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AP Poll
1. Georgia (54)
2. Texas (4)
3. Ohio State (5)
4. Alabama
5. Ole Miss
6. Mizzou
7. Tennessee
8. Pedo State
9. Oregon
10. Miami
11. USC
12. Utah
13. OKST
14. K-State
15. Oklahoma
16. LSU
>17. Michigan
>>>>>>>>>18. Notre Dame
19. Louisville
20. Arizona
21. Iowa State
22. Clempus
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>Remnants of a lost civilization
>NIU ranked
they'll lose in heatbreaking fashion next week
they're not even halfway through their first game of the season and Bears fans are already expressing drafter's remorse with Gayleb
he's also already starting to cry over this game
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B1G Champs
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The year is 2025. Who is coaching the following schools:
>Notre Dame
>Florida State
>Ohio State
So glad it was the sneedhuskers that killed the bullshit colorado hype
Jason Candle
Marcus Freeman
Mike Norvell
Tom Hammock
Tom Herman
Ryan Day
Coach chimp
Coach Crimerate
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
>bye week
Kek, at my party the whole room was roasting him for this
Georgia is going to low-diff bama worse than michigan.
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stop being gay. thanks.
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>Notre Dame is still ranked
Must be nice being a blue blood. You can be absolute ass and your brand will keep you ranked
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Amazing there are IRL Colorado monkey memes
Six SEC programs in the top seven is excessive
Georgia and Texas should be top 2 but Alabama, Ole Miss, Mizzou have not done shit to justify the ranking.
Freeman staying at Notre Dame after this season would be ridiculous. I’m thinking that there are more embarrassing losses on their schedule
Marcus Freeman has had two home openers against G5 schools and has lost both of them.
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>SEC teams getting boosts for beating up on FCS teams
it's all so tiring
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it's officially Backyard Brawl week

and today's the birthday of Mary, the Mother of God

Today is a good day anons
Immense amount of salt on the 247 boards. What a week for schadenfreude
This looks like the guy who girls hide their drinks from at parties
Maybe other teams should lose in such embarrassing fashions and the SEC teams wouldnt get boosted
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>Boston College @ Mizzou next week is now a ranked matchup
>The 12 participating teams will be the five conference champions ranked highest by the CFP selection committee, plus the next seven highest-ranked teams.
Which is the 5th conference? Are they really going to let Oregon State or Wazzou in?
Damn they really got white women hand feeding these chimps bananas
>money maker team laughably ranked top 10 to start the season, doesn't even put up a fight in a blowout loss
>still top 20
>money maker team laughably ranked top 10 to start the season, gets destroyed by a high school despite maximum refball
>still top 20, ranked above said undefeated high school
I know having rankings before week 6-8 is for this exact purpose of artificially keeping them in the running because it takes 3 losses for a preseason top 10 to fall out, but goddamn get rid of that shit already
A G5 champion.
Pac 12 doesn't count as a conference this year so they do not get included in autobid discussion.
It's basically G5 conferences. So it's either going to be a MWC school, AAC school, or Northern Illinois
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Based Tiger bot
Has anyone noticed the lack of attractive white girls in the stands on televised games? The cameras are showing dudes and old people. What happened to finding cute drunk girls in the stands?
>6 of top 7 is sec
all sec semifinals inbound
CFP already said the PAC12 is ineligible for a conference slot. WOSU will be treated like independents and can get an at-large spot if ranked high enough.
They’re sitting with their sugar daddies in nicer parts of the stadium.
This is pretty much how the ponzi scheme worked.
You just needed one or two actually good schools and a bunch of shitters. So because they play cupcakes and then each other with very limited of P5 competitions, you can start them off with high (((rankings))) and then as the beat cupcakes keep ranking them high, which makes for "top __" matchups up until the two non-shitters play each other. So if they lose they don't go down much since they lost to a top __ program.
Then the one team goes on for a natty and the rest losing to other teams doesn't matter, since that team one and the SEC is made as "strong" on their back, so more recruits want to go there and this continues on and on.
It will be interesting to see if the new CFP era will shut this scheme down, because results seem far more erratic then before
>takes 10 years to make any decisions
>unless it involves fucking over the best coast, then they are able to rule in 5 minutes
Can Northern Illinois beat Nc State
fucking over Wazzu and Oregon State isn't much of a decision though, they're bum programs.
sorry, but Ryan Leaf ain't walking through that door
people sympathize with a coach who has to come in after saban or paterno or some other legend

