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news: i dunno just google it
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Okay nevermind, someone baked the bread. Also first for Chadres!
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There are other mets anons up late??

prev >>144132811
I think it was Cohen just seeing the allure of a big name and wanted to say "we can be really good!", yet after last season he had some humility. What I do like is that Stearns has been very frugal but smart. Most of his deadline moves have been solid, and I really am growing to like Winker as a 4th outfielder. If they're smart, they do everything to dump away Marte and see what they got with Mauricio for any trade.
bored as shit and i just wanna shoot the shit. its fun to talk about the MLB when you have time again.
I noticed last night that The Twins have a ton of "we can win the WS" level confidence
>lose 15-0 to the Blue Jays
Oh shi....
was that all redditors bringing quality baseball discussion to /mlb/ at the end of the last thread?
my white sox friends are at their absolute limit. I’m sure you heard they were kicking fans out for wearing shirts that say “I don’t like this team” which is a direct quote from Getz. Jerry didn’t like Bennetti so he got rid of him, despite the fact that he was adored by white sox fans. They’ve handled the Robert situation terribly, they’ll botch Crochet as well. The white sox have had plenty of bad years but this year is insane, the organization has never been in a worse place. The fact that Reinsdorf is going to the city with hat and hand and trying to play some bullshit leverage game with Nashville is infuriating. He needs to get in the fucking coffin
/nu/ owner shit. Ted Turner syndrome
I have no clue how you white sox fans deal with that shit at all. I was enamored by how Gary Cohen tried to dance around anything for the White Sox on the broadcast, going so far as to seeing a spider web being made by a camera.
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Oh so that's why the Brewers are doing so well? Their expected BA is .062 (collectively) than their xBA. Cubs also have a .048 BA differential higher than their xBA. Cards have a -.004 BA compared to their xBA. I didn't do the reds or pirates sorry.
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Konata Izumi loves the doyers
what is the Robert situation? isn't he still banged up? wouldn't they be moving him for pennies on the dollar rn?
Name one thing hotter than women.
Men! Go berds
go cubs go dodgers (cubgers)
doesn't look that imposing, especially without Yelich, but they keep getting it done.
Let the berds gay
I’m a cubs fan I just empathize with them, have very good friends that are Sox fans and baseball and even the summer in general is 100% more enjoyable when both teams are good which is very rare kek. I’m sure it’s the same way for the New York teams.
Also I just can’t stand owners that are like grotesquely obvious about the fact that they don’t give a fuck about their fans or the sport of baseball itself, it’s such a bad look
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I did it for the Brewers back in early July and I remember it was like a +.102 differential at the time. That is massive.
Thinking about it maybe it’s not the same in New York, considering the Yankees have had so much success. I’m sure Mets fans would be thrilled if they were bad. But the city legit has more buzz when both teams are good, it’s great
I guess but the Mets are never white sox tier bad. Watching the white sox is like putting yourself between the Beltran strikeout, castillo’s dropped pop fly, the triple play to end that phillies game, mike piazza denying that he’s gay, and the entire 2015 World Series every god damn day
Oh yeah I forgot the Mets just played the white sox. I’ve watched a few of their games this year beyond when the cubs played them (mostly to watch crochet) and they are a complete embarrassment. Lack of talent, lack of fundamentals, flat and no energy. To make matters worse they got rid of their beloved play by play guy for this gigantic douchebag that comes across like an amateur
Since I’ve watched this series, I think I’ve seen the White Sox just commit so many bad fundies that I really don’t get what the problem is. Again, you’d think the White Sox are an average team on paper yet these guys just look terrible.
I can't. I love women so much bros. I think about them all the time.
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New York is a baseball town and it’s def more exciting when both are good. There is absolutely no sympathy between the fans though, when the other team is shit.
The Brewers are the eternal "Regular season team" They're built for the long grind of the season but always lack those star players that make a difference in the playoffs. Feels like every run of theirs they just get unceremoniously dumped by a team in the playoffs. They make it all the time and yet i cant think of a single Brewers playoff moment.

>I have no clue how you white sox fans deal with that shit at all.
Until Jerry dies i dont take them seriously as a major league ball club. There's nothing you can do cause he doesn't give a shit about the fans opinions of him and he makes money weather people go to the games or not. When thy win its fun but when they lose i just shrug and forget about it right after. I haven't been emotionally invested in the Sox since Jerry hired Getz. Just showed he no longer gave a shit. So why should i?

