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Not sure I'm just here for the asses to be honest
Why do they even wear anything? Srs.
good god i am in love
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good question. I guess a bra makes sense to keep the knockers in check but why even wear pants if you just hike em up the old asshole?
Why is every single one of them a type of springboard human? Are other disabilities not allowed to do running or are the blades just a huge advantage? Everyone there looked painfully slow desu
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Track's gone woke
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there are different para categories that deal with this, each of them has their own race
Me on the left
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yeah, this group had athletes from T62 (double prostheses), T64 (single prothesis) and T44 (reduced function in one leg)
the T just refers to track
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>not chopping off your remaining good leg to get an advantage in goofball olympics

smell and feel of hot blacktop track surfaces is a vibe
That's a rather impressive lower half of the body.
extremely tite!
Why is her cheek red in that pic?
her body is insane
anyone know if the Boris Hanžeković Memorial (Continental Cup Tour Gold - Zagreb) Long Jump was streamed anywhere?
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>when you only speak Spanish and want to let the world know how much you hate Indians
Forgot it was even on!

Looks like there will be shot put in an hour, let's see what I can dig up.
Thanks. Yeah looks like there is a livestream scheduled for today and tomorrow. But I can’t find a VOD for yesterdays, which is when the women’s long jump was
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thick thighs save lives
the one in the back with the twintails looks like alps
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Jana thread
Hands look kinda weird AI bro
when is the next polinari?
Bunda looks nicer with some containment to maintain shape and highlight curvature.

I will die on this hill.
Good lord. She is an absolute goddess
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Do you have a way to download full vods from Eurovision sports? Or are you using screen capture? Their new video player is kinda mid now that you can no longer scrub/seek
pedo freak
The last Diamond League is next weekend in Brussels. I don't know about anything else.
true, asses in g-strings look like shit desu
Tomorrow is the last Gold level meet
not a big fan of these adidas uniforms. her croatia suit looks better imo
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Cool it
she'll be eighteen in just few months
>not a big fan of these adidas uniforms
The pink uniformas are Puma's, I think. Speaking of which, those yellow and brown (Adidas?) things people have been wearing this season need to be instantly discontinued. Those are the ugliest sponsor kit I have ever seen.
he's a big guy
Sigurd is 2.07m. I thought no that's bullshit how can a triple jumper be that tall, it's not really a tall people event. It turns out yes, he is that tall. 6'9.5". Embla is also tall at 1.81m/5'11".
yeah, you're right. they're both horrid, imo.
i want to have sex with her
I wish she could jump 0.5m higher so that we could see her in real competitions
He did some insane sessions when he was active; 100x30 meter bounds, 35x60m sprints @95% and 10x6x140kg squats all in the same day f.ex. Unsurprisingly his back went snippety snap at 25 years of age.
What is a t&f event that's good for a person that tall?
discus and high jump
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What's with all the white girls being posted, where are my jungle fever bros?
>either be an absolute unit or a starving skeleton with nothing in between
Update on Russia's high jump roster from based gbukatin channel. This is a sponsor event with too-small stage leading to lower than average clearances for everybody but still you get the idea who is good and could have been involved in the Olympics if not for circumstances.
Women's including a very washed Mariya Lasitskene if you want to see how she's doing lately
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this is a very good thread
high quality sports talk
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>february 22, 2025
Why wouldn't it be a tall people event? Basically every track&fields event is. >>144271462

She's a gymnast you retarded coomers.
okay they're literally jumping in underwear
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i love russian women so much
And I mean no ill will when I ask but are you guys all coomers or do you actually follow track and field?
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As discussed in the previous thread these are not mutually exclusive concepts. The answer to both is yes.
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unban russia now
thanks mate, love your work
>Rip your what off with my what?
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god, i love women
my thoughts exactly, i entered this thread to see black girls and there are none
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fuck you guys, i think sha'carri is cute
She is cute but the tattoos, hair and ridiculous fake nails sour things.
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Track and field?
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who gives af about russia lmao, theyre not even allowed to compete
Lassy would beat Mahu any time of the day, and twice on Sunday.
was she the one that was bullied in high school cause she was extremely talented and won national titles or am i thinking of someone else?
You're in Australia, you're still in prison.
we call them Merkelsteine here
yeah, I don't really like to argue about whose country is more cucked as I see no point in taking pride of being slightly less cucked.
My original comment referred to the fact that the country started as a prison for anglo criminals.
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there is no way i could remain soft while doing this to her
She is getting closer