imagine being the poor bastard that has to try cleaning up deions mess
Yes, if they’re focused
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>Louisville jumps to #19 after wins over power teams Austin Peay and Jacksonville State
You don’t know what a Ponzi scheme is. You might as well be describing a ponzu scheme.
How much money do I need to become a sugar daddy for a college woman?
Oregon State will beat Fraudgon, beat all the MWC shitters, go to the CFP and get invited to ACC after Florida State gets kicked out
Bill O’Brien took that job pretty quick because it came with a contract almost as favorable as Fisher’s. He still bailed almost immediately for the NFL, though.
Depends on how ugly/handsome you are and what your standards might be.
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Osaka's Trojies!
ND being above NIU is fucking gay
>It's mixed with Hispanics. Football has made some inroads into those communities and they're not all "Soccer or Die" fanatics
it doesn't really matter because they are indian tier in terms of genetics, so you are never going to have many that are even D1 worthy outside of kicking and punting. Short, fat, and not explosive is a bad combination for football
B-but Mark Sanchez!
your fat alcoholic coach has had Nebraska's number in the past, but Melvin Gordon isn't walking through that door to run for 400 yards
>team regressed despite transfer portal additions
>losing the only 2 players that elevate them beyond FCS status
Deion has to be praying FSU fires their coach and they fall for the alumni coaching hire meme, Colorado isn't going to win a game next year if he stays. He has to bounce or resign for "health reasons"
FSU isn't going to sack Norvell this soon after an undefeated regular season + conference title, especially not with their ongoing attempt to jailbreak from the ACC.
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I wonder if Travis Hunter is regretting getting involved with Deion
>start career playing against HBCU shitters
>go to Colorado, play every snap both ways
>being run into the ground every game just to go 4-8
>forever associated with con artist clown show
>will be viewed as damaged goods mentally and physically going into the draft and will be picked late in the first by the Chiefs instead of being a top 5 pick, costing him tens of millions
whoops, lost the reply >>144296825

B1G showed mercy on you faggots by giving you a home game against Nebraska. Would have loved to see USC sissies trying to play mid-November in Nebraska. Not a single conference away game past early October
deion's lack of any strength program is also hurting him, dude is the same weight he was in high school. If he went to a serious program he'd be up to 200lbs and more explosive, without the wear and tear of playing 100+ snaps per game and with more exposure because he'd actually be playing for championships.
Being picked late in the 1st by the Chiefs as a WR would be way better than going to some perennial shitter always picking in the top 10
>playing for Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes instead of a nobody QB and a nobody head coach who get replaced every couple years
>win some rings
>still get millions as a late 1st rounder
>if you're legit your second contract will be huge
Deion's only in it to get Shedeur and Shilo drafted, the instant those two are gone from the college ranks Deion is gonna vanish in a puff of smoke
I like this post


