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Main Card:
Usman Nurmagomedov (c) vs. Alexandr Shabliy
Lorenz Larkin vs. Levan Chokheli
Douglas Lima vs. Aaron Jeffery
Yancy Medeiros vs. Jora Ayvazyan
Sumiko Inaba vs. Mackenzie Stiller
I'm here but ironically.
Khabib just got obliterated as a coach. Brazzas will NEVER recover. It's over.
I'm here but unironically.
good thread
Thank you
>Canadian Smellator stream
>ad for telephone sex lines in current year
>ad for meth addict recovery
>ad for telephone sex lines in current year
>ad for meth addict recovery
Explain yourselves holy shit.
canadians are addicted to sex and meth, and by sex i mean beastiality
Nice to see wrestlers like Newman and Meredith win tonight. Really excited to see Shabliy v Nurmagomedov, no idea who to pick. Probably leaning Usman. What are you guys thinking?
I can't believe I'm watching this. What has my life become
holy shit there is so much dead air to the commentary
I'm thinking I'll watch this crap just 'cause it's on.
I'm going with Usman. He has a better record and more well rounded.
>named AYYazyan
i watch bkfc ironically and unironically
wtf why is he named yancy
It's 2022 chud.
I always get the feeling that bellator fighters aren't trying to win and don't actually give a fuck. It's like in school when you have to take a class but you already have all you need to graduate so it's just fuck off time.
Shabliy is ACA tested from the time they were in their lightweight golden age (AAA, Shabliy, Bagov, Vartanyan). I think he has the better record, even his most recent loss was very competitive against a guy that is still elite.
THE diaz style?
is Armenia the secret weapon with which we will defeat the Dagestani Empire in MMA?
It doesn't look like the other Caucasians are as good as Dagestani MMA.
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How tall is this Armenian? He looks like he could fight at 125.
WMMA bathroom break.
I miss real Bellator bros, relevant Bellator. We should have paid for Coker’s ppvs
PFL was going to buy Bellator no matter what.
Cyborg looks way better than I remember
this is the thread
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Canada will still find a way to lose
>Canadian leaking blood all over opponent
New Canadian martial art?
Coker era bellator was the washed guy headlining PPV
wtf! when she's not smiling she's beautiful
Bros how many minutes of clinch time has he gotten?
To be fair this is pre-bog Cyborg
ref not even telling the leaf to work, bellator is so garbage
PFL rules
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heeminder of the clinchcel powerrankings
>ref cam
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>luv mma (ufc)
>never watched a bellator card
I regret nothing.
the ref must be hard of hearing because he is not noticing the constant boos
Yeah, we're pretty based
You're a goyslop-only cazzie.
another night of dominance from Canadian MMA
The links for the bellator streams are so fucking bad every single one is so full of pop ups. Unwatchable. I guess it doesn’t matter, the nurmagomedov will win anyway.
use ublock, moron
If anything ever happened in bellasnore, there would be some evidence in the form of highlights and webms cropping up on /heem/ now and then.
and an amazing show put on by Bellator. i can't wait for the next fight!!
My regular stream sites have Bellator and it's the same as watching the UFC on it.
>Rory went life and death with this lima
just how good is jeffrey
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>insult while providing solution
a woman could never do this. not in their entire history. men rule, women drool.
I've never seen anyone with his style. Bleed on your opponent and huge him.
>hug guy
>bleed all over him for 15 minutes
it's that easy
Don't help boomers. Someone needs to consume ads to keep the internet in business.
Does Usman have any real chance of losing?
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Absolute domination. Fazza's legacy will never die.
>cazzie didnt watch the rockhold retirement fight
KWABOTY contender
The 1 who got it done? Adriano Martins.
I'm going with Usman but >>144283686 argued otherwise. I admit Shabliy is really good but I think Usman is probably better.
no one named Schaub Lee can be bad at fighting
i had just assumed you shopped father into the picture, sadly you did not.
haters hate
leafs win
phenomenal Canadian victory
bro got a nice physique
Yeah just like UFC 297 right
That wasn't three rounds of clinching, retard.
