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Dead sport
mfw i watch boxing
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oooooooo apex sloppa
Honestly not terrible.
should i be a fat fuck and order some ice cream for this comfy heemday?
bet the beer is $16
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That ain't slop
You earned it and deserve it
That’s a beer? Looks like piss desu
It's probably a lager.
It’s 2024 yet we still have Apex fight nights. Fuck Dana and the UFC for being so cheap.
Joe Rogan's carnivore diet platter, you only need this one thing, don't eat the rest of the day! With Cheat Beer. (tm)
Gilbert Burns vs. Sean Brady
Jessica Andrade vs. Natalia Silva
Steve Garcia vs. Kyle Nelson
Matt Schnell vs. Cody Durden
Trevor Peek vs. Yanal Ashmouz
Its totally flat so not draught
Trevor Peek's opponent is an Israeli Muslim
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Sean Brady
Jessica Andrade
Steve Garcia
Cody Durden
Yanal Ashmouz
are they wearing TUF shorts with UFC gloves? kind of refreshing desu
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WE lagging.
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>dad walks in
Stuck in a Chicago hotel streaming the heems while the missus visits family.
What kinda slop should i order?
you're in chicago so some kinda chicago beef sandwich bro
A hooker
james vick
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sex with mrs. o'malley
whatever make you brap the most
ewww brazza
i get why he has an open relationship
Pommes dauphine with tartar and some lamb chops
She lets Sean fuck other women.
she fucks other dudes
please refrain from entering the rock child
She fucks other men while Sean watches from the closet
She eats 12 tacos in one sitting
hem tappy
Ronda Lousy
I'd get drunk and creampie her tbqhwy.
this season of TUF fighters looks legit 2bh
Your move Canada.
propa scran innit
why isnt she live yet?
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Ramaska worst TD defense in all of UFC
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I'd just not tap.
is this a joke

you dont even need an income for this quality of goblina

what the fuck sean
cage Warriors style waste of a fight
definitely low level
if only you weren't mentally ill and knew what it says about you to have a picture like this saved on your computer
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I think she cleaned my hotel room the other day
The kids a superstar.
>claims American
>commie flag tat

hope the other guy wins
Petroski will always be the guy who KO'd himself on Malkoun's hip.
budka looked like shit yesterday at weigh ins, petroski should sub him quick unless he gasses
I hate the commie tattoo faggot. I hope he gets ko'd again.
Not watching slap

NEVER watching slap
It's saved on my phone thoughbeit.
Watchin' SLAP

Always watchin' SLAP
Looks good but i bet is like 500 dollars.
Meerschaert won that fucking fight...
That burns promo look like he is hanging them up
>made khamzat chimaev look human... before anybody else did
kek what an inbred rat
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will Dana get his black belt on tonight's broadcast?
Do you think you'll see Dana
Fucking grim, I'm an ugly manlet and I pull better.
isn't that his sister?
Is that a problem in Montana?
it's his hairdresser and the goblina is cropped out kek
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no this is
what are you doing step bro
Decent calves
whats her @
Ahhh fuck im taking a bad shit are they fighting
She looks like she STINKS of endo
communism will win
No it's his sidepiece
ayo that's my butt cuh
literally any one of us could shag o'malleys wife if we just tried hard enough
anything good on the prelims or should i tune in later?
Nice. She could make you enchiladas after too.
bums, could take them on any rainy night at the pub to be honest.
Just go to bed mate, get an early night.
his last fight was kino bizarre ending
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I only woke up 4 hours ago
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I'd vote for him
you deserve a nap
Fuck Dana
Andre Lima (undefeated prospect)
Isaac Dulgarian (crazy freestyle wrestling, arguably robbed in his lone split decision loss)
return of Chinese prospect Rongzhu, who is mostly a finisher when he wins
Peek/Ashmouz is gonna be a sloppy banger brawl with neither guy taking a step back
the whole main card should be solid
Watched Under Siege for the 1st time in decades. Was a lot shitter than I remembered. Erika Eleniak's tits were the only good thing about it.
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bruh, he looks so annoying to be around
>McGregor all in pennyaldos personal space
>posting here without watching the sport
sadly there are many such cases
>Contender is the new TUF
Real great insight there Dom
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Trevor Peek will 10/7 an israeli
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We seriously (like for real) need to get rid of the cage jannies.
>there is at best 5 posters ITT

heem is fucking DEAD
okay McGregor, annoying the shit out of Renaldo is pretty based
gg petroski wins the fight ends in this position
>communism wins