how do they keep doing it?
Is he wrong, from a fatherhood perspective ?
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Thanks bro.
they would've been drafted anyway, he just managed to take down two entire programs in the process
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Maybe B1G schools shouldn't be so autistic about hosting night games in November. USC, UCLA, Oregon and Washington don't have issues with that. All 4 schools will get a lot of November home games to make sure NBC has some good night games.
>Cornfuckers think they're hot shit now for beating a complete meme team
Friendship ended with semenholes
Now Miami coming to SEC
Part of the new Pac 12?
Grifter gonna grift
Northern Illinois being ranked just exposes the whole ranking thing being a mockery.
this. they're the second best team in illinois
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How did >we do this weekend, anons? Still alive for the playoffs, I hope.
fuck off Marcus, learn how to count to 11 and go get Leonard a real QB coach
very disrespectful, your mother rubs her bean to marcus freeman
The real mockery is ND being above them
>USC getting cocky because they shutout an FCS school and barely beat a Brian Kelly team that was just in a dogfight with nicholls state
that meme team almost beat you last year when you had a far better QB
>o-our defense is better since firing grinch
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Anime runs /cfb/
All I'm saying is that when someone states some bullshit to me like "Uh this team is X and Y vs. Top 25 teams." It's just a stupid ass stat that people cite that means nothing.
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USC is undefeated all time vs the buffalels. Meanwhile Nebraska has somehow lost to Colorado 3 times since 2018 including a blowout loss last year. Beating LSU is a more impressive win than 90% of teams currently have during the cupcake portion of the calendar.
>n-no LSU actually sucks, just forget I spent all offseason s-saying they would BTFO USC
My Pitt (:
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he just needed more time, rhule is building on his foundation
Just because you can’t rank teams logically doesn’t mean other people can’t.
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SEVEN wtf we should be number 1 these other teams just don't have the heart the big orange machine has
That’s sexist now
>Gayleb came back and got his first win as an NFL player
it's over, /cfb/ will never recover from this
>bailed out by levis shitting the bed and clutch special teams
It’s the Titans bro.
What the media will hide: 14/29 passing, 92 yards passing, lost 29 yards on dumb sacks, 148 total offensive yards, 0 offensive TDs, their TDs came from a blocked punt and Will Levis being retarded
>Williams will be a bust!
>Stroud will be a bust!
Always draft the QB that makes /cfb/ seethe the most
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>In his past 16 games vs. FBS competition — a span dating back to his Liberty tenure — Hugh Freeze is just 5-11 with two home losses to New Mexico State and an offense that has averaged less than 24 points per game.
Freezefags, how you feeling today?
Yeah but did you see that victory formation performance? Pure class.
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OK, which NFL team will be lucky enough to enlist Shedeur Sanders' qb services?
I hate you fags so much can’t wait to shove my corn down your throat in Oct
in Stroud's case you at least saw the immediate glimmer that would grow into being runaway OROY. I saw jackshit from Gayleb that points to anything redeeming.
Its the recruiting stupid. If this league is basically a semi-pro league okay then lets have some caps on how many 5 stars you can get or other caps. Lets actually have parity and fairness if this is a real league.
Who decides on how many stars a player gets?
Milroe is holding back Bama. I hate him.
He doesn't make /cfb/ seethe. Everything associated with the Sanders Circus is treated as a joke here. I'm not sure this class will have that kind of QB, lots of white guys who don't do dumb things or cause any controversy.
if there was anything BOB was right about in his career, it was that Milroe should have converted to RB. a guy of his size and speed would be unstoppable, and his QB experience would let you do some nutty shit with trick play passes.
but instead Rees and DeBoer want to act like he's a pocket passer.
this has to be the first time a mac team was ranked in week 2
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Too Easy
He and the locker room had Saban and have DeBoer by the nuts. Pathetic.
has there ever been a more brutal schedule than georgia's this year? holy shit
he wont ever be. great practice squad qb for scarmblers and check downs.
>cfp will 4 pinball 4 of these inside the top 10 if they stay under 4 loses
Half of those are hard games, half are shitters but won't be called out as such because SECSECSEC
Texas is the only one on that schedule worth a damn. Ole Piss and Tennessee are frauds, and Bama has a retard QB

>loses to Cal

Three for the win
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>Lost to Vandy at Ole Miss
>Vacated win against Vandy
>Lost to Vandy at Ole Miss again
>Lost to NMSU at Liberty
>Lost to NMSU at Auburn
>Vandy hires NMSU's coaching staff
Auburn plays Vandy in November. Will it be a Vandy win or an Auburn win later vacated?
What part of five highest ranked conference champions don't you understand
That anon doesn't know the G5 conferences exist.
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Is it weird that this guy went from being one of the Pro Style Messiahs (Along side Jim Harbaugh) To turning into a spread guru with Veer and Shoot concepts to his game?
The ND-NIU game could be played 100 times and ND would win at least 95 of them. They're still the better team.
Does the Veer and Shoot have any actual veer concepts?
You racist cousin fucker hick chuds lost to the woke agenda lmao fuck all you backwards alabama hillbillies you all make me sick your the cesspool of the south
Considering NFL teams don't really even do pro style anymore no
they ain't played nobody
You just jelly, cuz. Calm yourself.
Not sure what you’re referring to, unlike whatever shitter program you root for we’ve never played an FCS school
I missed posts like these. /cfb/ is too civil these days.
I’ve always been impressed by this. USC has a lot of pride. They’ve always gone out of their way to play good teams OOC even before that was necessary.
I see Texas and a bunch of frauds who are overranked because they’re in the EEC
Why would i be jelous of backwards inbred fuckers who cant even read? Your just secretly mad that the evil meanie woke mob that you people like to whine about beat your ass yesterday cry more cleetus
Who is gonna lock and load? UT of course. Gorgia SUCKS

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