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Previous >>144104737
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mariners btw
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cubbies run this genny
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if it ain't from new york, it ain't pizza
fuck you, satan, kicking my pirates while they're down...
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This is now a Mariners thread.
>Seattle Mariners, the Official Team of /mlb/!
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Fuck this, 2poo's bros
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Isn't she a decent pitcher?
sit the FUCK down!!!
where are my fellow poodrepacos at?
we're getting gaped!
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Go Sneks
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44/44 tonight. Maybe even 45.
i wouldnt trust willie harris to send a postcard
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Yu Darvish needs to come as fast as he can. Reinforcement is on it's way.
sit the FUCK down!!!
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i cannot stand the mental illness that posts in these threads whenever the cubs play
cubs got a break there...
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.500 is ours
kys leaf
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the rays have been within 5 games of .500 for the entire season
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doyer stankees world series

you heard it here first
I rarely use zoomer speak but this chick is mid af at best. I’ve fucked better looking girls and I’m a 4chan incel
It's going to be KC vs Arizona and it will mindbreak Manfred like you won't believe.
Both will be swept in the DS
sit the FUCK down!!!
>For the first time since 1964, the Cardinals have won a game at Yankee Stadium

gg nationals cya tmrw
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Here's how it's gonna go. You're gonna score 31 runs in your last four games. Now you say, "Hey, that sounds pretty good" but here's the thing- you will lose all of those four games. Every single one. There are more important things going on in the league right now like erasing Native American history and putting tiny little speakers in the pitcher's hat. This is the favor you owe.
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Cubs win! Hodge with the save!
gg Nats!
cubs won that game
The fix has been in since the season started, manfred doesn't want another small market world series
cubs won that game
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>doyer bullpen taxed for 8 innings
I hope Stone can go long today
scuba kek
[ W ]
Big fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers.
This is the correct take, though Philly or Houston are large enough markets to knock one of LAD/NYY out. Either LA or NY will 100% be in the world series
You're a high IQ guy. i can tell.
>split with Mets
>split with Cardinals
>1 for 2 against Rays
Padres are on literally easy mode from here until October (aside from the Stros and Dbacks series) but they keep choking and falling behind in the division race
I could see Manfred rigging a Dodgers Astros 2017 rematch
>Clayton Kershaw is going on the IL. “There’s so much swelling, he can barely move around with it,” Dave Roberts said.
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M's bros what do we think of this lineup? I do not remember Urias doing well last time he was up, and I'd like to see Bliss at second and d mo at third but we'll see.
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bay wit da baw dibang didang shiggy diggy digishot the boogies and up jom the boyers
but are those dogs big?
and do they require food?
But now those dogs are dog tired with the exception of Phillips
I like this Phillips fellow. real old-school, down to earth.
>we're getting you ready for baseball
>but let's talk more about an irrelevant college football blowout
is that a compliment or throwing shade?

