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Coach Prime was raped in the late summer of 2024.
>coach primate
Coach Primate
Why is it that quite a few soccer greats go on to become successful managers, but NFL greats rarely do?
Curious to hear this list of soccer greats
>ain't hard 2 KWAB
You have the bald headbutter... and that's it.
>Coachp R. Ime
Huh? What does the R stand for?
this true?
’fraid so
soccer has a lot less nuance to it, players can move between positions pretty easily
football ends up having 1 head coach/2-3 coordinators/8(?) positional coaches and a lot of assistants
for a long time the traditional pattern was start at college and rise through the ranks, then get to the NFL and still have to get 2-3 more promotions for a head coaching job
NFL greats aren't going to spend 10+ years climbing the ladder for this, especially with their current salaries
it's become a little less strict with guys like McVeigh and O'Connell in their 30s being head coaches, but you still have stuff like when Jeff Saturday got hired directly as an NFL coach, the media blasted it

Reminder that they beat an FCS team by 5 and bragged about it
leave it to /sp/ chuds to kick a black man while he's down
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The whole family deserves it after walking out on your team with 2 minutes left.
You gonna cry in the locker room with shedeur and coach primate?
and there it is
Imagine defending those soft bitches of a family. Lmao!
I'm starting to doubt Coach Prime.
last 2 digits is number of tua interceptions this year
>5 sacks
you're never going to win with that stat
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Crazy how SI got away with that cover
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Soccer has far less skill and far less complex formations and plays, and is more prone to "pay more=more talent=you win" since strategy is very low
I think the real issue is that soccer is very insular. You pretty much have to be a player in the top flight to be a manager, even though there are probably people out there who retired at 21 from the 6th tier that would be better. Frankly managers in soccer are just not as important as a football coach.
if this was the case, shit teams like United or Chelsea would win as many leagues as City.
And there are cases where the manager is truly God awful and can screw up a team independent of the players it has, think of Koeman at Barcelona or Gerrard at Villa.
They are important but I wouldn't say in the same way that an NFL coach is important, the manager has to deal with the more "personal" aspects of the team than the tactical, I'd say a 70/30 split.
You cannot be a manager in football if you are gonna go ahead and shit talk your players in public all the time, or tell them to play positions they are not comfortable in, or be a yes-man to them and end up having a locker room full of retards more busy thinking of things other than the sport because they wanted to spend their practice time doing other shit, or have players never show up to training or if they do, they do it for a few minutes and then leave.
The best managers are the ones that not only know how to organise a team, what players to use in what positions and which format to run, but also the ones that can get along with the team, know how to motivate them and when to be strict with specific players about what they are doing.
Of course, there are cases where sometimes the team is more than the manager, but those cases are rare

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