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>Week Two
#3 Texas v. #10 Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)
Colorado v. Nebraska (Lincoln, NE)
South Florida v. Alabama (Tuscaloosa, AL)
Arkansas v. #16 Oklahoma State (Stillwater, OK)
Baylor v. #11 Utah (Salt Lake City, UT)
Brigham Young v. Southern Methodist (Dallas, TX)
Iowa State v. #21 Iowa (Iowa City, IA)
#14 Tennessee v. #24 NC State (Charlotte, NC)

>Week Three
#20 Arizona v. #17 Kansas State (Manhattan, KS)
#7 Oregon v. Oregon State (Corvallis, OR)
#5 Notre Dame v. Purdue (West Lafayette, IN)
Tulane v. #15 Oklahoma (Norman, OK)
Washington State v. Washington (Seattle, WA)
Colorado v. Colorado State (Fort Collins, CO)
West Virginia v. Pitt (Pittsburgh, PA)

/cfb/ pick 'em: https://fantasy.espn.com/games/college-football-pickem-2024/group?id=a55c8e21-61f9-42a5-ae49-cb87e3371c2c


previous: >>144279735
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>doing good defensively
Frens, I'm starting to think that Colorado might not be as good as the media says they are


LOST 31-6
coach primate is a nigger
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I've got a buddy who's a miserable long-suffering Nebraska fan, I need to see if he hasn't had a stroke out of sheer joy.
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>coach primate
>down 28
>"our defense doing good"
>can you clip in deion with his hands on his knees looking haggard as fuck?
>i think shiloh has a broken forearm or something
kek this team's cooked
Anyone get a screenshot of that qt black haired bobcut girl awkwardly clapping in her overalls?
I want to marry her
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>Here's why Colorado should still get AP votes
Knew Colorado was fraudulent when they barely beat my FCS Bison
They beat Tennessee State 52-3 today. Apparently Eddie George coaches them. Small world.
Thank you based webm maker
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based, thanks opie
Savior Rhule has come
reminder that joel klatt had a 100% serious discussion on his shitty podcast where he said Colorado was a legitimate threat to make the playoffs and the person with him was trying desperately not to laugh
anyone have an lsu/nichols state stream? streameast is a no go
Dude legit looks like Redd Foxx after Sanford was cancelled.
>coach ape
USF is getting opportunities just given to them but can't complete
Which volume of TS Playground should I fap to for halftime faptime?
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sounds like something Rob Ryan would have said
is Nebraska back?
Bama's o-line is going to get ate up by a real team.
I'm going to be genuine for a minute: I don't hate Deion. I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt the whole time. Saban talked shit to reporters too, all that.

Shadeur and Travis are electric players. Super exciting to watch when they play well.

He cannot manage the game. He cannot get personnel right. His players have bad discipline.

That has nothing to do with race. That's on him as a coach.

Colorado is better off without him in terms of how well they play. But financially his value is undeniable.
>colorado is so bad that they gave NEBRASKA a a meme webm in their favor for once

it can not be overstated how bad of a team you have to be to do that

just search the game on youtube
I want you guys to know that Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown is going after Wall Street and he also allows elementary school children to get sex reassignment surgeries. Thought you should hear what the ads are saying.
jesus christ milroe is a joke
>Bama struggling with USF AGAIN
jesus what's in the water in Tampa
I hate Milroe so much.
bama looks like fucking shit
only gonna win because USF is bad
May I have the permission to say something very controversial?
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America's team is in Dekalb, Illinois
You should fap to a bullet going through your abdula amblagada.
better than ryan day
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Bunch of soft C O N S I D E R A T E P O S T E R S in this thread
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Should I text LeXplorer? Haven’t talked to him in 3 years
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Holy shit with Venables so RED is he tweaking or something?
our /blackcoach/
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surely this is unchokeable right bros
they're not even at usf, alabama is HOME
If Byrum Brown could hit the broad side of a barn with his throws, Bama would be losing right now.
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Granted, What's on your mind anon?
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Yes. Please continue
Colorado won't go anywhere until they stop getting manhandled in the trenches.
How come they never talk about this guy?
Not familiar with that one, thinking about a scene with Sabrina Suzuki.
Against a team with no mental composure? Should be safe
gonna take a shit, keep the thread based for me
as long as it doesn't involve saying the n-word.
Wtf ku qb
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i like SEC shorts