dodgers have scrubs like Banda in their pen.
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I would presume the former
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>throwing shade
the phillies game is on a national network so i can't wait for endless talk about the yankees, dodgers, and updates on the wakaweewaw state vs deep south state game
hey, wakaweewaw state looks GOOD this year
I’m a simple man. I see Garver in the lineup, I get unreasonably angry
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I understand if cal needs a break but him DHing sucks. He did hit alright yesterday.
NY and LA will hit an insane number of homers in the playoffs. They’ll be getting juiced balls when they hit
someone webm that based white sox fan
Daily reminder that the mets aren't good enough to sweep the faggot sox
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Game on and good luck Royals
>Kooch on the bump
Ganbate Kikuchi-sama
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start the fucking baseball game already holy shit
ily pete :)
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my games over
What teams have lost to the 2024 White Sox?
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VARSHOW! Let's Go Jays
pete's getting to 40, screencap this
just the yankees
Claytoe Spurshaw
Horwitz! Lefties are dangerous tonight
The Rays are the only team to be swept by them.
>rays (swept)
>kansas city
>st louis
Jays LHH are 4-5 tonight
..are they playing the first second if Lisa Loeb every time kikuchi gets a strikeout?
O's offense really doesn't look much better than the Rockies' offense.
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wait why is Sosa playing 2nd and Wilson playing 3rd? should be the other way around
Anyone have a stream for the Astros-Rays
>harper has to bail out trea's babby arm again
tired of seeing this every game
my tardinals
Blacked out in my area
Braves and Phillies getting no hit lol
Astros are playing the Royals anon
Your guy didn't do too bad last night Italy.
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>ace pitcher duel, mid 2
>wahw no hits!
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>leadoff jp
it never ends. i think they're trying to gaslight him into being decent again.
can't spell royals without rays
the bats will have to carry us
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Ball's definitely carrying in Minnesota, that pop fly ended up at the warning track. Not gonna act like my Jays didn't benefit from that earlier, lol
dodgers never rest anyone ever
and it was something he's been dealing with for years. better to show itself now than the 'offs I guess
My Mariners only went 6-1 against them. Crochet killed /us/ once
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Trust the dan plan.
here and there when they can. this is nowhere near as bad as 21 when it was nip and tuck with SF.
>Detroit color commentator says that Skubal is pitching deep and literally not breaking a sweat
>Skubal on cue wipes sweat off his face with jersey
Is this NTR?
9-0 in the 2nd, wow
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cool anti-semetic remarks
what are you looking for out of the rest of the season since the playoffs are all but out of reach?
>phillies infielders in charge of fielding
>weston has hard time at 3rd last time
>put him back there instead of sosa
>sosa plays 2B
thomson is so dumb
10-12 years ago that's what most /sp/ threads looked like
The chat widget on sites that link from sportsurge is the most 1488 place on the internetr
How did Perzynski end up with a national broadcast gig this fag sucks ass
weird how racists cant afford cable or streaming services
bajp would fuck you up, pussy
>we have yet another pitchers duel for the 3rd night in a row
MMP is where offense goes to die apparently
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Used to think this but realized the seethe he induces is actually quality tv
It's not about affording it, it's about (((who))) the money goes to
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>50 pitches through 2 innings
>Against literally the worst team ever
The fuck
this is the grossest one yet
fuck em, Jose!
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Best pizza if you're ever in Manhattan is NY Pizza Suprema across 8th avenue from Penn Station. You're welcome.
Watching this new roster of course, it's been a quiet rebuild so far in 2025. We finally got left handed batters after relying on Cavan Biggio for 3 years. This is more fun to watch than last year's team.
how does the 4chan reputation still proceed itself when the innernets is clearly a bigger shithole in other places?
What's special about ny pizza I think only detroit style is different enough to have its own name tbqh
damn, what is going on in Houston. Ragans has 8 strike outs in 3 innings; astros strike out on average 7 times a game
You’d be surprised how far sucking ass can take you in the media world
Are you trolling?
Back on topic the Royals pitcher has 8 strike outs through 3
god DAMN that was a no doubter
No, it's the best slice in Manhattan
digits. that is the case a lot of times when you don't have the anxiety of trying to make the playoffs with a team you know is clearly flawed. it's comfier to dream on the future when the pressure isn't quite there.
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It's not even Dan, it's fucking Jerry. I promise he's handing Dan a lineup card every game just like he did with Scott.
attaboy sosa
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>sit the FUCK down
complications involving diabetes took bajp out years ago
how much is a slice?
why the fuck are they interviewing this guy?
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the Wakaweewaw State Coons vs. the Deep South State Crackers
bout tree fiddy
Kikuchi has 7 now
Portland is unironically a better pizza town than NYC
based yejibro
2019 Jays were just like that, we had upcoming and exciting rookies and the future seemed bright. Now we're back to square one, but with a more balanced roster.

