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Fuck Canada
How does Andrade has negative tits?
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wtf I am enjoying this fight
Natalia Silva is yoked, makes Andrade look like a little old woman
every time i see andrade shes losing how the fuck shes ranked
Good win for my wife Natalia Silva
brazilians and post-fight interviews, name a worse duo
What are Nataliva Silva's chances vs.

a good striker like Zhang?
The heavy breathing of Silva is so SEXUAL
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whats up with all these faggoty ass retards having political banners in their gym?

How fucking weird would it be to have a Biden Harris flag like this wigger has a trump flag suspiciously pointed towards his anus?
Shartbert finna lookin old ong frfr
Politics is just deciding which satanic pedo lies to your face in the way you find most appetizing. In USA it's also basically an extension of sportsball, and thus, as you said, is extremely faggoty.
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Not really, it's choosing between some orange tranny garboon kike-sucking nigger and a pretty normal if annoying serious person

But it just makes me be totally okay with Dana ripping these losers off every single day of their working age lives, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Dana pays these retards LESS because they get to meet their imaginary daddy unless they're completely fucking FLATLINED like that hick faggot twink

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