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now that week one is officialy over,
how are your current hopium levels with (You)r team?
remember when they gave Rodgers the MVP over Brady out of spite, and then Brady went to beat Rodgers and then win the Super Bowl?
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Honestly, for the first game in ages Rodgers has looked better than expected. What I didn't expect was for the Niners offense to dab all over this Jets' D w/o CMC. They've been getting manhandled in the trenches.
Seahawks are winning the NFC west
I'm okay. We kept it close with the Bills and got close to winning it. Gives me hope.
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Chris Jones came across as surprisingly likable on the Manningcast, but maybe he was just putting on a mask for the camera.
>He actually had the Jest making the playoffs because of Errant Rodgers
God damn, and I thought I was delusional.
Seahawks running back looked tough as nails
Not with that quarterback and O-line.
>aaron rodgers: a nigger
oof a bit too on the nnose there
Jets should start Tyrod next game, he is a better qb than the fag.
The 49ers are winning the Super Bowl.
>Aaron Rodgers: Bussy
A bit on the nose there
what's it like to really really really like women
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The good news: they didn't die

The bad news: the team looks the exact same way but with an even worse pass rush and inability to stop the run. I am begging robert saleh to get fired at this point.
like always being thirsty
O line will get healthier and Geno is a decent QB.
They're still going to win the division.
Think about it for a second:
>The Jets are only the 2nd most embarrassing team in New Y(jersey)ork
I'm Deshaun Watson.
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>Imagine losing to my Patties
Not a fan of either team (Bengals fan, no bully pls), but I think it's safe to assume the Jets D isn't gonna be this shit all season. None of them are getting off blocks and stopping the run. Assuming their D is at least league average (likely much better), I think they'll be fine. Rodgers has looked decent despite the rust. If I were a Jets fan I wouldn't be too worried about tonight.
I’m not impressed the 49ers beat the Jest
The Jets are better than they looked against the 49ers. I can see them making the AFC Championship game this year.
answer me honestly, niners,
if you go back to the owl just to give the chiefs their threepeat,
how mindbreaking will that be for you?
first scorigami of the season!
Bill Belichick called it the entire first half lol.
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>This is what jetes fans were excited for
Everyone told me QBs would be able to play well into their 40s with modern sports medicines. So why is Brady the only one that's been able to accomplish it
jets were beaten by the best. today is too early to count them off.
their schedule is ridiculously easy. if they lose to the titans, then its time to say its over
Teach me your ways
Pets defense got a wake up call against a good offense not muting it's playbook or effort which it probably never faced in 22-23
Not with Robert Saleh. Not with Hackett. This team is god awful on COACHING.
they didnt even get anything on Purdy. They badly need Reddick to sign. This team looked like the exact same garbage as last season. At least they got touchdowns but they didn't stop a fucking UDFA in place of CMC. Embarrassing. But look guys Aaron Rodgers is back he's gonna fix everything and we'll win the AFCE! just fucking get fired JD and Saleh. I've seen this egg headed fuck stay longer than actual GOOD NY sports general managers, and the fucking Jets have a sub .500 record with both. its time to fucking PUT UP or SHUT UP.
rub my big chungus bussy
I will assume that this world is cursed in some way.
Bengals start every season 1-4, 2-4, or something similar. They don't become good till it starts to get cold. Dunno why this is, but at this point it's a pattern. They'll be fine, and I'd assume most Bengals fans expected this loss.
because he was the one chosen for Goodell's manufactured GOAT plan
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fucks yes
Yeah...a team preparing for the best Rb in the league, who was a very late scratch, that gave up 10k yards to a literal who is making the championship game. Nah...my jetties are toast.
No they fucking aren't lmao
21 pass attempts? What happened?
>rookie QB lost
It's just too soon to tell
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Fuck the Jest

Because Caleb Williams isn't that old yet. Can't wait to see him win his 10th owl at 45.
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Hey, RELAX. He's still warming his engines up.
>they didnt even get anything on Purdy.

