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SL are 1/0 in reply to Eng's 325
YFO (Yank Flags Out)
Second for trust funds

Maharashi rain coats
And terrariums
>Andrew Flintoff has been appointed as the England Men's Lions head coach for the next year
what's for lunch lads?
3rd for Palestine
Shipyard IPA
just seen neek keir is in bard's hometown (dubiln)
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had some hot dogs
going out to the shop now for beers if you need anything
>when you have to debate rishi
haunting article headlining on the beeb

we truly live in a society
national budget idea: turn all council estates into fire traps to relieve pressure on the welfare budget
Anyone else think life used to seem more real?
Nothing actually makes sense any more
Bouldering is we poor souls have
it might have 'seemed' real but it never was
this is simply the fleeting, material world
He got absolutely verbally massacred desu
Rishi just dominated him
Keir isn't very bright unfortunately. And he's weirdly big and wrinkly
Can't bring myself to vote Tory maybe I should have
Reminder there are rich children who have had terrible upbringings who need a massive amount of inheritance
reminder - certain man's only become a rightwing chud because got dumped by Hiba and the jeeta
first 2 A Perfect Circle albums just hit different
they solved 2000s nu-alt-metal or whatever that was
Why is he banning smoking in clubs lmao
That's actually ridiculous
Would like to hear what dave gahans or Gary numan has to be say about that
Absolute tyranny
I wouldn't exist if it weren't for smoking areas
answered your first line with the last lol
not right wing chud at all
judge men by the content of their character
ok fat neek
address me again when you finally hit 6 pull ups without becoming a sweaty pumped mess
the disrespect shown towards scotland with this scheduling is quite disgusting
hopefully the fact aussies have struggled to beat them should change things
was just a friendly gotteming post mate, no need to have a full on seethe
Sinking a ghost ship
zachy rigs pics to post on /fit/ just like he rigs polls to post on /cric/. expected bard to be here saving us from this as there's a test match in play
What the fuck is your deal dude. You are so fat and Anglo
Just leave your laptop for once please
I could KO you stiff zacky you little prick, and i'd give it good to your boyfriend bard too
Bard lost
Shit went down like Georgia without the rigging
australia vs scotland memebash
Cooper Connolly, one of Australia's finest
Zachary is a male name of Hebrew origin that means "remembered by God" or "the Lord recalled". It comes from the Hebrew name Zechariah and the Greek name Zacharias.
scotlel doing alri'
Modern cricket is dire
they really do be servin' the usa
just want Sri Lanka to be competitive again like they were 2006-2009
yeah it's awful desu and I enjoy your insight with this gimmick
so many of these Aussie /TV/ posters may as well be yanks

Wish we had the navy we used to have so we could invade Australia and kick some sense into retards
>bad light
fucking hell
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>woakes bowling spin
bazball elevating cricket to new heights
he's bowling offbreaks lmao
they're doing this whole death of cricket thing as some inside joke aren't they

Forever servin the USA
Look at this spud playing for Australia
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Bored of the foreplay
Let's cut to the chase
Just want it to kick off now
Want to make fun of ol bingos body in an eastern Poland bunker
The more vodka you feed me the braver I'll get
Bored of the foreplay
Let's just do it
Heres my opinion, if someone pays to watch the Australian cricket team play they should actually see the Australian cricket team, not Cooper Connolly and Xavier Bartlett
Jesus Christ I need to be careful to not be a communist sympathiser on Facebook
My grandad would actually hate me for that
Jesus Christ
t. servin the (((USSR)))
Or would he
Maybe not
just saw a youtube comment that was from '18 years ago' and had a bit of an internal crisis lmao
can remember when that site started and we'd share vids on msn
Reckon you could see better offies at club level than what Woakes dished out?
My old man has gotten full redpilled off Twitter, have to steer convos away from Jewish control of the state to how shit he thinks Popey and Bash are
scotland falling apart in the real cricket
(I am a communist sympathiser, by the way)
>Real cricket
Didn't know the Hundred had a Scotland team
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Might become an anarcho-communist
Seems the biggest brained relief system
sri lanka are outbazzing >us desu
Win butler looking mf
I have my hobby. It's bouldering
But I need an interest
Anarcho-communism or British small mines?
You're not that serious about bouldering, you're a pretender, you're a phony
Reminder that the Dilscoop was invented by Sri Lanka
Max Hastings' work is an interest
You're wrong mate climbing overhang is like crack to me
the formula needs a modifier for how many runs they scored too, cook's brains would turn into melted icecream the last few years of his career lmao
Good author
chin up lad here
gave zachy the keys to unlock v5 by telling him to take pull ups seriously and now he mentions it in every other post
reckon I have a good tip to get him past the v6 line as well but going to let him try it solo for a bit longer before revealing it. watch this space
How odd I can have all this inside me and to you it's just words
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>it's literally about a black dog
KEK all this time I thought that was a metaphor for depression or something
michael atherton seems like a cunt
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>Anglo in charge of Africa
Pillages. Destroys
>China in charge of Africa
Presents mutually beneficial business ideas

