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Coach Primate and the Buffalos face a dangerous Huskers team
7:30 pm ET on NBC
and there it is.
And there it is
*does touchdown dance
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I don't feel like Colorado is inclusive enough so I will be rooting for Nebraska
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>Coach Primate
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I'm so fucking happy my NIU huskies won. I hope this game is a high scoring shootout
Primeape problems. Why did Sanders allow fistfights between his fellow coaches at practice?
>stinky smelly AI slop
No thanks famalamalam
We don't do gamethreads in this sport bub
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this again?
Go Buffies!
feels like the 90's
I don't care who wins, I just wanna see a 52-49 fun game
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I still feel bad that Colt McCoy couldn't finish that National Championship game
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What are you all drinking while you watch this hopefully slopkino game
my Hangzhou Smilodons would bootyblast both of these shit teams
For me it's the money and banana emojis
where do you find pictures of naked college girls from CU?
la abominación
You gotta be gay if you wouldn't SMASH
i wasnt gonna drink but i might get seagrams whiskey and a tall boy of guinness
I bet the blonde in the middle loves hanging around the other ones, it bumps her up another 1-2 points automatically
La creatura....
>colorado playing against white guys with N's on their helmet
for me it's white shirt and yellow shirt
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What does the N stand for?
You think Ryan Say still wants Dylan Raiola?
CU has the hottest female students. Not the ones in this pic but others.
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Coors in the stubby bottle.
I'd shove my cock right down this uppity peckerwood's throat
Good idea to use your alt account for this
They looked so happy
fuck it, the fatty in the white tee is alright
CU is a better team this year. If Nebraska didn't improve they're getting whooped on
Colorado is a latinx shithole. not a looker in the entire state.
very unpleasant protein shake to be followed by rooibos tea
lol at the pig on the left positioning her head up to hide the double-chin
We should keep posting this to get more reactions
Spics don't go to CU, just rich out of state white blonde chicks that are hard 9s and 10s
that one particular sneedbraska cheerleader was extremely attractive
Colorado is still shit in the trenches. This season will be a repeat of last year.
Let's fucking gooooo
they are solid 7's based on a Colorado curve
why did leinart fail in the nfl?
Every single fucking bitch at this college is insufferable. I promise you it's not worth it. The only cool dude on this entire campus was "The Wookie"

