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Have you ever missed a social event for sports, /sp/?
Something seriously needs to be done, the bridesmods need to do something about this. THIS IS A HUGE DAY FOR COLLEGE FOOTBALL
College football ended in January
Scheduling an October wedding in America is pretty bold, unless you know the people going there are mostly of a geekier type. It's like you want most of the men to wish they weren't there.
My godmother got married on July 4th, 2004. The day of the Euro 2004 final. Pretty much everyone left the reception hall for nearby cafes when the game was about to begin and never came back after the win.
>Pro football
>College football
>Playoff baseball
Yeah, you're really just asking for that sort of treatment scheduling it in October.
Lmao. Was she a good sport about it at least or did she honestly seeth about it?
weddings also just suck as an event.
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If it's brown,
flush it down.

If it's white,
hold on tight.

If it's nigger,
pull the trigger.
You've been to some bad weddings then m8. Lots of alcohol, good food, live music
October is a popular month for outdoor weddings, at least here in the South, because it's usually not too hot or too cold. Also it's not like it's during the Super Bowl, and if it's on the 12th it's not even during the World Series.
The worst part is that they are genuinely day long engagements. I'd unironically rather have to go to funeral since at worst it's only a half a day of paying respects and appearing at the reception.
just put the game on during the wedding
>not evening during the world series
Not quite at the level of the NFL, but people do like watching playoff baseball regardless of the team, and if its your team playing you'd much prefer to be locked in on just watching that. The weather aspect is understandable though.
Imagine being the groom in that wedding
October is too cold for a wedding, you have the ceremony and everyone is already in sleeves, by 10 PM or so people won't care about the game, they're potentially gonna be freezing their asses off unless you're in the Southeast, even the desert is gonna get chilly
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why not just put up a big tv or projector and watch the games at the wedding. Seen it here multiple times during EC and WC
see, this is German practicality, best solution to keep everyone happy. Not sure if a Bong bird would wear this during HER WEDDING DAY tho. And a Murican? Hell no.
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>leaving free drink to watch an Otto Rehhagal team
shiggy diggy
I know this post is a reference to an /sp/ meme but I would just stream the game on my phone while on the wedding
You say a HUGE DAY???
It was a shit venue. Also 2004 was 20 years ago, huge tvs weren't as common back then.
>It's like you want most of the men to wish they weren't there.
I've never wished to be at a wedding. It's a miserable time.
weddings are good for meeting thirsty wymmins
and fights
who the fuck marries in October
Pregnant brides
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October Brides
lot of it about
dont think anyone gaf nowadays tho
can someone post the huge day fro college football screencap pls
i dont have it saved

thx beaners
huge day for marriage vows
Sure but this is 2004 greece
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I'm going to a wedding next month on a saturday
Yes we already have planned how we are going to watch the games we are betting on
>the huge day for college football was five years ago
fookin ell
See >>144202579
I have no doubt in my mind British weddings are far more worthwhile than American ones.
The funny thing is, I don't even think it was THAT big of a day for college football. Like maybe 2 or 3 good matchups were happening at the time.
It was during CCG weekend, but it was the worst CCG weekend ever, with none of the games on Saturday even possibly having any impact on the playoffs, the favorites all could have lost and they still would have made it.
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BAW GAWD there's gunna be hell to pay if I don't get to watch BAMA blow out South Carolina by 40 points!
You're a miserable person who doesn't know how to socialise and party then, weddings are sick
I can't believe there are people here who like that shit
I'd rather be waterboarded than tall to people
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I ain't been ta college but I never miss a Saturday of watchin' the SEC football
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The day in OP's post is a pretty HUGE DAY for college football
>Ohio State at Oregon
>Penn State at USC
>Ole Miss at LSU
>if both teams are undefeated or 1 loss Kansas State at Colorado will be a big game
OK Pablo, back to cheering for your Mohammeds and Ngubus
no I won't lose sleep over millionaire mistery meat criminals kicking a ball, that's braindead american hobby
I had the most pleasant funeral outing this July. Not too close family member for me to break down in sorrow, an opportunity to see my grandpa, good sermon by the priest, skipping the immediate reception to get burgers, and a very nice family-only afterparty at the house. 10/10 would lightly mourn again.
What do YOU enjoy then pendejo?
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>after party
But it does sound comfy, I strangely know the feeling
Millionaire mystery meat drama queens kicking a ball
>It's like you want most of the men to wish they weren't there.

