongmind than our shitty olympians?
people who haven't endured any significant suffering in their lives aren't fully human
maybe they have so many classifications this is the only way they can fit them all in
still though, having to start performing at peak athleticism at 11 a night sounds like a fucking nightmare
I love an 11pm gym sesh me but I've always been a night owl
Fuck that, daytime is for physical pursuits, nighttime is for mental. Have to keep a bunch of those daylight lamps around between october and april or i'd fucking neck myself
Good India v France game for mixed teams badminton, very close.
I can't imagine how scared your parents were. Seeing their son going in and out like that and not knowing if you'd make it. :(

Shit gives me anxiety just thinking about it. You are very lucky.
Huh, is homeboy proposing? And, so far away?
Is this like when yanks have weirdo names like women named cody
2000 Sydney Para:
>Australia: 149 medals
>Great Britain: 131 medals
>Untied States of Arse: 109 medals
2004 Athens Para:
>China: 141 medals
>Great Britain: 94 medals
>Untied States of Arse: 88 medals
2008 Beijing Para:
>China: 211 medals
>Great Britain: 102 medals
>Untied States of Arse: 99 medals
2012 London Para:
>China: 231 medals
>Great Britain: 120 medals
>Untied States of Arse: 98 medals
2016 Rio Para:
>China: 239 medals
>Great Britain: 147 medals
>Untied States of Arse: 115 medals
2021 Tokyo Para:
>China: 207 medals
>Great Britain: 124 medals
>Untied States of Arse: 104 medals
2024 Paris Para:
>China: 25 medals
>Great Britain: 15 medals
>Untiefd States of Arse: 7 medals
>not one mutt flag ITT
Inbreds that allow an orange retard to exist don't like admitting to being inferior to everyone else.
Should be fun seeing President Harris open the 2028 Paralympics
Morning lads
Don't talk to me
Hi cleetus
wtf women archers suck
damn this is sad she can't even pull the string
Cor that brit S14 swimmer guy is fit
We seem to be dominating these s14 heats
I bet a tard, crippled or dwarf gf would be so much more humble and level headed than my current (undiagnosed) psycho retard ADHD gf
GB swimmers qualified 1-2-3 for the women's 200m S14

Why are we so good at S14?
the grass is always bluer
large pool of deanos and daft slags to choose from
wish it was pissing it down for the archery again, that was kino
WR in women's javelin. China stronk.
We seem to be dominating swimming heats today
What's the least comfiest sport to watch?
there's one bloke with a guide in the 5000m and he's using him as a meatwall to block all the runners behind him, honestly fucking genius
Football as an England fan
Spaniard had them right where he wanted them it seems! Unlucky aussies
>someone falls
>stops the whole race
This factored time stuff feels a bit bullshit
New WR for the french cyclist. Love how this event can set 3 different WRs at the same time
Another day of based archery
Fucked it
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Rowing repechage in the morning, the stands are packed and the crowd lively.
>90 minutes of man passing a ball to another man
having a shit while watching the archery and drinking one of those 8.4% ciders that comes in glass bottles so you don't feel like too much of a scumbag
bretty good
Why aren't you there?
>drinking at 10:11
Alright alchie
The female archers are terrible in comparison to yesterday's men. There were blokes without arms shooting 10s in the rain and now we get scores like 5s and 7s.
belgian boccia lads got the yips, tough to watch
Probably because I live fucking far away and have things to do...
He got completely fucked up by white women fans screaming at him while he was lining up, many such cases
Indonesian lad just destroyed him
Good morning sirs
The Belgian looks so sad ;_;
awful shooting from the americans, guess they're helpless without gunpowder
You say that but they're not great in the actual shooting at the Olympics/Paralympics either
A stick shift isn't gonna stop anyone from drinking road beers
they don't seem very good at anything other than swimming desu
and sending black people to the running events
in my experience it was road percs you had to watch out for
also don't drive fucking anywhere in florida because everyone's 90 and the license/testing requirements are a fucking joke
The yanks didn't do as well in the swimming without Phelps, the Aussies did though.
That's a lot of retards for a small island, explains a lot really
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cor chubby czech milfs
Imagine getting mogged this hard by a country the size of Idaho
if you filter a little you realise 13 out of 18 gold medals for australia are for women events
the remaining 5 are
>track cycling
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can a froganon explain why the fans flags all have eyeballs on them
Got a stag do today, would rather watch para sport with you lot
>Yankoid immediately thinks the paralympics are the special olympics again
Why do they all think like this?
bongs just send normal athletes since no one can tell if they're disabled or not
it's the two flames, olympic on the left and paralympic on the right
was very hard to find a good picture of them
Why is a one arm Turk fighting a 7 foot Senegalese giant in Para Taekwondo? How is this any fair?
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really liked this guy in rugby dont know much about the sport but he seemed the only one on both teams taking it seriously
it's a disability joke
might volunteer as a boccia judge, looks like an interesting job
oh right I thought it was two cartoon eyes with eyebags because they're french eyes, thanks lad
>implying there's a difference
Day sesh or weekend trip to benidorm?
What are you doing, just going clubbing?
He looked like that because he's a 3.5, the rest of them can barely fucking move
Yeah confused me for a while because we never got a good shot of one
He's great, has an MBE, he got blown up in Afghanistan in the army and lost his legs.
woah that greek runner is a total qt
Special olympics is for literal downies and kids and is non competitive, the paralympics is sport for people with physical disabilities.
I suppose this is why it's not popular in other countries because they think it's the downie olympics
Day sesh into the night
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yes very cute
the standard of paratotty has certainly improved since I started watching
Make sure he doesn't shag a stripper or do something stupid.
I blame south park for why yanks confuse the two. That and NBC's dogshit coverage of the paralympics.
Nothing disabled about that arse
It's a gay stag lad, don't think that's happening
sophie hahn happy as a coffin door
What is her disability? What were disabilities in these 100m runs?
>her parents trying to cover her pert buttocks with the flag immediately after this

