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Thank you Browns for the pics lol
Post pics or GTFO
Miss faker gayfield yet?
Lol its like salt in there woods
Based rapist
Why is Cleveland such a cursed land for QBs? Baker got good when he left and it sucked all of Watson’s talent
fucking idiots lmao
cleveland football is fucking dumb and the nfl is rigged
Thank fuck the Dolphins fired Flores, he wanted to get rid of Tua and trade all the Dolphins picks for this rapist.

Dolphins wouldn't be able to get Tyreek
He didn't rape anyone, just made some sex worker do sex work
Seething incel go back to your tennis thread
Because Cleveland rocks!
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here's that $230 million dollar quarterback I was telling you about
Not quite my brown friend
Lurk moar
>black qbs
Oline sucks dick. Watson is out there getting his ass cheeks claped by big cowboy dick right now
And there it is.
one of the kwabbest athletes in the history of the planet
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don't forget to thank former HC lovie smith for stroud because if they don't win that last game of the season then they get the #1 overall and potentially screw up by drafting bryce young instead.

>tfw texans AND bears fan
>tfw the browns and panthers have been surprisingly helpful in gearing up my teams for their future dynasties
so much this
caleb is half black zach wilson. you're on midwest bath salts if you think he'll lead you to anything but a top 10 pick
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>45 attempts
>less than 170 yards
yup, totes worth bidding against yourself because everyone else knew he was garbage and guaranteeing him 2 trillion dollars so that the other teams that didn't exist didn't get him
so much this
The haven't had healthy tackles since 2020 that sure doesn't help. And I don't mean one it's usually both
This nigger really doesn’t give a fuck anymore lol, honestly I respect him robbing the Browns in broad daylight for them being stupid and arrogant enough to make such a pantsu-on-head retarded trade
already the 40% of his massive FULLY GUARANTEED contract got wasted away, lmao. obviously the remaining 60% won't fare any better. worst trade ever
Not getting in there deep enough for watson
they using that peanut oil?
>Black man robs hard working white man
Many such cases
Paul Brown's spirit won't let it happen. Kosar was different. Paul would've liked Kosar regardless...
Takes his 200 guaranteed
Spends the rest of the season in a massage salon
Based as fuck
is there any sports organization on earth right now more addicted to getting scammed and blacked than the Browns?
Baker was pretty good with them before he left. Just inconsistent. They won a playoff game and were competitive with the Chiefs at Arrowhead. Cleveland FO got a big head and thought the team was above merely pretty good QBs and now it's gonna pay the price. I believe in curses and the Watson shit is prime material to get your ass cursed for another 50 years. Ungrateful shits.
talking smack its a win

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