i think they are funny
b1g looks like ohio state's for the taking since they can actually score points again
alabama looks like dogshit but they did last year too and somehow beat jawja so we'll see how things go there. Texas looks like a factor but I'm not gonna rate them for beating michigan, michigan legit looks like one of the worst offenses in college football
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Im all ears anon
raiola ain't even mixed tho he hawaiian
i got you senpai
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Try autoerotic asphyxiation and kick the chair out for maximum effect
Ty Simpson would booty blast Milroe
Why do they insist on using this retarded runningback as a quarterback?
these Bama corners cannot keep up
There's your answer
this has been a great day lads and I'm a meatchicken fan, we could go 0-12 this year with our cancer quarterback and I really wouldn't care, we need a total rebuild

go Nebraska! ; )
i've been wrong a lot the last few years
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the floor is yours
>24 yo
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
damn bama is just not the same. jesus USF sucks
>open quad-view
>all four are on commercial break
I never thought about a grad student being on a college athletics team before.
>Shilo born in Texas
>Deion was playing for the Redskins
Did Deion get cucked?
Yeah they are funny.
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Indeed my good sir, please continue!
>coach primate
This post reeks of Reddit tourist
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Normally that'd Nebraska
>loses to UGA again and nobody cares
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can tell you from the WVU-Albany game it was fun

posting from my PC but got a sunset pic and witnessed a muffed return on the first kick of the game but it all ended well
Bryum Brown isn't nearly as good in real life as he is in CFB 25.
Now with NIL, transfers, redshits, and covid eligibility half the rosters are grad students.
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Deion is a white country boomer at heart, so all memes aside I think that's cool.
go back
Brown's accuracy is shit.
why is alabama in a close game with these absolute scrubs AGAIN?
god they fucking suck
The SU stands for suck
wtf I thought this was our savior KU bros?
Post couch
He monke
I looked closely at the ad and they cited facebook as one of the sources. kek
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The Illinois DB room is the strongest in the country, no question. The problem is everything else is D2-tier
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holy shit App State is getting debacled
which game and how
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learn something new every day
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brother we are cooked. an fcs qb lit our secondary up. i'm glad it was fun and enjoy it. wvu will be lucky to win 1-2 more games this season.
They never earned the right to be the divas that they are. They fucking suck but are constantly in commercials and getting hyped by celebrities. It's unearned and they suck
Is Alabama really this undisciplined or are the refs cool with riding them because they get so much shit for bama winning?
Shit teams
Yeah well you fucking lost to californa so maybe not you stupid piece of shit.
USF o line and d line are bigger than Alabamas players
The only one holding USF back is their inaccurate qb
>Conceived in May
>Born in February
The Redskins were not playing
i respect this guy a lot for calling corner blitzes on ND's last drive instead of going prevent
he knew that shitty Duke QB couldn't do shit unless they gave him zone to throw into
Sad thing is Deion has the legitimate clout to pull good draft classes he's just too much of an idiot to understand how to build a healthy organization from the lines out
USF-Bama is a spaghettifest.
>losing to the biggest state in the union
no shame in that
talking to a bot
need lewds