I'm sick to my fucking stomach
im watching the sport of mixed martial arts right now, my mind is too occupied with keeping track of the techniques and artistry to focus on posting
what. a. fight
if this wasnt the apex the boos would be deafening
Andre petroski. Isnt that the dude who got finished by a hip dive?
I’m only here to watch natalia and demonpopulous
This is why quick stand up rules are stupid. Guys like Budka who just hold the other guy on top of them and hope the ref steps in shouldn't be rewarded.
4 after this post. Im out.
Damn Bellator is cooking with these fights!
some dude is humping another dude you fuckin jackass
>get taken down
>do everything to keep your opponent on top of you
genius fight iq from bumka
cut them both
We had this activity level for a while now and yet recent analysis reveal we are still the most active sp thread.
Allow headbutts
Awful fight, both bums should get a NC and get cut heemediately.
cut this commie bum
Dana should cut both of these guys because he wouldn't sign them if they performed this way on TUESDAY NIGHT
why have all the cards sucked lately? is it the new gloves?
I just finished watching the speed chess championship what did I miss
all the internet is dead
the sport is dead and populated by bums
Slow chess
little nerd bitch
the sport is just passing you by but you're trying too hard to hang on to it because you don't know what else to do
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*enters thread to thunderous cheers*
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joe pyfer mmm sexy ass motherfucker
I blame poofc being in the till and halfway flushed. I've been watching every card for years and I'm starting to consider apex shart nights about as "must watch" as smellator. I might actually tune into that instead.
That is just some projection owed to your subjective experience which doesn't reflect my own experience unfortunately for you, sir
what are we doing during the wmma break lads
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I actually like Petroski
How do you even win in chess I'm a beast at checkers but the difference with chess is you gotta make 1 piece not be able to move anywhere and I'm good at getting the pieces like in checkers but chess idk man that's fucking boring like I don't care enough to find the ways to stop the king from moving like why would I memorize all that crap
I love Joe "Pipin;" Pyfer
im playing pokemon showdown
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>pissbreak already

im barely watching the fights as is b. tawlmbout a snooze night here fr fr deadskullemoji
ive seen his penis
gonna open an anatomy textbook and weem my meng to the female form
bro schaub posting is nearly as cringe as wearing furfag shit in public
well it's either that or you're an untrained retarded moron who is watching a sport he doesn't understand whatsoever because only an idiot who's never stepped foot into a gym would say there are only bums now (suggesting the average level is lower than it has been in the past)
so which one is it? is the sport no longer for you or are you a retard who can't admit that so he copes by saying it's the sport that's dying, not his dimwitted interest in it?
so has your bitch
Fixing some heemsnacks
first part is probably right but i've pretty much let go already only reason im watching this one is because it's early
good chance to go get some breakfast
key to getting good at chess is playing 1v1 against yourself until you can consistenetly checkmateheem.
hope you choke
I ain't giving you the argument that you crave so badly my sad lonely american friend, you'll have to settle for this (you)
I base my WMMA bets on which fighter I'd rather see sexually dominating the other
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someone post the schaub penis
I looks kinda like this iirc
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>mfw the nord, whose cultural is built on being socially retarded until relationships automatically form after 20 years of seeing the same person in your town, calling me sad and lonely
oh my cute little viking princey poo
Going to pick up a pizza, you boys want anything?
Difference is you crave social feedback whereas we're accustomed to not having it. Lonely is a feeling, not an objective state. (must kill you that I'm both smarter and definitely more handsome than you)
what are you making? i just ordered some ice cream. the flavor is peanut butter cup perfection
I don't want pizza get something else
can you get me one with pepperoni and jalapenos? thanks
I'm good, just picked up a pizza of my own.
>admits to being socially retarded
my work here is done mr. smart and handsome acromegaly boobie boo
Cook your own food! Something healthy, fatso!
You are such a projecting loser lmao you have this mental breakdown EVERY single weekend bud
I'd have sex with both of these women but I've also stuck my dick in a watermelon so the bar's not high
Cryin' like a bitch. Nobody cares if a woman broke the rules.
>tfw high iq autist 100% norwegian
>entire bloodline is designed to be suicidal in a cold shithole, hate literally every moment of life, get some random bitch pregnant in my cold shithole town when were both 35
>die in late 80s, having hated every fucking moment of it all