t. former campus police officer
So ready for the chimpouts tonight
Latina women are hotter than white women
so you admit Nebraska is going to lose?
Also, Laviska Shenault (on the Panthers now?) is a homosexual.
Left handed im afraid
When I visited Denver, I thought it was a very cool city but was supremely disappointed by the attractiveness of the women.
No, I expect Nebraska to win by a touchdown at least.
Wait what is this? Is this Fallout Boy song the theme?
If Travis Hunter can stay healthy all season they will win enough games to go to a bowl at least
No one got a screenshot of that perfect Nebraska blonde cheerleader?
yeah they also turn into El Goblina at 30
I signed up for Jewlu + Live TV and it SUCKS
*rapidly flashing strobe in tunnel*
At least 60% of all white women are ham beasts.
holy muttola
He is secretly a Alpha Negative. These guys give off alpha energy and can even be great at their lives but they give a negative energy and express negative emotions such as jealousy and pettiness that ruins social cohesion. Its the X Factor that turns a NFL superstar into a bust, the ability to lead men into battle.
Why? You can easily watch anything you want online for free.
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Can you guys stop with the coach primate shit? Not only is it incredibly cringe, it's actually pretty fucking racist and makes me feel sick having to read it in every fucking thread related to college football.
how do i get a qt corn husking cheerleader gf
This is literally me. I have an incredibly potent disdain for life.
yeah. they're the only band from big 10 country
I'm downing gallons of Rhule-aid
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consider Taoism
Okay, from now on he's coach N I G G E R.
r/cfb is down the hall to the left
Coach Primate
midwest is foundational emo, tons of edgy bands come from the middle of nowhere
Nebraska eats corn the long way
Colorado OLine already looks like ass.
And here we are
first drive CU is on that retard potion
If I was a Colorado fan I would be going ape at how this game started
>what is the white stripes
CU coming out unfocused isn't surprising.
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me after that drive
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>Coach Primate
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the bootleg white man matches on
Slipknot is from Iowa
and there it is
bros...I don't think the bulljunk has been cut, nor have the wangs been given...
Colt McCoy sounds like shit
my boy Colt......just needs more time
Its never been more over
311 from omaha
Big 10 country includes socal now you know.
Why does Colorado play like a bunch of lunchtime rowdies?
Coach Primate and the zoo crew chimping out targeting
Damn they really got this nigga advertising for KFC. What’s next a commercial for Newports?
Gelding McCoy
Nebraska is winning by 17
And there it is
terry mccauley is an anti football pussy
Football would be so much better without gay ass player safety
This. All refs should be killed.
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Kinda disgusted at the amount of racism in these threads. do the moderators even do anything around here?
What are the tenets of Taoism? Eastern religions are very appealing.
Nebby is finally good again
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coach crime
Just took a giant shedeur and clogged my deion
it's primover
looking forward to a QuickLane bowl appearance
CU has been going for dirty hits the entire drive. What a shit call.
Booger, calm down.
Prime bros?
Eat shit CU
>Balloon release
Gruden lives with this post
Coach Prime Rate
They legitimately could be undefeated going into the Ohio State game
Today is a HUGE day for racism
racism is heckin cute and valid!
Nice return for CU
>nigger…nigger nigger nigger you nigger…nigger nigger nigger the nigger…niiiiiigggger
Colt needs a little inflection in his voice, sounds like he's struggling to read a book lol
not if MY chiefies have something to say first
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Ill allow it
My god CU's o-line is bad
CU has a lot of talented guys that can cook this D
>black olines
Shedeur is actually quite good but will never do anything with this shit offensive line.
>nice retu- ACK!
-Deion in tomorrow's press conference
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He would be a day one starter in the Arena Football League I’ll give him that
Coach Nigger
He sounds like he's ready to say BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE
why do they all have the same face?
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monsanto face
Nebraska's cheerleaders look like THAT?!?
Can someone get Colt McCoy a coffee?
Why is Colorado trying to knock the head off of Nebraska? Just wrap him up and tackle him.
who let boom goes the dynamite kid in the booth
lil fella's kind of depressed
I'd like to see that gaint white NT #0 Blind side Shedeur and knock him out of the game.
All that bussy is mine
cool it with the racism on a blue board
Hutmacher is actually a monster
why do they all wear the same lipstick?
Deep throat marker
coach primate
i havent drank in a lot of days should i get drunk for this slop game
They have to be paying people to comment how good this QB is. He's ass. They even said Cowboys should tank to get him over Dak.
>Black qbs
>lil primate
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>just downright peculiar
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huge nose tackles are peak sovl defense
Fuck me. Is colorado season over losing to an unranked team?
Don't worry guys, he's only going to fail upwards!
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It's over.
Why is a red teams cheerleaders wearing red lipstick you dumb fucking little shit I will freak out on you man you’ll never cum so hard before or again after I’m through with you I despise you’re guts I thank you
nebraska is on pace to win 84-0
Colorado went 4-8 last season and didn't fix their biggest issues, the offensive and defensive line.
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get this fucking chimp off the field
My god, this O-line is gonna get this kid killed.
Why does Colorado look so much worse than they did last year
Bunch of soft N I G G E R S on Colorado.
Lil Prime
No time
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Teams are motivated to beat Colorado
based sloot sheriff
sex with nebraska farm sluts
Yeah Colorado is going to raped. 51-0 score incoming. Shedeur is afraid if those giant white DT's buck breaking his ass.
They don't call it the People's Republic of Boulder for no reason. Tell us more about The Wookie.
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>Coach Primate
>NCAA 10 intro
Why does the sports media keep shilling how "good" this sanders kid is?
>faking an injury so it doesn't seem like he's getting benched
they're getting smarter
You see a lot of tits when sluts want to keep their parents from having to pay their speeding tickets.
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>Great to see a stories college program that does things the right way embarrassing "coach prime" and this pathetic vanity team. Maybe this will finally shut him up and stop embarrassing himself off the field as much as he is on
cuz he blatt
Hahaha Dowdell knocked his ass out of the game
ball was in the air a long ass time. almost came in vertical
One of his sons has done this literally every game I'm pretty sure lmao
would this CU team with deion be so hyped if it was the 90s and woke wasnt the cultural behemoth it is now?
Because the sports (((media))) worships niggers
Remember when he didn't play his kid in the last game so he wouldn't get his fee-fees hurt?
early 90s yes
Is that ARod?
I love how uneasy the Nebraska fans are still even with a 2 score lead. I really want this program to come back. I miss when they were badass in the 90s
for me it's that alabama db that got burnt all night by clempus until he had enough and faked a serious injury to get carted off the field
he's coaching Florida State soon