The worst part (and its not just the cubs but all the AL Central teams) is you cant even shitpost or anything. What can you say? Its just boring.
Go Royals
The last really good Brewers playoff moment was that home run by Woodruff against the Dodgers. They’ve been very bad in the playoffs since then.
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I do not like the mest. 2000.
Lmao the “we ain’t takin that!! I don’t care how many Ls we got?” Guy?? He’s a clown lmao, I made that Tpham webm and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing watching that highlight. Play calling and commentary is going to shit imo, I feel like Howie Rose is gonna retire soon too and I’m gonna be real sad about it.
At this point I’m sure the weight of being on a historically bad team is messing with them, I know it would for me
Yeah if they were winning or even just like regular bad there’d be no sympathy but at this point it’s just depressing
shit, I forgot all about that. that was a very tough series the Dodgers were fortunate to win.
You just know Jerry is gonna live to like 105 too. I’m hardly a basketball fan I’m like whatever is below casual but it would be fuckin cool it the Bulls could do something
people shit on the mariners for nevering making it to the WS but the brewers haven't gone in forever. you would think at some point they would piss shit and fart themselves into a WS appearance.
Yanks poster is awake too? 2000 was kino, just wished the Mets were more competitive in that ‘Eries. I’d love to see a rematch in our lifetimes.
Oh one thing i forgot thats the worst thing about Reinsdorf being the Sox owner. He also owns the Bulls who are also eternally going nowhere. So you never get any break from the guy and his shitty ownership practices. Baseball ends and heres the Bulls to finish in 8th-10th in the East again. And then that ends and heres the White Sox. Hes always fucking there. He owns two teams in the 3rd largest market in the country and runs both like small market franchises.
as bad as it's been for the White Sox this season, I still think the Orioles losing their first 21 games of the year in 1988 seems more surreal.
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big fly ohtani san!
Been saying this all year lmao, brewskies choke every year and no one talks about it
what about the meme of him sucking post asb though
htf did this retard not end up with Ohtani's ball? It was practically hit right to him with no one else around.

I think its cause the Brewers at least handle business in the regular season now. Seattle missed the playoffs for 20 years in a row recently. Maybe people talked about them the same way in the early 2000's when they were also in a decades long playoff drought but i think its just different now. Also, i dont think the Brewers ever wasted a collection of talent like the mid 90's Seattle offense.
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Long day yesterday. I was young when it happened, I remember how the whole city was buzzing. I always liked Piazza and those black alternates you guys had. A Yanks/Mest eries would be kino considering how good you guys have gotten. I also hope to see one in our lifetimes. It'd be great for baseball since interleague play barely means anything anymore. Might take out a loan just to go to a game.
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it most certainly would not be a great thing for baseball NY poofter
we shitposting again?
we shitposting again.
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I hated Clemens so much for throwing that broken bat at Mike Piazza lmao, I can close my eyes and see that highlight still. I’ll start saving for tickets now.
Must live in one o’ them small markets kek.
the vast majority of baseball fans don't care one iota about either NY team kek
holy moly
I need a cocking...
Sigh *unzips*
Well yea… why would they? New York ‘eries would be a big draw and it’d be le good for baseball which is basically just a meme at this point. A Chicago or LA cross town ‘eries would prob do the same. An Ohio one would cause Manfred to rope so that’d also be goodforbaseball in another way.
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The battle of the baconeggandcheese WILL happen. Cope and seethe.
I miss that fireyness. The current Subway Series is too nice. I want both teams at each others throats again at least one bench clear next year.
if you made the argument that it'd be good for whichever particular city then yeah, but no intercity series does anything for the game as a whole..
>I want both teams at each others throats again
Ya otta see my berds take on tha brew crew
>benches clearing for interleague faggotry
New Yorkers really are that dumb
I want to see them boys at each others waistbands
eke posters give me the heebie jeebies
if i go to bed will y'all behave?
He's waiting anon
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I’m gonna need a whole lot more suicidal Mariners wojaks and pepes to make it through the rest of this season
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We’re talkin baseball
From Maine to San Diego
Talkin’ baseball
Cubspie and the Bravesbrah
The Yankees and that AI postin guy
The doyers and their game with hololive
They’re here with Recker… and extremely royals guy
Corbin FAGGOT and PCA in a speed competition to see who can suck the most dicks fastest!!!!@@@11
The NL always sucks too
What tune is this set to?!
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Gotta feel bad for White Sox fans but honestly Chicago does not need two teams. That town is 90% Cubs fans
You’ve never heard talkin baseball before? Think the song is actually called Willie, Mickey, and The Duke.
Suburbs is 90% cubs fans, chicago is split pretty evenly
I lived there for 2 years and swear I met less than 10 sox fans the entire time
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that's quite good brother man. quality post.
Hm it’s tough, because when the white sox are going well they can draw a decent crowd, enough to justify having two teams, but when they’re as bad as they are it does feel pointless. Whenever Reinsdorf dies his kid will sell the team, it’ll be interesting to see if the new owner wants to keep them there or move.
holla at ya boy
Rape Cubspie
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weird that it just feels like he's chugging along doing his thing which is really good but not that it's something that is exceptionally unusual.
Hey everyone Aarone Boone, manager of the Yankees, here popping in to confess I've been up all night stressing about those Cubs.
Air-in Boner
the worst part of being a m’s fan is the team usually isn’t that bad. they love to finish with 82-85 wins and miss the playoffs by a few games
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captain... im detecting much win in this sector...
Jizzie we need to cock