Eh, I think the 49ers O-line is actually good this year. Puni turned out to be a stud and now RG is a position of strength after being far and away the weakest link on the line last year.
Not happening. After this game, it looks like the niners finally picked up the secret tech of the chiefs. Hold every play and assume the refs wont always call it.
against the best running oline in the nfl, means nothing.
Niners were on offense for like 70% of the game. Rodgers barely had time to even play.
Dem Boyz are winning ANOTHER super bowl
Jets bros, what's your status?
I'm going to let you in on a secret: The 49ers are actually better than they were last year.
Division title is in the cards but it certainly isn't sealed up. Saints look slightly less mediocre than they have been, there's 12000 injuries on d, and Atlanta could possibly stop shitting themselves at some point, but the offense looks great and the run game looks a little less bad
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Because they couldn't do shit on offense genius
It's chicken wing time.
The Jets fucking suck
im happy. rodgers looked great and didnt get hurt
who /1-0 here
Darnold is the second coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and he will lead ALL men and women of ALL nations to the promised land.
Jordan Mason better than Shitcoon Fartley???? Huge overpay in Philadelphia???
First game of the year in a tough environment and we played them to the wire. We'll be fine come playoff time
lol Shartahan always find a way to choke
That but mostly because the Jets couldn't stop the Niners offense eating up the clock
wowzers in my trousers.
sometimes the helmet doesn't fail no matter who you put in it
Aaron Rodgers has thrown more picks in 2024 than Caleb Williams
Tight and nothing like a vagina
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eagles fan here, does san fran always award anal beads to their player of the game?
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>the jets are bad
>/nfl/ is surprised
I didnt get myself as hyped as last year and I did expect to lose. But to not be competitive? Even in the slightest? That's too much dude. I'm legit pissed that no matter what happens it's always the same shit. I'm 35 fucking years old. My best days as a jets fan where when I was barely out out of fucking high school. And even then? They were over playing!
Cool. Zero pressures against that. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Garbage. You wanna win? Sack the QB. The fact that this defense DIDNT EVEN ADJUST says more about who Saleh is. He is 7-26 when trailing at HALFTIME. This dude has got more line to save his life than some of the most incompetent coaches out there. The fact that they AGAIN got beaten on possession (which isn't shocking because the exact same fucking narrative happened last season) says more about coaching.
I am not even shocked. Rodgers played okay, Hackett and Saleh are shit. Why did allen and corley barely even play? why so much of Hall as the RB? Just absolute malpractice.
Aaron Rodgers has thrown more touchdowns in 2024 than Caleb Williams
Tyrod Taylor has thrown more touchdowns in 2024 than Caleb Williams
What most people fail to understand about people like Brady and Lebron is how fucking autistic they are. Brady started to change his diet and entire exercise routine relatively early on in his career and focused entirely on flexibility. In addition to this he changed his game as he got older to account for his body. He was always focused on playing as long as possible and other QBs just don't do that. They think they are, but they aren't.
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I don't think the 9ers O-line is that good, and I don't think the Jets D-line is that bad. It's the fourth preseason game and the Jets weren't prepared for the physicality like the 9ers were. Many such cases around the league this week. Different approaches to the offseason lead to different results in week 1.

The only takeaway for the Jets is that Rodgers looked better than anyone expected. He got happy feet and freaked out a few times, but that'll be corrected in time. Still has the arm and impossible to rate him otherwise cuz his mechanics make no sense to anyone but him.
Biggest loser and biggest winner of week one?
>they didn't stop a fucking UDFA
jets run D will be fine. with the exception of CMC shanahan has only gotten production from late round or undrafted RBs. everyone else has been a bust
They’ve won a Super Bowl before? It must have been very long ago.
Next will be a 69-69 tie.
Alright bet all your money on whoever tennessee has at RB scoring a TD and 100+ yards. Book it.
LeMickey isn't in his 40s and he takes half the season off
He probably found them on the ground walking up to the stadium. Hopefully he didn't pick up any dirty needles
your playoff picture

>1 Dallas, Los Angeles

>2 Minnesota, Miami
>7 Chicago, Buffalo

>3 Philadelphia, Houston
>6 Detroit, New England

>4 San Francisco, Pittsburgh
>5 Tampa, Kansas City
Biggest loser. The fans.
Biggest winner. Baker Mayfield.
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At some point Goodell has to step in and do something about Jest question
>biggest loser
your team
>biggest winner
my team
Biggest loser is definitely the Browns. Their rapist QB once again proved he is awful and they are on the hook for so much fucking money. At least the Panthers can just draft another QB.
Scorigami kino
It's not that, we had to wait a whole year to shit on the Jets with Rodgers. Making up for lost time.
You legitimately think the chorgers are going to get the #1 seed?
Are the Jets the Jewish team or the Giants?
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it starts at the fucking top because Woody Johnson is the exact same shit as the Wilpons, and refuses to ever make a good team.
>Invest in a good team, why do that? just keep making them mediocre so the stadium can always get visitors to make more noise
>biggest winner
either Chiefs or Texans because they're 1-0 in the conference. Thay could matter for playoff seeding.
>biggest loser
The Packers losing and Love getting is pretty big. For shock or emotional value, probably the Titans or Jets.
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Jets are a chud team
this is current, real life, right now
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i dont have a team. i just root for chaos.
could anyone tell me why the cops that stopped hill should be fired?
like actually explain to me what they they did wrong.
Biggest loser is BY FAR the Browns. Deshaun Watson is an $230,000,000 anchor that will hold their franchise back for this entire decade. It takes so long to recover from a fuck-up like this. They're my biggest loser because they're really good aside from him.