We'd rather talk about the spectacular embarrassment that is his father.
Post that onw where the current Meatchicken HC won against Cryan Gay as substitute HC.
Kalen is trying to make Jalen looks like Michael Penix.
>Another fumble
Fucking hell
The girl on the left has the best smile
Marry, Kill, Fuck
drop bama out of the top 10 please this team SUCKS
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Livestream of CU lockerroom
Now that the dust has settled, KWABOTY: FSPoo or Notre Kek?
cheers mate, shit complete, but shitposting has only just begun
*webm I mean
>SUNY mentioned
>Capital region mentioned
let's gooooooooo
I love commie blocks and concrete only campuses!!!!
they have to lose first thirstyass nigga
>ancestors come over and end up being some of the first settlers in WV
>decide to move to Central California 100+ years ago
>dating pool is now fat single mexican moms
>clempus sets school record for points in a half
>in 2024
Nick Saban definitely left at the right time
This team he assembled last year hasnt learned anything and is basically uncoachable
Its exactly the same as last year though I don't think anyone really thinks they can win with minroe or w/e but they'll still be around.
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just a reminder that my gators are NOT the worst team in the SEC!
Based NIU beating pedo dame
They play each other this year, so we'll actually be able to see who the bigger kwab is.
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It's going to be even funnier when the Cowboys draft Shadeur and he busts
Bama back to .500 ball confirmed
Bama soon to be kwab
meanwhile LSU is in a 23-21 game with a terrible FCS team and I didn't even notice until just now
Dak is the future and so is multiple super bowls including this year, faggot

How? Nussmier is pretty good
It was during the halftime of the PRIMATE game. They were talking about the video from last week of Tennessee's mascot Smokey the Dog recreating Raygun's dance
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He's a shrewd guy. He knows his system no longer works in the gay NIL/portal era.
Classic case of Earning vs having it given to you like FREEMEN
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also see
It's like every game today was an upset.
>The 12 team playoff year is about to be the 2007 season all over again
Holy based
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Welp, at least >we aren't the only top 5 team that choked
Debatable desu
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>he underestimated tampa





Saquon finna dab on you Cowboys
congrats, you are slighty better than arkansas
I thought Hayden, ID was where all the skinheads lived.
This is a level of cope I've never thought possible. Boys will be lucky to make the playoffs
Literally nothing could be better than Alabama AND Auburn losing on the same day.
Just woke up, bros. How did God's Own Bootyblasters do today?
Bama hasn't looked this bad since I was a sophomore in high school
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>3 picks
>can't do shit with any of them and are going to lose
jfc just abort the program illinois
If Alabama loses, is Notre Dame off the hook?
Uhhhh who are the other Alabama qbs?
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My Cyclones won =D
nope, just double the keks

What if I told you Notre Dame also already lost
Don't let this Bama collapse distract you from the fact that ND lost at home to Northern Illinois
Nah USF is a somewhat respectable program and has some finishes in top 25
Let's just make Northern Illinois the actual Illinois and call UI like the University of Buttfuck Illinois or something
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Kek what a fraud
no northern Illinois is garbage I cannot believe what I was witnessed today





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>mfw Milroe fumbles
Based on glancing at the box score they can’t run the ball at all and their defense just stinks
Bravo brian kelly
But why is the game so damn late?
as always, LSU is worse than us which means they will decimate and humiliate us when we play this year
thanks giovanni
what even is an aggie anyway?
big 18 after dark kino
is that a twink freshman or an old lady
7 on Saturday isn't late
>Orange Indians
Is that male or female?
Based Tomboy
Tom Boydie
>fuck george floyd
rude of her
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an agricultural worker
Fucking dogshit?
it's an aspie, but also with down syndrome so it has trouble pronouncing words
If Bama loses with they or Notre Dame be the bigger KWAB
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Would you the pig?
Old timey term for slave
Hoping for a hudson card masterclass next saturday
>Checks LSU score