its surreal to think I cant even live another way its genetic I was born for this
angry hooker
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i'm flattered and disturbed that you're here so much that you can recognize my few posts per week, even knowing my schedule as far as what day i tend to post on
She actually did have her fingers in the glove
i do not like wmma or swedish cowards or black americans
based cheater
Yeah some pad thai and beef wellington
>trying desperately to win an internet argument about nothing
>others are socially retarded, not me
May I request an pineapple pizza
I'd finger her glove if you catch what I'm drifting
sheem? mercy
I'm really sorry you have acromegaly and gynecomastia anon. If you were smart like me (30+ cm penis) you'd know that any given insult divulged by an individual is merely projected insecurities, god bless
Ill have another durum doner. Just finishing mine up but im fiending for another one to be honst, mhm.
rare hue W
MMA guru?
Damn bud almost like youre a weirdo who has the same mental breakdown every weekend for your only attention in lide
The ref is also Brazilian that's what they're going to do, they're dirty fucking Brazilians. They're going to fucking cheat like that.
That whore had enough robbery wins to warrant this kind of loss
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I still think Steve Irwin could have been the LHW champ
>Well you gotta defend the armbar
Dominic Cruz telling it like it is.
yes yes we all know you get off to being bullied online and irl
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how would he do against brendan 'the sting' schaub?
>quick female fight

what a gift thank you mma gods
peach of a fight
Brazilians and blatantly cheating. Iconic duo
>admits to actually being that type of person
lmao gg no re
we'll see next saturday
kek she was using that glove for rockclimbing
you must be underage
he would have won via submission (oil check)
>any given insult divulged by an individual is merely projected insecurities
>comes up with gynecomastia
socially retarded with saggy moobs is rough bro i'm sorry
Im sorry you have no friends to share this slop with buddy :(
Cheating is the only relevant skill in this fake non-sport
one of the best things ever made on here. laugh everytime.
Brandon Schaub
Lobsta pasta looks like THAT??
>Steve Irwin
Literally who?
Crying to the ref about your fingers in your gloves is a verbal submission
lol burgers are more retarded than swedes tho
One of the greatest post-enlightenment whites. Top 10.
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remember who the GOAT is when his sons fight in the main event tonight
i'm sorry you have no friends to ever distract you and so you chose to try discerning posting patterns of anonymous posters so you can assign personalities to people and feel social. i'll be happy to grace your life next saturday as well while you don't watch the sport and beg for my (You)s
2006 KWABOTY winner
whats endo?
If schaub bothered to cut to LHW he would’ve beaten jones and taken his legacy
Crocodile Dundee's son
you son of a whore
pakimutt vewy angwy tonite >:(
i'm 63 years old bubba
allah silence you!
power slap but instead its running tomahawk elbows
we'll call it POWER HEEM
When the opponent cheats, it's your fault because you didn't defend against cheating

Also, underhooks
Okay but how do you get this hurt by Belal Muhammad of all people
>KWABOTY winner
kek. anyone have a webm of someone KWABing so i can save it as that
What time next weekend are you going to cry alone that your efriends dont like your dopamine slop?
those strikes arent even taking off 1/4 of 1% hp
The swedish incel obsessed with lesbians has gotta be one of the weirdest posters here
kek what a cheating retarded Brazilian whore she cheated vs booba girl too hope
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Love this annoying neurotic leprechaun like you wouldn't believe...
when i feel like it, and i look forward to knowing you will recognize me once again because you have devoted your life to this particular friend simulation. thanks for keeping the thoughts of me alive anon kun
hes a fag trying to get men hard.
>just go by singular name
that's aura
fucking insane to me how the english are attempting to revise history by claiming MMA as theirs because some gypsies fought in a barn 200 years ago
based fetish
based gimmick
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I invented MMA
>admits to crying because of 4chan
That's a KWAB
yep thats the one KEK
any lads in vegas rn willing to put bispings lights out for good in the car park?
>fake crowd noises
>lab bread bioweapon mutts