No real winners. Teams won, but it was so sloppy and weird not much matters. Week 1 is basically the last preseason game but counts. If I had to pick I winner it'd be Detroit cuz of Jameson. He is a godly athlete who appears to have figured it out.
Cope and seethe
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>I don't think the 9ers O-line is that good, and I don't think the Jets D-line is that bad.
They let a literal fucking who at RB run down their throats. CMC being out was supposed to be a free game for you guys
>biggest loser
Me for thinking my Jetties were getting better
>biggest winner
My Jetties' offense because the defense played so shit that they're not the reason for losses anymore
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>I want to go home.
nobody cares
go back
Poor guy. Maybe he's actually tight with those niggas but he just wanted a good time.
He wasn't that bad. His receivers dropped a lot of passes and caused the interception. Peyton fell off a cliff when he was 40.
Jets = Italian
Giants = Jews
Larry David likes the Jets
He's a good boy who dindu nuffin
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It's week one. Never, ever take anything away from week 1. Unless you win that is. Then you book Owl tickets.
I know dindus gonna dindu but those cops were pretty aggressive with Hill
bro he got yanked out of the mclaren like it was GTA
fucking hilarious. way it should be - giving shit w/o violence or hate. that said, how would they react being laughed at?
this one is pretty good, i'd keep that for a few years.
9ers easily have the most racially diverse fanbase
not only did cleveland give up multiple firsts for watson
not only did cleveland pay watson over $200m
not only did cleveland guarantee 100% of watson's money
not only has watson sucked ass on the field
not only is he dealing with suit after suit
but he played less than half of the games he was on the team, so they got literally no value out of him
He didn't look bad though. Yeah, that wasn't a great game for the team but he can still obviously play, he isn't washed.
ok but what was the aggression? pulling him out?
Reminded me of that GTA 5 mission where Michael and Trevor dress as cops
why do blacks all wear giant plastic chains to football games? I don't get this trend
Kickers. They made almost 95% of their kicks this week
Boring choice but Browns
>Defense looked good against the run game for the first time in a long time
>Puni, the rookie, in the oline looked great.
I'm feeling good in that regard
I cant wait to listen to all the butthurt and seethe on WFAN tomorrow.
Nyfags are such detestable thankless vermin.

MC Hammer and Mike Tyson
right but he wasn't listening at all and closed the window on them
I would rather blame the coaching staff for being this spineless in a game they had MONTHS to prepare for
They went full retard. QBs are lucky tons of other QBs are getting fat sacks, cuz he'd be the model for *not* making this contracts otherwise.

They're still gonna be competitive cuz they've drafted well and are decently coached, but the Watson thing is gonna really sting in the latter half of this decade. Dead franchise for the foreseeable future.
he was complying, he already provided them with his ID
Kek Tyreek a bitch
Rodgers has also broken a couple of bones on the field and even forced himself to finish out seasons after fractures after 30. It's not at all surprising he's not playing at the level Brady was at 40.
Should they be thankful for that?
That account is so fucking Reddit
My wife just said I'm too rational and stabbed our son to death. Not the way I wanted this weekend to start.
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>switch to ESPN after the game
>See this
Direct TV bros...wtf is this???
OJ was too
As long as he can still communicate with the cops the window can be rolled up.
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Hurts still had turnover issues and he and the center weren't in sync, but they got the W and looked better than last year. Hopefully they improve next week
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jews?? fuhgettaboutittt
literally just realized that
then you guys are right, that was excessive
I really wish Eli never gave them that ring. They deserve a lot longer time of no ring asshurt.
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>made a division rival look good
>bryce still struggling
>"new" o line only marginally better
>next week is against the chargers which unless they hilariously shit the bed against us is another guaranteed loss
Sigh... at least we have a 1st rounder this year that belongs to us. It would be nice if we could actually WIN a couple games here and there. It's so fucking boring watching a team that sucks ass, how do sports commissioners think it's okay to ask people to pay for subpar product??? Goodell should have ousted Tepper after last year
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I know it's only week 1 and against the Panthers, but thank fuck the Saints have a modern offense now. So glad Pete Carmichael is gone.
Rodgers looked not bad, better than I thought. Felt like I was watching somewhere between the 7th-11th qb in the league. Putting this one more on the GM and coaches.
>taunt the cops and say I don’t care I’m a dolphin as you roll the window up while they’re talking to you on the side of the road
>shocked when they don’t tip their hat to you and apologize for the inconvenience
the “do you know who I am?” routine has never worked in the history of police, don’t know what he expected
Already bit them in the ass last year. The stars aligned for them but they were juggling nightmarish 50 QB rating fodder until Jumpball Joe entered the fray. Just decent steady unspectacular 90 QB rating play throughout would have coated them to a #1 seed
Pantherbro, the picks don't even matter. Your owner is a fucking retard who needs to be lynched.
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Goated special teams and great defense, and it’s not unreasonable to think our offense will improve as gayleb eases into his role. Dare I say playoffs?
>jets finally have a good qb
>defense shits the bed
Any Panthers fans in here? How are you coping bros?
>Salah claims sauce sat because he needed to catch his breath
In no way do you miss nearly an entire drive for that. He'll be a lion next year. Oh well.
>Biggest loser
The Giants. I know there were no expectations, but god damn, that was horrifying.
>biggest winner
Caleb Williams. His team won easily with him at his absolute worst, and he’ll only get better. Super Bowl is definitely in the cards for him.
its great we have a career path for paid bullies
i hate that its the EXACT same shit that killed them last season.
its bad coaching. they really miss guys like JFM and Huff. Annoying. And we want to extend JD? yeah sure lets give him an extension because he managed to get the Jets to a fucking 7-10 record in back to back years. Jesus fucking christ.
It has never been so over
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Still have the Chiefs making and winning another owl.
Still love the Bengals to make it to the AFC CG.
WAY down on the Tits, who I didn't expect much from, but Levis brehs...
They don't wanna hear it now, but Jets fans should be optimistic. Rodgers was decent and his legs are still attached. You'll be fine.
Ravens are still the Ravens. Guaranteed playoff appearance and that division will come down to them and Cincy.
Bills are kinda the most interesting AFC team cuz I have no read on how good they are. Rebuilt offense and won, but still idk.
Phins will be fine.
Jags will be a WC (bold prediction)