Am I going to have to kill myself tonight?
It doesn't matter if Bama wins this
Their dynasty is over. They are not a big enough school to continue being elite in the new era of college football. They are going to have to cope living in the new reality where they are mediocre with a few good years thrown in
FUCK yes.
Why would they put Oregon-Boise State on Peacock?
I'm going to bed and I'm not watching college football again until the week of Thanksgiving.
I see nick saban left when he realized that his under the table "benefits" would bring in good players with NIL
I'm trying to not think about it because my penis can only get so erect.
i can skinnify her
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Already been asked. Lurk more
NIU isn't THAT garbage. They won a bowl game last season and won the MAC conference a couple years ago.
Nussmier will deliver
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It's debover...
>Fuck Coach Prime
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH is this a hate crime?!?
I shan't but I will handle any of the sunglasses on head for you
Didn’t McNeese St beat Georgia once?
Literally every woman in that pic. My bar for fucking is embarassingly low.
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>literally nobody cares about my Meatchicken looking like a pop warner team
fresh natty to rock bottom in one game, need a complete rebuild, no pressure, life is good
They can change conferences, but not timezones
He left because he couldn't stand another year with Milroe
god damn alabama is terrible
Which team is the best team in Indiana after today? Is it still Notre Dame?

In college, no
Now, yes. I really underrated giddy chubby girls and their eager thirst for dick.
no. those who say they would need the rope
The SEC is so fucking trash this year bros :(
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nah its a hate prime
No, Anon, they did not.
the fact that KU isn't bootyblasting this shit team means that they're in for a long season
How can I watch this without paying CBS?
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Refs doing whatever they can to keep South Florida in the game
NIL flattened the talent.
Uhhh Tennessee, Ole Miss, Georgia, Texas?
>No Hawaii home game tonight

This is bullshit
Fuck, yes
Marry, probably not
Nichols State are a quality opponent shut up
we'll find out next week when Purdue plays ND
IU put up 77 today but who cares
were there any caps of that iowa girl with the nice pits
since you're a tigers fan, you should do that regardless of the outcome
I was once preyed upon by a girl a bit bigger than her at a frat party
she progressively got me drunker throughout the night bringing me drinks as soon as my cup was empty
her similalry sized side kick kept annoying my friend so he lost track of me
blacked in with her and me in bed
Are you guys screencapping from a stream? Hulu goes black whenever I try to screencap. Pisses me off.
Notre Dame is in Indiana?

I legit did not know that. Roast me.
They ALMOST beat Nebraska like seven years ago or something but Amir Abdullah had like a miracle 50 plus yard run and saved the Huskers. Would have been one of the biggest upsets of all time
yours is slightly less embarrassing because you got deleted by a genuine natty contender. Bama and ND getting stoned by a bunch of shitters.
the AAC is going to be underrated again this year by fans and commentators
>he was the fucking one to recruit him

you can always get the best transfer to come now.

>this flag
>this team
easily the best one
This Bama O-line is getting their bussys destroyed
>her face when I whip out my 3 inch flaccid pink pee pee
digits and Colorado makes a comeback
Bruh that Tucker Carlson face is pretty hot
Notre dame still beat A&M last week. IU hasn’t played a power 5 team yet.
nah im in too good of a mood, my Huskers are back
based warriorposter
uga is going to win the natty just because every other major program abruptly got retarded
Why the fuck did we not try and recruit Malachi Nelson?
>Bama fans are ref-coping against USF
lmao never thought I'd see the day
You suddenly remember Texas is SEC
I'm kinda pissed that USF couldn't do it last year against Saban
He was a severely overrated coach
not burning a couch, I only have one

we are not cooked quit whining like a little bitch

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(1/2) no known nudes
yeah, South Bend
no one fucking cares about your no name conferebce
Alabama is never scheduling USF ever again
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Bros help me decide, Indian food or wings?
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He is good Boi puppers
It seems that no matter where one goes outside of Aggieland, there are always those who ask, "What is an Aggie anyway?" I am so glad they ask because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects. I usually respond by first telling them what an Aggie is NOT. An Aggie is not a pig or hog, as they are called in the Ozarks. An Aggie is not a horse, such as the one representing that school out in West Texas. An Aggie is not a pony, like the one in "SMUland." We are certainly not a frog or horned toad, nor a Waco bruin or bear. We are not a little ol' cat or a fowl owl like those in Houston. Most definitely, we are not of the long-horned cattle variety. If we were, we would be a bull or a cow rather than some non-productive steer. (Since a steer is non-productive, and t.u. chooses to be represented by a steer, then logic would follow that t.u. must consider themselves...Hey, don't get mad at me or say, "that's a little strong." I didn't pick their mascot, they did.)

