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>final round showdown edition
I really thought we’d have a thread by 8:30 or so
My Wife Quincy Dodd
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My wife Quincy Dudd
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sorry threadsperg this thread was first
None are based, they’re all ritual posters
He missed it by 2 minutes, but he missed it.
Threadcuck forgets to check the catalog. Not the first time, probably not the last time
First thread is first. Shan’t be migrating
Guys, I made this thread and idgaf which we use. There was no thread up and it was near 9am so I made one. Don’t turn this into a thing ffs
m8 it's the principle of the thing. Threadcunt would have seen your thread if he had fucking refreshed the catalogue. 10 seconds you might forgive, but not 2 and a half minutes.
>Threadcunt would have seen your thread if he had fucking refreshed
True, but he didn’t. I just wanted an nrl thread to post in, if another one got made I’m not bothered
youre all such autists
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Irish is quiet.
>threads are usually dead
>threadsperg makes second thread and suddenly mass replies out of nowhere

but apparently he doesn't care
Holy redditspacing
And I won it on a Saturday
crazy that dolphins could be playing finals footy lol they are terrible

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