"Say my name"
"The cum guzzler semen slurper"
"You're god damn right"
actually eke’d at these
Which team has tha fyness AI hunnis?
audibly eke'd
/mlb/: baseball discussion
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this is /mlb/
contribute on they azzez
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Gay louis in the house!!!!
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My friend was wondering how air gets into a boner. He thought blowjob doesn't mean you literally blow but he's now questioning his understanding of the topic.
Show him
Mmmm...back at them hot,steamy nights at buschy... i was a star...they called me the recepticle....if i told you why...well let's just say...not even the best of men could resist the allure of my gapin' hole....
Oooh the legend himself... many a night shared down at buschy... a guy like you wouldn't ever remember a guy like me thou... they called me greased litnin'... cum quik never shower
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I’m at work right now and forgot my headphones, is it safe to play these out loud??
My voice is sexy damn baby but there's TW: gay berds, gay louis, gay saint louis, gape loose fairy. I wouldn't
Is baseball related audio allowed at your job?
we met fans had a lil bit of some culture,,back when it was still shea'... they called us,,, shea's gays....they called me The Fucked,,,lets justu say the subway series had a bit of a double meanin...yankee fans insissted i wore my mets jersey...then they'd tear it right on off o'me...pure primal ragin instinct...
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oooh they do not fuck around up shea way... it's like lil' india in there
I;m gaping about thos Berds
*licks chops*
WelCOME to Gay Saint Louis!
Stop by the docks and ride the fairy!
See our most popular attraction: the door out of town!
wait til you hear the tales o plenty we tell bout the one they called "the craver"...
Hush... set aside what you know, and listen to this tale of the craver...
>something gay
The end
oh he wouldnt have it any other way up in shea... the craver could give whey addicts a run for their gravy....the saying.... went somethin like this...

In the shadows of shea, a craver lay...
He always craved, at the end of the day...
He danced in the dark,eyes locked on seed...
Seekin the men,,,, who cuold nourish his greed...
At shea he fed,on all that was spilled...
His filthy craving, could never be filled...

But Shea crumbled down, a relic of yore,
It truly is a pity,
he now lurks at citi...
gay stadium
will the craver slink around post season game threads causing mischief
Nutted 2 this
This is true terror
Ngh... Mmh...
Something gay in shea!
We need the craver
We need the craver
we need the guzzler
The craver has me spooked
craving the craver
Ran into the craver up at gay in the shea... dat man had lust in his eyes
Oooh run away dey told me, I told dem, I can't run, due to my diabetes. I'm a diabetic I tell them, get me some juice. Get me some juice I said to them. You know what dis slimeball did?
Never in all my years did I see a man run a batch so fast
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>Mets won
>everyone else lost
dem was dem days
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when will Shohei announce his wife is pregnant? other players back in NPB have their wives popping out babies quickly.
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Decoy is the decoy so that his wife doesn't beg him for his seed and he can focuson playing ball. He wouldn't be able to attack 50/50 with a newborn screaming every two hours
his mom is actually the mastermind behind everything. she probably convinced him to marry a tall-ish basketball player to produce super-human grandchildren who will own all future MLB records.
>It's the year 2044
>MLB commisioner announced that team owners have uninanimously decided to implement the "Ohtani rule" limiting each franchise to a maximum of 2 Ohtanis in its roster
So glad that the janitor cant do his job and clean up /mlb/'s version of the raped bitch.