The fact is that an Aggie is not any type of animal. We have Reveille, who is our 1st Lady, but we're not the Texas A&M Reveilles. We're the Aggies. An Aggie is a human. When I think of an Aggie, I think of church, community, and state leaders. I think of the many Aggies who have sacrificed their lives as defenders of freedom through their service to the United States of America.
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Ohio State and Texas have unretarded themselves a bit.
I always toss Hawai'i's home games on when I got to bed on Saturdays and fall asleep to them.
Oh cmon I like the $6 million they paid us for these 3 games.
No, idiot. It's in France.
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>He was a severely overrated coach
back to r/cowboys with you
wings, pajeetslop is disgusting
>dumb frogposter
fraid so
Nelson who can't get on the field for Boise State?
who actually eats that shit?
had an entire jar of sauerkraut today and the stomachache is starting
keep me posted on primate affairs
>street shitter food or quintessential football meal
gee idk man
in the shithole known as south bend yes, also that city is in the northern bumfuck tip of indiana which makes it more confusing
I guess that depends, do you want health code violations by jeets or health code violations by blacks
A lot of the big 10 is as well. Could be some random national champion.
>we are not cooked quit whining like a little bitch
Ah I see. You must be a new WVU fan. You weren't at the Backyard Brawl in 2007 like I was. You'll see.
Imagine if we didn't prop up and bail out failed programs
We could see Alabama, Notre Dame, Florida State, LSU relegated this year instead of getting endless free passes to fail
wasn't Pete Buttigeg the mayor of South Bend? Very Catholic of them.
Cowboys routinely hit on their draft picks
Thai if available, otherwise wings
Who the hell is kwab of the week?
Good night, USF.

We're fucking done playing around now
>still beat A&M
tamu sux
nd still hasn't played anybody
imagine if gymnasts werent allowed to shave and they all walked around with big sweaty bushes sticking out of their leotards haha that would be really weird and gross
>this year
Hot take: Jawja 3 peats if the committee puts them in the playoffs instead of Bama last year
>stomping one of the most overrated teams of all time means you're back
Ehhhh I still need to see more
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stfu faggie
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>notre dame a French cathedral
>fighting Irish mascot
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Why not a quality, affordable meal from a name you can trust, anon? McDonald's.
CO scores!!!
oh yeah that's true
tho will howard has always had some bozoball to his game
We could have taken care of him more. I dunno who else was another qb in the transfer portal.
Notre Dame
ND is a runaway favorite, Bama might give them a run for their money though
Half of them were given to him by major corporations and were asterisked
I grew up a West Virginia fan and still live in the state

I graduated from the university and went back to finish my MA, anything but new
the oklahoma animeposter is awfully quiet tonight
the person posting that isnt a fan of A&M
Aggies are the first to answer the call to serve their country. Aggies are ministers of the gospel, coaches of Little League teams, public school teachers, and leaders in community projects. Many are medical doctors, veterinarians, and engineers. Others are civil servants, congressmen, and entrepeneurs. Thankfully, many are responsible for feeding the world as farmers, ranchers, and agricultural researchers. And we all know that if it were not for Aggies who become lawyers, there wouldn't be such a thing as a "good" lawyer. In essence, Aggies get things done. We are doers! Aggies are the Twelfth Man, builders of bonfires, carriers of tradition, participants in Musters, and, too often, attenders of Silver Taps ceremonies. Texas Aggies say HOWDY. We know how to look a man in the eye and shake hands. Aggies get a chill up our spine when we hear the National Anthem or sing the "Spirit of Aggieland" or "Aggie War Hymn," or when we march to chow under the direction of a drum and bugle corps.

What is an Aggie? Who are the Aggies? It is simple, "We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we, true to each other as only Aggies can be..."

