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Muchova edition


>Order of play



Previous: >>144170387
First for lena
No pedo
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Tommy Paul will DEFEAT the doped up nike rolex merchant
Medvedev told Krygios that he has an amazing new zoomer meme celebration planned if he wins. imagine if he dabs on Tiafoe in the final ...
any more news on vukov rape/pregnancy/AIDS/retirement yet? or was the news something really jawdropping like Anne getting a job?
Nigga is 26
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lena got a new lexus sponsorship
The highly anticipated and well rumour'd news was.... Lexus sponsors her now
My sources told me it’s bad
whoa, jonesy is down a set and break
also kek
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She's making a shit ton of dumb errors today, don't know what's wrong with her
I think Kazakhstan Lexus deal doesn't mean much. It's probably not doping related. But you don't need to play tennis to be an ambassador. She's still Wimbledon winner and the most famous tennis player in a country
she didn't look at her best in the first round really, took her a while to get started
Why is girls juniors way more popular than boys juniors here?
this looks like 360p quality from youtube, no shit they constantly make errors
Pdf files
you know why
cause most the morons here are incel pedophiles who pay hookers who get bored half way through.
Just look at the bon post from yesterday. these "people" are losers in life
Juniors are a terrible bad indicator for greatness so all that remains is jerking it. Probably
No homosexuals ITT. That's why.
>you don't need to play tennis to be an ambassador
very true, Emmlingz has probably spent more time in tennis gear for making Evian ads than she has on a court this year
>Night games are at 2:30 from hereon out

kill me
is this /tennis/ headquarters
That was pretty grim. Hopefully he learned his lesson not to hire whores
problem wagie?
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what, exactly, did she mean by this
>Hopefully he learned his lesson to an hero
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>Stand over there, in front of the balcony
what a bitch, and she only apologized when she was called out. Fucking Paolini beat her
>Juniors are a terrible bad indicator for greatness
not strictly true; for sure not all good juniors become great players on the main tour but most great players had good juniors careers
Emma would never.
No, I'm unemployed, but I tend to play Tennis at 10am almost every day.
You guys get two slams that are euro hours and even the AO is pretty friendly for euros too here in NA we only get NYC
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I'm still here and I'm probably still gonna hire whores :)
that level of mind-broke is extremely attractive in a woman….
looks like she was waiting for us start watching properly
also kovackova is pretty good. and nice speed from both of them, huge contrast after vendy's match
Hadad Maia is a doper too but she actually faced a ban unless Shitner
You get to watch both euro slams at daytime
cry abt it, also it's *unlike
she should get HIV treatment sponsorship
sort yourself out mate
>even the AO is pretty friendly for euros
are you on fucking drugs?
Hurry up fishwives it's time for Tommo to banish the Demon
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i trust the hawk-eye
Tick tock Tommy. Tick tock.
Clostebol is coming for your ass and there's nothing you can do about it
did she try the contamination excuse
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Just let it go Novak, you're an old man now. Olympic gold was a nice swansong.
i do not dislike you jannik
Yes and they agreed with that reason lol, I guess you're just a lot smarter than everyone at the ITIA.
did you read the whole thing
Corr Woz still looks fine as. Danes don't crack
Yes also it was right before COVID so the ban was basically nothing
what's your point?
Damn nigga that rally was kino af
She is. Rory made such a massive mistake.
Djoko is almost over.
Sinner is set to be one of the most dominant players for years, he takes clostebol and just doesn't give a fuck.
Serb is mad.
>wins a single slam
>shitalians call him the next Novak
It should be so easy to beat a leftie. You just hit your forehand to their backhand.
you want to believe i dislike sinner so you can dismiss me or anyone else who questions the case
Ahahah what was that serve from Maia
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There's a Danish badminton player who looks a bit like her but with an even finer body imho. Fuck they're both so fit
He takes clostebol and keeps getting away with it.
Cry more bitch nigga.
what about when they hit their fh to your bh
>alcaWRATH blocks his path
He's even more juiced than Novak so it's a fair comparison
don't confuse him
I need her to strangle me with those ear muffs
there you go
just woke up
thanks rusbro for the vendula webms , nice way to start the day, shame I missed the match. very glad she got through, and what a fantastic kit. damn...