NFC looks like the 9ers until I see otherwise. They're the best coached team in the NFL (or equally as well coached as the Ravens).
whats with the obsession to run? BReece hall kept getting rushes when they shouldve thrown the ball and during a situation mahomes (my teams QB) wouldve thrown the ball, and I know Rodgers is about throwing the ball
>they really miss guys like JFM and Huff
they dont miss huff at all, hes like the worst run defender in the nfl
Top 10 what? Did they just find shit angry Jets fans threw on the field and give it to him?
They tried enforcing laws on a rich person
My false superbowl hopes have begun again.
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Digits confirmed.
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i'm very conflicted because im always gonna be anti saints and i want you to fail but i thought kubiak jr was good with us in 2021 and i'm pretty confident he can cook a good ass offense.
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I'm glad I didn't listen to the dude from the UAE who said to bet on the Jets.
If he had been respectful and did what they asked they probably would have given him a verbal warning and asked for selfies. But he had to show his ass.
top 10 bussy in frisco
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It's just what we do Anon... we're the bottom feeders who sneak a boneyard win every now and then. Underdog isn't even a big enough word for this franchise.
How do we cope? We eat and drink the pain away. Day long Bojangles and Kool Aid feasts.
I hate the Giants and even I, to this day, cannot forgive faggot NYfags for how they threw Eli and Coughlin under the bus when they were getting old and puttering out.
Dudes won them two super bowls against one of the greatest players to ever touch turf and the second they started slowing down I had to listen of nonstop Giantsfags wanting to kick Eli to the curb and calling him a bum.
Theyre such thankless bastards.
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Huff can get sacks. they need sacks. I didn't even see Will McDonald or Jermaine today. They need Huff BADLY. Reddick is being the biggest whining faggot ever, and all he's doing is hurting his pocket and the Jets. Sign the fucking contract. I don't even care if you have to get welfare with that, play with the Jets and stop bitching.
rodgers still has the best arm in the nfl
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>Cleveland is an absolute joke being conned by a rapist
>Giants conned by Danny Foodstamps
He won. It’s over.
Bring the Chargers back down to earth.
All of that was escalation and excessive force, but the part I really loved was when the cuffed individual who was already complying, and not resisting or attempting to flee at all said 'yo hold up I just had knee surgery" and the other office who wasn't talking to him forcefully yanked him back down to the ground and said "You should've had surgery on your fucking ears"
absolutely kino, America's best
nah they're generally the best they've been. mainly their coordinators are good now when one or both were shit. diggs had his function but in their current state I think Allen works best without a diva forcing a quota and cubbyholing his offense
Feels like Baker wins every media feud he gets in
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>mfw Lamb Prescott & Parsons get us a other owl this year