I remember it well
Why do the teams in the Nebraska-Colorado game and the USF-Alabama game have the same color scheme?
>you now remember that irish catholics are a thing
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I would eat Thai Curry every day if I could
Notre Dame is up there for the KWABOOTY not just the week bro
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Ole Miss, Georgia, LSU, Florida, Auburn, and Bama are the heart of SEC football. So when 4/6 of those teams aren't looking so hot, it hurts bad. The conference being led by outsiders like Texas and Mizzou just doesn't feel right.
Notre Dame unless Colorado gets 50 hung on them
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everythings FINE
Bama looks meek in the run.

Might as well put on a tutu and skip for the gap
bozoball means a whole lot less when you've got freaks like Tate, Inniss, and Smith who will catch 99% of passes you put in their area of existence.
1. Notre Dame
2. LSU (moves to #1 if they lose)
3. Alabama
but are they a pony?
notre dame unless bama ends up losing this which they probably won't
usf is just too shit to do it
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The protecters of the haetdog

>commentators getting hyped over Alabama actually doing something good vs USF
Indian. Curry sampler with different types of Nan.
Nebraska is scarlet
Alabama is crimson
why do you even reply you fucking retard
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oh my science she is so attractive!!! post moar xD
i'm gonna molest your mother
The Bama O line is a fucking joke.
what's a volunteer?
Then you should know better than to be optimistic.
Why do B1G/EEC sisters talk about forming their own CFB and muh Power 2 when 60% of their conference is trash every year?
Wings, but even that isn't a great choice. There's never enough MEAT.
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who's Angel Reese and why's it over for him?
Yiff in hell, furfaggie
is kansas seriously gonna lose to illinois
come on I know you're kansas but you're better than that now
Kansas is kinda shitting the bed right now, aren't they?
>bama oline
why does a retard state like Florida have so many higher learning institutions

I never thought I would be rooting for Alabama but I am going to be fucking furious if NIU's historic upset gets overshadowed because south Florida beats Alabama :(
Why didn't Shadeur run there?
I'm so fucking sick of these meme black quarterbacks. In what world was Milroe ever a good for the bama offense
Prime bros...I was so sure it was our year
Lifelong nooger
is Georgia State the one with Helton as coach?
Bama getting outworked by USF
I don't know noticer, you tell me. Probably a jewish conspiracy, right?
You know how the jannies do it for free? It's like that.
Bunch of soft ass N O O G A S on this team
>dick picksix
Georgia Southern
Digits and Colorado gets shut out while Alabama loses
Threadly reminder that the state of Texas is only a part of the US and not Mexico thanks to Tennesseans
bama's o-line looks almost as bad as colorado's
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its over
Hey man I dont root for conferences. My team looks good. Just killed a UF and has the best qb I have seen this millenia
It honestly has surprisingly few given the size.
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satania more like stupidania
comeback starts now
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Okay, Wings it is. Now would you get chicken chili nachos or pulled pork nachos as a side?
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Just two more KFC commercials
Why is Mizzou in the SEC again?
Reggie's in the bag for bama
Refs bailing out Bama
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pulled pork
reffies not even trying to be subtle, Bama must win and fuck you for trying to upset them
Jeebus, she's ugly
Awesome Aggie Sayings

These are just a few of the many.

I would rather flunk out of A&M than to graduate with honors from t.u.

If t.u. were playing the University of Moscow in Red Square, I would be on the goal post waving a big red flag.

West Point is a good prep school for A&M.

t.u., t.u. - where the girls are girls and the boys are, too.

I would rather go 0-11 and be an Aggie than be National Champs and be a 'sip.

Texan by birth, Aggie by the grace of God

Aggies may get out-scored, but they never lose.

We've never been licked.

I would rather eat barbed wire than go to t.u.

If I had a low IQ, I would go to t.u., too.

No Aggie was without a job during the Great Depression

BOSS - What you call an Aggie five years after he/she graduates

"Howdy!", "Gig'em!", "Farmer's Fight!", "Ol Army!"