would you have sex with a runner?
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Russian triple jump
I don't have a birthmark, am I even born?
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My queen
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Yeah the Adidas kits have been horrible this season. Also they made Team GB's kits all dark blue for some reason.
Zagreb starting soon
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she could murder me with her thighs
Nice bulge
Good lord
Yumi Tanaka is doing the 100mh
requires vpn
Same for tits/bras. Most women have disappointing tits when the bra comes off.
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That pic gave me back pain.
I also have hyperlordosis :(
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thanks for your service
Interview with Mahu after the rain win:
-apparently she uses a different run up when there is shit weather. I never heard of anyone doing that before.
-on Duplantis sprint, "can you sprint?"
"would you do a race like that?"
>no! lol
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literally angelic <3
>Age: 20
>PB: 2.06
what has Ella accomplished by age 20?
tfw no chell gf
IG name of girl and clinic?
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Best post and agreed
The thing about pole vaulting is that you always throw the last batten, even when you win there is always a clip where you fail.

She has added about 0.2 this year after being stagnant for a long time
this is how women should walk into room and introduce themselves first
Pia will be running tonight
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no fat shaming!
>what has Ella accomplished by age 20?
She's doing her best shut up.
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
pics/webms if you get them :)
works for me without vpn
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Live stream:
>The stream is geoblocked, can only be viewed with a Hungarian ip address
Working fine for me without one.
Yeah there's no geoblock on that channel. I don't know if they put that message there on purpose (without geoblock) to reduce the chance they get bothered by litigious (people) or if they don't know how to actually do the geoblock correctly.
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he ran away. he's not coming back.
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thanks it works for me
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Lol, lmao even
nice run henriksson
My boy classifies that as a bulge X""""D
Gina would EASILY be the best 200m runner in Europe if she tried
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wrong hole, mondo!
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Any good t&f events after the diamond league final?
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Diame is perfect
pia :)
Her coach had to give her a spanking. True!
Not really. Only marathons and european cross country championships in december.
Why don't you guys ever talk about the greatest sprinter of the last 30 years?
He could grow that mustache larger and should.
dont care about jamaican dopers
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It's not the most ass shot from that youtube vid, just her best attempt at pb height 420
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>Anon what do you mean "lick it", I'm all sweaty now...
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work of art
>drops the World Record by 2 seconds in 3 years
nothing personnel, kiddo
Dickson is kill
I admire how angry she seems to make most track fans with her simple refusal to run in anything other than occasional major international competitions.
Yeah no I can't get on board with a dolled up Mahu. Looks all wrong.
The only good athlete around right now, this whole thread is basically just biding time until she drops another WR in events she doesn't even target
>The former boyfriend of Ugandan Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei, who killed her by setting her on fire, has himself died from burns sustained in the attack, a Kenyan hospital official has said.
phwoar imagine mondo's BWC
What a silly twat.
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Oh for fuck sakes.
>I admire how angry she seems to make most track fans with her simple refusal to run in anything other than occasional major international competitions.
This. Why risks injury in some meme competition so you can statpad against shitters when you can save your energy for main events
sick fuck
17 years and how many days?
actions have consequences

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fucking retard, i hope he burn in hell
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At the national u20 championships last weekend, she won gold in pole vault, silver in javelin throw and bronze in shot put.
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imagine the cowgirl sex with her
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has anyone else ever run Olympic or World Championship finals in the 100m, 200m and 400m?
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>short stature
manlets btfo
that's not a shot put build. decathlete or just a casual?
this joke works better when the answer isn't right in the filename.
Shericka. Before she was a 100m/200m specialist, she was a 400m runner. Check the 2019 WCs in Doha, she got smoked by Salwa just like Shaunae did! Took bronze in 49.47 seconds.
U20 World Championships silver medalist in pole vaulting two weeks ago
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Alisa Vainio
I miss Felix, what a lovely looking runner and style.
Do the athletes and spectators give a fuck about the Diamond League? Just started watching and it feels looser and more casual, like exhibitions almost
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Hello there olympic tourist who thinks t&f athletes hibernate for four years and only compete in the olympics
>t&f athletes hibernate for four years and only compete in the olympics
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Irena Szewinska, Marita Koch, Irina Privalova

all natty btw
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this is /sp/, not /s/
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she lives in Belgium? F
Decastar Talence is the last event of the season btw
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She just copied that stunt from Tamberi, but instead of having a fun springs-in-shoes joke, all she could do was twerking
wilma's less than impressed
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So is the season over? I have no idea since there’s no fucking schedule in the faggot ass OP, only finns should ever bake threads
Two day Doamond League Finale 13-14.9.
Diamond League finale @ Brussels - 13th and 14th September.

