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Cubgers wooooo!!!
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>too much of their bones
Mother of gawd
do right by the lads Buehler
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>In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Night, UCLA Health patients were invited to Dodger Stadium after attending an art class where they drew their favorite Dodger player and collaborated on a heartfelt t-shirt design
>in the left
>is on the right
its so fucking hot, bros
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It's Cubgers time!!!!
Gay ass teams
gavin stone
always suspected Gavin Stone was black
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not fair
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not too shabby yourself anon
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It's time for cubgers baseball
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lets go cubgers lets go
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lets go cubgers
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>stephen nelson on my radio
guess ill watch tv
look at these lil niggas
how many ER will buehler give up tonight?
I say 5 in 4.2 innings
wait wtf mendoza is on tv with joe
the fuck is going ON
starting to get ashes from the fires
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It's been hell, and now we have fires too
At least it's truly over on Wednesday and we get cooler tomorrow
this your first dodgers game?
god damn it
not like this belli....
maybe we gave up on bellinger too soon
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why do you do this to us? just come home
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oh hey look at that
nah it's just buehler being complete shit
the meme magic is a little too real tonight, I'm nervous
i remember your retards calling him a bum who's shoulder would never recover
he's still mediocre
and no one remembers you saying his shoulder would get better
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whatever happens... cubgers won this game
That Ohtani one is how Dodger fans will feel after they get eliminated from the NLCS.
>Joe Davis talks about how much Paredes fell off since leaving TB
>he hits a double afterwards
that's a compliment desu
man, fuck you Buehler
Cubgers OWN poohler
>sung in english
Yeah nah.
turns out you cant be elite after 2 tommy john surgerys...

poor buehler. dodgers pitching staff/coaches completely fucked his entire career
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>negro manager walks ohtani to get to Betts
>Betts fucking crushes it
did anyone really think buehler would suddenly be good this season?
so can we all finally agree now that scherzer was right about dodgers pitching staff?