check em
not calling Nebraska false starts either
>Tell us more about The Wookie.
Nickname students gave for a really hairy homeless guy that would hang around the campus and get trespassed all the time but nobody wanted to write a report so we'd tell him to fuck off somewhere else in the rare event someone would complain. Never had any issue with him but people said he'd get mad and show his dick
he just like me fr
chug a beer every tiime they compare ravioli to mutt
Correction, students called him "King Wook"
since Dylan Raiola is the new Nebraska savior, how will he bust?
mutthomes isn't even the goat. Brady has 7 Super Bowls compared to his 3 that he shares with the NFL refs.
He just looks inaccurate beyond 20 yards
he'll go the Martinez route
repeating 4-8 seasons and then transfer
if Nebraska ever becomes a Saban tier dynasty again, will they be as insufferable or worse?
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>english as a first language kickers
Well they were insufferable at 9-3.
He will troonsfer as soon as he actually develops
People are gonna shit on Shedeur but he's still a first round QB. Has zero help outside of his Jackson State teammates
if this is what being "prime" is, i never want to be "prime" ever in my life
dude's gaudy as doland ass trump with all his gold accessories and ugly shit i hate people who like gold shit
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>Weehhheellllllll.... I do DECLARE, that these soft bucks from Colorada are sure easy to break.
Is this buck breaking?
OUfag here, I want Nebraska to be good again. I liked that Nebraska/OU was always a rivalry of respect unlike Texas.
Can I get an airbnb at nebraska and still do a generous drive to glacier national park?
coach primate seething rn
Biggest fraud in a long time
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WOAH we DON'T do that here.
CU cookin now. comeback incoming


Yeah its no fun when the hype is dead
It's bad news if the other team can rush 3 and still cause issues
Colorado and Coach Prime are the Big Baller Brand of College Football. Total fucking clown show joke.
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Your honor, by merely typing “coach,” my client could never have predicted the other word with which other users would reply!
Shitdoor Sanders
>2nd and 16? maybe a screen pass would catch them off guard!
colorados scheme is such trash
The white guy on D does the N move lmao
these calls are such pussy shit
football is dead
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what does boat-raced mean?
I need to find me a girl that will husk my corn if you know what I am saying
this is my first time watching a full college game and that touchdown was hilarious
Surely Shadur Sanders isn't gonna black QB this before half lmao
How much longer is "Coach Prime" Sanders going to be the HC?
Sounds painful desu
College football is the biggest meme sport on the planet
Stuff like that are on the regular
I had to go to Lincoln for work, and everyone in that town is an ogre
I want her to put my corn in her mouth and nibble it then grip it and rotate it and nibble the rest if you know what I am saying
Coach Prime just needed more time...
He took the sunglasses off. is that bad?
I grilled some corn in the husk earlier, rolled it in salted butter after...so delicious
I think you know why
I was only 42 years old.
I loved Prime so much, I had all the merchandise.
I pray to Prime every night, thanking him for the life I’ve been given. “Prime is love” I say, “Prime is life."
My dad hears me and calls me a faggot. I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Prime.
I called him a cunt.
He hits me and sends me to sleep.
I'm crying now and my face hurts.
I lay in bed, really cold. I feel something warm...
It's Prime! I was so happy.
He whispers in my ear "It’s Prime Time now."
He grabs me with his NFL Hall of Fame hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I'm ready.
I spread my ass cheeks for Prime.
He penetrates my butthole.
It hurts so much, but I do it for Prime. I can feel my butt tearing and eyes watering.
I want to please Prime.
He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love.
My dad walks in.
Prime looks him straight in the eye and says,
“ooga booga ”
Prime leaves through my window.
Prime is love. Prime is life.
>61 yd attempt
>career long 49
Lmao this is embarassing
Rhule will have them at Solich+ territory. Asking for a dynasty is unrealistic but I'm fairly confident Cornfags can finally relax a little. Good with dark horse national chances when the stars align is perfectly realistic
Mike McCarthy should switch spot with Prime.
Down 28-0
>Defensively, we've been doin pretty darn good
>Down by 28
>Black HC
*Smacks Lips*
trust the plan
What's the plan, lose by 35 lmao
most tolerant faunatic
Thank you Nebraska.
>Black QB
>Black HC
>Black dual-role player