Yep, sounds like a Fight Night at the APEX
sichuan? like the sauce? based

he will lose
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id heem you stiff manlet
i bet on every chinese fighter, it will eventually pay dividends
god I hate bongspeak
does that mean blowjob or not
I would simply sprint at cruz and chase him around the ring if I have to, it's not like he can inflict any damage on a grown man. People fall for his stupid games too much.
>admits to always being here and assigning personalities to people
that's a bwab - 1
Faber is a CCP agent
Linkin Park's new singer is ass, I don't even listen to them, I just want to voice my objectively correct opinion.
if you asked me to draw a gook this is what id draw
>chinese dude with a praying hands tattoo
weirdly based
Should've invented K1 instead then you would've been cool
Ah, a fan of Albrecht Dürer I see.
It's definitely suspicious that all the chinese guys end up at his gym and get personally cornered by faber.
didn't they replace chester bennington with a gril
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can you say bread and bred in german? if your ancestors weren't traitors you would be able to.
>lab bread
yes, and she's ass
Incorrect but I did assign KWABOTY to you
She is also a scientologist
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this is the greatest german man of all time
Christianity is only based for Chinese because if you do it wrong you can die or go to gulag.
haha did he dump him on his head epic shit!!
embrace it. you're going to think about me forever. i appreciate your dedication to this place
as the KWABOTY, i designate you as my KWABOTW minion
no it's not, they're all manlets
so they go to manlet mecca - team alpha male
ok but for real who the FUCK are these FAGGOTS
the fact that there's a good chance that Bennington and Cornell got offed because they went after child trafficking makes her being a cultist even more off putting to be honest
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>Bread now goes mouldy instead of hard and stale
man its gonna be so crazy in 50 years when the chinese become obsessed with cuckery like the west
>he doesn't know gabriel santos
the guy had two wars against lerone murphy and david onama, cazoid
You're going to be here forever?
Was that a Karate Kid crane kick? kek
>He doesn't know.
based ref BASED REF
THE and THE? Shiiiiiet
I'm just glad they are pissing on that faggots grave to shamelessly rake in tour money
>it doesn't really matter....
they definitely killed themselves. they weren't killed. in retrospect the two guys releasing back to back albums of "I'm Going To Kill Myself (For Real This Time)" finally killing themselves is not surprising
idk but i do know you'll be here looking for me the whole time
Win or lose I’m gonna be a Yizha fan. Anyone who can take a beating like this makes for kino fights
>asian with zero defense but a good chin and recovery
my favorite trope
imagine getting front kicked and your entire race's "cool factor" is that you know kung fu LMFAO
this chinaman is pretty tough
OH MY STARS AND GARTERS!!!!! Dana White-sama… you’re going to RAVISH my wife Brie, right in front of me as I’m helpless to do anything but watch? And you’re going to HARVEST her genetic material to CLONE her WOMB and EGGS?!?!!! Not just that, you’re going to perform an INCREDIBLY RISKY and INVASIVE surgery to IMPLANT said womb into my body?!?!!! You’re not even going to stop at one, or two… but create a veritable LEGION of brie’s cloned wombs and stuff DOZENS of them into my body, leaving me a SEVERELY DEFORMED MONSTROSITY that needs constant medication and an array of expensive machines working 24/7 to even keep me ALIVE?!?! Then you’ll