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how can one man cause so much seethe?
they hated him because he told the truth
is that a boy or a girl I can't tell
Based Novak fan.
the facial hair should be a hint
Based black man rebelling against the programming
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oh should it?
Reminder that this man is a weeb at heart but does this winning Olympic gold shit just to get a platform to make NPCs seethe. Based level: unfathomable
Blow it out of your ass
This guy really wants attention
ftm just like all of them. given test from birth with doses hundreds of times stronger than whatever meme lolcow /pol/ can find
Do they need noah to explain this basic concept applied to every single sport? What is next? Golf?
This dude LOST the 200m and didn't even run the relay.
There's no world championship in tennis though. Ironically, "we play against the best in the world" was the same argument used by NBA players who wanted to be called world champions, so it's funny that Lyles is using it now.
absolutely nobody calls the uso pen champ world champion
Lmao NPCs literally seething. Well done, Noah.
thats obviously not the same thing
Tennis players have to beat everyone
NBA teams dont have to play against Real Madrid
Tennis is open entry
like youre mum lmao
Reminder that tennis *does* have a world championship called the ATP finals. Only the top 8 ranked players qualify for it though. So you can think of the rest of the season as the "playoff" for the world championship.
>Tennis players have to beat everyone
Wrong, Novak Djokovic has never beaten me
What truth idk their basketball national team won the gold medal and he still uses these arguments as his daily topic.beo he just jealous
No single tournament title gets you World Champion in Tennis (yes bongs, even Wimbledon). It's designated based on performances at all tournaments with emphasis on the Grand Slams.
You realize you're seething about some half-assed wording in clickbait picture probably written by some internet influencer who doesn't know jack shit about any sports.
Well she is german, it is on the genes
>world champion
>a meme player always wins it
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>>a meme player always wins it

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