I want to fuck Maria Taylor
>Shadur Sanders 245+ passing yards
>Shadur Sanders 2+ pass TDs
>Colorado win by 52. over
NOOOOOOO I'm losing my parlays.
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steak and brocc tonight boys
beastality is illegal cracker
How do you clean your cast iron pan?
She’s stunning
>gas range
enjoy your fiery death
>king buck
Oh no what happened!? hahaha >coach primate
This Nicole reporter. I keep thinking she’s Aubrey Plaza
Not steak and brocanon but I use cast iron pans only, I just wipe them down, use a soft brush to get rid of anything crusty and just re oil the pan a little
fucking queer
Cornfucker bros how should we feel?
>cast iron
just wipe it off
Is that how I keep the film from showing up? Just re-oiling it once cool?
lol all the casual fans cheering Coloroado losing

yall do know they still half the game to play? I trust coach prime and the boys to comeback.

Bout to be prime time
Film? That film is what you want...it's seasoning. If you keep building that up it makes it nonstick. I can cook eggs with no butter/oil in mine
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Post Maria Taylor and angel reese
can't unbreak a broken buck
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no thanks
Why is Matt Cassel a sideline reporter? That's a job for pretty women.
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>Shilo arm got broken
Guys it's official. We buck broke them
He's reliving his college days of spending the game on the sideline
His boyfriend/life partner is a big wig at NBC sports
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there goes the economy
imagine living in Colorado lmao
The racial demographics of the University of Colorado Boulder are as follows:
Black or African American: 1.77% of the student population

KEK, a whole 50% increase in applications!!!
Uh oh 28-3 it's over huskersisters
The wheels will come off this niggerfest in a year, maybe two. Coach Primate will slip away and the media will praise him as a hero. Colorado will never recover.
They will literally try to portay him as a hero, like he invented the CU football program and personally funded it. If my son played football and he was recruited by Prime, I'd do anything I could to talk him out of playing for that clown show
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it’s colorado, not a whole lotta black people living there.
It's great if you don't live in Denver or anywhere directly west of it.
The wheels already have come off. This team is a mess. I've also read stories about fights, guns, everything you'd expect from a bunch of feral blacks descending on a town like that.
>Massive increase in blacks
At least it gives the campus cops something to do nowadays
idk. I don't even feel schadenfreude watching Colorado getting blown out anymore. It's just kind of a boring story now. Am I jaded?
Do you think they would notice if I called this program a "zoo" on reddit?
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Actin' like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated
Life's like this, you
And you fall, and you crawl, and you break
And you take what you get and you turn it into
Honesty and promise me, I'm never gonna find you fake it
No, no, no
and there it is
He clearly didn't have control. What are the commentators talking about?
Post responses pls
please do and post the results after i watch bama lose to some fcs shitter
Life is good as a coach primate hater
Say you are tired of the monkeying around on offense
total animefag death when
>be complete asshole
>only 2 players willing to put up with your nonsense, one is your son and one is a phenom who idolizes you
Are people surprised they're trash?
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Deion doesn't care about Colorado, because he knows he's coaching dem boyz next season.
Imagine how annoying the fake inspirational black preacher-esque nonsense halftime speeches are to sit through.
cool it with the anti-primate remarks
is say, it would be better if they got other monkeys to type up the plays
>literally chucking mayonaise like water
and i thought i had health issues...
Please do, let's see the responses
Bros this game sucks.
Do it faggot
did you see him grab the banana?? who eats a banana like that?
Yeah, it's fucking dead
Sanders looks like such a clown with those golden headphones, gold chains and old man grey beard.
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The buck has been broken, the game is now docile.
There’s a chance for a Nebraska 4th quarter collapse. They haven’t beaten that curse yet.
Thats still vine swinging territory by mountain west standards, entirely because of Denver. Denvers the only place in 8 hours in any direction you won't do double takes seeing a black person
the most dangerous lead
Verification not required.
Buck Status?
John Bullock: The White Man Marches On
I'm half watching this game and haven't heard Hunter's name once.
Coach Prime walks out of the stadium straight to his stretch Hummer Limo
Prime gave up. I don't even know what the fuck he is doing. How long until he quits and calls out institutional racism and sues the NCAA.
Week 7
>Chili's 3 For Me
That's almost as good as three for free!
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When the first vacancy in the NFL comes up and the team's shitty owner wants some good PR. (so probably the Panthers)
Holy shit lol
does ravoli actually think hes mahomes? hes got

