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>gold medals?
>i guess i've seen a few...
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i still can't find an actual uswnt celebration for winning the olympic gold
its just a bunch of gay NBC 10 second clips about horseradish
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last year of the silly version
next time it looks to have more teams from real leagues instead of all these farmers
Having said that, arselel couldn't pass the farmers last iteration so who knows...
you mean right after the final whistle?
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pretty much
they have some manager interviews and other shit, but not the actual trophy lift or locker room insanity
I just wanted to see unobstructed from the final wistle to after the trophy lift, but that isn't allowed i guess
now thats a pretty woman
If anyone finds clips of the USA celebrating, the gold medal ceremony, locker room, etc, post the videos. Why are the impossible to find.
try this
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Sex with women. Maybe even in their butts.
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>Sex with women
>in their butts
I thought Saudi women had to wear full burkas
Is she mixed BTW?
>We need more 'Gurthbort' license plates in the gift shop. Repeat, we are sold out of 'Gurthbort' license plates.
al-hamdu lillah!
greek influence 100%
Where can I watch the Saudi women's league? I'm very interested all of a sudden
>You're gonna watch my game today right anon?

What a filthy whore
I can tell she wants my Afghani cock
the west has fallen
their league hasn't started yet but Al Nassr plays in 40 bings for the asian champions league tho
prolly gonna be on youtube
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my wife
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Why is this WHORE showing her hair?
the middle east has fallen
I thought the u20 tournament would be crickets
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If uncle Adolf was alive, he would have shot him self by now, Good thing he is in heaven laughing at us for not believing him

Its the host country, they have a good team
that is the oddest fucking trophy i have ever seen
having said that, love her having a dog collar
>sign up
thanks for trying at least
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No, my footy waifu is also named Gurthbort.
i think it works tho. i tried with an american vpn and it wasn't geolocked. signing up takes like 2 minutes
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she exudes 1950s sweet earnest gf/wife energy
hope she can enjoy being relegated to oregone
i'm sure it does work. I'm just really over signing up for shit that is a one time thing i will never use again.

I don't know what to say about this. seems a good strategery, Guro will stare at me (subtlety judgmentally...) until i get a healthy daily calcium content
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It’s 2024 you sick fuck
You coomers need to do better. Disappointed in the content here after a quick scroll through.
kinda sexiss don't you think?
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Does this video make you want to subscribe to Spotify?
Holy sexo
what do we think of ria bose
just signed for sporting
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salam alaykum, brother.
I always look forward to your Athenea posts, jewbro.
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Are people really scared like that about birds?

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great jorb acfc bros, shit is finally coming together again like last season
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>Portable panties
>doesn't wear panties
I guess she carries them in her purse
Magullbros, she's spiralling...
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where can I purchase this shirt?
Tandberg looking like the striker Hammarby needed
We did it Bayernsisters we have just won the Championship
realistically, she needs to be bred immediately and give birth to many children
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Is Kika Nazareth next up? Need it or keep it?
Luv Leah me
Why are there so many gay women in football
Women are pretty sexy.
I'd be lesbian too if I were a woman
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not really
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Guro is life Guro is love.
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>Best Korea 6 - Argentina 2
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is that suit her coming out?
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Next Bond right there
Guro just spotted me!
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>Frohms washed at 29
Women and Soccer