he's announcing the astros game
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Honey, neither of those are actual pizza.
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Jerry Dipshito?
Chicago deep dish is an abomination. Not pizza. It’s a poor man’s lasagna
now THIS is a pitchers duel
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>yankee hater
>big black woman appreciator
get this guy itt
Why are they putting Robles in the 9 spot? He’s been one of the only mariners who consistently makes contact with the ball
jesse winker fucks your bitch
Go eat some cardboard and cope elsewhere.
Winker was a good pickup
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That's a touchdown and a field goal in 3 innings
apparently he is just hanging out at the game and he walked by the broadcast booth so Geoff Blum told him to come sit down
The cost is irrelevant, it's worth it.
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I don't care how good it is. I'm not paying more than 4 bucks tops for one slice of pizza unless it's huge.
Game thread for Doyers vs Sneks
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Look breh everyone knows you put your hot bat 9th up to inspire you leadoff shitters after they've been humbled once through the order.
Frankly it's basic skippering.
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Gotta say, for all the bitching about management and the trade deadline stuff (RIP my nigga Kooch) Jays have been pretty fun generally since then. Future looks pretty bright

Astros again. Sorry, it’s just the truth.
based illegal stream chat enjoyer

I hope you are one of the anons trolling them along
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i really really hate national broadcasts
lmao nice ear piercings gay boy ozuna
you have the chance at LA-Houston or Ohtani-Judge

you know which one
I do too. At least the way this game is going it'll be done in an hour
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Same bro
Yeah, getting lefty hitters with the new dome field dimensions just makes sense. Internal promotion has been success lately too.
>4 bucks a slice
Never been to a big city huh
one of the pluses of being a leaf is they never show blue jays games on those

still have to deal with the apple games now though
Cubyals in the wild cards.
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costco pizza buyer
Nice tip anon. I’m going to be in Manhattan in November so I’ll give it a shot
Why does Fox love to jerk off the Phillies so much?
Just be better than costco? Hello? New York?
defending that shit just as I thought. it's a matter of principle. if I'm gonna splurge it's gonna be on something I haven't tried before, not for a slice of pizza.
Hi I’m anon and my favorite team is the Seattle Mariners
>nice tip
show nose
Great let me know if you are curious about anything else
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omg me tooooooo
5 pitch inning for Berríos


Faggotbacks! Faggotbacks!
>Why does Fox love to jerk off the Braves so much?
well, you see atlanta is home to one of the worlds largest gay communities. even larger when you take into account the amount of black males on the down low.
that was a moon shot
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back to your containment thread
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Get ready!
Anon I know you don’t understand business but I’ll try anyway. The rent for a pizzeria in NYC, even a little hole in the wall counter service spot, is somewhere around $8,000-$12,000 per month. If you sell pizza for $4/slice you’d have to sell literally 20k slices to cover your COGS, payroll, rent, etc. You’d go under in two months




real fucking muto bomb incoming
freddie :)
is giving up three homeruns in a row a bad sign?






