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Explain this to me.
This will never not be based.
i don't get it
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Cazzies raus
>a brown man insulting the sanctity of a white man and white woman’s relationship is based now
Spee is schizophrenic
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Nicky boy is missing the fact that secund serve happens when the first serve fails.
Silly bitch
Based Nick calling this whore 'sloppy seconds' after she left him for the Doper Jannik
why did she post the picture in the first place?
more of a case he dumped her. Nick is a literal whore
>almost no likes or comments, no text
how did nick find that tweet
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It was a reply to his tweet calling out the Doper

I'm not a cazzie for not following retarded nontennis twitter drama, actually that's one of the telltale signs of a cazzie, not the other way around.

Anyway I think I got it for anyone interested - the girl in the picture is Kalinskaya, a tennis player and Kyrgios's ex, and she's revealed to be dating Jannik Sinner now, the doper US Open finalist who everyone hates at the moment. So he's taking a dig at him saying "you got my sloppy seconds".
OK cazzie

Cringe cuck reply from the Italian shill account
I miss this brown schizo
Tbh sinner could have picked much better. She seems like your usual russian whore going after the guy with most money/success, regardless of anything else
Look at Sinner's face. This was already a reach for him. Women may be gold digging whores, but if they're young they still have a baseline minimum requirement for physical attractiveness.
I know he makes you seethe (and I don't know why, but 90% of posts on spee are from french flags) but he's not ugly at all

His face is average, and he's tall, plus no balding
I see the truth makes you seethe. Sinner gives incels hope I guess. Too bad he had to dope.
Lol he is ugly as sin
nta, but I feel it's mostly the haircut making him look retarded. gene wise, he looks pretty average, like he said
kind of pathetic how butthurt he is over sinner and also random nobodies in his twitter replies
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she is used goods
no self respecting white man should date a snowbunny
Cucks upset at the value of non-virgin women being discussed. They would rather live in ignorance of the fact that other people have dicked their partners.

All whores are whores. White or black, they're no good.

Not missing, it just doesn’t matter. First serve is the one that you try with, it’s flashy and can win points. Second serve is boring, you don’t try, just play it safe to begin the action.

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