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Kyle Nelson only lost because he got his head caved in
Don't really know the guy, but his challenger has a real good looking record and Usman has mostly been fighting washed guys so far.
>three rounds of clinching
that's not what you said is it you stupid cocksucker? you said hug and bleed on him. well you actually said "huge" him because you're a public school mutt with fat diabetic fingers. bow down to me you stupid little maggot.
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>one guy is named after TWO world champions
>other guy is literally named Shabbily
THE trillion years old Benson Henderson!?
That's a 10 8 for me Joe
Schaubliy more like
Schaub "Kevin" Lee
Bellator has like one interesting fight per card and then it sucks
it's joever
can't believe you faggots went with the faggot thread, no wait it makes sense
>named chokehelicopter
let me suck your penis wenis oOoOoOoO
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oldfags heemember the schnell
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from the land of sweet tea and pecan pie
Reds legend Barry Larkin HEEEEEEEM
Georgian's are jew tier when it comes to combat sports.
They at least have Topuria and Merab. Armenians are the Jew tier ones.
neither pass the eye test
One is literally the champion, retard.
Topuria,Merab,Roman Dolidze,Giga Chikadze ,Guram Kutaladze. They have the most fighters per capita of any country
okay and?
Most of them suck. Badly.
like 80% of successful black guys choose anything other than a black woman to wife
That isn't the point
Having a ton of fighters is meaningless if none of them are good.
they cant be considered fighters
What sports are they good at? I know they used to have a decent rugby team.
You now partially remember Yaroslav. You know the Bellator guy.
Braindead takes, just having a champ and a contender alone for a country of 3mil makes them almost dagestan tier
black women are ugly and extremely obnoxious.
Topuria isn't a legitimate champion until he defends. Being a contender is real low fruit you're picking.
Where is he?
This fight is gonna be so sick. Usman could become an MMA sensation if he dominates here
Globalist mystery meat. The rest of your list is bums.
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>Topuria isn't a legitimate champion until he defends
Please kill yourself
Died in Bakhmutt shooting Russian (former) picks anon.
anyone got the gif of usmeng sneaking away to exercise with the older lads but abdulmanap caught him and made him do duckwalks instead?
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Khabeast has spoken
dude lost his belt in the very last card before the buyout kwab
That was Umar
That was umeng
oh yeah
where the fuck is this shit even on?
afwul fucking pacing
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Only buck broken ones. Real nigga's like Muhammad Ali were disgusted by race mixing.
It's better than UFC PPV pacing with 30 minutes of ads between each fight
Let's fucking go
Do you think Usman gets an immediate title shot in the UFC if that happens?
is schaubly a top 5 ufc welterweight ?
I think they'd give him an immediate #1 contender fight.
Shabily did what Islam couldn't, beat Adriano Martins
Yeah? Definitely better than Colby.
lol shush anon
If shabily leg hits I can basically retire
i mean lightweight
They gave that to Chandler who wasn't a champ and had plenty of losses leaving Bellator. No special treatment for an undefeated champ?
post slip b
usman's body, face and hairline, built liek a kafkaz rockhold. looks way different than the other nurmagomedovs
leetle bet meldonium brazza it fine you kno dis
Look at what they did for Anderson Silva when he came over. I think they will def do a fight to prove the person deserves a title fight
Nah I'd have to phonepost and have nothing to prove or lie about, but I am exaggerating. It's like 7 grand not actually khabib tax fraud money.
go brazza total brazza victory
Usman Nurmagomedov vs. Alexandr Shabliy starting
why they make the russian flag a PNG
That was uhmong
>no contest heemed by THE 40yo flushed smellator wrestleboxer bum
what do you mean?
Poosman finna get chinned
they not like us brazza
10-9 Usman
seen enough to know that neither would beat Dan Hooker
you could say that about any fight
>Nothing happens, just midget retards stand and jabbing

I can see why Smellator has no audience
that still doesn't mean HanDookie wouldn't lose, he's a looser
hairline status?
i think they're speaking ab bit of Avar
This Shabily kid doesn't have the balls to win
Growing it out 'cause full NSDAP isn't looking good anymore
he never had the makings of a new soviet man
this shit's about to put me to sleep
Mute Khabib's fucking mic on the broadcast.