My two least favorite things.
Ok faggot lmao
i got news for u fgt

the rest of u step up your coomer game, this is embarrassing
/lgbt/ is that way, gaylord
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WSL waiting room.
yer in the wrong neighborhood faggot
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Women are attractive
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Brazil anon, what should we expect for the next WC?
like 14 but with women
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We are getting refballed lads
>like 14 but with women
Maybe by that time Marta is retired, again for the 100 time and you have a chance
>been there since 2006
Dixon, Williamson, Wenger the triumvirate of modern gooning
how to watch viking leagues when not local?
its basically nwsl otherwise until other shit starts
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should get preggars desu
got me, you cheeky little fucker
I wish this picture was "scratch 'n smell".
Big day for Champions League qualifiers today, gals
I told you, Williamson is the female Tony Adams.
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Why are germans obsessed with poo sex
I thought /wfg/ was kind of cringe but then i remembered there are general threads for american "sports"
At 20:30. Rosenborg playing against Atletico in extra time right now
>gurp is 30
>viv is 28
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>gurp will retire in your lifetime
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>thanks for inviting me over to do laundry anon
>atletico eliminated by the worst rosenborg team in years
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>Manchester United confirm the signing of Tottenham forward Celin Bizet on a three-year deal. They triggered her release clause of ÂŁ60,000. Joined the squad in Marbella this week in pre-season training camp. Becomes their 6th signing of the summer.
come on gals
wasn't there a statue made of this
what the heck bros..
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Big up Arse tonight
Is this on YouTube or?
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>alessia russo
>not russian
Maybe somewhere. It's streaming on Arsenal's website. Think you need to make a free account
Ooh okay, thanks.
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Is Foord, dare I say it, back?
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luv geri, big F for frankfurt
RIP Nadine's CL dream
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where have all the guro's gone?
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no kerr, no party
>first time Sam is ever not nominated
Don't remind me :(
She makes it look so easy but this run was timed flawlessly
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that guro 'tism run before the assist
i finally tried this, worked great anon, thank!
nothign obvious
grahm hansen has been on fire
Gwinn was the only germal player trying during olympics
mal pewpewswansea gets the olympics plus pre 2023 efforts???
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this was unexpectedly impressive
I will one day reach your level of waifu posting
straight into my bobb folder
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crazy how gwinn is so good despite tearing her ACL twice. reminds me of someone...
Alex Morgan is pregnant again and will retire on Sunday
cause of retirement: jizz in her vagina
It was me sorry.
girls are so silly
Do women really?
guro would never
we should do more research
>Why are the impossible to find.
the IOC are extreme copyright jews and cracked down hard this year on anyone sharing any footage of the games to get it all deleted from social media.
yeah cuz she pure
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>Women's Football General
Real talk, who will win Ballon d'Or?
100% someone from lol barca wins or lol hayes wins
horan would be hilarious, because she was arguably the worst US player during wolympics. Usually she is clutch, but had a poor tourney
Why can’t someone else retire like Lehmann or Russo? I don’t want Morgan to leave me. ;(
it was time to put her out to pasture, better to go out while serviceable rather than embarrassingly long done
plus san diego is garbage so might as well start the offseason early
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votes for beth mead and her signature crots
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preparing my wolfsburg folder for the new season. which one is better?
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Her strange skull structure is off putting. Luckily, there's a better view
for me it's the webm, but only because of the thunderthighs in the back
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truly the meshit of her generation
BASED coomeramen pan a little too get it on frame
Because it's mostly women who fail at being women that decide to play football
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both good
>no gunnarsdottir dottir
me not like
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Let it slide and make queen Mapi Leon the OP
yeah, best to view the bottom 90%
absolutely disgraceful of Brazil to defend here rather than let Spain do whatever they want
that is not real football
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Early WHAT DOES SHE DO?? post
apologies for poor english, i am russo
>was sat at home scoring no goals when jonas ring
>'anon, viviolin is kill'
and you???
was prolly somewhere
When do the Guardian's top 100 come out?
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idk but i'm going to go mental if JRK isn't on there
If VĂĄlerenga loses this I swear to god....
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red card....
engen tier fuck up
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last season came out in january
sexo :)
Where to book a room at Thom Hotels?
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*ahem*, that's THON hotels
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what's the point of these third place matches in the quallies. do they get anything? can they advance through winning these third place matches?
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Congratulations to Frankfurt for finishing 3rd in the 4th League Path tournament of the 1st out of 2 qualifying rounds for the Champions League group stage!
cooming apparently does make you blind. btw we have an Olaf Thon of our own but he's >schalke
Holy fuck, just realized this nigga is 101. He was 13 cooming to the cuties of the Olympic Games in Berlin 1936. One of the OGs who witnessed the rise and fall of the Fuhrer. Let that sink in.
wow, that's crazy
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occasionally reminder that alara will become the best football player in the world very soon.
my wife says all women soccer players are lesbians
checked, how does she know?
For me, it's Nicolette Hernandez
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lol this nigga married a lesbian
>alara will become the best football player in the world very soon.
Can't even beat Best Korea

>Believing women
I bet you also believe those kids are yours right?
estamos aqui
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>hey anon, what are YOU doing later today?
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its dooversoun before it started...
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my local women’s team (Newcastle United Women) are playing in the opening round of the Women’s Championship right now first game of season
the opponents are London city lionesses and I was quite surprised to see Asllani playing for them (she’s just scored).
Figured a regular starter for Sweden wouldn’t be playing in tier 2 of women’s football in front of a couple of thousand fans
London City Lionesses just got bought out by Michele Kang, a billionnaire trying to do the multi-club ownership thing in women's football. She's pushed a lot of money in this off-season to try and get immediate promotion, recruiting Asllani and poaching PSG's head coach