anyways venga pee manure!
he's gonna do the raygun i know it
He doped right in front of you and you can't do anything but bitch and whine.
Sounds like that Kosovo thing
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Imagine playing XD with her and she's bending over right in front of you as you're about to serve
Jonesy :)
Jonesy :)
based jonesy
good day for aussies, I can FEEL it
The age of Djokovic/nadal/federeddit is over. Who will replace them to dominate the next two decades?
you're doing well, go on
Clostebol and Grug, simple as
Jonesy :)
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>coffee on
>aussie showdown
I'm just shitposting on a mongolian throat singing forum bruh
>aussie derby on
Can DeManure choke this?
It's not that funny
Are we barracking for demon or the other Aussie
I hate his guts but if they let Shelton juice he would dominate the next 5 years. I don’t know. It all depends on who the illuminati decides can do steroids and who can’t. So, whoever is most likely to sell their soul.
De Minaur because that's a good looking kit
>aus down 0-3
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>the rise of shelton and draper
how do we stop the left handed servebot meta
De Minotaur? Nah thanks, I'll wait for Binner.
we're about to get bageled ausbros... this is NOT good...
Nick commentating on ESPN
My boy JThompz, he just needs more time
demonic set 1
Losing the first set to sweep the following three is classic Jack
High quality tennis though, bagel notwithstanding
all the matches today have been absolute dogshit
these RSPCA ads are doing my head in. DO NOT want to took at abused animals in the morning with my coffee, it's insane
Demon USO champion no one can stop him
Stop beating dogs then and you won’t see that anymore you monster
>De Minaur in form
Why does Medvedev have to lways get the hardest draw?
>6-0, 6-1, 6-3
A quick win would be good for Demon to preserve his fitness, unless he goes too hard for no reason like he did against Fils and ends up making things worse
Another whore who got a little money and fame and immediately quit trying
If someone takes out Sinner Demon will win title
I hate tourism
animal abuse is heinous. I get your joke but it's honestly too much. horrible ad with bears in cages, tortured dogs, tigers etc, mournful music trying to elicit donations. and it's replayed constantly. I can't watch our fta broadcast because of it.
In order for tennis to heal, Sinner must lose.
I am sending Tommy Pablo my energy.
He's a chud. They shouldn't even let him compete at all.
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It’s kind of true when you think about it…
kek sounds like ITV4 here - abused dogs, abused donkeys, adopt a tiger, kids with cleft palates, starving kids, abused cats, cats abused by starving kids with cleft palates, sponsor a guide dog for abused donkeys, adopt a donkey abused by disabled tigers, a never-ending torrent of misery, all very worthy but not something I want to face when I'm posting toast into my face and thinking about a second coffee
imagine being sponsored by Kleenex
remember when kobayashi battled a bear in an eating contest
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tick tock draper
tick tock sinner
tick tock zverev
They have some good sport programs. So many good athletes
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tough times for the aussie battlers
Even if Thomas beats Jannik, he's like 0-5 against Demon
Sinner will win his second slam and there's nothing you can do about it
There are only 26 mil people in Australia
No one cares
i expected more ukrainians desu
The outcry will be too loud for them to ignore soon. Everyone and their brother knows they rigged it for him.
There are only 0 mil people in Russia
Australia is the best country to be an athlete
I have thought nothing but bad things about Sinner for two whole weeks.
I did forget to say you could cope and seethe about it
depending on the sport. not so great if you're a winter athlete, you have to move to Europe or the US. but most everything else it's fine.
Huh, Jordan Thompson looks a little different here
Sounds like a (you) problem. He keeps doping and just doesn't care
I’ve never met an Australian in real life to be honest. It could all be one big psyop as far as I know.
My Filipino mate could knock them all out
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Average juniors watcher
I have niva met an Arrstralian in real loife
Demon might not be winning this
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GIWTWM (the girl)
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We got to cocky Demon beos
Demon in 3
After FedGOAT retired you realise just how mindnumbingly boring tennis usually is. Get him on the Sinnbuterol and bring him back
Why don't Australians support de Minaur as much as they do Kyrgios or the infamous Barty parties?
He has no charisma or personality whatsoever. And Barty Party is just fun to say.
oh yay a two-aussies five seter
totally everyones excited to see these two losers duke it out
Even Poopeerinse is better than De Manure
been watching this match but don't really feel like i have been
Total Igor Death
De Minotaur
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>it appears our superiority has led to some controversy
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i wanna get physical
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Iga :)
Igor you suck!
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>it appears our superiority has led to some controversy
crazy how little people care when neither novak nor alcaraz are in the draw
i'm here to watch zverlingz choke again
When will he be exposed for what he really is?
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She has a nice ass no homo
this buckbroke an entire international organising committee.
WTA being better once again.
fucking kek
that's always fun
Today :)
samsonova butt cheek slipped out of her shorts
samsung ass
buck broke /sp/ too.
we not asuppose to talk about the gangbang
wtf just happened was making brekkie
why espn focus on igor over ausbattle
The umpire wasn't looking at Thompson when his hat came off. Then when she did see it she didn't do anything until the players essentially called their own let.
Never forget how tennis was stolen from us by Italian mafia in control of Tennis. No Italian athlete is legit
It's like Dr Fuentes all over again
The Dr Klumper era was terrible for /tenny/
I want to fuck lewdmila cobsonovas ass
Igor dies :)
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Igor lives :3
>Green and Yellow Australian colors
>De Manure
>random sponsor shit
really makes me think
with boulter not contributing to the relationship he needs the dosh
green and gold, mate. green and gold.
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it's piss yellow????
I'd rather be red and bold than green and gold
Based zoomie kid
if your piss is that colour you need to stay hydrated lad
drink some water for a change, not mountain dew you fat retard
jt check bundes
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Describe the people that go see tennis matches