Those kids will be born in America and have birthright citzenship to avoid having to play in the NPB years before posting for the MLB, but they'll play for Japan once the WBC comes around. They can't get away with this.
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I just saw what the fat birbs did to my Twins yesterday. This level of anal violence should not be legal.
>…years before posting on /mlb/
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asian women
Are you Joey Votto?
wish i was an asian women
My greatest regret in life is not doing what was necessary during the lockout meetings in Jupiter, which I regularly pass by going back and forth between home and where I live now. All the rotten eggs, a bunch of frail old men, in one basket. Imagine sitting in the driver's seat as they're walking out of the building and crossing the street to their rides right after agreeing to universal DH, shirt ads, or expanded playoffs.
t. Cubspie
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Goodmorning doggie family
Kooch 'em!
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gm berdbrains
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Good morning to all Mariners and non-Mariners.
Mariners WILL be winning today.
magic numbers for a post season spot accounting for tie breaking results from winning a season series if that's already happened
>NYY: 18
>BAL: 18
>CLE: 19
>KCR: 22
>HOU: 22 for qualification either by wildcard and winning the division
>MIN: 24
>LAA: 10 for elimination from a wildcard spot

>LAD: 16
>PHI: 19
>MIL: 16 for winning the division, 19 for a wildcard spot
>ARI: 23
>SDP: 22
>ATL: 25
>MIA: 2 for elimination from a wildcard spot
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Good morning /mlb/
The Kooch trade ended up being a win for both sides. Pleasure doing business with you Jaysbros.
I don't get it, why do sometimes the Yankees go 9-0 just hitting dinger after dinger, and then sometimes go 0-13 and Aaron Boone looks like he wants to cry.
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sunday beisbol
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Good morning /mlb/, Mets need to finish the sweep today
Air in Boner
imagine you're born with the name monkey bats
Yankees aren’t calling up Dominguez. Team just doesn’t care about winning. God damn I’m irritated.
He's likely not ready. He'll run into some now and then but mostly get carved up by mlb pitching and your fanbase will start shitting on him.
The New York Yankees be like
>Not putting our best players on the field actually makes us smart
You’re wrong.
I just don't see a team in the AL stopping them in the playoffs, anything short of a WS appearance would be a major failure.
The best team doesn’t usually win the pennant. Baseball is all about getting hot at the right time
they'll find a way. probably to Houston would be the funniest outcome.
That is true, and their closer is a nightmare
Yea, I think that if they don't at least make the WS, and waste another Judge MVP year, it's going to be an ugly off-season, especially when Hal keeps Cashman and Boone.
I got money on the Royals. Witt Jr. being so fast will mentally devastate Trevino.
At least my pirates won
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Boone will play Trevy instead of Wells knowing this, with his shit attempt at having a platoon system.
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Hello mates
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>Brewers called up a man named Brewer Hicklin
We live in fucking Phoenix Wright world.
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Morning aussyfren, have a brekky sammich on me
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I wonder how made everyone will be if the world series has Baltimore/KC representing the AL, and Milwaukee/Arizona in the WS.
The royals are in free fall. They might not make the playoffs
Thank you sir. I will feast before my wagecuck job this morning
Until Cashman’s vice grip on this organization is removed the stupid shit will never end. They would rather lose than be proven wrong.
Would be a great final 4 and funny to think the team with the closest title of those 4 is the Royals of all people. Sadly i dont see how Houston doesn't get out of the AL this year. All the AL teams are just shaky enough that a team like Houston thats been there 4594 times will just claw it out even though it feels like that teams contention window should've closed 2 years ago.
Baltimore doesnt have the pitching
i would be fine with baltimore and milwaukee. kc has been to two recent owls and won one so fuck em, and az was in last year
it is almost time for cubbie baseball! I REPEAT, CUBBIE BASEBALL STARTS IN LESS THAN 15 MINUTES!!!!
we're watching cards/yankees. thanks though...
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Bryce Miller takes the mound in less than 3 hours /mlb/.
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>white beard
the middle of my beard was like this until i was almost 30 and it became the same color as my mustache
berd em'
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youve just been BERDED
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Birdfags get the rock.
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>even though it feels like that teams contention window should've closed 2 years ago
What could possibly be the reason they’re still competitive I wonder…
Go Yerrys
who the FUCK is that in the top right
AL West bros, they're making fun of us again...
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>hear michael kays voice
>mute the tv
ahhh... kino.
what the FUCK!
Nestor hot streak continuing would be nice.
how'd the Rags go from winning it all to being 8 under .500 right now and how is it the D Bags are the ones that are more legit from last season's ratings nightmare matchup? What a crueler sport playoff expansion has created.