>throwing/play style
>mutt appearance

I mean I get it you idolize him but why go to tthis extent, why not try and make something your own brand, there was no mahomes before mahomes or brady before brady. take some elements of elite players game you admire but dont try and be the guy
Are you cringe dorks even watching the game? That was 20 minutes ago.
There is no way he will be an NFL coach. His ego is way too big to deal with NFL egos. Prime wants to run the whole show and that is never happening in the NFL
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bro he's 18 you're 30 relax
It's not about if he'd be good, it's about the brand. Thierry Henry and Vincent Kompany have the same issue yet they still get big jobs just on their name and early promise. I doubt any serious College would take him but an NFL team that wants the PR and sales from Coach Prime will do it.
If CU comes back, I will do a handstand and piss on my own head and film it, and post it
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Fuck these new targetting rules
>your dline blows by their guys and has the qb dead to rights
>he falls down while youre in the motion of hitting him
>15 yard penalty also we stop the game for 12 minutes blabbering about it oh and hes out for the game and the first half of next game
Holy fucking shit I've never seen a harbor freight commercial in my life.
he said he picked the #15 because of Teboq
I never had been to one until last month, one opened near me. A lot of junk but good deals on one time use shit like sandpaper, paint tape
At what point does watching teenagers play minor league football get weird?
And there it is
When you are jerking off at the same time
when you stop jerking off
Shut up retard. You have to actually be able to coach to make it in the nfl and everybody knows coach primate can't coach. He is the basic nigger hypeman you will see coaching every black high school in the country.
He's had that because of Tebow. Also Tommie Frazier and Nebraska
>>throwing/play style
Good? Is that a criticism lol?
>>mutt appearance
He's polynesian. He can't help that. Zoomer curls are fucking stupid but millions of kids have them

The media are doing the nonstop Raiola=Mahomes. It's dumb
The refs are fucking terrible. Just let it end.
I don't think you're getting the point. An NFL team doesn't hire him because they want to win, just to run out the season and bag some sales. The perfect tanking coach.
It doesn't work like that. You would never want to create a circus like that around a young rebuilding team. Fans would see right through it and turn on him the second he made the first dumb decision.
Moron. I understand your point and it's retarded. Colorado took him bc they were a dead program and he brought them press. No serious college program would ever take him let alone an nfl team.
NFL doesn't work like that its all about winning for every team. the "brand" is big enough for all teams that they arent desperate enough for sideshow acts like coach primate. college is a different story
Ehrm you're not getting my point... yeah you're spelling out exactly what Colorado did and it's blowing up in year two. Stick to soccer faggot
Get him in for the rest of the season then drop him and then actually rebuild (if you even actually care about building something, which quite a few owners don't)?
As for the fans I don't think a shitty owner cares about the season ticket holders, they would want the revenues from Coach Prime fans and the initial boost in interest in the team, not anything long-term.
they even have the same walk
you don't have any idea what you're talking about
They should hire Ronald McDonald or Daffy Duck haha that would bring in so many fans
is colorado buffs football boring again or will they keep trying to ride the hype the entire season?
You guys seriously believe that all NFL teams earnestly try their hardest to win every year and there aren't owners that just milk it for the the value of the brand. LMAO you're so fucking naive.
He's 19, which means that he was like 11 or 12 when Mahomes got into the NFL, which means that for basically his entire playing career, Mahomes has been one of the biggest stars in the NFL. So yea, I do think you will have a lot of guys emulating him.
You don't belong here
>Shedure Sanders walks off the field before the game even ends