I think the problem is he's trying to be his old self instead of being someone new.
3 - Zero dodgerkeks
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I thought he would at least be decent
I forget what he said but at this point he is completely vindicated for whatever he said
ohtani won't be good either when he comes back as pitcher, so get ready for that
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I'm prepared for all the >$700m posts next season
they need to put him in the outfield
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>woman commentator
front office doesn't care. ohtani prints money regardless. this franchise doesn't give a FUCK!!!! just like my lakies with lebum's son
Mendoza is basically a man
freddie :)
he sure giggles alot for a man
Bronny was drafted at the back of the second round. don't try to make it sound like a wasted draft pick.
she knows a lot more about this game than you do
>second round
yeah thats a wasted draft pick for someone average 3 points a game at USC
nobody would have picked him up they literally could have picked him up undrafted if it werent for lebron's influence
3 to nothing
who cares? teams almost never hit on a second rounder anyway.
does she know obscure caribbean baseball trivia too?
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fucking hate cody bellinger
keep it cubgers related
I'm indifferent to him. don't like Joc anymore though
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i like em both still. those teams objectively should've had a dynasty
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Ello frens! I heard the Doyers are the weeaboos team!
I never want to see Buehler on the mound again. Watching him pitch is fucking torture
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You could be right.
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>submarine made of carbon fiber
doyers mow my lawn
yeah let's get bauer back asap
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I'm so glad you're still here.
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>Guest in the booth
>Woman in the booth
I'm switching to the radio
>andrew in the booth
dont want to hear from this retarded fucking jew. ask him why arent we developing players anymore?!?!?!
just switch to the Cubs broadcast
andrew friedman has been gifted some of the most talented teams in all of baseball and his front office has only won 1 ONE 60 game season.
dude is a massive fucking fraud and dodger fans will never learn
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Stockton Rush thought it was fine because space shuttles in the vacuum of space use it. The drilled holes in it to install an iPad.
Stockton Rush using a vidya controller to drive it is the funniest thing about it
I've always been under the impression that TJ#2 is a death sentence, but apparently some math nerd crunched the numbers and it's a negligible difference from the rest of their career. With Walky Booper though, yeah he can fuck off the rest of this season. I'd be willing to let him come back next year truly healthy, but we all know he'll get some surgery next May and be recovering from something else
you take the Dodgers winning the division every year for granted like it's something anyone could do. you don't shit about this game.
holy shit even the wallpaper on the PC is the default Windows 10 background
Developing players? What's that? They'll just sign Soto in the offseason and call it a day while the rotation will be in stitches by may
>content with winning the division
ah yeah i forgot, winning the divison is like winning the world series for the dodgers
he wasn't gifted them you fucking moron. he built them.
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built them to what end? fruitless lol.
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for months all the reviews for this thing on Amazon made some kind of joke about submarines or pressure
attaboy seiya!!!!!!!!!!11111111111@@@!!!11
you fucking dweebs couldn't win in a fantasy league, let alone build a winning club at this level. what exactly do you think you saying?
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Guys I think Andrew Friedman is monitoring this thread
ironic the amount of seethe they induce for a team that doesn't accomplish much
guys shut the fuck up. winning 111 games is more important than winning the world series. we all know this!!!!!! who cares if they lose the first round of the playoffs!!!
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is this what Andrew Friedman does
i'm a dodger fan though. i'm just fucking mad at all this soulless analytics shit that happens every fucking year. the amount of pitching injuries has put me over the edge this year though it wasnt any better last year
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this so much this all of this!
it goes all the way back to sandy koufax
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more like.
and why is friedman so coveted anyway? the rays have never won a WS ? and funny how the only time they got close was against us in the fucking covid year
doggie doos gonna get Spirit halloween'd again kek
hendy dealin'!
you obviously weren't around for the Coletti years. Or the Depodesta years. Or the Evans years. If you think it actually gets any better than this, you're kidding yourself.
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and yet even koufax got his full season WS. Kershaw will never get that
sick of seeing these bums getting shut down by this guy. I remember them beating him down exactly once.
what happens at 50/50
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He's practically at the end of his career so it's nice to see him have a good start in a terrible year. He always seems to do better against better lineups.
the game crashes
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stealtani :)
So I've been told but he always handles us and it sucks.
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>a team that doesn't accomplish much
The Dodgers getting Ohtani and Canadian media reporting on a random flight to Toronto is still the highlight of my Jays' 2024 season. That was a hilarious and big accomplishment in my book and wasn't even intentional.
>random flight
both ohtani and the sharktank guy have the same agent
what got me was how mad Toronto fans were at Ohtani afterward. they acted like a rumor was a guarantee of a signing and acted betrayed.
That was funny as fuck, and everyone was ripping dave roberts for saying the dodgers talked with Ohtani when they weren't supposed to
>bases loaded
>2 outs
risp or muncy grandslam, no inbetween
fast >RISP
He's already self destructing
first pitch risp fml
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and there it is....
dammit munchy
yay hendricks!!!!
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Fuck Cubspie
wtf happened to frank?
he had a good month and disappeared
We love Frank here!
He was a flash in the pan but he really made the team worth watching in that time. I remember Frank, Ortega and Wisdom were the main reasons to watch them after they sold it all off. Last I heard he was in Korea but I don't think he was doing well
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>if only you knew how bad things really were
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>busch dinger
another cubgers dinger holy shit
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BUSCHIE!!!!! When was his last home run?
yeah, some straight up bullshit fuckery going on
cubgers are really putting this game on the map FUCK!!!!
yay i'm so hampi!!!
it was the holy digits
cubgers prophecy at full force tonight
hey there ya go nico there ya go kid you got this pal!
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it all stemmed from this "report" by Jon Morosi. The flight number wasn't mentioned by anyone, that was just a bunch of fans speculating. Even though the plane was proven to not be related to Ohtani before it even landed, people were still believing this crap. Morosi still having a job after this is proof that the media doesn't care about honest reporting.
so what's PCA's deal. too much swing and miss? low exit velo? poor plate discipline?
but then he'll go and do a stupid little gay dance on first base when he hits a single
unserious ballclub
Buehler becomes a complete retard anytime he gets two strikes on a guy. God he fucking sucks cock
he had 2 TJ surgeries....
bros i cant take this fuckin heat anymore
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>ohtani has reservations at a famous sushi restaurant in toronto
I think he'll be decent next year. hope he signs a team friendly deal to come back.
He's been great in the second half. Early on I would say it was just a typical jumpy young player trying to do much. He would swing and missing at just about everything. I think Before August he was hitting .180/.230/.520 and since he's raised up to .235/.392/.677
Who is left on the doyers that can pitch?
lmao i forgot about that
sports and journalism or media should never be used in combination
so you think future top or middle of the order bat?
Buehler almost looks decent except for when he gives up hits and runs
I think top of the order, his speed is really a difference maker so you want him to get on as often as you can.
What a babe
I get that but I was looking at that OPS over 1, albeit a small sample size.
You can always rely on the Dodgers to show up and not hit the ball against a struggling old pitcher with an ERA above 6
OPS over 1?
yamamoto tomorrow
singletani :)
nvm. I wasn't thinking the last number was OPS
It is, and yeah it's not good enough yet. He'll have to get to around .750 if he wants to stick around there
yeyyyyyy mookie slap!
mookie slap!
so it was ba/obp/slg you posted?
zesty slap
now we're cookin
Finally some fucking hits. Nice job Sho and Mookie
dont fuck this up, munchy
just take hendricks out he's done
inb4 gidp
Who won I hate both teams and watched Jets
Well that's better than a GIDP
at least its a sac fly
we'll take it
we all won when your mom let us run a train on her
Smith you bastard
attaboy keegan good work
terrible looking at bats the whole game
has Belli been tinkering with his stance this season or has his set up been consistent?
I don't think so. He looks the same desu
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attaboy isaac
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Buschie Bop!
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Jays legend Anthony Banda
wew thank you based muncy
I came a little watching Muncy do that play, someone webm that shit please.
Bouncy Muncy
what the FUCK why did he keep running what the FUC!!K!KK!
he's been pretty solid, especially since he's basically making league minimum
Muncy that just about makes up for not hitting a grand slam in your two opportunities tonight