Men shouldn't want to be at any wedding that isn't their sister or very closest friends anyway.
I enjoy watching football but that level of obsession is unhealthy. You have to realise that americans will literally and unironically will let their parents die in agony so long as they don't miss sunday slopball.
>mistery meat
what did our lisping spanish amigo mean by this?
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Even our female football players could drop you
and thats a good thing
My cousin got married on what would have been the day of world series game 7 last year. My Phillies should've been there but got eliminated in the nlcs by the poverty Diamondbacks.
>college football
>blowouts and mismatches everywhere
>filled with players who aren't anywhere good enough to play in the NFL
>at halftime the marching band plays Seven Nation Army and makes a giant football helmet formation on the field
>games are regularly dragged out to 4 hours in length
It's time for you faggot to go back
I told them to put the Rangers vs. Panthers game on the tv at my wedding venue. It's no big deal.
I guarantee her guest list is filled with southerners who didn't even go to college
You live under a rock. Most people do not care about this nonsense. October is a nice month for a wedding.
Close friend makes sense because you will have friends to celebrate with, but why would you want to be at your sister's wedding? Shit is boring.
The females would never allow it. It's up to the guys to set up a broadcast in a closet where no woman will notice and then smuggle the groom away from all the bullshit.
I’m 32 years old and I’ve never been to a wedding in my life. That should just about explain the amount of socializing I do.
Lucky man
Yea who doesn't want to turn the biggest celebration of your relationship, the only time ever you are going to gather the entire family and every single one of your best friends and people you like in the same place, into a cheap bar viewing of some university students playing football?
Weddings are a selfish and narcissistic event. Just elope and leave other people out of it. I know women find this shocking but nobody actually cares or wants to be there
I've definitely ghosted friends and colleagues so I could watch sportsball in peace. Though with phones and sports bars, you can easily watch sports and hang out at the same time now.
Yep, missed a friend's wedding because of this but both he and his bride had graduated a few months before the wedding from the SEC school we all attended. Having your wedding on a Saturday in SEC country in autumn is stupid enough but picking the day of a rivalry game and at an age when most of your friends are either still at the school or recent graduates, is the height of foolishness.
When I was 12, my mother dragged me to a wedding of the son of one of her friends from some church movement she was involved in. That entire family was a bunch of rapid Alabama fans and the son was an Alabama graduate. So when did they schedule the wedding? The day of the Iron Bowl!
Guess the football gods weren't amused because it rained all day and then Alabama lost the game. There was a somber mood over the reception because the game ended about an hour into the festivities.
not gonna lie, this was the post that encouraged me to start watching american football
The single greatest bait post in the history of /sp/
I was in that wedding, I was the only one who stayed
as a married man with 4 kids and at this point only come to 4chan for /cfb/ and occasionally/nfl/, in my opinion, having a wedding in the fall on a Saturday and expecting the men excluding the groom and her father to pretend to care is unreasonable. but this is a woman problem stemming from some retarded belief that their wedding is so important to everyone else when even most of the women are only pretending to care.

if she and the groom say I do that should be all that matters to her and if everybody is watching football and not paying attention she shouldn't even fucking notice. narcissistic cunt
>Hey honey is it ok if we show the game at our wedding?
You don't interest with foids much do you?
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I was going to meet my then gf after the 2015 copa america final.
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>Are you kidding me. On MY special day? How selfish are you if you can't go one day in your life without football to celebrate our love?
Some women get married just to have the wedding and have far less interest in the marriage itself.
I live in the Upper Midwest and I went to a October wedding where they just put up flat screens at the reception like a sports bar
This shows me Americans have sovl and passion for their (non-profit) sports culture, while Europeans and others don’t sincerely care and it’s just for show
Or maybe just female activities like OPs are more exciting for them? Since soccer watches are mostly female it makes sense
the concept of the modern wedding always nauseated me and I was over the moon when my now wife told me she didn't want a wedding at all. we got married 9 years and 4 kids ago at wells fargo in front of a notary.

i can tell you from experience the day itself becomes inconsequential so fast and these bitches never grasp that concept
Or these “men” could just grow up.
You have to think long term if your fiancee wants a fall wedding. It's not just one day. It's one day every year for as long as you are married since she will want to do something for anniversaries. I wait all fucking year for 14 Saturdays of CFB. She can pick one of the other 38 Saturdays to get married.
I just checked the schedule from 2022 and there weren't even any college football games played on December 4th. All the ones I can find that week were played on either the 2nd or the 3rd.
There weren't any games, but that was the day the playoff bracket and the bowl game matchups were announced following the conference championship games the previous couple days
People who like the fall
i just looked at 10/12 this year and holy shit that is def full of big games, they picked the wrong day
why do you guys hate your friends and family?
weddings are great and pretty much nothing short of like a world cup/champions league final with my team participating would even be in any consideration to skip a wedding for
That makes it an excellent idea, though - imagine a marriage with a woman like that.
Advanced bullet dodging.
Enjoyment as a wedding guest really depends on who is having the wedding, so I think it's time for...
>close relative
>best bro
>relatives you aren't very close with but the guest list includes relatives you are close with
>older relatives getting remarried
>coworker's wedding
>distant relative's wedding
>wedding for wife's/gf's friend or relative
All of these can move up or down depending on the quality of the spouse, the venue and the quality of the food/bar
I don't know a single person irl who gives a shit about college football in the slightest. They might watch the local team if it came on but they wouldn't be able to tell you who they play next or what their conference record is or anything like that.
I dont mind attending gf's friends wedding
good food and booze and I enjoy her company
It's very regional. If you don't live in an area with a good cluster of schools that actually attract top-tier talent and have "storied" history, you really aren't going to see the appeal of what is essentially an amatuer sports league.
We're just introverts of a certain level, so being around a lot of people drains us. You can still be introverted and enjoy a weddings but you gotta understand being introverted/extraverted is a spectrum, and the more you're skewed toward the introverted side the less of "social battery" you have. Most here have a extremely low capacity.
I live in new england and almost nobody I know follows it
>wedding for wife's/gf's friend or relative
this is pretty variable on how toxic her friend circle is
>That entire family was a bunch of rapid Alabama fans and the son was an Alabama graduate. So when did they schedule the wedding? The day of the Iron Bowl!
how short after was their divorce?