don't they have jobs? why is it always so packed?
She's so me (drinking alcohol)
What an original comment you didgeridoo smoker
these two suck
The people watching tennis do not go to work at 7pm
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It's Labor Day doe
Where'd you get that pic of me
Old white people with time and money
what's his job?
what about matches in the middle of the day?

>labor day
isn't everyday labor day?
you're allowed to take days off from work
If you can afford to attend tennis then you probably have a job where you can take a day off.
hand job :DDDDD
why does samsonova not simply retire and make me her slave?
or no job at all

nice talking guys
Eurosport commentator lady seems half asleep
I could go for a honey deuce or two right now!
De Minotaur will never win a slam
or make a competing brand with samsonite.

Introducing: Samsonova. Your American luggage of choice
Good. Don't want his ugly mug plastered everywhere. There's still Ash Farty posters everywhere.
not with that attitude
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Are you Iga supporter from the other day?
can’t blame her
really going out on a limb there mate
No, but I support her anyway.

Previously, I was a Halep fan for 2 big reasons
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Easy match for Samsonova in 2. Second set will be 6-2
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I need to use it as my pillow
I wish Samsung were a little more accurate

inside Diana Shnaider
So true!
>the world's healthiest sport

how did they determine that
Just trust them, ok??
People just make shit up all the time
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What's healthier?
Why would you need a steroid cream for a tiny cut?
Adds up 9 years to your life goy, thats more taxes you will have to pay. Live and work longer pls
hand holding iga :)
Gay sport, I fear
yeah, 62 for igor
i still dont know how to say igors last name
iga draws nude women in her notebook
>russian SCUM chokes
What a surprise
And the woman is her psychologist
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Ive slept for 6h last 72h
they usually say something like shwantek
This is why NY is short 3 buildings
I think there is a record of her saying her name on some official website. Its actually easy, sch-wiantek
tennis girls owe me sweat
iga owes me love and affection
Why the fuck do they all bounce the ball a million times before serving? I wonder how much time would be saved if they cut that shit out. Same with looking at the balls and choosing the "right ones". Just take the fucking balls and get on with it
sick fuck
Just imagine those balls are your balls
one of the many reasons I loved based Nick when he used to play tennis, none of that shit
canadians don't deserve (you)s
if anything they should bounce it longer so i can continue to look at their legs
zverev bounces the ball like it's a girls head
i think iga wins this
so tired of this negative aura bish
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10 more years of iga domination :)
Literally ugliest woman of all time lol.
I don't think a girl's head would bounce very high.
>tfw your own doping slips under the radar because everybody's mad at sinner
Anon I.....
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Igor is the most beautiful woman on this planet
full on interview during samsonova service game
one where the guy just wants to watch the match instead of yammer about nonsense with this aussie cunt
Lewdmila tummy slut hnnnng
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kinda being rude there anon
Cobsonova pretty cute... Why don't ruZZian hype her more?
>don't do that, don't do that!
>rewards their behaviour anyways
blessed iga making them feel guilty
>even fans peg iga
>lost one set
>gives up
many such cases
Just wta things
You fuckers are so obsessed with "doping" it's unreal. Insecure that these people are more athletic and successful than you?
>canadian can't handle the gentle bants
dope detected
'member when iga double bageled potapova in 40 mins
plead stop using my flag to talk shit
'member when hackers found Iga's failed doping test
sasha will be the judge of that
emma would bootyblast both these shitters
I don't think emma could bootyblast iga or samsonova. and calling the no.1 a shitter is insulting.
>only 10
a modest estimate
Which Emma are you referring to mate?
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obviously the only one that actually matters
she's looking in the stands at me
samsonova played better in the second
>6-4 6-1
Thank G-d womeme are over
she's not a very good tennis player, I'm afraid. the only person she's bootyblasting is some 14tr old arab sheik's son for his birthday on a yacht in dubai.
how many australians are ITT right now
Give me a you fucker!
Can I see (You) naked?
iga is going to fuck jason sudeikis in his suite
Like in a non gay way?
in 2021 the wta rigged emma raducanu draw and derailed clara tauson career
same website btw.....