Also Asllani's a little bit washed
Loved for her beauty and violence but she is getting old.
Some people questioned her remaining in the NT much longer after "transfering downwards".
>a couple of thousand fans
Doesn't sound bad at all. Women's football really doesn't draw big crowds, despite all the media hype. The Stockholm derby last week had 1500 spectators. There's just aint enough coomers in this world.
more like TANDBUTT
What if she eats Joramo?
Jøsendal IN
It's Hammarbyover
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How many fucking rounds of Champions League qualifying is there.
We seemed to have signed a high proportion of attractive women players in the last 2 transfer windows
>thirty minutes in and still no barca goal
owari da....

Kairem da koonit, kushawd
>jule got synthetic lip fillers

it's never looked so over
2 rounds with 2 games each
Famous judas Ewa Pajor with 2 goals in her debut
That's a transfer strategy I can get behind
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why do attractive white women think they need to bog themselves with lip fillers?
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Never skip leg day
anyone have a stream for the alex morgan career ending pregnancybowl?
This girl is stupidly pretty. Is this AI?
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The Courage kit sponsor is literally a cosmetic injectable manufacturer.
huge dutch oranges
She's real.
Average women's footballer. If you don't watch women's football you're gay btw.
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>do you have the courage to become an bog?
>haha, nice joke Rose! anyways it feels like all my knees and ankles and butts are destroyed
She looks a lot better in the OP than her insta
Sadly it has come to my attention that obi is kill...
When does AI sloppa start coming with an enitre fake instagram account?
Champions League draw
It's over for Sweden
Talk to me about Bonmati's personal life
uh, let's see...
>likes catalunia
>likes refugees
>likes dick
>likes backstabbing her frens
>hates drumpf
She's dating her agent and has big bouncing bobs
what the hell is going on under her shirt
Probably a heartrate monitor belt.
Is it illegal for a goalie to toss the ball at a teammate like this?
season-ending breast injury
If you're going to be that picky you won't get anywhere
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i thought these were banned, but keep seeing them everywhere thank gods
i vants a tit leash that i can use to pull an athenea back and forth onto penis
kinda nice from the keeper to step aside
I feel like the exercise in 0:03-0:07 would be way more effective if the trainer would ditch the rubber band and pull the ponytail instead
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she is begging to be inseminated
she needs it
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I want to be owned and used by an American female.
>0 results

what's the latest with you know who?
step on me mommy
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he hung himself when Zadrazil left for Buyern.
>so you think you can score, huh?
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WSL waiting room.
sexo :)
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You think they...? They couldn't, right?
not with her one it

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has she ever shown her feet?
What's her name?
Haram Ali
she has the suisse phenotype without the bong filter
>Man United defender Hannah Blundell has suffered a season-ending pregnancy
Heartbreaking stuff
English father, Danish mother.
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If you where a women futbol team owner, would rather have all lesbian in the team while dealing with all their issues with relationships but not get prego or straight women who will have some issues but could get pregnant at any time?
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Very good post
Saudis look like this? And why isn't she wearing a niqab, is she a hoe?
absolutely halal
Rid da-Failnaym
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Nailed it.
the olympics takes prestige away form the wwc
they should make it u23 as well
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2-2 at the half Sars
No it doesn't. That's something fifa made up to make more money.
I watch women's football with my girlfriend.
>did you that in her free time Guro likes to stomp helpless villages?
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>you will never has an 4' 10" angery pizza face metal mouth south american footy gf..
why even live...
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its tacover...
donald trump
>sis thinks she's on the team T_T
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>Goes to the Italian league
What happens there?
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>mandy islacker
now this is name i haven't heard in a very long time
Bad frame or was she that drunk?
Look at that face, that grin. She knows. You can see it in her eyes. Looking right back at you. Knowing that you know that she knows that you know that she knows that you know what she did. That's why she looks at you that way.
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she's top scorer of the league, chud
What does that mean you infidel
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that samurai bun paredes uses sometimes looks kinda cool
Lads how do you cope when your best girls leave your club?
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One day at a time anon. One day at a time
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Will never happen...
When Jessie left Chelsea I died
Women don't talk that loud, anon.
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rip in peaces
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like what’s stopping you from going to one of their games and have a child with you that asks for her shirt then going home sniffing that sweaty shirt?
mirin that unit in the back
Used to lurk in this thread a couple years ago. Whatever happened to that german tomboy goalie? You guys used to post her constantly.
she died of ligma
Fucked her coach or something.
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You have to hit a certain quality bar to be posted
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We're so back
Caro is such a good fucking player.
Ballon d'Or never
Probably never.