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>tfw you will live to see the Bird Bowl World Series of The Toronto Blue Jays vs the St Louis Cardinals.
liner back to this bush league pitcher's head... kill him...
next birdbowl is the portland orioles vs the nashville warblers
Really bad.
Juan so-so kek
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mets are coming for that south side sweep
uh oh stankees...
crochet is gonna gape us, mets can't hit tought lefties.
Cubs gonna squeeze WC slot. It's inevitable.
you gotta be beepin me
>in the month of august, ohtranny had 15 hits
who cares that 12 of them were home runs, a 0.150 batting average and .650 OPS is nothing to brag about
umm but how many bobbleheads did he sell? i though so. chud.
attaboy isaac
faggot mike homered?
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0? those were given away
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>john carlo stanton
faggot mike
What the fuck happened to the cards in that play lmao
attaboy wicks
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Jizzum learned from last time.
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Game on and good luck Royals
>Blanco on the bump
The sweat king is kinda out of gas. Don’t shell him pls KC
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My team is full of retards
attaboy pca
Based Jazz
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found this online xD
o ya gotta be gapin' me
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public cubs anal?
what the fuck??? you little goblin freak.
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attaboy ian, attaboy swanson!
sit the FUCK down!!!
what the fuck is wrong with you weirdo
oh come on!!!
thats uncalled for
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its up
In post season the ump with the worst call accuracy should need to stand on plate and have 50 balls from the leading league pitcher thrown at his face.
Crochet fucking mettie ass
when they implement the challenge system, the ump should have to stand spread eagle and the pitcher gets 1 free throw, like Wall Ball rules
hopefully the mets can foul off a couple pitches and get crochet around 100 pitches by the 8th inning so we have a chance vs. the bullpen, cause we ain't hitting this dude.
zased and kinopilled
yeah ive seen enough crochet 20k game incoming.
umpies are OUR NEIGHBORS!!!!!!!!!1
how did we all know how to play wall ball? games like this just baffle me since we didn't see it on TV or connect with people on the internet
*Ball hits head*
>Calls a ball
kek based
attaboy nico
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memes still existed and spread from town to town and school to school across the country organically. look up the Cool S or Stussy S, it spread in the 70s pre-internet and every schoolkid from the 70s onward learned it and drew it.
don't forget that 280lb yordan alvarez stole 3rd base last night
erm...nobody cares...
I care
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this but unironically
possibly the best pitcher in the game being stuck on a historically bad team just ain't right
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why is he waving the surrender flag?
errrrm sweaty, he's only 250lbs and it's beautiful
Cubs should go back to sac bunting runs again.
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did you know that marilyn manson played paul on the wonder years and also had his ribs removed so he could suck his own dick
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O’s lost yesterday too.
The dumb faggot is reaping what he sowed. He's the one who said he wouldn't pitch in the playoffs if his contract doesn't get extended.
He deserves that shit ass team
He said that? What a faggot. Didn't harvey try pulling the same shit with the Mets a while ago
With Wicks in the rotation is Hendricks going to get more starts?
Yes. He also wanted to stay a starter and probably would have been a little bitch if he was asked to pitch out of the bullpen. He was making demands when he wasn't in a position to be making them.
>Al X Ver Doo Go
verdugo is so bad
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And Dugie was turning it around since that trip against the glory holes too.
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alex turdpoopo
Strange, he's only in his sophomore season, at least in terms of a full body of work, and already making demands.
oh no no no stankees
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What a fucking bum. Verdugo is the worst player in baseball.
he's right, though. there's no guarantee that an acquiring team would try to look out for his long-term health and not just run him into the ground.
Verdugo is NOT hustling
Dodger legend Alex Verdugo
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ok we feastin berdbros
We might be retarded but at least we can hit
93% here and 50% in the homerun. VerDOGSHIT needs to leave.
you mean boston legend. they gave up mookie for him LOL
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>the shitty of jew york
why is yankee stadium so tiny?
yankees still havent figured out that an entire pitching roster whos era is 4.5 isnt good
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Imagine thinking Lindor is not the MVP
Sure, but you're on the directionless, hopeless White Sox. I would want the fuck off that team the second i could. And he's still there for two more years and probably will be if he keeps being a pissy little bitch
mvp chants in chicago as lindor hits his 29th homer and increases his on-base streak to 30 games
do yankees have a coach
3.76 but ok
a JUDGIAN groundout
Sox were mostly interested in getting someone to help eat David Price's contract with that deal. I personally thought just trading Verdugo was enough but was pissed the Dodgers also included Downs, who turned out to be a dud, and Conner Wong.
Pete AlFATso!!!
we dont use that word here
>Cleveland got a perfect game goin' but nobody in the genny cares about Cleveland