im just a fan of the game, having high level QBs makes the game more interesting whether its pro or college. as a true freshman he looks impressive, but its just kinda cringe how it seems like hes trying to be a clone of patty
Don't care.
Lol just forget it man
>there aren't owners that just milk it for the the value of the brand
Any owner "just in it for the money" would get even more money by winning. You are dumb
You don't understand how the NFl works. All the teams put most of the money in a big pot and then distribute it equally. The idea of creating a circus by hiring a retard as HC wouldn't work.

Not to mention the rose is off the bloom. Everyone knows dude can't coach. He's not going to bring any hype to the league.
needs a jon gruden edit
there's literally no owners that are "milking it" if you followed the NFL you would know that. GMs typically get 3-5 years to turn a team into a winner and if they don't they're fired. name one NFL team with a long history of losing and no coaching/management turnover.
>seems like hes trying to be a clone of patty
He's not. That's the point
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Why is no one talking about how Michigan got exposed?
>the good players left
>The head coach left
>They replaced him with a black guy
It was just a matter of time
big gigantic N
You can’t be exposed if everybody knew you were shit to begin with.
>talk about the value of the brand
>turns it into money
It's like you think I don't know about the business of owning a club. I know well there isn't much in actual profit from a club bar the few (across all sports) that turn a profit.
As for your actual point, aren't the Cowboys one of, if not the most valuable team despite their dismal record?
>most of their money
But not all.
>Everyone knows dude can't coach. He's not going to bring any hype to the league.
Of course. I don't think a reasonable person would hire him either college or NFL, but if someone were to do so it would be more likely the latter.
Sure but I can name you plenty of NFL teams who have a history of losing and don't bother to turn it around by hiring good GMs/coaches. The owner can absolutely milk the brand for what it's worth while not putting much effort in.
>hey let's get a Belichick progidy in as head coach that'll bring some hype
And it never works out long run.
>black coaches
Listening to this european fraud try to talk about football is surreal
You can tell he has EPL on the brain.
I've never heard of an owner hiring a bad coach or GM on purpose. On the face of it, hiring a Belichick assistant is a good idea. Just because it didn't work out doesn't mean it was intentional.

You can turn around a miserable franchise in 1-2 years. You don't need some massive rebuild or years of losing. When that happens, it's just pure incompetence.
>bro just hire a shitty coach to create a clown show atmosphere and alienate your fanbase and then fire him later that year, only to have to start all over again...now with even angrier and untrusting fans
Seems legit.
Can you give an example of a team's owner that doesn't care? even the worst teams are atteeempting to rebuild success for the future, like the panthers, patriots, cardinals etc. Pressure is high on every team to win, otherwise people dont show up to games.
Why is he and his son such disgraces to football? You don’t walk on the team with two minutes left?
Deion Sanders is going back to an HBCU like Prairie View A&M if he's fired from CU lmao the NFL isn't an option for him at this point
If I were an NFL GM, that just showed me all I need to know.
>I know well there isn't much in actual profit from a club bar the few (across all sports) that turn a profit.
You are completely wrong. Real football makes a shitload of money. Revenue doesn't equal profit, but purely the NFL revenue sharing was $402.3M per team last year. That doesn't count ticket sales, concessions, advertising sponsors at the stadiums, etc. Salary cap is ~$225M. It doesn't take $177M to pay coaches, staff, and run a stadium.
>As for your actual point, aren't the Cowboys one of, if not the most valuable team despite their dismal record?
What dismal record? Please, be specific.
his kid will get the bronny james treatment from the nfl, probably hang around as a 3rd string qb for a while
I guess he showed his true coloreds
I'd say the Bangles when they tolerated marvin lewis for 14 miserable seasons.
That one year when Burfict cost them the game, I think they were the best team in the league and should have won the owl. I think it was against the Steelers.

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