I have a similar list, except if it's not one of the best bros I'm simply not going, resulting in only attending one wedding in my entire life and not giving a fuck about a dozen others.
The solution is midweek weddings
You don't have any cousins?
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Which means it's probably not an issue for you. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concern for people who are not you.
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Anon should marry one, you be sayin ?
A bit over five years. But my friends mentioned in >>144211463 are still together twenty years later. Maybe the key to a successful marriage is for me not to attend the wedding.
My cousin married in early November. I think it's cheaper.
I did
Its not a valid concern unless you're a student at the school, faculty at the school, or a parent of someone who is on the team.
>freezing their asses off
>in october
Midwestoids everyone.
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Time zones you stupid fucks. That was the day of the conference championships.
Listen to the Body of an American by the Pogues. They throw down after the funeral.
No but imagine being so invested in a game that you are willing to blow off one of the biggest events in your friends life to watch it. Sure you can time this better, but why the fuck should they need to? It’s a fucking sport, the result wont change wether or not you sit your fat ass down to watch or not. People are becoming so fucking selfish man, it’s disgusting.
They should. Yale is arguably the greatest team of all time and BC is elite this year.
i refuse to go to weddings
there is no one i care about enough that i will devote a day/weekend to celebrate their relationship
and i wouldn't ask that anyone cares that much about mine
Only when I had to play myself
Weddings are the very epitome of vanity. Why should they get to be narcissistic and I can't.
>b-but it's important
Nah. Maybe back in the day when marriages were essentially for life but now it's an easily undone legal "commitment".
>and i wouldn't ask that anyone cares that much about mine
did you ever have a relationship though?
Imagine putting your wedding on a big game day and forcing your tertiary friends who may have season tickets whether or not to attend the game or your wedding
Imagine putting watching fat cunts crash into eachother over going to your friends wedding. Get some fucking perspective. Sports are an entertainment industry, nothing more nothing less.
>biggest events in your friends life
It's not the 1800s anymore. Odds are pretty high your friend will have 3-4 of these in their lifetime.

I am divorced and even if I get married again, I don't even want to do a wedding.
Sports is also a social event. A game is a time to gather with all your friends and family, likely more so than your tertiary friends' wedding
I wouldn't even show up at my sister's wedding if it meant I had to skip a day of college football.
it's mainly a southern/coastal thing
you have autism
heh yeah bro totally with a 65% divorce rate I should totally go celebrate something that's more likely than not gonna fall apart in 3 years anyway

meanwhile my team plays on fall Saturdays every year guaranteed
That's a good point, screenshot could've been taken in a timezones ahead. That doesn't change the thing about 10/12 though, the op image has got to be in the states otherwise the premise doesn't make much sense and there are several big time games that day this season.
Imagine putting watching fat cunts crash into each other over going to your friends wedding..
this is sort of how I imagine American Weddings to be anyway. I'm a lover of cliche, what can I say.
Have you ever missed a sporting event for a social event?
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>Imagine putting watching fat cunts crash into each other over going to your friends wedding..
>this is sort of how I imagine American Weddings to be anyway. I'm a lover of cliche, what can I say.
Reality always surpasses fiction
I've seen the football shown on a big screen at a wedding, kek.
I've also seen a stage cleared at a festival to show an England game on a big screen.
prime autism
>egg goes into the endzone as they kiss
I missed a Habs playoff game and didn't even get sex.
Solipsism: the post.
Imagine going to /sp/ to lecture everyone on how superior you are for not enjoying sports. Doubt anyone likes you well enough to have ever invited you to a wedding, even that of a relative.
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>miss HUGE college football game to go to wedding with gf
>it was for one of her friends and her entire friend group was fucking annoying
>promises wild sex after the wedding to make up for it
>her sisters, who were also at the wedding, got into a fight so instead of sharing the hotel room they had together one of them crashed our room and was crying all fucking night
>seethed so much I didn't even want to fuck her when we got back home
>Imagine putting watching fat cunts crash into eachother over going to your friends wedding
Why on earth would you want to go to a wedding instead of watching this?
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I'd be pissed if I had to miss watching this to go to a wedding.
No but I missed my grandpa’s funeral when I was a kid because I had a big pop warner game.
College football is gay if you aren't enrolled at the school you are watching
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What the fuck do Americans do at a wedding?
So far I have focused on getting shitface drunk which is always fun
Funerals are different though. The person that it's for literally does not and can not care.
Hell I would want my kids to have their big game instead of being forced to be sad for me.
I meant actual football freund

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