total killjoys
he might get bummed by a chippendale you never know
they're all women
>the paralympics is sport for people with physical disabilities
erm, no it's not just for physical disabilities. mental disability is valid in parasport, there was even a thing a while ago because someone's athletes (spain iirc) weren't mentally disabled enough
Mate gays will bum at the drop of a hat
ahh looked up that scoring thing kind of ruined retardlympics for me now hope they get enjoyment from the sport and competing though
>T38 and CP8 are disability sport classification for disability athletics intended for people with cerebral palsy. It includes people who have coordination impairments such as hypertonia, ataxia and athetosis. Runners in this class may appear to have a slight limp when they are running but otherwise have a stride similar to able-bodied runners.
Does cerebral palsy always get worse or does it vary? Are those runners destined to become boccia-tier?
>can hear the Aussie commentator moaning to someone about how the commentary unit keeps losing power
Yeah but the ID categories are limited and different from the "everyone gets a medal" special olympics
>Yeah but
no, saying that 'the paralympics is sport for people with physical disabilities' is ignorant.
They should just use those disabilites in sport event names instead of using those codes (T38, CP8 etc) that normal people have no idea what they mean
The vast majority of the events at the Paralympics are for physical disabilities
those with intellectual disabilities can compete at the paralympics as well.
CP isn't degenerative, there are different levels of severity but it doesn't get worse. You're thinking of muscular dystrophy maybe
i think you might have an intellectual disability anon. fortunately you'll be able to compete at the paralympics!!
I know, I am one.
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if you want to see prosthetics I think it's T6x and then you can check the schedule, today it's only long jump
I was trying to explain to yanks who are clueless lad
The difference between the paralympics and the special olympics is that the paralympics are competitive elite-level sport and the special olympics are the kind of patronising virtue signalling amerisharts think constitutes human empathy
As far as I know there's just S14 for swimming and T20 for athletics that are for those with intellectual disabilities. I'm not really sure what you're arguing about anyway.
Fank u
That just ups the probability by a thousand. Gay men aren't know for being picky regarding when they whip their dicks out.
>finn confused by letters and numbers
many such cases
fuck off until you've won a single medal in anything
I was talking to my mate about the Paralympics and it was brought up that the whole 'supporting people overcoming adversity' is a very British thing so foreigners wouldn't get it.