The 4 responses allowed by a fish:

1. "Yes, sir!"

2. "No, sir!"

3. "No excuse, sir!"

4. "Sir, not being informed to the highest degree of accuracy, I hesitate to articulate for fear I may deviate from the true course of reactitude. In short, sir, I am a very dumb fish and do not know, sir."

t.u.: Aggie term for The University of Texas, that small secular (Berkeley Of The South) school in central Texas
>Refs bailing out Bama
They're doing it again
USF is decent though. Or at least better than NIU
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casuals in /cfb/ weren't paying attention when Illinois amassed the best DBs in the country. Now my chiefie's offense finally got its shit together. Hopefully it stays that way

I would literally eat her asshole for 10 hours
Refs just saved Alabama's season.
Reffies rigging it again
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When our country asked to fight off Mexico from our border tennessee sent so many people that just volunteered to serve the regiment of rifleman ended the war hillbillies are savages
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They wanted to look important when Nebraska and AtM left
USF has started near midfield like 5 times and only got 10 points out of it
That is one of the flimsiest holding calls I've ever seen. How much did the refs get paid this week do you guys think?
That turned out to be a mistake but props to Davy Crockett.
All University of Tennessee campuses are rolling tonight
smarter than you're retarded state bud
>t.u., t.u. - where the girls are girls and the boys are, too.
This one is actually true
USF is one of the worst programs in florida
>reffies in to save the day for bama

cooked program. Embarrassing for georgia that they somehow lost to them last year because they were already cooked then
bama has activated their paid refs its literally ogre sfu
Reminder that the refs tried and failed to save Notre Dame too this week
I keep jumping between Kansas-Illinois and Bama-USF. Nebraska-Colorado is over.
Caitlin bros just can't stop winning
If reffies have to bail out Alabama vs a minnow program they are not going to do well in the SEC, which negates the whole aspect of having to keep them in the discussion
good, fuck this bitch
Even if they win, they've fucked my parlay
the refs one
staying on Bama
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don't call me STUPID
Kamala must be losing
Recycling this old protocol again
Shame on you, feds
i still watching nebraska purely for the memes
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>even E$PN is saying there is refball
QRD on how USF is in this game?
which school pays the most to the reffies per year?
That was a fair spot anon and you..you...HAHAHAHAHA FUCK ND
She has a very good body
USF is top tier game right now
>Bama can't compete with fucking USF without refchad help
LMAO this program is going back to pre-Saban levels within a year
>houses the entire space industry
>several large metros
>one of the most populated states in the country
>large rich enclaves in south florida and lots of money from retirees moving down here
>massive tourism industry
we're not exactly a flyover
Georgia is gonna devastate this Alabama team
>nebraska running back calls out the safety mid run
That QB runs like a penguin
kill yourself
Dang 23 on Nebraska is a monster
notre dame
and possibly alabama
all fucking suck