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the pre-madonnas on the yankees don't accept coaching, boone's job is to suck judge's dick and argue with umps to make it look like he's helping. the hitting coach just tells them about their launch angles. yankees don't do traditional coaching.
He was actually a good pinch hitter, he just fell off a cliff this year.
how many career strike outs has he thrown? how many stolen bases does he have in august?
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It’s dog day at MMP
There's a baseball team in Cleveland? What team plays there?
>perfect game
>through 3
nobody cares
You just know.
I was just getting ready to post Alex Cobb has a perfect game through 6 innings
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they arent worth paying attention to until the 8th inning
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>muh crochet pitchcount

>diamond dozen
>doggy dog
Both pitchers in this NYM-CWS game had a perfect game going through 3
I'm pretty sure that's a female dog
Until they go back to the Redskins we don't care
I'm so sick of seeing him swing at garbage then walk away with this poopy look on his face.
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this. these colors dont run
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Are we hyped Angelbros?
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Could you guess? It’s a 4th pitchers duel in a row here at Minute Maid where offense goes to die.
Cubs pitcher in the Yanks game
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I forgot to make this joke when the berds got that homer, but it looks like Cortes got a little Montezuma's revenge :^)
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Rizzo is back
>1st HR of the year
Holy grim
Zesty king hit a 2 run shot into the Yank bullpen.
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Can he pitch?
i hope yankees lose 20-2
just know any hype come playoffs is fake
the new york yankees are not a serious baseball team
All these fucking California hyenas in Florida lmao SD is that bad these fags have to invade every other state?
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>it's not a balk because...it just wasn't ok!
mets just cheated
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At least we have the 4th best record in the mlb and have a good shot at making the WS.
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Sometimes, I hate birdfags so much that I cannot sleep.
What did those faggots do this time?
cobb just got COCKED!
Yankees new pitcher has a 7.11 ERA and a .319 AVG against
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Mets upping their pickoff game recently
>Perfect game ruined by attempted murder
sean manaea just aggressively balked to pick off someone but the umpie didn't care lol
what the fuck does Starling Marte even do?
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>shits on your car
nothin' personnel winglet
yeah no way we are doing shit in the playoffs with this dogshit pitching staff. steinbriners are retarded
lift weights
fuck big booty latinas
steals bases when he's in the mood
>Noooooo you can't pickoff because...YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY?
shut the fuck up cubs fag.
the play you see right now just goes to show what that record means to this team
We just need Schmidt to come back and do well. Bullpen is great.
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Hope he is in mode right now
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first HR at MMP in 2 months
Yeah makes sense. Par for the course for the mest. They are probably the biggest cheating organization in sports right now.
and then he gets picked off like that.