invite EVERY SINGLE Black BVLL found in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE to DEFILE HER and treat her like a CUMDUMPSTER and FILL her with their seed?!? And the second their sperm successfully INSEMINATES one of her eggs, you’re going to TELEPORT it into one of my wombs and force me to bring the BASTARD CHILD to TERM?!?!!! What’s more, the EXTREME STRESS put on my body by unnaturally carrying DOZENS of cuckold pregnancies to term will DISABLE all my bodily functions and leave me a NEARLY BRAINDEAD VEGETABLE?!!?!!? What little consciousness I have left will be hooked up to a 24/7/365 LIVESTREAM of brie getting FUCKED and IMPREGNATED by other men and that’s all I will ever experience FOREVER until my DEATH?!!!?!!!! And ALL I have to do is amputate my own ARMS and LEGS with Charles Olivera's MACHETES, then perform a PENECTOMY on myself with NO ANESTHESIA??!!!?!!! What can I even say to such depravity… except YABBA DABBA DIPPITY DABBITY DOODLE DOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get the popcorn, Ace and Hap!!!!!!!!! LETS GET STARTED DOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
apologize to gabriel santos you mangy dwarf caz he's a good fighter
The Chinese are embarrassing as a country and a people
Extremely rare good reffing
Nobody looks for you here or irl but we knew that..
Which fight should I skip to get get slop
Foods nice though
in my final analysis prize fighting is futile
yet you schedule my weekly posts in your mind
okay you back-waddling foreverschizo
fight fairy looking ugly and boyish today
I make you cry every weekend?
Bisping says so little by saying so much
Chinese submission expert?
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you cry out when you see me, idk about anything else. but i do very much look forward to being proven right the next time i post about subhuman cazoids and you immediately identify it because you can't stop watching this thread
are you faggots still making out
STOP it's grossing out the thread it sounds like
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perfect time to remind everyone that Chael Sonnen lost to Jeremy Horn THREE TIMES
I'm just breaking balls g, he's a legit contender for what I'm seeing.
Chinese fighters get an inferiority complex nerf when not fighting other Asians
Reckon Dana's ever fucked an intern in the Apex?
You know is true love when a fat fuck shares their food/snacks.
bisbong is getting too comfortable he needs to lose another eye
open wide anon
Dana is a virgin
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>if yu onry knew how bad tings rerry arr
Why do you ask?
My insults are so good you repeat them back to me
imagine the smell
Why is Santos trying to chimp out?
If by "fucked" you mean getting creampied, then yes.
asshole. shes going through some stuff at the moment. well get thorugh that little weight gain of hers like champs!
China? China will heem
Fuck you, don't talk about my dad like that
Chinese guy just wants to have fun but this Brazilian ape doesn't understand
Kino fight
Sad, you can tell from his facial structure and gormless expression that he’s retarded
Dana has been creampied by multiple Jon Jones themed interns in the Apex
whatever helps you dream about me anon. just be a good little pet and don't forget to (You) me up all day next card
Why is Santos acting like such a faggot?
nobody wants to see your grindr selfies you stupid cunt
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You now remember #ShitHappens
because we are in the Age of Homosexuality
>please talk to me every weekend!!!
Uhhhh no
Brazilian, many such cases
The Brazilian mind has been warped by their tribal ape DNA.
fuck you retarded gajthe looking golem