They've been dealt a shit hand in life and have shown mental and physical fortitude to achieve amazing things regardless of their disability, which is admirable.
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>I know, I am one.
My wives all play women’s wheelchair basketball, and Team GB are terrible at it. I always have such high expectations for them, it’s almost never shown on TV, and when it is, we get spanked by fucking Canada.
Haven't been keeping up with the cycling, are we doing alri?
you'd never see that kind of ludicrous display at the men's event
wtf where are they streaming archery
The women are terrible in comparison to the men in para archery for some reason, lack of upper body strength? They're closer in the normal archery.
Channel 4 lad you're missing out, bronze medal match atm
yeah I don't want to sound woke or self-righteous or w/e but if sport is about human achievement/accomplishment then surely aspects of this are the very pinnacle of it
Even the name 'Special Olympics' reeks of condescension, couldn't they come up with a different name?

Is it the fact that downies will be generally none-the-wiser? But, I'm sure their guardians are.
goddammit i didn't know it was on! thank u m8
Why did you think I was going to a gay stag lmao
Dunno maybe you were a straight lad curious about having a cheeky bum. Is it true gays are incredibly unfaithful and cheat on their partners loads?
See the youtube link in OP
My personal theory is that other nationalities don't like being reminded disabled people exist because it reminds them of their own human frailty and mortality, but Britain is so naturally bleak and depressing that that shit doesn't bother us at all
Ah the bladed cheaters long jump very good
South Korean lady started off really good and has completely fucked it since the 0
I really hope LA28 makes yanks realise what the paralympics really are.
Feels more likely it'll get dragged into their endless politics somehow and be denounced by nutters as DEI and woke or something.
that's silly
That's true, we're just too strong minded for johnny foreigners, you need mental fortitude to live in Britain.
rubbish sport anyway, whats basketball without the MONSTER JAMS
let's not pretend the other side won't portray it as such
this absolute bitch daphné burki was insufferable during the (very tame and composed) opening ceremony because of that
There's a Channel 4 doc, with a straight guy that works at a flipping bathhouse for flip sake. Why? I don't know, maybe it pays well. Disgusting, tho.

A gay out of left-field isn't out of the realm of possibility. What happens at your all gay stag, then?
kek the amount of French posters moaning about her during the ceremony was funny.
we failed as a continent when we let that quintessentially american identity politics dogshit infect Europe, we were supposed to be better than that
Yeah doing well. 1 event yesterday had 2 bits in the final. Just seen archie Atkinson do a time in the final heat. He nearly lapped the other guy (who still came 2nd overall) and made a WR over 400m
That wasn't our fault, continentals are Americanised even when they don't share a common language. Even the frogs are fat cunts now and they have more McDonalds than us.
already got more gold than our choking olympian mental midgets
Twitter should be banned in Europe much like the yanks banned tiktok
Oh yeah if one side of yank politics picks something up the other gets polarised against instantly.
It's like how some slag with her chebs out became a culture war point the other month.

Yanks are fucking weirdos.
I think ego killed cycling in the Olympics this time, we should do better in the next one.
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nominative determinism lol
You would have thought they would care more considering how they love supposedly love their military. But, when you see how they treat veterans broken both physically and mentally, it does make you wonder. Look at how many are homeless, where are the social provisions?

Could the Paralympics were have being created via the Yanks? What makes us different in that regard? The games themselves were started to help rehabilitate injured soldiers.
p. disrespectful to our actual strongmind midgets kek
The Hungarian is cycling like a madman
will you fuck off with this navel-gazing feelgood shit
There is if you're in the horrid party gay scene, that and open relationships.
Not for me though.