Gee I wonder who will win in the end here
Next time if Sri Lanka could just forfeit the test and save everyone some time that'd be appreciated
the type of people who constantly bang on about the same author over and over are the type of people who don't really read much but like to pretend they do
thought zach was redpilled on there being no good films or music in current year. not sure why he's pushing this flick so much
anyone watching the cricket
yeah mate, scots on the ropes
I am watching rugby league
then union at 4
then footie at 5
but criccy on laptop ye
Black Dog is kino
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That looks nice .
>best Bouldering gym known to man in city Bloc
>Mercury prize winners
Based promised land
Aussie bros..
lmao are aussies losing to scotlel
she'll be right mate
a dark day for australian cricket, perhaps even darker than the day they were caught cheating in slow-mo 4K
I have decided I am going to become like a cool carefree bro
got to share the statpadding around, reckon it's time for tim david(?) to prove that the selectors aren't just a bunch of retarded alcoholics throwing darts at map of qld and wa
So annoying when you can't smoke a cigarette because you have bottomed out and you don't want lung cancer
When I was in Colombia I would light up at like 5pm listening to pumped up kicks
566 btw
>light up
>not listening to boys light up
"""quit""" 5 years ago, every time I have a ciggie these days I feel utterly disgusted.
I'm not that laptop thumbing neek
no but Steven May
laptop thumbing neek or toothpick armed neek it's all the same
zachy is a former degenerate smoker? yikes
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'za for tea lads
>Theatron is a gay bar, dance club, and nightclub complex in Bogotá, Colombia founded in 2002
>It is the central point of the gay community of Bogota and is located in the central part of the Chapinero locality, the focus of the city's gay scene
this was his go to spot and he thinks it's absolutely fine
Yeah mate
You go sister. spoken like a true Anglo fat neek that can't climb v3
*bangs pot*
zachy for tea lads
*waits at boat stop*
What's the point?
It's too big to be gay
We have been through this
Why should I repeat myself? You fat little Anglo mong
meth mostly
well he is from brighton tbf
>too big to be gay
sounds like turbocope ngl
anyway I think bard went there and confirmed it was full of blokes bumming each other on the dance floor
Yes mate you should definitely take the word of a narcissist who hasn't had sex in ten years as gospel
/sp/ are laughing at us again
Id laugh at you as well you fat neek
Lose weight, Anglo
How the fuck do you drop that you silly twit
I've seen enough, get that lanky telegraph pole out of the team
>the two dress shoes chads vs the two sneakers and suits cuck faggots
fun fact: in NZ, 'hull' is what they call a 'hill'
Hate anglos so much
>Puberty blockers a 'safe, effective and reversible' form of gender-affirming care, finds review triggered by Westmead Hospital investigation
>An independent review commissioned by the NSW government in the wake of a Four Corners story into gender-affirming care for children has found that puberty suppression treatment is still "safe, effective and reversible" but calls for more long-term quality research, acknowledging the strength of evidence is low.
>The NSW government commissioned the report by the Sax Institute in the wake of a Four Corners report into gender-affirming care and a growing dispute among some clinicians in NSW about what was best for children with gender issues, as a polarising and sometimes toxic debate over the gender "affirmation" model plays out around the world.
>Gender-affirming care can include puberty blockers to suppress puberty for young people distressed by their changing body. In some cases, this is followed by cross-sex hormones to change people's bodies to align with their gender.
>A Four Corners investigation into Westmead Children's Hospital's troubled gender clinic revealed it had only seen three new patients as of July last year and was struggling to operate in the wake of a string of staff resignations linked to the publication of controversial research endorsed by the hospital hierarchy.
pretty sure if it's blocked it's not reversible by definition but okay troonalists
Love mangoes
Don't like anglos
doubt anyone cares, is gay/fl/ dead champ?
>doubt anyone cares about children being brainwashed and sterilised
fuck off back to tel aviv thanks
>don't like
well it's better than 'ate. simple as
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This is literally me
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oops wrong pic
you're thinking about children's genitals too much. I'd suggest stopping.
>you should stop caring about other people
Meds on ol bingo wings
One day you will be be able to do 170% bw pull ups like your Welsh hero zachy
my arms are bigger than your legs, nevermind those twiglets attached to your shoulders
So based
you can't do 10 pull ups you fat Anglo retard
Back to your cage now, wrinkloid