doesn't derail her achievement
look up fluke in the dictionary, and there's a pic of emma radacanu.
elbow deep in emma balancing her eggs
wow hot a what baabhaabiat
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Igor needs sexo with me
when will it become achievements, in the plural?
one is plenty :)
'one' and 'plenty' are diametrically opposed. do mean one is enough?
let's break the world's biggest gangbang record
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Goodnight all
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He’s ready
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Cut to locker room
I stand behind and gape igas asshole then ludmilas then potapovas then ostapenkos then kalinskayas then siniakova and then I go back to iga and make her sick my dick that's been inside all their assholes and I cum in her mouth and she gets an infection because one of them didn't wash their asshole (penko probably) well and a bit of shit residue was on my dick when iga sucked it and then she withdraws and sabs wins the us open by walkover
The doper fears the Chad BVLL
clostebol standing by
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I'm hype for you Tommy, let's go
>spins his racket every 30 seconds
hope he loses
that's his idle animation
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Let's go Dopper
Sinner walks like he’s 80 years old
common clostebol side effect
>what getting pegged does to a muthafucka
Glowie pls
this sinner guy is good....
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>crowd erupting for the American
I love this country bros
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me rn
the fuck is sudekis and why is everyone cumming over him
Binner choking....The dark cloud of his cheating looming over him is too much. I expect him to willingly retire from this match soon, and accept a lifetime ATP ban.
jpeg is probably going to lose another qf :(
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is it autism?
His wife cucked him so we have to feel bad for him
gwan tommy
>be billionaire
>accept sponsorships that could go to poor upcoming players
I do not care for her.
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he's in a much loved show where he plays a soccer coach
you forget that he had his whore wife served onstage with divorce papers at comic-con? it was hilarious.
She’s better than you at everything
sorry, i've had sex.
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I'd eat De Minaurs cum out of Boulter.
That's kinda gay. Do you wanna get gay with me?
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ok. thats nice.
unsure how it is relevant to the question you asked.
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Sinner sistas?
janACK binner
*spins racquet*
RESPECTFULLY fellow Ameribros, it is still extremely early in the match
My boy JSinnz just needs more clostebol
Wtf sinner's coach just threw him a tube of some kind of cream like substance that he rubbed all over his body did anyone catch that
I'm from the future and this point of the match was not too early. Tommy Paul wins in straight sets. Sinner takes the mic and admits he cheated, accepting a lifetime ATP ban.
Damn, Meddy is going to another final
Chad Paul vs virgin Binner
maybe some sunscreen?
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It's evening, Mr. Bond.
>this net play
Seal :)
>double break
its ogrelissima
lel dopers on suicide watch
Fellow dagos...our cope?
he's a ginger
>skinners never gonna survive
>he gets a lidddllle
Demon is really about to make a slam final
this guy can't be doped he's losing!
Tommy Paul to the tune of Daddy Cool
Clostebol just kicked in
Hey broskis giggacoomer here, is kalinskaya in sinners box? (I'd love to be in kalinskaya box)
Warum nichts? They breakup?
I don't think so, they follow each other on IG
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I follow my exgf on ig
>5 hours
what was yall’s high school tennis coach like? mine was a pothead
Well, I don't know
Why americans cants hit backhand?
we didn't have one. most schools here dont.
He's choking.
Pauls on the verge of a reverse double break and he wont mentally recover if that happens
Paulbros we got too cocky
he was the religion teacher and quite chill. unfortunately we didn't really get instruction and just did drills. thankfully I established muscle memory. tennis is hard enough--couldn't imagine coming into it raw as an adult.
Commentators are already criticizing Paul
you can practically feel the roid rage
is Tommy.... a manlet?
This is fucking pathetic... This dude is CLEARLY on steroids now worse than ever. He knows he's immune from consequences now, he knows he's gonna be protected by tennis itself, so is just brazenly abusing roids.

