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The Dutch East Indies shall return to the World Cup
Indogs look like THAT?
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reminds me of the philippines women's national team
Kek, this team is whiter than ours
>Netherlands: 3 whites in starting lineup
>Indonesia: 0 whites in starting lineup
Whiteness is a mindset, I'm whiter than you
in one hand our team gets better than ever and soon enough we'll get 2 new players in Eliano and Hilgers
in other hand it's kinda sad that this just goes to show our pure Indonesian players are pure dogshit and whenever they tried to go abroad they ended up playing so little or even none at all.
I mean still props for them though, unlike those pinoy mercenaries who can't even sing their own national anthem since they're letting players with dual nationality to play for them, our imports actually had to relinquish their old nationality to embrace Indonesia first and then must learn how to sing Indonesia Raya as well.
Baggot can fuck off though.
That's just fucking embarrassing
although what I can criticize is i thought naturalized players such as these lots could only be naturalized if they have a full Indonesian blood from either mother or father but then some of these players only have indonesian blood through their grandma/granpa or even older than that so I asked is that even allowed?
>Haye is of Indonesian descent through his grandmother who was from North Sulawesi
kinda cheating desu
stop posting about our national team youre gonna jinxed it retard
>It's fucking real
Kek at all the Eredivisie shitters, Hilgers is based though
There were like three or four NTs like these in WWC where the teams were just comprised of >80% American women whose one of the parents so just happened to be of the same nationality as the country they're apparently representing. I wonder how flips felt when their country was represented by women whose ancestors fled their shit country
Hapa paradise
>tfw you will never play for an e-tier national side with your mates

sidenote do indonesians care about footy, if not what sports are big over there
Their men’s team isn’t any better, the manager went out of his way to find any and all hapas he could recruit
Actually writing that they really should do the same for basketball since they like it so much
Football is number one here. Idk the second one but our Badminton is like decent
Couldn't even bring myself to support this team even If they qualified to the WC since the time of Bozgorsaurus and Dinoguay unless they sacked STY and used all actual Indon squad (Elkan Baggott is an exception, he's a Tangsel bred at least)
>t. Bung Towel
I get what youre saying, the glazing has been too much these days.
>sack STY
then bring who, retard
>Ragnar Calvo

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