jesus fuck thats a horrible attempt by Marte
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berds gape ya?
Nuke Shitcinnati
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nah its over. we needed to buy yamamoto. stupid jew steinbriners refuse to spend money on this team
who's your most reliable starter this season?
Ass way too big
that's because it's a BBL, they take fat from their gut and stick it in the ass, so essentially implants
they offered him a good deal
Cole when not facing Mets
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>No balk, keep seething
If we had Cole early season we would easily be first place.
did they sign him? no. they are stupid fucks who havent spent money on the team in over a decade.
so who is the faggot who jinxed the no-no?
Yamamoto was never signing here. Yankees were leverage to milk the Dodgers. If you're going to be surrounded by browns why would you choose the cold, brown shithole over the warm one with world-class beaches>
I know you can't afford to rest him, but I wonder if sitting out the season would have been better for him long term
Imanaga > Yamemeoto
Rizzo gets an RBI in his first game back!
you really wanted to sign an unproven manlet to a 12-year deal?
la is an even bigger shithole than nyc. they didnt sign him because they didnt offer enough money. the stupid fucks got asshurt that people were crying about them buying teams 15 years ago so they stopped trying to field a good team.
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uuuuuh berdbros did we get too cocky
>he didn’t actually batflip that one
attaboy seiya!
nah, they weren't going to offer Y2 a bigger deal than they gave to Cole
>la is an even bigger shithole than nyc.
How so? I've never been to California but nyc sucks ass definitely
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they're definitely cheating, I don't know how, but it's obvious. Firstly, Kikuchi goes from a 5.00 ERA with 5 Ks per game guy to a 2.25 ERA with 10Ks, and then this no name fuck goes from slugging .600 to slugging near 1.000?
yankees are top 5 in payroll every year, they spend more than enough the problem is they sign old players to very long deals then are stuck playing them, that and they concentrate on dingers too much so when that goes cold they're too streaky to be consistent.
but enough about the doyers
I've been to both, there are homeless encampments and drugs in every corner in LA; NY is the opposite, since 9/11 they have not allowed any such blatant criminalities.
Better to be a rich, young, Japanese athlete in LA than NYC. Not many Japanese in NYC.
nyc only sucks ass if you're poor, just like LA sucks ass if you're poor. if you're rich they're the top places to be, along with miami.
you say that as if they dont have infinite money. dodgers paid otranny 700+ million and the net worth of the dodgers is 4billion, yankees net worth is almost 8 billion they could field a monster team if they gave a shit.
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belli slap
That used to be a problem, we don't do that anymore; that's why Soto is on a 1-year deal. Next year half the batting order gets released so its no biggie at all.
you act like they're the Rays
how does consooming fix the underlying issues that make the city shit?
Hal Steinbrenner doesn't even like baseball. He uses the team as a financial asset, nothing more.
berdbros I am SWEATIN' and we don't got sweat glands
why waste money when yankee fans will still show up. seems like smart business.
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yeah thats what im saying, they dont give a shit.
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Paredes slap!
LA is fine if you're poor. the weather is nice enough that you can live outside, many people live directly on the beach in a tent. NYC is too damn hot in the summer to not have shelter somewhere and too cold in the winter to not have heat, and that's besides the fact that there is no where nice to set up a tent like the beach, it's all just concrete as far as the eye can see
NYC is great if you're rich, it's not just about consuming. It's also about being where the action is, for now NYC is still the most important city in the global empire.
Paredes Plap!
>astros, winning pedigree team, knows how to maximize their players
>have the best pitching lab in the bigs that turns mid pitchers into great
>veteran hitters who work counts tend to get into a hitting groove when they play everyday
Not much of a mystery anon
You literally have no idea what you're talking about
I'm gay
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just hang out in a public library bro
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>winning pedigree team
Do you know what pedigree means? They had a good rebuild, that is all. They were nobodies before Moneyball and statcast.
at night?
Go baerds
many are saying this, only a few mean it
24 hour walmart then
those haven't existed since covid
yes that's why rich people fuck off to their beach house in the hamptons during the hot summer in the city. and there's plenty of beaches and parks you can hang out in in NYC, it's not all concrete, not even close. you got your opinion of NY from the TV, or one trip you made where you walked around times square and midtown and thought that was the whole city/region.
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is there a single city in ameriKKKa that is enjoyable if you're poor?? cant tell if you guys are memeing
7 straight ALCSs is more than just a rebuild at this point anon. That’s a culture of winning and lots of players with postseason experience.
NY doesn't have anywhere that's open 24 hours? I thought it was the city that never sleeps.
damn that milkshake at the white sox field looks bussin'
They'll fade back into mediocrity by 2026.
probably if you live in some sort of collective or abandoned buildings
Not public libraries
city? no
town? yes