He just doesn't want to get finished
This is more boring than Burns vs Brady. Same kind of fight, but with literal whos.
So is this Bellator San Diego or Khabib San Diego, what the fuck is wrong with these people, lmao, he's on the camera for the full 5 minutes, they want the UFC fame so much
what a pussy
It is annoying but I cant blame them
i have BDS. my eyes are glued to the Khabitchcam. I am begging for Juiceman to get KOd
Khabib always does this whenever his cousins are fighting someone who speaks Russian so that the opponent doesn't know what he's telling them.
Smartest business decision they can do
>muh heckin checkers game
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you know your'e not missing anything when the hypemen start talking about board games
Good combination by Shabliy
whats an example of a checkers game in mma, Guida vs Sanchez?
this is the highest level of MMA you can tell by the booing fans
bellabore never fails to disapoint
if you want to kill a sport just have two mountain rats compete against eachother
Good uppercut by Usman cracked his nose open
"hmmm yes fascinating" - me (really smart)
they are saying 'boooo-sman'
if you don't like this fight, you don't like mma
Shadilay is only half mountain
Your post begs the question: do degasteni women even exist?
Gussing Usman is winning every rounds because of the live odds, but neither are doing any thing but faint and throwing a few leg kicks, maybe I'm just tired but I can't tell who is winning because they are doing so little.
I know what you're talking about, what I hate is, the fight is so fucking boring Khabitch is more entertaining, but holy shit they've been showing him on camera the whole fight, might as well just go full screen, and its just Khabibellator
Completely different kind of fight from Burns vs Brady. Wrestling has been even so it's a standup fight.
Suga Rashad Evans vs Sean Salmon, you'll have to look it up I don't have a webm
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This is still the most memorable main event Bellasnore has ever put on.
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What a wonderful culture and religion, and I love their wrestling style :)
this is just Sandhagen-Umar 2
Nasty eye poke
At least there were some scrambling there, there is nothing here.
...and the most meaningful
eyepoke was the most exciting part of this shitshow
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Yes, and they're beautiful. But they mostly keep them hidden because they don't want western kuffar incels lusting after their women.
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post the comments bro. they mostly don't want brownoids touching them lmao
Good headkick by Usman drops Shabliy but he's not out
Only took 4 rounds for something to happen
she's is gorgeous
kek bib choking umar
You gotta go home, plus your not a mountain Muslim your brown lmaoooooo
omg he's just like me
Usman makes appreciate just how kino and violent Islam is compared to the rest of the dagis
i zoned out and thought the fight was over then i saw the corner excited
based khabib making his corner tap
So true. We are blessed to live in the Islam era
shartslam hasn't even fought an actual LW
even khabib would take risks towards the end of his career. It's Umar and Usman that are extreme snoozefests
Charles? Dustin? Hooker?
he fought volk twice that's 290lbs
You started watching a year ago I take it?
The wrestling dagi are actually more exciting than the striking dagi since they actually move toward the finish.
soft sparring session
All guys that moved up, casual
>name 4 featherweights
>not much activity from shabliy
not like he's been fighting for 24 minutes
Round 1: 10-10
Round 2: 10-10
Round 3: 10-10
Round 4: 10-9
Round 5: 10-10
Usman wins 50-49
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Even Bellator title challengers fight like the belt is worthless.
they will give it to shartsman 65-12
Possibly the worst fight I've seen all year, congrats shitattor
>cant count
based cte anon
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Do something, this sport is so trash 90% of the time, throw a Hail Mary.
who cares
didn't matter
maybe somebody won
soft sparring
nobody cares
never make another bellator gamethread, OP
They never do ties they’ll give you a 10-9 if you landed one more tickle on a guy
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Umar usually isn't that boring unless someone puts him into panic mode, then he does what he did to Bezkat. Generally he's pretty aggressive and breaks people down effectively, even if he plays it safe at times
Usman is le fancy footwork man who likes to play it safe and rack up jabs. Maybe it's just the Bellasnore aura but I don't think I've ever enjoyed a Usman performance while I can appreciate Umar at times
yeah its a 10-9 must scoring system
dakota shouldn't be fighting she should be incubating my seed year round
It'll be a Rizzin one next time I make it
>interviews the former UFC fighter first
lmao why is khabib being interviewed?
why the fuck is khabib doing the post fight interview? these doos really so retarded they need khabib to speak for them?
they're milking khebib as much as they can
Khabib still central to this sport in 2025.