meanwhile MY sparty got a big road win
They are destroying Bama's o-line and putting tons of pressure on Milroe, and USF's QB is running all over them
U mean QRD of how bama is still in this game.answer: reffies
No it's probably the cocaine.
Um, Boomerbros?...
defense has been playing well. bama Oline is not good
>tfw Georgia 28-0 in the first half at home
You're cooked if you didn't see the blatant refball in the seccg. Bama was playing real dirty and not getting called.
NFL is going to feel like an empty husk tomorrow, as usual after a day like today
I saw this too. Dude does not give a fuck. You love to see it
Better than expected. USF looks good, Tulane was robbed and they have a real shot to beat OU. The scary part is Memphis is supposed to be the best team this season and they have the weakest schedule out of the 3.
Texas is the only team that looks like they can give Georgia a game right now
>tfw Vanderbilt is going to be ranked above Notre Dame next week
Oregon and Boise on PEACOCK!
>beating maryland
truly a powerhouse team
does anybody else sometimes piss in a bottle just for fun
too sooner
god I'm so glad they just play each other in the regular season now
long overdue
>entire space industry
colorado bout to make comeback and yall racist gon be mad lol
i thought you faggots said the SEC was the weakest league.
Normally it takes a handful of seasons for a program to bottom-out after a top coach leaves, but since everyone can transfer out it can happen as soon as next year
It's a bad day for black qbs and black coaches
Uhhhhh Joe Shiesty finna dab on the pats tomorrow and Harbaughtism will be unleashed in LA
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It's ok Soonertania, we've all had rough days.
>colorado return man hit by his own teammate
The only only undefeated team in Michigan is...sharty(once OSU finishes bronco breaking)
we won the race war
has anyone done a wellness check on horace
not rateable until they play someone better
Keeping an eye on SFA-UNT
No just my gf's asshole
i'm actually a competitive bottle pisser
Jalon Daniels is getting exposed.
I just proofread the script, it's gonna be pretty good
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No, but I pee in my backyard instead of the toilet whenever it’s convenient.
>houses the entire space industry
Brother there is a NASA center IN FUCKING CLEVELAND. The space industry is nationwide. Cape is the launching spot but Texas will probably overtake that.
dad if you're in this thread I love you
florida state is still my ongoing KWABOTY regardless of what ND did today
everyone knew ND was gonna do that at some point, just not to a fucking MAC team lmao
I'd love to see more of this and less of the first down chop.
Bama has been getting beat on the RPO all game even tho USF can't complete a pass
kill yourself
I hope my faggot son isn't in this thread
thanks dad
Good luck with the insurance or the hurricanes or the 120 degrees 100% humidity or whatever you got going on. Oh yeah, and it's overcrowded.
wtf dad?!
Are ya winning, son?
How did Reffies just miss that massive hold
thanks dad
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shamiko mogs shitania
way of the road.
USF needs a pick 6 right here.
It's a long season
too easy
Go UH, it's good for UNLV SoS
If only I could have convinced your mother to get that abortion
kooga wooga awooga bomp
chiefbros...I'm feeling a choke incoming
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>but Texas will probably overtake that.
the attached image is you
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>tahj brooks out
Oh man we’re fucked on offense
would get called back, how new are you?

There is no new kinks
What's your offensive scheme?
Is the defense still good?
Do you guys get waivers on player measurements? I thought long ago there was a 295 lb restriction.
>Bama in danger of an upset
>Reffies take over and put them on their back
that's the 2023 Music Bowl champs you're talking about there
plus maryland won by 22 last year @ MSU so i'm reasonably excited about this
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might need to turn off hardware accel in your browser settings? Otherwise I think some sites are more protective than others (netflix for one really doesn't like users screenshotting)
fsu will probably stay #1 for me just because of how big of faggots they were during the offseason

deserved and I will love every single second of it. Just 2 more weeks and the B1G will invite them!
Daily reminder that the last time Michigan won a Natty, Tennessee won it the very next year.

The trust in Milroe was weird to me. He seemed very sloppy and all over the place last year, like the worst version of a mobile QB. You either go with the classic Bama boring game manager that protects the ball and facilitates the run game or you go with an actually capable meme like Tua, not whatever Milroe is supposed to be.
literally never even hits 100 degrees and climate change isn't real - our governor removed it from school books
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Borts gonna do it
Ref's are out for blood
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It's always an empty husk
Refs have been fully activated
>roughing the apsser
Jesus fucking CHRIST
I don't know how to pick and nfl team to be a fan of. It just seems so fake. I didn't have to pick a college football team.
I see refies need to bail out bama again
modified wing back. able to actually throw the ball. defense has been good so far. the offense does start slow
U can see how sad reffies are when they have to call against bama
so fun watching the same wildcat dumbfuck play today
is bama gonna pretend this is a quality win again even tho usf is gonna go 6-6
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>wisconsin almost lost to this team last week

i hate all the conference shit but holy FUCK am I glad the b1g west is no longer a thing
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How to watch the San Diego Oregon State game?!

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