great at bat JT
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Would you put it in her /mlb/?
How much would you pay for the best pizza you've ever eaten? Because that's what we are talking about.
just grousing. everything everywhere is more expensive, even in bfe. past time to let go of the past but I still do it.
It's funny how the Dodgers fans have never seen a baseball game before, so seeing a home run is like a caveman discovering fire to them.
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>everyone else losing/lost
It’s a dude
LA and NY losing is good for /mlb/
that wasnt the question
>3 homeruns on 3 pitches
>What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?
Don't worry /mlb/ one of the next couple of seasons there will be no remaining English speaking Californians and all the doyer spam will dissappear
all the streams are laggy as shit today, I guess it's because it's a HUGE day for college football
I did pay 45 bucks for a pizza 7 or 8 years ago and it was one of the best pizzas I ever ate though I likely won't do it again unless certain old friends blow into town.
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>take a shit
>miss the first half
>miss 3 homers
fuck my disgusting nigger chungus life
>giving up 3 dingers at home when most of the fans in the stands are for the away team
humiliation ritual
>first half
Doyerpacos have never seen a baseball game before this year
Pitcher's fucking nightmare. He's throwing up once he gets back into the clubhouse.
d-back stadium replaced the air with helium
strap in lads. it's gonna be another barn burner
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>doesnt take phone with him
>dbags respond with a inside-the-park homerun
this game is going to be nuts
Omg is that someone getting excited when their team hits a home run???? FAKE FAN!!!!
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Mets gotta score more runs
first half of the first inning, is that good enough for you ribbit retard? Flyover niggers stay mad
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I must admit that Chi' style 'za is the best I've ever had. We'll reach true perfection when we combine it with Baltimore style (crab dip) 'za.
>Minute Maid Park
>known pitcher’s park
The duel continues
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Springer is quietly having a terrible month (.170 AVG and .619 OPS in August), but nobody cares because the rest of the team is breaking out. That's the power of not relying on the same 5 guys for offense, as they did for these past 2 years.
oh, she mad
why were you at Giordano's?
it's a neutral park, left field is sort of short (but tall), right field is average, and the power alleys shoot off fast. It's one of the deepest center fields, was even more when it had the hill
What the fuck is happening in this ballpark right now?
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Mendoza looks like he wants to kill Quintana.
he's not alone
Nobody cares because the blue jays are a non-factor
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Based double play turners bail out Walktana
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he's gonna hit before 5 innings
100 pitches i mean
I never want to look at Shit Merrifield's face again
NL West Thunderdome 2: Electric Bugaloo
True the MMP meme is just kinda funny, especially when Yankees fans of all fans call it a little league field.
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>atlanta fans when they hear wheeler is fucking the braves tonight
gross tranny
The Diamondbacks have to be cheating, right? I feel like a few years from now we'll hear that they pulled a 2017 Astros in 2024.
How big is his dick
what the actual fuck was that play by the White Sox
>Bobby Witt Jr
>highest BA in majors
>Texas is his he state
>currently 0-22 in the state of Texas
I don’t think this kid if ready for the majors Royalsbros
damn high iq play by urshella
>The Diamondbacks have to be cheating, right?
theyre barely in a wildcard spot
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White Sox just went for a 3-1-3 put-out at first base on a ground ball kek
Oh ya I need another playoff series between the snakes and dodgers. What a fun rivalry they got brewing in the coming years.
but, why?
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skibidi ohio fanum tax
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does it not bother doyerpacos how obviously scripted their games are?
they still haven't reached their covid season win total
Sic em skibidi
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imagine not being entertained by this
>Berríos has now pitched 5 innings on 40 pitches
the next level of efficiency
dookie butts lel
it's the FAGGOTbacks fault for not rolling over like they're supposed to
>regular season doyers
>october doyers
I'm getting a little tired of the script to be desu
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>monkey bats