>it was tough fight, i circled cage like 100 times
abdulmanap was the smartest dag who ever lived, khabib is the second, which is why he killed him.
>the children they eating cat brazza yu kno dis
uh oh ari wont like this speech
i feel like fazza would be insulted for that
if dagestanis didn't have pakistani fans I would like the ones who put on entertaining fights desu
That’s why it’s dying, Brock to mcreggor era was peak viewership. This sport hasn’t produced a real star in ages.
no it's not, dumbass, it's a 10 point maybe. There are tied rounds, which means it is by definition, not, a 10point must
shit like this reminds you why bellator failed as a company
I wish they could do 10-10 like boxing, some rounds are literal ties

Abdulmanap wasn't that good of a coach thats the hard truth, Khabib's skill and knowledge all came from AKA, DC, Cain, and Rockhold and Mendez was in his corner for crying out loud lmao

Conor himself was the first star the UFC had in many years.
the 10point must is a throwback to boxing and it is specifically defined as no tied rounds, the red corner won a tied round because 'to be the champ you have to beat the champ.' Wtf how do you kids not know this?
Rousey was doing numbers man and she was around at a similar time
Rousey was never as popular as Conor. Not even a little.
>we're in the month called nur magomed
>nurmagomedov wins
mashallah bradda
This is the month of September and you should go back to Somalia.
Islam is a fabricated religion which stretches as far back as 1776
no shit. but she's the number 2 or 3 draw of all time. your avg american has a higher chance of recognizing rousey than Jon Jones
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Yeah no shit, I didnt say she was, she was still a star though casual
>but she's the number 2 or 3 draw of all time
Absolutely not. What are you smoking.
good morning saar
Jon Jones was never a drawl. More people would know "the iceman" than they would shart sharts. He's a literal CIA political project. Dana didn't even care about him until they started threatening his life if he doesn't retire as goat.
Not even a top ten PPV. Retarded leaf lmao.
>literal CIA political project
Describes Rousey perfectly.
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>sweden flag islam posting
>accusing others of being brown
Here’s every ppv over a million
It’s literally Conor, Brock and rousey, your clearly a casual that was not around ten years ago
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good morning saar
When they came up with Islam after the last reset they couldn't even bother to get the dates straight. According to pisstory nobody even wrote about pisshamed until like 100 years after he died.
So who’s above her?
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Summary of the fight
Everyone above her on the list.
Interesting. Never heard that before. You have a source for that?
91-1 btw
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bro you have an internets connection
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tick-tock pakisissies
Did a quick google search and couldn't find anything.
Shabliy should have quitted here instead of giving up the last whole round
if your curiosity ends at a quick google search then why should I, or anyone for that matter bother to enlighten you? You should read some scripture, whatever it is you prefer.
Only one of those fights didnt have Connor or Brock in it lmaooo, rousey sold fights. Her and Brock were literally the face of mma
40yo 5 adopted hap children chandler would heem shabby desu senpai
why are you guys stilli nthis fucking thread
>You should read some scripture, whatever it is you prefer.
No, I don't think I will. Sounds like you don't have a source, desu. I'll just assume you're making things up and move on.
Then explain why 20 other people sold more PPVs than her. She was never a face of MMA and immediately forgotten after Holm. Brock was only a face of MMA for WWE fans his actual career was mediocre.
I will believe what I'm told unless I'm spoonfed the truth that I'd reject anyway.
if you're not cheating you're not cheating
lesnar was the best selling ufc name before mcgregor...thats rough

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