Drinking, clubbing, the usual shit really.
The war came to our homes, not theirs
kek true
it's because getting crippled in America can cripple you economically too. It's not a fertile ground for parasport
He went too fast early on and dropped to third
not sure what's so feelgood about hating septics and wishing they didn't ruin everything
it's fail and cringe and i want you to stop
Can't even have a moan about yanks these days, the state of Starmer's Britain.
murderball getting feisty if you're watching
>No social provision, workers rights, basically non existent. No universal healthcare - as people will bitch about socialism and taxes

'1st world country with a Gucci belt.' seems pretty accurate.
Jody cundy had a great interview after some event yesterday. Interviewer was being upbeat about the team medalling in something (didnt have a gold at this point). His response was something like 'I am extremely disappointed we didn't get a gold'. Team GB take note!
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>'1st world country with a Gucci belt.'
lmao with the guide all excited and fucking up
For example: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/09/sydney-sweeney-snl-republican-misogyny
Yes, 3rd. I corrected myself. Finger slipped.
Umm actually sweaty all that matters is they're happy and healthy okay?
that is so brutal what an absolute dickhead lmao
what did I miss
>waaaah stop having opinions let me hide behind my shield of postmodern irony forever
average weakmind zoomer
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How do they do it?

Also I think the UK and China may be the only countries funding our paralympians seriously
gay (based)
gay (acceptable)
gay (faggot)
too many WR being broken
you train real hard when your alternative career is 80 hours weeks at the shoelace factory
one of the blind runners won his race, but got disqualified because his guide went over the line first. he (the guide) was acting like the star of the show and even dipped, which they're never meant to do
kek what a melt
was he by any chance a gentleman of a darker hue
Did you not watch the olympic track cycling? They were breaking a WR every run
why would you assume that
Apparently it's because the track was changed to be wider
however did you guess
GG frogs that's a gold for you then
It's 8m now not 7m, allows a bigger drop down off the bends.
Also the bikes keep getting better for track cycling
Our commentators were saying it's because it had the perfect heat and humidity conditions to go fast
Hot means lower air pressure means less resistence from the air
When's the breaking competition?
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I thought Blaine was good, rip
Paralympians should be to dope
It reduces air density but increases pressure.
>Elouan Gardon
No way this fella isn't french
>Van de /Pol/
Great names
Not watching the pity Olympics but how is the attendance compared to the real Olympics?
Good example of what they'll think of it here
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I knew it
Why is he representing the US?
Not reading your blog.
The frogs have really been cucked by us with the announcers, they'll say the odd bit in French but it's mostly Brits doing it.
I don't know, the article is pay capped
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Fancy being called nakadashi
Attendance has been ok, pretty full stands even for heats
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>no blade
she didn't even stand a chance
What is the -x m/s stat they show for long jumpers?
The wind, strong tailwinds make WRs invalid.
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>Imagine if they cared about the Paralympics
Nothing good can come from this.
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cute bronzil
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>tfw the interviewer doesn't know the difference between the Paralympics and Special Olympics either
Well, that's us told.
Mental how many countries have shite, unmemorable anthems
>club throw
I've never heard of this before
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>no legs and only one arm
It's paralympic specific, replacing hammer throw.
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There are only three or four good national anthems in the world; the rest are all terrible. I think most countries don't even care about national anthems.
On va s'aimer sur une étoile ou sur un oreiller
what's the humiliation ritual of the paralympics?
Reckon she appreciates her one arm more than I appreciate all four of my limbs
USA's entire participation
NBC's coverage
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tfw no dutch boccia assistant
american mindset can't imagine having bad luck in life, even when they're living in a doublewide and eating hungry man for every meal they're convinced they'll be a millionaire one day when somebody recognises their genius. an entire nation and culture built on the most pathetic kind of copium
We won the fucking boccia and I missed it
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chairthrow was good
Was it David Smith? Lad's a fucking machine
we've seen the bodycam footage, we know how fat and balding you are son
the one and only
Are we good at men's wheelchair basketball or are Canada shit?
fuckin based
lovely music at the cycling big fan of organs me
Realised the archery earlier was W1
>'For athletes competing in wheelchairs whose arms demonstrate some degree of loss of muscle strength, co-ordination, or range of movement'.
vs open
>They have either extremely limited movement in their trunk and limbs with normal arm function or balance issues
So no wonder they seemed different, I apologise.
the bodycam adds 5 kilos
What's on bros?
It's vengeance for our women getting beaten by Canada's women about two hours ago. The men are going HAM and doing everything possible to completely massacre them. It's like the John Wick of wheelchair basketball.
Lots of things, track cycling is on, as it wheelchair rugby (Denmark vs Australia)
>C1 one-legged cycling
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Does this guy go to every event, or are there multiple Thailand supporters with the same outfit?
We're in the para taekwondo QF lads, it's on now
Senegalese bloke is 7 foot tall, we don't stand a chance. We're also about to go in the cycling.
Is Sarah Storey still competing in Paralympic cycling? Or has she finally retired after winning multiple golds in every tournament for the past 30 years?
That mustache is one in a million
Yeah she'll be competing, her ninth paralympics
>competing for the entire duration of Laura kenny's life