Dodgers pitching is so ass tonight
attaboy petey
its over
cubgers won
>Dodgers pitching is so ass
miguel <3
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I'm not having fun anymore!!!!
amaya <3
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Cubgers won today.
yay im so happy! yay!
pls PLS let us sweep you dodgers
wouldn't even make up for dropping two to pittsburgh
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now imagine they didn't give up three runs in this inning and this play would be even cooler
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Cubgers are still in this. Cubgers can still win.
I played for their organizatoin I'm a cub for life!
damn Miggy you slow af
nice jump swanson
I dropped a deuce myself earlier
attaboy keegan
weird these 2 teams are playing each other in September. I feel like the season series is usually over sometime in July
I look like this
I'll give a shit about these cancer kids only when the Dodgers start winning
lol swanson
even the fucking batter knew it was a strike
when will seiya start hitting again bros
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>grime hat
No one will beat the GOAT
I took a mean doyer too
jizz cap
who got the twitter image lmao
It only takes one shitty day in the sun to make a cap look like that
first pitch doubletani
I just took a mean doubletani if we're being honest here :^)

now steal third
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true you'd think the panamanian would know this,
I thought Smyly was a starter
what mental illness is this
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Rally time
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Great AB Mookie. Dodgers not done yet
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I have worn caps since I was a kid and have never had a hat that grimy. Granted though, I always wash them with soap and water every week.
now that I think of it humidity is probably a factor as well. I was wrong to judge you panamabro
The LA announcers are cringe.
Why are you listening to the LA broadcast cubbro?
hair absorbs the sweat
without it, it goes straight to the cap
joe davis is just enjoying himself at this point
it surprisingly doesn't take much to make a new hat look like that. if you have to spend a long day sweating out in direct sunlight it happens pretty fast. I've had several new hats look like that after a day and they can smell like something died.
>doesn't just watch gameday live with Turandot playing in the background
>replies to wrong post
Based, but still a retard, but also based.
nice play petey
damn, he made that look pretty routine
really sick how Dieter plays "I am the walrus" anytime someone with a -man last name is at the plate.

really sick shit.
mother fucker...
ty armstrong
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where's his smile
Top 3 keeps starting rallies, setting the table and the middle of the order keeps shitting on it
buschie showing up
attaboy nico there ya go
Rare Willie Harris hold
And then the pitchers come in and give up all the momentum
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Cubgers will win the game!
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It's okay. In my experience, cotton hats get grimy very quickly, while polyester seems to stay cleaner for a while. I have a bunch of hats that I rotate around.
That's true, also fitted hats get dirty fast. So, I only buy snapbacks or adjustables.
I know what you mean, here in peak summer months it's so intense that if you don't take care of your cap, it can get sun bleached too.
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attaboy pca
>Welcome to the Anglels experience
t. Ohtani
they just don't have that Perro in them
This Crow Armstrong retard is annoying me
Nice collection lad
cubbies lookin solid
no one should be allowed to draft players around the greater Los Angeles area beside the Dodgers
cubgers looking solid
16 hits allowed...so far
cubgers have the hot hand
cubgers are literally winning this game
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this game sucks
belli slap
was wondering if someone was going to do that
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Game was over when Andrew Friedman showed up
yeah, tuning out of this one
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i used to have the biggest crush on bellinger from 2017-2019
Records need to be kept accurately
are you the Bahamian with your trip off?
cubgers won. cheer up
attaboy boyos
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As over at is for the Cubgers, I think for the Cubgers we are so fucking back.
These cubbies are good.
tomorrow is a new day
I always look forward to tomorrow.
cubgers won this game
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Japanese vs Japanese tomorrow
cubgers always win :)
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gg cubgerbros see ya tomorrow
Cubgers won that game
gg not happy for myself but happy for you
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