>shit the bed the remaining seasons on dak’s contract

Will be worth it for the shit posting
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> 49ers = Red = Bloods
> Rams = Blue = Crips
Why won't these Commiefornian franchises leave this gang violence off of our STREETS!? Where are the green or yellow or purple teams!?
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I'm rooting for you to get blown out every game but I'm glad we got him. I will admit that Your team has kicked our ass over the past few years, so kudos on that.
Respect to Baker. I don't like Florida teams in general, but he's proven himself to be a really solid QB. NY deserves a chump like Danny Donuts
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>failed Asian soccer player
>gets into the best American football league in the world and becomes the highest scorer
Literally would never happen the other around in a 10000000 years.
His passes did look great but the Jets still suck. He's the last of his generation and the game just changed too much
Doubt it, when I was out there to watch my Lions in the NFCCG every bussy I tried was top notch. Not saying his is bad bud the standard have to be super high out there and he's at the age he's either too experienced or not experienced enough.
Bakey make ya quakey?
Rodgers has some big fucking ears holy shit
I don't want to age bros
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what the fuck is wrong with this dude?
he probably slots in as the 3rd best kicker behind Butker and then Tucker but still pretty impressive.
>Huff can get sacks. they need sacks.
we will get sacks.
>I didn't even see Will McDonald or Jermaine today.
turdy threw the ball like 3 times all game, they just ran it down their throats.
>They need Huff BADLY.
hes just another will mcdonald
>Reddick is being the biggest whining faggot ever, and all he's doing is hurting his pocket and the Jets. Sign the fucking contract. I don't even care if you have to get welfare with that, play with the Jets and stop bitching.
yeah hes niggardly and retarded but it wouldnt have effected this game anyway. we suck against run and thats just a byproduct of us being tuned to stop the pass, this game wasnt a big deal.
>t. nick wright
Don't you have a show to prepare for?
Yeah, people love to overreact. I remember people calling him washed in week 1 of the 2021 season when he got cooked by the Saints. Historically, this is a completely normal look for Rodgers against the 49ers. His career numbers against them are horrible. He played okay tonight, and Wilson kept getting beat in man coverage, where a lot of tipped passes ended in lost downs. If people were on the fence about how he looked before the game, tonight’s eyes test should be proof that he’ll be the most competent qb behind center for the jets in decades. What should actually be taken away from this game is that the 49ers are really fucking good and are clearly elite again this year.
We have police so that citizens don't have to be brutal to each other, if cops won't do their job then polite citizens will become very impolite citizens. Not that it matters anymore this country will be lucky to make it another 10 years without major social upheaval or complete collapse.
i want to die pretty and young like my hero marilyn monroe
Just keep your hair long and it will push your ears back. That was at least my thought process as a kid with monkey ears and now they're normal :)
When the Lions play the 49ers, they need to headhunt and aim for the knees on literally every defensive snap. Make sure to sneak in a few late hits on Purdy too. Take them out before the playoffs begin.
Now that Week 1 has settled, can we talk about why QB play across the board was so horrible?
At least you aren't a fan of the 1-31 Browns.
He was having flashbacks to when he used to drink and drive and was terrified about the idea of getting pulled over.
This. The Jets are going to be one of the top teams in the AFC this year, they just really unlucky and had to play against their kryptonite week 1.
>22+ illegal motion penalties
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>Rams and Raiders=Surenos
Still can't stop the run, which has still been a major issue for a few years. The Jets need to play better against the run. I really just do not want to go into Tennessee and see them struggle against whoever the fuck is the titans RB. Again, I want to see Saleh on the hottest seat ever. This dude has gotten so many free passes for Zach, now he has Aaron. No more fucking excuses.
social contract? i never signed no stinkin contract.
get these coppers outta my city, toot sweet.
Wait until hair grows out of your ears.
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oh hell yeah thats the hating i needed yeah definitely back to hoping that all your aging players fall off a cliff and you have an agonizingly mediocre season like 2014-16
It's only going to get worse. Run stopping was a hole for the jets last season and that was with JFM and Woods. Tackling was also, again, awful. They can make contact, but never drag people down.
Players aren't taking camp and pre-season seriously anymore
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Starting QB's not doing enough preseason reps
>Deshaun Watson new rape allegation
>Tyreek Hill vs the Police
Rate the early season drama this year. I give it an 8/10.
Onions cuck. You just know he would gigglesquee if he found out a BLM march was going on near his area
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I mean next Sunday is my birthday so it would be pretty fucking cool if they won, but I won't hold out haha
I'll just keep my fingers crossed anyway just in case
Glad my Chiefties got their drama out of the way early this year
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Seems like a boring re-run of some syndicated sitcom.
Why do guys like Purdy and Carr never have these kind of incidents?
>a second preseason game has been dropped from the schedule
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Burn rome to the ground
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I am Emperor Nero.
Trust me.
our run defense will improve considering this was basically just a preseason game but we wont ever be that good against run since the whole defense is built around 220lb LBs and rushing the qb.

we lost to the best running OL in the nfl in tranahans power run system, its not a surprise or a big deal. tranahan always chokes in the playoffs anyway
That 2015 year feels like a fever dream
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he does, and he makes everyone like him after he dabs on them. he's probably most loved in ohio
>Danny Foodstamps
>white leftwing idiots try to make two violent niggers out to be victims
I cain't do it coach
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No man. The ears and noses I think, never stop growing
and I remember when they gave it to that faggot again instead of kupp just for him to shit the bed in the divisional against the niners
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Can't wait to see you finish last in your division again only to hype yourself up for another disappointing season next year.
I want joe namath dead santa.
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I wish I had as much optimism as you. See you on monday when the Jets are 0-2 and we get pissed off at losing JFM and Huff some more. This team is gonna shit itself again even if Aaron "plays well"
I honestly don't know what is going on right now.
Aubrey is better
Christians have all of their dirty laundry covered up by the Church. Carr is probably a serial killer but we'll never know.
a gf cheers mate
What an extremely horny man. Why doesn't he just get a gf?
FilterGODS, we eatin.
Why lol?
the titans suck ass and huff is a bum 2bh.
What warrants a netflix show on Rodgers besides him not wanting to take the vaccine? Does he have an interesting story
I miss that niggah on my Niners like you wouldn't believe
Why did he try this shit with masseuses? Why not just get a nice prostitute? He's rich as fuck.
He's going to reveal the secrets about contacting interdimensional aliens.
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>walk into bedroom
>pic rel is naked in your bed with an erect dick, holding a bottle of peanut oil
>tells you to come here
What do?
He wanted to be a 49er, but Mike McCarthy convinced the team to waste Alex Smith's career instead. He has never forgiven them for this.
The garantee. Until the devil collects his soul the jets wont win shit.
just when Rodgers bring them to the stadium
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Fuck you puto

Honestly just pick up a slipper and tell him to leave. It worked for "Jane Doe"
>jeopardy champion
>black sheep of an insane and famous family
>drama in his career from draft night
>shortlist to be rfk's running mate
>top 5 QB oat
There's something there, probably.
He gets off on the fact that the women aren't into it. Prostitutes are used to weird shit so it wouldn't scratch the same itch.
What's up with the Bengals? Or are the Patriots going to be a problem again?
So he's going to be pushing shrooms and magic crystals that his current beard I mean Girlfriend is big into
Bengals are just in their yearly phase of being shit at the beginning of the season
I don't fucking know and it's bothering me
tell him to get off his weird lazy ass we have some raping to do
Why Peanut Oil?
Zac Taylor just doesn't give a shit about September.
How new are you fags, the first 6 weeks of NFL are always garbage, if your team hasn't turned it around by week 7 then it is time to start doomposting.
There's a 1-2% chance the person he's about to sexually assault is allergic to peanuts making the assault easier, if a bit deadly.
This fucking retard will basedface at literally the fucking smallest things for engagement and I can't wait until someone digs up his niggerposting from 2013 to get him canceled.