hey alright amigo
Santos reminds me of a Nick Diaz hue
Why couldn't whites be the big monkey race why are whites the well balanced character build
let's see :) you already can't get me out of your head and have memorized my posting style and schedule. you clearly need me
Yizha reminds me of that one chinese guy who isn't good
Diaz was/is a natural Santos is trying too hard
you can tell brendan fitzgoy is sick of bozbing
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how come picrel is the only good Chinese fighter?
all of them?
outside of slave stock they are generally quite average
cut both these bums
asylum demon looking ahh
whites are literally bigger than blacks
dude I grew up in Louisville Kentucky you can see double digit amounts of 6'5 niggers on a fucking walk to the store
Gabriel Santos is such a generic hue name
good fight should have been 40 rounds though
>>>/his/ haploautist
Circles by SAINT JHN
Santos is a fag, not boy status
wmma has no competition
Why do they put these Road to UFC guys against legit killers who are just going to beat the shit out of them
oh yeah Robelis Despaigne remember that bum my boy Waldo fraud checked that nigga

Fuming that this guy is unheemable China power
Might have to unboy Santos after that one desu...
you could probably cut her thigh with a sharp knife and she wouldnt even feel it
>fag wishes it was inside a man
China only does well in sports that don’t matter ie the olympics
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ashmouz opens the card
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>no one on /heem/ knew about Gabriel Santos until today
Wasn't 10-8 that's retarded
this hue is top 10 material
When's Conor fighting?
Bisping on the anik adderal protocol
I'd like to see Goddard brutally heemed to be quite honest with you /heem/
>he is obsessed with an anonymous poster he identifies as a fag
thank you pookie
He doesnt even use drugs
He would fuck you up Marvin
Alcohol is a drug
1st round was definitely a 10-8 for Santos
Nah he just mentally tries to over compensate for his CTE which results in him over talking
I meant the ones who weren't sent to america and bred as slaves, are quite average. Take your Mutt's Law fetish shit elsewhere bubba.
Nice little hue dance there
and Im from philly and thats bullshit lol
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>outtie belly button
i like this brazilian kid, hopefully hes not a thomas almeida
In awe at the size of this lass.
If you think that was early you didn’t see the aftermath. Patterson was fighting the invisible man and Goddard had to defend the clinch
Does anyone actually like the music of Bob Dylan?
FDS is a real one
I identify you as a pedophile. Your projections of people wanting you explain your regular outbursts however.
Lima by heem tappy
hey mr somalian that hates us
come to Louisville you dumb fuck buncha freak niggers down here
Fight Fairy is so pretty I could cry b. Keeping my promise of not posting her ever again since she deleted my comments, not a good look on her part, but alas!
Wrong, this isn't boxing retard
Alcohol depresses the nervous system unlike Adderall, which stimulates it
I hope youre not talking about a mans stomach
I'd only care if it were a womens
I can cum on her innie and the jizz would dry up and crust in there
then I'd rub the hat of my penis inside it and get the crusty bits out and feed them to her
he gave up fighting, hes going to be a politician now
fucking creep talking about her armpits n shit, you are so deprived and cant keep it to yourself its sickening
>identifies another as a pedophile while talking about projection
it literally could not get better my little honey bunny
Same. Shit director, shit films.
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They didn't show Minty
Star of david mouthguard
There are like 15 Santos’ on the UFC roster you guys gotta start using nicknames
I know it was late, and I remember most of the times where he stopped early, he's an arrogant idiot
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This nigguh
Your peak in life is being called a pedophile?
alcohol initially, in a small amount will act as a stimulant
philly is literally majority black and so is camden (95% black)
Seeing anyone 6'5" is an anomaly and is absolutely nowhere near average, settle down with your cuck fantasies
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>Santos 2
The Brady Burns
>There he is
Absolutely based

This shit thread needed saving
Youre OBSESSED with me m8.
i'm sure you did your best interpreting that complicated 20 word post sweetie
Fight Nerds vs Chutebox 10v10 brawl
ufc treats Brazilians like an open-air slave market
mods do ur job
I need a (You)
hit me with that shit shrimpslave
People seem 6'5 when you're 5'6
Yeah, but you can't go days consuming it while staying awake and sharp, unlike adderall (which is what anik and Megan consume the most)
>fight fairy seething again

God I love that bitch, mhm. Yeah, keep trauma dumping keep shitting on these bitches. She's one of a kind for real.
thats in your brain and has not basis in reality helmut
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Only a total moron has bet against Dos Santos.

+140 underdog Dos Santos is free money.
GODcohol is for real men only, liberals and commies cant hang.
If he is russian
He is retarded
Why worship the ideology that fucked up your country and culture
>you can't touch me during an armbar
holy shit it's Gabriel Dos Santos
he's a bbbeast
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You are turbo retarded fuck philly you can see a dozen 6'5 people in a 30 minute walk downtown Louisville

Probably normal for philly too but youre just a giant fuckin retard

Dontale mayes is from Louisville btw

We got big nigs here real big nigs
i can
You should call an exterminator or something
Petroski is just really dumb and got it as a symbol of his russian heritage. He's really fucking stupid I've met him before in person
They already are
I trust her she's an expert at getting fingered
The north has 5'9 nigs the south has 6'3 nigs