you can afford the rent on a 2 bedroom trailer in bumfuck oklahoma for $250/month, work at the mcdonalds or dollar general for $10/hr, which is enough to afford the trailer, tv, cable, internet, beer, and meth
That’s how this site works anon
I was talking about walmart though
you said that in 2021, rags fag
it's his slider cutter combo...
that doesnt sound that enjoyable
>n-nooo we cant spend our infinite money b-because we j-just cant! okay?!
>10 game sample size.
this dude will be back to .700 OPS in 10 more games.
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plenty of chinese, which are like japanese but with souls
NYC doesn't have Walmarts.

Stuff like bodegas and some diners are open 24 hours, not as many as used to be before the pandemic tho. You can also usually go get Korean BBQ or something like that after bars close at 4am.
Comiskey has far better food than Wrigley. Some of the best ball park food in the country.
you haven't done meth
how's that no-no panning out, land bros?
Ill check it out after my date with Cubspie at Wrigley
this is actually true unfortunately....
the beer selection (soiface IPA) is actually better as well
it tastes better when you're getting shot
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>Sorry White Sox
holy cringe
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Angels bros report in
Comsikey has a dedicated red line stop which is like 100m walk. I wouldn't hang out there outside of game times but on game days its absolutely fine.
>sogay ohtranny
was that the pitch they made to try to lure him to sign?
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Mets suck
Everyone keeps saying that every year, but we have an amazing young core of both pitchers and hitters that all have a lot of playoff experience now. Not to mention a lot of money comes off the books in the next couple of seasons to go fill holes with good players. I’m not so sure we’re anywhere close to being done.
they're eye poppingly bad
I wonder if the cubbies are gonna DFA pwizzy now that we're in september....
I know Alcantara is on the 40 man
yeah they offered him less money and said that chinese people are better than japanese people
Well what do you enjoy anon?
You're done, cry about it. That's the Mariners’ division now.
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Probably, I can also see a Hendricks phantom injury.
>sauce on popcorn

nuke chicago
Wish i could be there. Hope Dana has a good game
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Being a drunk college student stumbling into a bodega at 2 am, asking where's the beer since there was none in the coolers, only to be met with a nod of disapproval by the hardline arab behind the counter was it's own sort of comfy.
Faggot mike earns a walk
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Have fun bro
I was going to go but I had a birthday party and my fantasy draft party today
I remember you back in April LOL
Why do nu yorkers have such an inferiority complex for Chicago?
>t. born and raised in LA
Do the angels have a guy in the organization to sell him drugs??
Ironic because nobody will remember the Astros for anything other than cheating.
new yorkers are /smallmind/ and cant understand anything outside the tri state area.
I'm putting you on suicide watch
NYers don't give a shit about Chicago.
Is that what you think? Lol
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take it back...
You are retarded for confusing terminally online Mets faggots as “New Yorkers”. They would get smacked on the subway for looking our direction.
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I give a shit about Chicago.
based chad mogger, mets fans are pussies!
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Mets suck
oh no no no no eke ur nu, I'll forgive you saar
Armstrong is on the mound!
Recker is on the mound!
>last name blanco
>is black
I'm see double!
birds not helping out other birds wtf man
Sounds like Jewish seething
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RBI for the golden Glover
Pineapple head has a gold glove?
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VerDOGGY gets on and loads the bases for Gleyber
holy kek
More like White Sux amirite
Tardinals gonna tard
The Ms will unironically get passed by the As next season as the 2nd place contenders.
did you check early life?
>It was 7-2
Sac fly

Men on corners for Soto

Tie game for the Yankees
Stop. He's already dead.
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No, I just looked at his name, what he apparently wrote, and knew.
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it was 7-2
you think that's funny? they're going to finish 3rd in the division this year
but where nu?
stanton got a bbl?
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Seiya Smack!
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Manaea please
I don't have any funny meme images on my phone
lmao rockies
Google "anthony recker ass"
Because the Rags were/are a fluke team
My Yankees can still win this game.
File deleted.
here you go
This is ridiculous.
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Never doubted him

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