Absolute joke this is.
gabagool activate
Proposal: make it illegal to cheer for anything other than winners, aces, and forced errors
can't believe i got my stupid hopes up
Have faith Tommybro, there's a lot of ball to be played yet.
his blood is pure as the virgin mary
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this is over, no one can touch juiced up Jannik. I kneel
>his blood is pure as the virgin emma
>sinner loses
>see he isn't doping

>sinner wins
>the other guy roids more
sinbinsissies either way we are cleared
tommy bros we are so back
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nah nah nah

Jacked Raper is comin for dat pozzed bussy
Pathetic. He has received confirmation that he's too big to fail, and can now cheat without consequence freely. Sport is a joke.
86mph average ball speed, literally never getting tired, cheating with impunity, doesn't care, sport disgraced.
they break up soon

i feel it

heh like that meme of staceys lagfin at virgins

Shut up Andy
kekking. no one cared when nadal doped for 20 years.
tommys whore gf bettsr be in his box supporting him
this guy has ZERO aura
So true!
who's the redhead girl in the top left of tommy's box? she was in navarro's box (lel) last match too
Literally everyone cared and French TV channels made puppets of him pissing in his car's gas tank for fuel.
Probably one of Satan (Paige Lorenze)'s media team.
for me, it's the vcore 95.
paulsisters...not like this
polos with a zipper instead of buttons are mega gay
I am speechless
I am without speech
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that girl is soaking
noway tommy gun can come back from that
Tommy Paul is retarded
not in front of the hoes
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*unforced error*
It's over doping won
dont know what soaking means but

Tommy is clearly roided as well (possibly unintentionally, from Paige spiking him with roids).
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>If you see an advantage, you take it.
>30 year old asian girl
can you not be retarded for 15 seconds
yank women ugly as hell

who would chooose a yank woman when you can go to the genetic source
mormons do it to avoid sinning
>clearly a latrina
ummm she cant be no more than 8, little man. are you really that age blind?
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dopebros :)
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really not fair tommy has to play a roid user

especially how small he is for a tennis player
can Seal not iron his damn clothes or get them dry cleaned? looks sloppy
Sinner's team pulled the fire alarm earlier in the hawkeye office and uploaded their hacks to fix this
ggs I can go to sleep now
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i think hawk eye is all made up
why does the rich elite of new york comes off as such losers at the us open

I love these dinner memes keep them coming.
it's derelicte
Because your hatred of America clouds your judgement when the AO and French have significantly worse fans.
Rule 34 on emma navarro.
Camon Tommy don't give up
why the AO?
Nadal backs Sinner, ITIA after Italian's failed tests: Rafael Nadal has defended Jannik Sinner after the world No. 1 tested positive for a banned substance but avoided punishment, saying the Italian would never have considered doping.
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is this achievable natty?
Australians act like animals when another Australian is playing
>Australians act like animals when Nick Kyrigos is playing
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>No more Closteboli
It is but he's roided. So are a number of skinny joke athletes.
He's on TONNES of gear right now, brazenly, and so is Tommy.
Nadal is the biggest steroid cheat fraud in human history.
Male players should have to play naked to be honest.
Tommy is cruising on beer, zyn, and pussy
>open /sp/
>first post I see is about how men should have to play tennis naked
kek paul looks more italian than sinner