This is known
she was 3 fingers deep in her glove
the grazilian cheated vs that other girl too
Im litrally up 10 rounds in a 3 round fight (were not at championship level yet ok) in YOUR own head. Cawlmedy,
No, its not. Again, settle down with the cuck fantasies
Felipe Dos Santos will lose because he's a low IQ retard
If only
cruz and bisping both confirmed it was all good and legal
Other way around
Some SSA groups like nilotics are the tallest on the planet alongside dutch and balkaners
But anyway, height ≠ size
uh he went to war with Leroy Murphy and some other guy cazzie
sup heem bros, I was fixing something in the garage
what have I missed?
Demopoulos is what we call in the hood a "basic bitch".
>2 fuckin idiots who don't know the rules said it was ok
Yeah but they're lankloids.
You are just making me think that philly is full of manlet pussies because Louisville is definitely full of big motherfuckers that scrap
>muh tiny ass freak tribes vs. the bulk of the west african population
Yes magical dirt makes them larger despite having the exact same goyslop fried soul food and mcdonalds diet, settle down and stop posting
>lost in the sauce
Is dominick cruz the highest iq commentator? He's in absolute flow state right now
fence grabs are legal
What the fuck this has to do with cuck fantasies
Are you projecting ?
You think of cucks when you see tall people ?
Amerimutts are mentall ill feminine subhumans
Dos Santos had an entertaining fight vs Manel Kape but got outclassed
why are you so proud of posting in a thread dedicated to a sport you don't follow? you snitchin on yaself B
More cheating Brazilians
I don't know I just tuned in hope that helps
10pts away for the fence grab. Do something ref!
I will tell you a fact about America, the human sizes can vary greatly just by a 50 mile distance.

You stupid fag.
Kek Lima grabbing the fence is why the guy bit him last time
philly has one of the highest murder rates in the world and had over 500 murders in 2022, calm down flyover
Thats what i said
Height ≈ size
Westaf are the same shit as euro in general when it comes to size
And africa isnt just westaf
>not using your free eye poke(s), fence grab(s), and/or dick kick(s)
10-9 Dos Santos.

Lima absolutely exposed.
some good fights already
10-8 for grabbing the cage
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its dey cultcha
Lanklets are pussies
They literally estrogenic like eunuchs
Bullshit that the guy was DQ for the bite honestly
You think about my face while i dont even care to know how your ugly ass looks like!
Sean Brady
Natalia Silva
Kyle Nelson
Cody Durden
Trevor Peek
Dom in the booth on a day he's not being annoying is undefeated
lol ive personally witnessed a murder in louisville
Why North Americans are such mentally ill estrogenic cucks ?
germany, everyone knows you are one of the ugliest dudes. normal looking people don't obsess over 4/10 women online
White americans have a weird fascination with black people and see them as borderline superhuman, because america is obsessed with niggers
lol no, it can vary by ancestry and midwest germoids are bigger than irish and italians here but it doesnt change much besides genetics
>head cannon
yet none of those gangsters rob banks or take down their tyrannical government because theyre fuckin low IQ cattle
dos santos has zero fight iq
>amerimutt think this is good
Good you softening the job for us
that's why governments prefer them to first worlders
are you talking to me?
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This one hit home
They lined up to rob chase
>Muh genetics
If that were true then why have modern humans grown so much compared to humans even only 100 years ago? Uneducated nigger.
You're just another Fight Fairy hater. You obsess over legit GOLEMS like helen yee or eternal MEH-tiers like megan "average whore" olives b. Dont EVER talk to EVER again.
if you go to rural counties you will find areas where all the country white boys are 6'3+ and 250lbs

there are areas with big motherfuckers in america and then there are areas with manlet bitches
because they were told too you know....like... CATTLE
>my crime filled shit hole is worse than your crime filled shit hole therefor it makes me an expert at something or something
I dont care about this shit but dont americans consider north europeans to be good looking ?
Yeah they obsessed with niggers
Either worship them or hate them
Its both
Its a mix of a lot of things
And people obsess way too much with this
Nutrition, which still doesnt change the reality that germans tend to be a bit larger than irish and southern europeans. I could have grown up eating the same diet as a german kid but odds are I may be a bit shorter. Aside from hitting macros and calories needed it doesnt change that much unless theres a deficiency.
But lanklet trannies are literally eunuchs you feminine estrogenic amerimutt
Fucking dickless cuck LMAO
Get smooshed boy

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