One of the most annoying arm chair youtube analysts out there and when he's not sucking off the Texans he's wrong about fucking everything else
>Watson's best statistical year
Was it all smoke and mirrors? Even Stats Padscott wins his games
It gives your asshole a slight but pleasureable burning sensation.
Teams that start 0-2 are pretty much eliminated from playoff contention
He was the QB of the 2010s
like Peyton was of the 2000s
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>This is the officer that saved Ricky Pearsall's life

not gonna lie, she kinda thick. And I've fallen in love with the cheerleader on the left
sf is such a dump even their 1st round picks get shot
Not sure about the Pats game specifically(didn't watch) but historically they take awhile to wind up because their pass offense is predicated on either long layered developed plays or bang-bang precise timing shit, either extreme is hard to walk onto the field day one in nu-nfl and do

that being said they have a lot of chemistry and time together coaches/QB/receivers so not sure why they seem to start from square 1 every year
Can someone post that webm of thicc 49ers girl in the Levi’s parking lot going inside?
Don't do it Anon. Every NFL cheerleader is a prostitute.
>He was the QB of the 2010s
Would that not be Brady? Brady's ascension to GOAT after all of the media heads called him washed with each Super Bowl he was in being absolute kino(besides the Rams) is what I envision when I think of the 2010s
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i wouldn't mind having a shot at that cheerleader iykwim haha
Seeing this reminded me that not all NFL teams have cheerleaders, kek.
Hell yeah!
look at the 2020 passing stats and sort by rating. cornerback has the least depth in the league and when 18 players would go out with covid every QB would just smoke them all game even if his wrs were out too
I hate that faggot because my two childhood heroes Joe Montana and Steve Young said that Aaron Rodgers was better than they ever were, but I will chalk that up to them being sports talking heads hyping up the sport.
You're the real GOAT, sir.
Watching your wife get railed again Mahomes?
Has Travis been in Taylor's bussy?
Brady is the quarterback for all time
nah Brady lives as kind of a generational thing from 2000-2020, most people spent too much of that time hating the Patriots and him by extension that they focused all their praise onto Peyton Mannings ability to call plays in the huddle and control an offense, or Aaron Rodgers stats.
Deep down they know that every qb after the 90's is mid at best.
>facing a pissed off, motivated ravens team after blowing it against the chorgers
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Being a generational choke artist in the playoffs in the latter half of his career.
There was a near decade gap where Brady didn't win a super bowl, but he was in the super bowl or AFCCG almost every year.
Ask him what he’d like me to post so he’ll leave
>it’s another chiefs vs 49ers in the owl episode
it’s all so tiresome
This Tyreek shit is going to get blasted all over the place. I’m already tired of it.
Please no nanners, they can't beat the chiefs. They can't even compete with the chiefs
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It's hilarious that the Giants are so desperate for a QB they gave $160 million to a guy who had ONE good season 6 years ago.

Literally every team is easily finding a good QB these days and they gave $160 million to some dude who can be replaced by a journeyman backup.
its over
jennyfag on suicide watch
This is the year, trust the process
It's up to you British anon to prevent that from happening, we're all counting on you.
>leaf football
kicked in college and was a finalist for the Lou Groza award you igloo dweeling fucking mongrel
Reminder that if you ever over hear a white cuck crying about it to punch them in the face or kill them preferably.
the weird redditor astroturfing on watson is funny, no one gives a shit here. he's just bad
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i just love my wions so much bros sometimes it hurts to breathe
Don't care for the Iggles but I had a feverish divine vision of Saquon Barkley being crowned SBMVP for running all over the Chiefs
He is bad which is funny but he also likes it up the butt which is even funnier
>Literally every team is easily finding a good QB these days and they gave $160 million to some dude who can be replaced by a journeyman backup.
There are only four good qbs in the league
I'm not dooming. Seahawks have really good defense and Nix looks shaky as hell. The jitters will go away, every rookie needs to have their "welcome to the NFL" moment. Elway got benched his first game and moyr recently Stroud also lost his first NFL game and Caleb Williams didn't look that great either. You can't expect results instantly from rookies.
sports where you have to make a life decision at 6 if you want to be good at it aren't good because of it lol
Who is the fourth?
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>my packers
Nah I still don't think they're built for the playoffs
And even then you better hope you grow to full man height.
So many teams in need of a QB and none of them are signing Kaepernick.
kickers are more American or at least Americanized than ever before. random imports from Denmark aren't a thing anymore
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RIP darth vader
Jets are fucking washed. It's over already. I don't seem them getting more than 6 wins this season.
Justin Fields is starting for the Steelers and was a top 5 passer week 1.
Oh damn I forgot about that, at least he lived a very long life.
Expect the Chargers to sign him after Herbert gets "mysteriously injured" in the locker room.
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George Lucas' wife is a part of the Walton-Penner group. A James Earl Jones tribute next week in Denver would be nice.
What do you know of the riddle of steel?
>Deshaun Watson