Truly the goat
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She's got kids too, normally female athletes are done once they have kids. Sounds like Laura Kenny retired because she wanted them.
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Huge play
If Jaco van Gass just broke the world record, then the Chinese guy came in and did better than him, how is that not a new world record?
Based Bush has gone through to the semi finals
Did van Gass actually break it? I didn't see it come up when he did his run but the commentators said he got it.
Different classifications, Van Gass is C3, the Chinese is C1, so the WRs are separate.
For the time trial the C1 and C2 get their times factored down
We're out of the medals then, shame
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Yeah she stole the show.
Why does the German get the point when he failed to return the Chinese player's shot?
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Where is your medal Finland?
they only use half the court for singles
Why Phryge?
Seems like bullshit. If the WRs are separate then the events should be separate. Van gass didn't seem happy in the interview. I guess the outcome is that van gass is the faststest c3 ever, but the (((factoring))) suggests that

>the winner of the event had a better time given the class disparity
>the fastest ever c1 is a better cyclist than the fastest ever c3
>the c1 record wasn't broken because the c1 winner of the event ran a better time than the c3 but didn't get the best ever c3 time

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It's a hat from the French Revolution. It represents France, Paris specifically, and The People, while also being a cute cuddly toy for anyone who isn't interested in the history or symbolism.
bit symbolic isn't it
>...but didn't get the best ever c1 time

That last bit should say
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World #1 lost again
Problem is the sports have limits on medals they can give, so it's this or exclude some classifications
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I fucking knew he was gonna gas himself and fall over
Cool to see them get hyped.
Massive choke in the cycling
Youthful naivete. Should have just cruised home to victory, but let ego get the better of him by trying for the catch
Did he ACK? I just caught a glimpse of him getting held away by some guys
wtf the Slovakian was 4 seconds behind
Slovak and steady wins the race
Yeah he was 5 seconds ahead. Went for the lap (on last paralympics champ in this event) and lost control
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The chokings will continue until morale improves
Ow that's rough
Webm perhaps my good sirs?
We just fucking give up or fuck up if we're in the lead.
Specifically this time, his coaches should have been *screaming* at him to slow down and just secure the gold, he already had the WR
gold in cycling lads
public going wild
The women in his family are crying
heh. women
Fuck you on about?
Turns out the stream had changed to a highlight and I didn't realise ffs
Kek. Got some good medal chances in swimming starting at 4.30 FYI
Thanks mate I'll be watching the archery until then
pregnant cripple archery, guess i'm adding some new tags to my fetlife
Genuine chance of 1-2-3 in women's S14 swimming
>armless, legless, headless
That would be mental, fingers crossed
>Archery commentator is from New Zealand
I can't explain it. I just hate New Zealand so much. You'd think they'd be bros against the Australian menace, but every Australian I've ever met has been a cool person, while people from New Zealand are autistic freaks with horrible accents.
Inclusive gestures only in /para/ pls sir
kek the sign language dude talking about jodie's pregnancy and how much she's eating, BSL is great
stumps crossed
Who is he?
I kinda like the Kiwi accent desu
so they're like antipodean scots?
great britain in the process of choking female archery
you were saying frogman
Excuse moi?
My stream is a little behind it seems please give me a minute
that was some good fuckin arrers
Shame for the pole would have been a good comeback plus I dislike fat people
Stag do blog update, I am bladdered and I've kissed 6 guys
fuck's sake it's only half three. pace yourself
I can't find anything conclusive, but I think he might be Glen Larmer.
She's unironically pregnant
How many has the stag kissed?
>Poo Larmer
I've found him on linkedin, going to send him a message telling him he's gay.
Yes. Should only be on 3 guys by this point
Is that her disability?