What in the wide wide world of sports is going on in the Arizona desert?
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To me, personally, I think they are, go on a winning streak with Joc Pederson and Josh bell. Remember that grandslam Mets gave up, even their reaction was really... Exciting. They knew. Idk, feel like they want a excuse for sneks to stay, but no one showing up. As for my Chadres..... We're doing okay, we only lost because Vásquez sucks. Should be second place if Sneks falls to grace. Just waiting for Kim, Yu and Tatis Jr back. I wonder if we bring back Waldron back......
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of course the royals turn to absolute ass the moment they show up in houston
tfw no baseball gf ;_;
kek that was the most casual HR robbery
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freddie :)
Rojas is a ugly no skilled bitch he should die
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Yeah I'm thinking lets keep it mariners related
>royals just let the fat ass yordan steal
What the fuck Kansas?
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the AL central would have no wild card contending teams if not for farming off the white sux
Lukes is the only LHH without a dinger tonight
Wheeler proving to the car league he will never be CY young and that Chris sale is better. Umps clearly have a bet on this game
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Holy crap Quintina shits his way through 5 with a lead
How's Aaron Judge doing in Texas?
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If Ohtani really does get the 50/50, is he going to get MVP again, or will the baseball heads not want to give a guy that many MVPs so quickly?
Phillies should trade Wheeler back to the Mets, they can get high quality starters Jose Quintana and Tylor Megill
Ah, yes, the only guy to out PED A-Rod.
This nigga macked on my brothers gf lol gg manlet bro
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imagine being on the left side of a 400ft ball to center
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have a Mariners version of that pic
Yes, and your whole team has girl hair. Fuck off noob
you brother's gf must be very masculine, dat nigga gay
how do you let him score when you have the ball? royals don't deserver to be in the 'offs, simple as
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Kansas City, Kansas, headquarters of the "Royals" baseball club, has been a great disappointment.
>max charred
he's getting it even if he falls short because all the best offensive season are being had by AL players besides him.
>phillies can only score with le dingers again
god I hate when they do this
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Babe Schneider still can't break out of his slump in this blow out
Nicely done, too bad he struck out and ump with the betting tactics kept him in
he's sitting at like -2000 to win MVP right now
oh memeiners, you really thought you were gonna catch up to us LEL
it was decided in May, him and Judge. If they were injured would be the only way to lose it. they could not hit another home run this season and would still get it; of course, with the juiced balls being fed to them this month, that's impossible.
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Remember, no baseball team has lost more games since 2000 than the Royals. They're soft. They're weak. They wilt under pressure. They're losers now, and they were losers back then. And now that September is here, they're about to get mogged again by the Chiefs.
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and yet they still have a ring from this millennium
Who's coping, cheaters? Wheeler has been getting the away corner call all game yet friee has not once. Suck my dick
What is going on in Minneapolis?
>just keep winning and they can't make up any ground
It really is that easy
youd like that wouldnt you
>more recent ring than doyers, stankees, mests, phillies
I'm thinking based
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>memeiners seething at the Royals for not winning for them
>gave up their 10 game lead in 2 months
Do Memeiners really?
Another Phillies fan calling the braves gay yet has been three trannies
Where are the redditners fans at? Where are all the good dimsum spots in Seattle?
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I was never under such delusions and it still hurts. Going scoreless against Anaheim tonight btw.
This was a better genny before the Braves fairweathers arrived, in this, the last week of August.
meme game
Get some teriyaki or pho.
Only because the Mets choke, the Red Sox or Indians didn't make the playoffs, and the Yankees had a down year. Any other year, the Royals would have never even made the playoffs in 2015.
worse, they're losing to the angels tonight
I really hope a Phillies fan isn't calling a braves fan fairweather.