6 is a bit low but getting over the 7-10 to 9-8 sea of mediocrity riffraff looks like a tough ask
Based Black head coach sticking up for his kind
>meanwhile in reality
>black QBs
He's pretty good. I'd put him in top 10 at least
Brady was the indisputable GOAT spanning two decades, but I guess this is kind of trying to shine the light on the other Silver medal winning QBs.
He has a massive coaching buff. Kyle Shanahan made Jimmy G and Nick Mullens look good.
I'm glad someone else noticed this. Maybe I'm making it up but it felt like people were hitting consistently and from further out than I remember from last season, at least
Holy cringe
The NFL needs to find a way to make it more difficult for kickers. Automatic kicks are boring.
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Where's Jim Mora when you need him?
The GOAT debate was between Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Peyton Manning until the Patriots beat the Seahawks
go watch apehoop zoomzoom
No. It makes it more funny and exciting when they miss. See: double doink and cowboys kicker
Make em wear bowling shoes.
My team is bad so I will bussypost the rest of the season
Peyton Manning has always been overrated. His dad would have won more than two superbowls with these pussy rules and those stacked teams.
Somebody might have and I missed it but I didn't see a single fg missed from beyond 50. The only miss I remember at all was Jason Sanders shank for Miami
I think the Jets did some good things. Aaron had some great moments, especially watching him dissect the defense calling audibles, which my Niners never do. I think the Jets will be better and I'm glad my Niners played them early in the season.
Don't listen to this bozo. All Niner bros knew about Jordan Masons potential
Pass blocking and run blocking are two different things little fella
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Feeling good right now, I feel like Herbo is gonna get the rust of against the panthers, if we beat the steelers after I will feel even better and more confident with our match up against the queefs
niners were the best run blocking oline in the nfl last year
Nah you were
it was niners and eagles
Nah that was you
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>Gooo team go
Based. I am also a refchad. We always win.
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6/10. I still trust McVay but basically our entire O-Line is out right now. And if we hope to win the division we NEED to sweep the Cards. It's gonna be a tall order.
I know it's early but you should really lower your expectations to wildcard spot.
There is no such thing as a refchad, unironically supporting refs throwing and rigging games makes you a literal and metaphorical cuck.
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seethe fanfag
What is your team? I'll let my guys know about your post so they can throw a couple extra flags.
Take a pick of his naked ass and sell the scoop to TMZ. Fingers in the booty ass bitch
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The Browns O-line should just flop on the grass and let TJ Watt snap Deshaun Watson in half.
Just looked it up because I thought I saw one kicker miss twice but I couldn't remember who. Washington's guy missed both of his kicks - one from 47 and one from 56.
The Jets second drive looked really good and made me think we'd have a game on our hands. I know the score was closer but it felt over by halftime. Jets might steal a win here or there but they're fucked this year
The Browns are going to win their next four games and the media is going to gaslight everyone into thinking they are contenders.
Are the dolphins winning vs buffalo?
James Hudson is protecting his blindside right now so I don't think there needs to be any intent for this to happen. He was a big reason Mayfield got sent off, no idea how a shitter keeps a roster spot for 4 years but he did
>Peyton has one of the worst Super Bowl performances ever, literally Trent Dilfer tier
>the Bears still lose

God damn right I'm still mad.
Pants on head running around crying like Pat Beverly in that play-in game
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>Zimmer is kind of a dumbass, but smart in some areas
>McCarthy is kind of a dumbass, but smart in some areas

What are the odds they cancel out each others' weaknesses and make one good coach between them? I guess we're going to find out.
they got arthur smith, an OC known for using the run game to open up MOF passing and got Wilson and Fields, the qbs most known for being utterly allergic to throwing to the MOF
fun stuff.
It's been really revealing to watch the Manningcast and see both Peyton and Eli essentially reveal their true natures. Of the two of them, it's Eli who's clearly the real Chad, while Peyton comes off as an autist, frankly.
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cry more fantard.
refchads run this fucking league
I'm ready for all outcomes this season. Since we restructured Stafford's deal it feels this is his last year with the team. Whatever moves we make in the offseason we have some flexibility.
Bills almost lost to the Cardinals so probably
the moron said yes so i'll say no, trash allen throws a million touchdowns and we can finally blow another failed rebuild up
Christ is King
>team facility still located on a cherokee burial ground
i'll just be rooting for the reffies from now on
Joshie is a Diggsbabby. therein lies your answer.
when’s the last time you won the division lil bro
or a single playoff game
Who’s the greatest underdog story in the nfl Brady or Warner?
I want the three peat to happen because after it's done the chiefs will start to lose again. I really think that they'll be even stronger for the next decade if they don't this year but winning three in a row would pacify them in some way
When was the last timd the Bills won a SuperBowl?