haha that's great man!
how the actual fuck did we let sri lanka go from 93-5 to 211-5
Big fan

dire and ruined the last meetup even more than the zachysperg v countystreamsperg sperg off
getting a bit tired of this bad light meme
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You'll come waltzing Matilda with me
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there were a band i used to like from leeds
this is them, forward russia, all their songs were just numbers
fancied the drummer (female)
they never made it really but saw them at reading festival + then the next day in cardiff when i was younger
had a pint with them after the gig they were impressed with the dedication to see them so soon after reading and nice people too



thanks for reading
the drummer
great i get drunk and everyone on /cric/ abandons me again
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I'm here mate
She must be starting to realise by now the sheer magnitude by which she fucked up. Must look down at her roast beef slaps and be like where is the rich one who smelled good now. It would be funny if it wasn't such a complete disaster. Absolute farce
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thanks mate
Bouldering tomorrow l reckon
post cat
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the vet scares her

This song will be blaring out as I fluke my first v6 overhang at city bloc Leeds
Leeds is based
wait what is the red and green spray
hope she is ok
based leeds underrated music scene
>song uploaded 13 years ago
>only 13 likes
fuck its depressing. they deserve better.

love Leeds me
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another band i used to like

Excellent food
'chabin bla x
those are disinfectants mate
shes a ok
drunken beef for me pls m8
HAHAHA don't check the PARSIQ price
Pack up boys, we are going home
All we had to was listen
glad shes alrigh'
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had no idea ryan gosling made this tune in his spare time with an autistic mate wtf
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kek two things are funny about this
>someone got so angry on /cric/ they reported you
both make me want to kill myself for how pathetic they are
you forgot the Reddit app notification
>Inaugural Saudi Snooker Masters champion, how does that sound
Probably means fuck all to him compared to the 500gs
>gps on
>bluetooth on
>mobile on
>wifi on
Next Jay Slater
>boulderer is also redditor
>every such case
Is there no fantasy sports cricket? I checked yesterday, but it seemed to be mostly gambling related, which was not what I was looking for.
fuck it's almost 9/11
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>fantasy sports
speaking of reddit
no i said 9/11 champ
Anyone wanna fight
no but Steven My
meant no but Steven May
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GAW is the law
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what a career
what sport did he play
meth mostly
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only had one good year (2017) tbqh, bang average otherwise
Don't think that was what Sri Lanka were planning on going into day 3
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Match starts at 11 am there ?
Not even 10 or 10.30 am ?
lots of interest in the test match as always lmao
the hundred won, it's not even close anymore
Olly Stone definitely dropped that on purpose because Hull dropped one off him yesterday
Thought Hull and Stone were supposed to be quick
>drops a catch off Hull
>takes a wicket to deny him any chance of a 5fer
Stone what an absolute cunt
Being honest lads, how many overs do you think it'd take you to get Fernando or Kumara out?
what is a winning lead
yes yes this is all very good fellas
remember 4-1
that is all
good, yfo yourself now then m8
vpn spammer desperately trying to keep his /cric/ ban in italy thread alive I notice
very lonely thread desu no one biting
fuck me here we go
where's menulad
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Can sl win if root goes too soon ?
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Minnowbashing make a wish FRAUD
KL Rahul bin laden
fucking hell lads
bad light lads, shut it down
we're only 70/6 because it's pitch black desu
I see what you did there, splendid!
live view from london, good god shut it down before someone dies!
Ahhh this is the England I remember
83/7 doesn't seem ideal but SL are so bad it's prob already enough h-haha
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just bought a vindaloo and naan in spoons and this is what they brought out to me.
very touching for england to return to pre bazball, something for the purists
looks like injera fella
Ethiopian not Indian x
imagine being such a poof that you recognise the difference between Indian and Ethiopia food lmao
Bingo i was just about to say that's an Ethiopian roti fucking gormless a*glo shitter trying to distract from englel's humiliating a*glo shitterball fuckup should fuck off back to /br*t/
but bard can do that
Smith remembered that Sri Lanka are shit
they should give that madushanka lad a go in tests
40 more runs and it's a winning score let's be real
It probably already is a winning score
>hmmm, we have the opposition 7 down for under 100 and have taken five wickets in an hour, should we continue with this line
>No, that batsmen bowled bumpers at me earlier, I'll instead throw down some short stuff
Why are bowlers so retarded?
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>shit lanka
Stalin was right about them. India, that is Bharat, should just invade them and teach them some cricket tactics
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200,000,000 Indians would die failing to take Galle
Akshually Tamil Tigers were the most effective guerilla fighters possibly in history. They fucked up by being too good at it and trying to become a convential army.
>tfw too good at fighting to be good at fighting
yeah they aren't getting a 200 score
boring game on the cards just when a test match threatened to get somewhat interesting for once
219 to win. If Shit Lanka don't promote Kamindu i'm taking the tube to Wembley to slap some Lankans
shall remember this post when sri lanka romp home
DRS 9 - 0 >pope
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I just really really want Sri Lanka to win, bros.
We're getting absolutely Bazzed
uhhh?? wrinkly anglo bros????
Fuck up Zachy
This but just really want a*glo shitters to lose
Uhmmm you are either an anglo or an anglo bitch for being in the UK
you now remember Gundappa Vishwanath
I am now here
>Missed whitewash award