Ain't no way.
thomson better not get greedy with wheeler here
is Yusei elite?
Teriyaki is wack. Pho is good but we have better shit here in Houston. I know there are legit chinese spots in seattle…
I remember when Vladdy Jr. was going to be the face of the league.
Man, what happened?
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Dbacks and Dodgers pitchers shidding and pissing themselves so far this series
Kikuchi with his 11th K
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I remember when Quintana was supposed to be a solid #3 starter
Philly fans are very loyal to their teams, whether they're good or terrible. A little too loyal I'd say, which is why the teams aren't interested in actually winning.
Kikuchi is cooked
Since he quit throwing that curve it seems so
Loyal, huh? Like your dad?
his ass is more photogenic
Since joining the Astros he is (many such cases)
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I never really sampled the chink chow in seattle. I can recommend good teriyaki or decent burrito hut if you go to an aquasox game though.
>Blue Jays Kikuchi
>exceedingly mid pitcher
>5+ ERA
>traded to the Astros
>have crazy good pitching lab
>changed up pitches thrown and pair him with good vet catcher
>sub 2.5 ERA since the trade
How do they keep getting away with this?
holy shit michael harris
thanks for that joke I needed a laugh. the only bigger fairweather fans than the philthadelphians are the El gay fans
holy fuck I didn't think it was even close to going out at first but that's one fucking amazing catch
I think Nimmo just hurt himself on that...
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>Loyal, huh? Like your dad?
Michael Harris Junior is the goat
>two starting pitchers both going 7 innings
It really makes me wonder what the hell some of the other clubs are doing or thinking
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Did we actually win the trade?
Dodger fans show at home and on the road. A claim your shitters can't make.
Braves fans show up in late august and start shit with the loyal Phillies lifelongs who have been here all year.
Braves fans make bobblehead promises to the genny that they don’t keep.
Brazoban please
Whats dlos average now?
I think if you strike out in a game you should immediately get put on waivers
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Luv sosa!
>phillies stream just finish the commercial break
t-thanks for the spoilers /mlb/
imagine having an actual outfielder instead of soler
nigga buy a $20 antenna i dont know what to tell u
Lindor is your NL MVP
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gib roki cubsaki nao dammit!
Sosa gaping barves
maybe in 1987
Is that cubspie?
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that's my mvp shortstop
Pirates win!
atttaboy sosa
he's going to be in Dodger Blue.
gaping the barves is a tall order. they got some wide assholes already.
>People actually eat Chicago hot dogs and pizza
What are they, only 12 games under .500 now? Raise the jolly roger!
Every player who GIDPs should get moved up in the order so that they only get one guy out
>what do you want on your hotdog?
>tomato (ketchup), onions, and relish (pickles)
>here you go [chicago dog]
yeah definitely i'm still gonna get excited at the possibility tho cuz I know Soto and Burnes ain't gonna happen
I would simply always steal to negate a double play.
I say this
as a braves fan i can very well make that claim considering you can hear the chop nationwide. also doyer fans are oft outnumbered in their own building so no
>Tucker may be back as soon as Cincinnati series or as late as the Arizona series
>Bregman back for Cincinnati series
Oh baby, we’re looking good
>also doyer fans are oft outnumbered in their own building so no
the phillies disappear when the phillies are bad. braves shit on the braves when they are bad.
Go back
all it takes is a quick look at home and road attendance figures to know you're talking out of your ass. you gay frontrunning lifelong retards also throw trash onto your own field.
sorry i forget you beaners dont speak engrish.
>Tu base de fans es débil y frívola.
Chicago got saved by the mexican people desu
>buying into the fake jewish numbers
how would they throw trash if they werent in the stands dumbass
when will we ever get a world series game with a crowd like this again
>not using the formal usted
Shut the fuck up faggot. Your team is shit and no one likes you
welcome back to /mlb/ I see it took awhile for your gaping anus to recover from october
that would require LA not choke harder than sasha grey in the playoffs so not till roberts retires
mid attendance figures aren't the same thing as an empty stadium you disingenuous twat. fuck off back to /cfb/.
why are doyerpacos so uppity today arent they winning
>fills your stadium more than your own fans
sorry faggot we're better than you and we know it
>Bobby Witt Jr gets his first hit of the series
>it’s a solo shot into the Crawford Boxes
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Brewbacks love :3
Nvm they're tied, that explains their pissing and shitting
no ohtani mail order semen delivery due to holiday
they just all got the word you cant just pay for a ws win
Maybe if they played another WS game in a college stadium they would. Closest to that were the Marlins selling out 73k seats for the WS
>into the crawford boxes
shit was on the train tracks
I know you riff raff are accustomed to shitposting without being responded to but I'm in the mood to humor you
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Polar Bear with the clutch whiff
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go Sneks
Wasted chance to go up more than 3
oooohh ooooooh ahhh ahhhhh me ozuna me no hit ball
fuck my ass
BAJP eats ya!
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Yordan’s HR robbed… he hasn’t hit a HR at home in 2 months
Fuck his ass
>"wow today for the first time tucker ran the bases! that's some good news!"
is he fucking dying? what is going on?
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Of course they love me. They just can't stop talking or thinking about me. Love those cuties.