*checks notes*

What? Never? Kek, didn't they go to the Owl 4 times in the 90's in a row?

Lmao even the jest won one.
could you be more wrong?
>maybe if I get angry about this thing happening, it will stop happening!

Just embrace it. Refball is here to stay. It's no use getting angry about the fact that the league clearly rigs games.
Warner was stocking shelves at a grocery store. That's a much better underdog story than a guy who got drafted a couple rounds too late.
If they lose this might be Kelce's last season. If they win he might play out his last year of the contract and take in a farewell tour.

Yeah but they had a female QB. Kelly something or other.
>got a scorigami
>no one's talking about it
I hate nu-/sp/
threepeating would just make Mahomes want to 4peat even harder. at that point why stop at 5 or 6?
Week 1 is an extra preseason week for Bengals and their fans
Ref "chads" are just fantards of refs that ruin the games. Literally just contrarian assholes that took sarcastic comments and made it their identity without irony.
warner took the worst team in football to the superbowl and won, that 1999 rams team was supposed to go like 7-9 at best
Justin Tucker missed one too. Reddit was pissed
Tuckers probably a below average kicker now. His power is definitely not there anymore

No one cares about Mark Sanchez running into some dude's ass. Grow up.

I don't believe you
Aww I think pussyboy is gonna cry. Did a ref fuck your girlfriend you fucking cuckold?
Ninerschad here, the Jets weren't even that bad, especially compared to some of these other week one shitshows, Niners are just the objectively superior team, it'd be like getting mad that the Falcons got demolished by the Chiefs.
Arthur is the curse.
Warner has a way better story. He grew up poor in the middle of nowhere Iowa and went to a state school no one's ever heard of where he didn't even start until his senior year. He wasn't even drafted and worked the night shift at a grocery store making $5 an hour. He married some lady with children, one of which was retarded and blind. I mean, say it's stupid to marry a woman with two kids but damn he seems like a good dude
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Giuess my team
that lady had a rack in her heyday. warner could resist those titties
>I mean, say it's stupid to marry a woman with two kids but damn he seems like a good dude
Christianity is a hell of a drug.
Since become bogged
Thank you Bahama bro.
I was kinda scared this sunday but never lost hope in my fins.
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Second commandment
Losing is one thing, getting blown out is another. And yes, the Jets were that bad
This aged so poorly. This used to be posted here regularly
>I dindu nuffin
I was going to say the Panturds, but they have to be more tired than angry at this point. I'll say the Rams.
there's outliers but getting blown out at any point even week 1 is usually a very bad sign, and when it does happen to good teams it tends to be divisional opponents who've seen you 3 times in 12 months and figured something out
I went to the Seachickens game sunday to watch the Broncos be shit and I have to say, most NFL fans are high school educated alcoholics.
its a preseason game
Give it to me straight, bros. How many teammates did Deshaun massage?
Nope \
The coach NEEDS to be fired.
I think he prefers receiving the bussy massages.
My dad wouldn't take me to NFL games but took me to MLB. I always understood why.
>Sign the fucking contract.
he already has a contract
Needs buckbroken by Richie Incognito desu
>Watching Arizona/Buffalo game
>Someone mentions some shit about the NFL trying to get into Latin American target markets
>Tom McCarthy audibly licking his lips at the new viewership money
Based Coom throwing tychimp hill under the bus
How the fuck is Goodell following up the Chiefs/Fish match in Germany with the absolute wet fart match of Pants versus Gnats? Is he tanking the possibility of an international team because who the fuck wants to watch that?
that's because it's some mid 20s techbro cracker behind that account. sold years ago
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Ftp desu
I wonder how far Houston is a ahead of them
put Bo in S+ tier, and it's correct.
Good list. I'd put Butker at first just because he has more high pressure playoff experience but Aubrey is clearly the best in both power and accuracy.
doesn't help the NFC is the 9th home game this year so they're all the international hosts because they all suck dick, then the few that don't are too valuable ratings wise to dump off at yuroshit hours
my chargers used to lose in a flashy style. they won week 1 in the most boring way possible. I see them making the playoffs and losing to the cheifs
SB 48 was a fucking disaster. The Seahawks are the Broncos' kryptonite in the modern era.
Bo Nix is D until he feels comfortable in the NFL
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Mahomes is comfortably whiter than Joey Reddit. One posts about BLM, gun control, and abortions while the other posts about Duck Dynasty and says blacks wouldn't get shot if they'd just listen to the police. Guess which one's which?
Bo Ner
As an old Seahawks fan it makes me feel great because they buttfucked the Seahawks when they were in the AFC.
Russell Wilson is white. He just sucks now so belongs in D.
The Broncos still have more wins over the Seahawks historically but I think the Seahawks haven't lost to the Broncos in like 2 decades?
Who was in the wrong here?
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I'm a Raiders fan but a full-on Carr supporter. Couldn't be happier with how he's been playing since late last season. Now has 15 TD and 1 int. in his last five games.
Wow there's a lot of hate in here bros what the hell
Boner Dix
I mean Dak is exactly the same way, he's pro-police too. I bet they both voted for Trump and will vote for him again.
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They're not as good at putting on lipstick and nail polish though.

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