They aren't pak to bottle in the final moments
>a*glo shitters make an a*glo shitter captain
>possibly the worst captain witnessed in test cricket history
Reminder a*glo shitters need a foreign born captain to lead them, like India's Nasser Hussein
Reminder Zachy needs to repeat the same gimmick over and over again because no one gives him attention
yeah, he's been repeating v4 for about 6 months now lmao
>Nasser Hussein: Indian
Revived englel cricket from their nadir of a succesion of a*glo shitter captains
>Vaughan: a*glo shitter
Fluked an Ashes victory (never won a test with McGrath in the team). Never won Down Under. Never won in p*kshitstan (Nasser did)
>Strauss: South African
>Andy Flower: Zimbabwe
Twats but won Down Under
>Eoin Morgan: Irish
WC winner
>Stokes: peewee
Bazball merchant
>lose match
>probably lose the story
>nobody actually cares / realises because test cricket is dead
>still won series
A word only Zachy uses
Once again exposing his persona
I need to find a new vagina
Any kind of new vagina
It's hard to rhyme a word like vagina
Calvin Klein, kind of, North Carolina
obviously we are all waiting for the New Zealand vs Taliban test
>a*glo shitter cope
Always hilarious
always rated kumara
Sri Lanka is for a*glo shitters that secretly love India, thst is Bharat, but don't want to admit it
we're all just waiting for the hundred now
not a good band mate
also boomer rock at this point
*mentally disintegrates a*glo shitters*
fuck up zachy
Umm Engsissies. How do we cope?
They should have a half time show at every test match featuring a famous pop star
not into tits personally
you won't find many of those in here iykwim
/cric/ without cricket is like the tide without the moon
This has been a bouldering and assorted faggotry general for like 2 years mate
Why was kane smileson removed from captaincy?
Corr count of Monte cristo (2024) on this week
more of a the count of monte cristo (2002 film) man me
Apparently we have a test match coming up
Is this something I should care about?
it's something you should be concerned about
no doubt england is taking notes on this field preparations in india and have got the hoses on full bore in the outfield this morning
just opened a nice 10 year tawny (bought it long enough ago it's actually a 15 year now)
that's kino but I'm sure this one is good too

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