Caro don't give a shit about media. She's not waifu material. She never smile or give a shit about smiling.

Caro just don't care.

Only probem with her as a player is that she's made of glass. She's absolutely one of the best female ballers though.
Tanberg is a absolutely titts and ass unit.
>wundesshitga as per usual
>Probably never.
>Caro don't give a shit about media.
>She's not waifu material.
nah, she's fine. but just playing in a farmers league nobody cares about.
>She never smile or give a shit about smiling.
good, nothing worse than all those fake smiles
>Caro just don't care.
>Only probem with her as a player is that she's made of glass.
sadly true
>She's absolutely one of the best female ballers though.
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ain't that bad, bro
>Average women's footballer
so she partakes in the mastication of the carpet?
How do I get that job?
please let wsl start soon
nwslel is fun, but time for lolchelsea wins to finally be put to test
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late WHAT DOES SHE DO?? post
>ain't that bad, bro
well, it should prove it then by Buyern losing (the league, not just a match)
>sup, anon. heard you were talking shit about me
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LSK are so shit. Gonna implode like Potsdam at this rate. Woldvik deserves better
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Got my tickets for the Häcken vs Arsenal game, hope I can get an autograph or two
She don’t look arab
you'd know
LSK-VĂĄlerenga merger when
Uk barely has arabs
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not gonna happen, wolfsburg just isn't the same since she left
ur mum gay
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I got Z's autograph at the Chelsea game just by staying behind for a while. Politely scoot your way to the front. They'll go down the line and sign for everyone.
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I was saying the average women's football is literally model tier. But yeah she's probably a lesbian too.
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Is this what these bitches look like under their beekeeper suits?!
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would like to see the wolfsburger losses vs. gains over the past few years
but maybe that would be a war crime to view
I miss Alex Morgan so much. :(
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at least she went out the right way, with career ending pregnancy (after being shown the international door and languishing on a shit team that canned their manager and brought in landon donovan as the solution)
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put the loss of Janssen on the gain pile.
talking about going out with a bang. even with her career ending she mogs Rapey Hoe hard
>put the loss of Janssen on the gain pile.
anon sees through my lies...
>LSK Kvinner
4th in Toppserien with a comfy lead on the 5th
dead last with 0 (ZERO) points
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they should have warrior paint in all matches
even badasser during the huge rain storms and it runs
how many today?
1 pre-assist
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Tobin in heat?
in that order
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>bayer leverkusen - frankfurt
battle of the qts
>letting a literal midget score on them
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how many (ass-stitches after they rape us)?
>es ist vorbei
its never over
its joever
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how can you choke this bad
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would be cool if there were more regional awards like the gullballen
what's the benefits of this therapy?
redemption arc, time for a feature length film
Would be cool if there were more players like Guro
for me or for björk?
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>500k usd
>we have athenea at home
bump for /ourgirlies/ so they don't get yeeted off the board by yankball
why is this whore not using a hijab?
>1 pre-assist
Is that the stat equivalent of being vice-asshole?
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>lina will never give you the zucc
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The proper term for being assraped so bad that it bleeds and requires stitches is 'pannilled'.
source is there was some bitch last named Pannill that got fucked in the boys bathroom so bad in high school that she needed to go to the hospital to get stitches to stop the anal bleeding.
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this team a shit
Did anyone catch it >>144471330?
What did the ref decide after the review, ASS! or not?
need arabian gf
for me, it's an transsylvanian gf :)
>flat, no would
>no, no, no
>no flat. final decision is would!
me on the right
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laila looking lovely as ever
Today I took some alman kids money lol
Why are christians so weak and there woman whores ???? In 10 years they will be minority and natsi party's will be gone hahahaha
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yepp, thinking arse are the stacy team
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Nice trousers lmao.
you now remember megan rapinoe
I'm trying to forget her, but you're always posting her.
Why are you posting this, mate?
credit to your balls mate you've produced something special
extraordinary match yesterday between german u20s and usa u20s
what happened?
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i don't want to admit how much time i spent trying to figure out why the "bikes" in the background had those strange metal poles coming up from them, before i realized what they were
ACL status?
Everyone is fit as far as I'm aware. Though that could change any day now.
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Excellent,should make for a good title chase this season with well stocked Chelsea, Arsenal, and City.
>only 1 kween
when can we address the diversity problem in women’s football?
at least they also have a slav
mother, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
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