that roach archer is a machine
indog is named Audi btw
Nah she has a stub for a left hand.
Wow I didn't even notice, too busy focusing on her gigantic tatas
i like the little twirl she does with the arrows :3
>X X X X 9 X

It is cool
It might not be him. The archery commentators are not listed anywhere, but Google recommended him when I did a search.
It's over
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Nah it sounds like him, he did commentary at Tokyo. The northern bloke is John Stubbs who got a gold in Beijing and silver at Rio, looks like he targets pints more than anything these days.
>7 (SEVEN)
this country was built on fat northern peasants shooting bows, you shut your gob
so how does the taekwondo work
its just leg fencing really
>Two points are awarded for a valid kick to the trunk protector, three points for a valid turn kick and four for a valid spinning kick. In addition, one point is awarded for every penalty given to the opponent.
I thought the australian archer was a man
seems stupid that archers with arm and leg disabilities are put in the same class, surely one is going to affect your shooting more than the other
I thought saw as well until I saw that armless american archer
I think being able to stand probably helps stability more than sitting but idk
Oh boy where do I start. Tap water in Italy is safe to drink nowadays, even though we still prefer to buy bottle water (it's kinda cheap at 10 cent per liter or less anyway).

Restaurants however refuse to give you "free" tap water because they prefer sound money. Unironically many of them fill their bottles with tap water anyway; filtered, but still extremely cheap for them that you'll still pay 1+ euro per liter. You can get free tap water at bars at cafe however.
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Anyway here's some fine pus from earlier this morning
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Why is the US so weak in Paralympics lol ?
I thought they do take care of the special people
They think it's the downie olympics and don't care about it. Also I suppose losing an arm in the US backrupts you and you become homeless rather than receive any support.
There's still a week left to catch up! It's not over till the fat lady gets charged $40,000 for an ambulance ride and then blames it on the Satanic influence of Harry Potter.
Nothing sweeter than beating an aussie
bit weird this watching GB consistently win stuff
big booba milf hijabi aussie now
Zoom zoom
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my julie will bootyblast the jihadist
Yanks confuse it with the special olympics and don't fund their para athletes at all
>50 years old
praise allah i guess
Do you think Public Enemy get royalties every time Channel 4 plays even a second of their song? Or will there have been a one-off flat fee?
Big booba, milf, hijabi, aussie and wheelchair
That's a lot of fetishes in one
We're eating good tonight in the pool bros. I can feel it
you forgot that she's also a single mom
When is Tara Davis’ husband competing in field and track?
>screaming child during your shot
booba lost
julie has enormous ones but yes she's fat
That Greek girl in Para Taekwondo is kinda cute
(lighting a cigarette in the rain) wouldn't be the first time a woman has lied to me...
Having big boobs because you're fat is like claiming you have a fast sports car when you're currently falling over a cliff.
I loved watching the sign-language guy turn around to see if it was a world record or not.
We simply don't have as many retards as Chinkland or Europe
>Yank confuses the paras with the special olympics AGAIN
South Park has destroyed the credibility of American paralympics.
Think how good Pat Tillman would have been if you'd just winged him.
You don’t even know what you’re watching. Classic American.
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>>Yank confuses the paras with the special olympics AGAIN
New thread
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devious bastards
>don't fund their para athletes at all
My country doesn't fund neither healthy nor para athletes.
Our para still achieve good results.
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Then >>144110248 >>144110359 >>144117546 wonder why they're inferior to everyone else? Retarded inbred mutts that worship an orange subhuman think that because someone's in a wheelchair they're somehow mentally deficient? Say that to the faces of US armed forces vets, >>144110248 >>144110359 >>144117546. They'll beat some intelligence into the heads of those already mentally handicapped and therefore inferior to said vets: >>144110248 >>144110359 >>144117546.
Gay men reallly don't mind being 'Eskimo Bros', do they.
As if on que...
Did Matt and Trey seriously make a 'Special Olympics' episode AND call it the Paralympics out of ignorance, or did Americans watching just lack any comprehension and just ASSUME the Paralympics = Special Olympics, because it features disabled people in an international sports competition?

Seriously, I want to know what causes mindset. Even more that they host the next one.

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