- 5:00 pm: doors open, followed by the pre-program
- 7:30 pm: opening ceremony
- 8:00-10:00 pm: WDL international events
- 10:00-10:30 pm: Friday: music with Daan + laser show / Saturday: music with Henri PFR + laser show

_13 september 2024_
17:55 100m Youth Memorial Girls
18:00 High Jump Youth Memorial Girls
18:02 100m Youth Memorial Boys
18:09 1500m Allianz Eagles Mixed
18:22 1000m Youth Memorial Girls
18:30 1000m Youth Memorial Boys
18:40 4x100m Youth Memorial Girls
18:47 4x100m Youth Memorial Boys
18:54 100m Blades on Track + Legs Go Mixed
19:00 100m Club Mixed
19:06 100m Ligna Verde Mixed
19:11 Discus Throw Women
19:12 400m T20 Women
19:17 Long Jump Men
19:19 100m T11/12 Men
19:24 800m T54 Women
19:41 100m T64 Women
19:43 Shot Put Women
19:45 Pole Vault Men
19:47 400m Invitational Men
19:53 400m Invitational Women
20:04 400m Women
20:17 100m Men
20:28 110m Hurdles Men
20:29 High Jump Women
20:35 Discus Throw Men
20:37 5000m Men
20:52 Triple Jump Women
21:01 100m Women
21:09 3000m Steeplechase Men
21:29 1500m Men
21:40 800m Women
21:52 400m Men

_14 september 2024_
17:45 Belgian Championships 4x400m Men E
17:55 Belgian Championships 4x400m Men D
18:00 High Jump Youth Memorial Boys
18:05 Belgian Championships 4x400m Women D
18:15 Belgian Championships 4x400m Men C
18:25 Belgian Championships 4x400m Women C
18:35 Belgian Championships 4x400m Men B
18:45 Belgian Championships 4x400m Women B
18:52 Javelin Throw Women
18:55 Belgian Championships 4x400m Men A
19:05 Belgian Championships 4x400m Women A
19:14 100m Equal Rights Run Mixed
19:28 Triple Jump Men
19:32 Shot Put Men
19:41 400m T52 Men
19:47 100m Invitational Men
19:51 Pole Vault Women
19:53 200m Invitational Women
20:04 400m Hurdles Men
20:17 200m Women
20:20 High Jump Men
20:22 Javelin Throw Men
20:27 3000m Steeplechase Women
20:46 100m Hurdles Women
20:52 Long Jump Women
20:54 1500m Women
21:07 200m Men
21:18 5000m Women
21:40 800m Men
21:52 400m Hurdles Women

All time CEST
Name one (1)
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Nafi Thiam maybe
Three individual Olympic heptathlon golds in a row
Maybe a dumb question, but will the races Sydney run in be 'official' so to speak?
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They will count, they're just not Wanda Diamond League™ events.
are autismo queen<3
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I didn't know that latex suits lock in all the sweat and accumulates like a layer between your skin and the suit, webm related. All women in t&f should perform in latex suits to better extract the sweat for sale.
that's fucking disgusting
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see >>144362072
And im a footfag. GROCE
A true connoisseur
So what do the shorts smell like after a full day of marinating in pusy/ashole sweat?
Yep. I had to do the sweatsuit routine to cut weight for college wrestling. I insisted on competing in a weight class above would i could probably manage to cut to. Maniacs will try to do -10 pounds or more. Pro fighters in boxing and mma are even more extreme with it. I was never that dedicated.
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Predictions for the Diamond League Finals?
No specific predictions but I expect some upsets. Late season, everyone is tired.
Also cold weather
mcmuffin wouldn't be here if she didn't think she could do something
Is this a paralympics thing?
How long until you guys go to jail when doing this job?
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Some track, a bit of field.
Samsung had a deal that the medal winners had to take selfies with their flip phones. He was trying to present them with said Samsung.
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I’m assuming nobody is in here because they actually watch the sport and are only in here for the sexy women?
we did a school project once in high school where we covered an arm in a plastic bag and taped is shut at the beginning of the day. then at the end of the day we'd empty it out. crazy how much sweat had accumulated. it included a gym class which probably counted for 90% of the sweat.
plenty of time for both
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the terrorizer of talence
anon's thigh and tummy massage institute; female athletes only (very progressive)
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>Fredag och lördag 13–14 september: Bryssel, Belgien
>Sänds i TV4:s kanaler och TV4 Play 20.00–22.00
The last event and the worst fucking broadcasters get the rights, what's the point of paying taxes when we don't even get the good shit.
wrong continent since it seems you all are posting euros but whoever posted this one in a webm thread before gave me the bug
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it's because asians suck at track
lots of new ass shots posted itt
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nothing wrong with posting some asian cutes, there's just not that many of them unless you go looking for more obscure national meets
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Pray 3 Damar
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Shaunae Miller-Weeaboo
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Should I make a new T&F thread with the scheduling times for the Brussels Diamond League when it starts instead of staying in this one?
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Stay here
Will do! o7

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