certainly "tommy" is more of an italian name than "jannik"
Am I wrong? Beautiful male penis flailing about.
who was that weird ginger dancing man
One thing that bothers me about all this is that one player is allowed to do steroids and the other player isn’t. It allows for an unfair advantage and I don’t think it’s good sportsmanship.
jannik sinner
who beat sinner last? dont rememver
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tommy paul be like
The fact Sinner didn't play in the olympics doesn't sit well with me
he had tonsillitis :DDDD
he had tonsillitis from eating out kalinskaya (not avoiding the olympic drug testers)
Looks like Tommy isn't mind broken so at least we might have a competitive match ahead
>sinner still hasn't withdrawn from the tournament
holy shit this guy is the biggest bitch on the planet
>get a paper cut on my pinkie finger
>dip my hand in steroids
This is common in Italy, chud
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>broke the screen
his strength is out of this world! what's his secret?
Commentators making steroid digs "how much JUICE can Jannik squeeze out of his game in the coming years?"
McEnroe just made a physio joke.
Very good post.
My IBS is acting up and I can't stop farting.
Take this Clostibol
come massage me ;)
Rublev at Montreal
Medvedev at Wimbledon
Tsitsipas at Monte Carlo
Grug at Indian Wells
And I think one more I'm forgetting
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>only reason atp is watched is to objectify the men
Tommy... save tennis... win... win Tommy... WIN...
Oh right Grug at Roland Garros
Will masturbating with clostebol cream make my penis larger?
>that flag
it'll get into your cut so sure
It will restore your foreskin
No but Icy Hot will DEFINITELY work.
I use it every time because it just feels that good.
>28 year old Italian Jasmine Paolini rocketed to rank 4
Are we investigating this?
tommy doesn't really have great touch.
dr Fuentes moved to Italy
I'd rather root for the doper than an American.
Women's rankings are always shit.
Gauff at 3?? Do we watch the same player?
She wasn't that good before the absolute disasterclass that was her last match.
Legitimately may have been the worst professional match I've ever seen.
you wish you were american. don't lie
her previous loss to emma navarro was way worse. total meltdown
umm paul can you like make an effort to not lose this tie break please? thanks
another slurpbreaker
just make every set a super slurpbreaker
i'm missing my kids 1st birthday to watch this trash
mental poolini is the GOAT italian female tennis player now undisputedly
Damn, almost wish I'd seen it since I can't imagine much worse play than double faulting almost an entire sets worth of points away.
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coco goff is legitimately disgusting

nauseatingly facile tennis game

completely laughable demeanour on the court

just despicable really that she even won a slam
100%. people want her to be the model minority and second coming of Serena so bad, but she is so weak mentally. unpleasant personality
sitting here patiently waiting for the schizophrenic thread splitting


I hate the beta "pls" the yurofag umps say before the second server
sand beige yonex color scheme. need it or keep it?
She looks like she has a mustache and I can't stop staring at it.
Truly distracting.
Any other bros out here in Arthur Ashe?
why isn't the umpire armed
nibba paul FINALLY takes my advice
Why do you wanna have sex?
another dogshit volley from tommy
Tennis knowers, how much of Sinner's eliteness comes from his height/wingspan? That great volley that just happened wouldn't have been possible with speed alone - his reach made the difference.
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Tommyball denied
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We’re so back
Unfortunately America has strict gun controls so mass shootings are very rare
About 90% comes from the steroids, 9% from his wingspan.
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Tommyball resurges
fuck sake tommy you shit

you utter shit

maybe try like getting the ball in when iyuve been gifted a second serve
>american audience can't follow simple instructions
NEED someone to suck the PEDs out of his system
the approach angles you get from serves and ability to hit high balls easily is a huge advantage. short people serves are not scary at all.
Paul is going to give up now, isn't he.
Guess it's time for bed.
Fuck sinner the ginger NIGGER
Will enjoy watching med assrape him
Well it’s over
The retard ump isn't really helping. The NY crowd is always boisterous especially if there's an American player
I turned it off. This sport is a complete joke, openly allowing doping.
All Tommy needs is a one billionth of a gram of clostebol and he'd have won both tie breaks....
americans would play better at the us open if the crowd didn't act like this
How do you fuck up a double break
Here w my bf
ooff sinner looks hurt

lets pray it onjury
Fug I can't imagine losing two tie break ending sets at this level of play. Must be insanely exhausting and demoralizing. The comeback is just impossible at this point
tommy just needs to score more points to win this
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T-T-Too me Poo

Too-mmy Pooul

Tommy Paul
Paul's cock is broken.
Oh, sinnerman, where you gonna run to? Sinnerman where you gonna run to? Where you gonna run to?
god i want to give sinner a hip adjustment
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>timmy pool
medvedev is going to absolutely booty blast binner
hate this little bitch almost as much as i hate sinner
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why are seppos so obsessed with booty blasting?
what does that even mean? anal sex? taking drugs in the bum?
its so homoerotic, is it a tariq nasheed thing?
no idea what a seppo is
seppo = septic tank = yank
rooting for sinner cause he's an ugly gangly lanklet freak and paul just looks like a generic jock
lurk moar
you say that as if you weren't just saying men should play naked

>inb4 that was a different australian
I know it was you. I have your IP address.
>losing to a crippled italian
Igor Smierda

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