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Blue Jays are now stat padding against a position player
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Whom every wins the LA sneks game, we all lose
I agree. The Dbacks looked awful all season until about July, then suddenly turned it around just like that? No way. It seems like they always answer back almost immediately when they go down.
I guess that answers my question. Was going to ask if you watch TK and Blum or listen to Sparks and Robert Ford
nah, sneks winning is good for /mlb/
2nd or 3rd time this series Laureano hasn't seen the ball
also the camera man faked me out with Harper
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royals own ya!
I'm just listening to the announcers
Nobody likes the faggotbacks except for their 12 fans.
Losing 3 months to a bruise is pretty crazy
Hey buddy just delete it.
Is this the same as the angels anime girl?
coom status?
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I would eat a chicago dog. Not the pizza though
its called a contusion
Why don't we go ahead and delete that one?
A chicago dog looks really good actually.
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Make that 13 fans
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It’s been 50 hours since anon did not deliver
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that funky muncy
Matt FAGGOTson, sit da FUCK down!!!
He hasn’t played since June due to a deep bone bruise. Any good news is welcome when it comes to him.
Rendon lost an entire season because of a bruise last year
Travis d'arFAGGOT, walk back to the dugout bitch!!
Wasn't that just him milking the situation for all it was worth so he could collect checks while sitting on his ass
please have mercy
but we all hate the doyers :^)
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Their owner talked about moving Dbacks somewhere else. Idk, I'm just sus about their winnint stretch. I mean maybe they are legit but I do kinda been nootcing. Arizona are know for election fraud, won't be Suprised if they try everything to keep the Dbacks fans selling out. Guess not. Look what they did to the Arizona Coyotes....
FAGlando ASSia, get da FUCK outta here! Go back to ya hotel!!!
Is there a position that requires more strongmind than pitcher? Giving up a dinger or having to pitch in a bases loaded situation would probably make me just crumble under the pressure.
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ggs Royals
Another good pitchers duel until the 6th. Bobby finally got his first hit this series.
See yal tomorrow afternoon
stFd Arcia!
attaway phillies
No, not even close.
barfy doos kek
fuck yea gg barfies, that was a nice pitchers duel desu
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With the A hat, yes I believe it's the same girl! Sadly I don't play cunny archive.
bone dry
Sit your ass down Orlando Arcia
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Thank ya philly
NHL leaving ARZ after that disastrous ownership is one thing, but the Dbacks acting like they wanna leave is pure strong arming BS because they really just want state funds for the stadium upgrades. No way that MLB would willingly leave a growing market like that.
sit on this dick faggot
I kind of like the Dodgers and I'd certainly rather see them win than the snakes.
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>take a shit
>miss us getting the lead back
problem is that the D-backs have a lot more merit than the Coyotes ever did. I just think the problem is on the stadium.
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>Barfs fan wants a dude to sit on his dick
Checks out kek
I would be okay with one year of dodgers vs yankees but anything more than a year would get tiring
>chud peterson
that's because you're gay for ohtranny
Gaymón Laureano
Can someone add a dodgers hat to this? Thanks.
Shan’t participate in your barely disguised fetish
This nigga Peña sang the Lisa Loeb song lol gayyy
Dang I was hoping Ernie would pitch
Everybody likes Ohtani dude.
I hate that faggot Ohtranny
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TA day. I'm feelin confident today Angelbros
fuck my ass...please...ngh...
his old translator doesn't like him.
This is getting out if control
Would you suck Altuve penis with gun in your mouth?
>berdinals beat the stankees
that's what i call baseball
The Chase Field roof has been a problem for them for a while, but it's similar to the Milwaukee situation. They're just negotiating the funding for the repairs.
most people don't, no
Shouldn't Angels fans be rooting for nothing but losses since you depleted your farm for the expiring contracts of Lucas Giolito and CJ Cron?
This has gone too far…
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ha ha

barfy barfs

ha ha ha
this is confusing
Most people who aren't Poodres, Vagiants or Faggotbacks fans anyway.
>social media bait
totally unmarketable by himself, and dogs are flea ridden retards
yeah i can pretty much assume its just them being stingy.
It's his slider cutter combo. Has good support from other pitches like the curve and 2seam as well. Low on the plate they are elite pitches. His command issues will be the reason he's either great or out of the league in 2 years. He's very much like Assad, with exceptional horizontal movement on the plate except aside from having a wicked two seamer he has a solid running 4-seamer at 96-98.
it's just thin crust
I'm a doyers fan and I do not like him, sorry
fuck my ass
fuck my ass
Why, because of the high ticket prices and long lines?
Okay loser non contender teams should lose every game and just get out of the way DESU. They should never win, not even when they buy blowouts just to bait fans
>tfw your mum will never let you get a dog
It's fine, we're going to get a high pick in the draft. CMO is going to be good, Dana is going to be good. Detmers will figure it out.
Trust the plan.
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Keep us posted
wtf is this real???

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