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Who do you have making the owl this year?
And what is the final score?
Ravens- 23
Saints- 19
No one’s challenging KC in the AFC, that much is pretty fucking obvious. Niners or Lions are their most likely opponent
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>anon makes a lettered QB tier list
>one of the tiers is a specific QB's name
>the QB himself is not in that tier
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RIP James Earl Jones but the show must go on
unironically, Bo will be the first rookie to win the Owl
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>Steve Avila MCL sprain
Its over. Soon Matt Stafford will be injured as well
I'm a literal lifelong Broncos fan and just cool your jets. This team is so young with just a fews vets and they need to chill the fuck out.
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this is the year a player will HEEM Mahomes, Kelce, or a ref immediately following a controversial call in favor of the Chiefs
Every Chiefs game I hope that some third-string D lineman just decides to take the 1-year suspension and give Mahomes a career-ending injury
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How fraudulent are the Bengals?
they've got one of the worst group of coaches in the league
Now that Joe Cool has gone full diva mode it's genuinely over.
They're just keeping with tradition of being dogshit at the beginning of the season. The pats are the frauds now huffing hopium thinking their twitter activist HC isn't going to crash and burn
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Can we seriously talk about how the reffing is getting out of hand and some form of blowback is inevitable?

The refs are fucking awful in ways that are getting on my nerves more than ever as a fan, and I know they HAVE to be getting on players' and coaches' nerves, too. It's amazing how blatantly obvious some of the favorable calls for this team or that are. And as you mention the Chiefs benefit more than anyone. I don't even remember Brady's Pats getting treatment THIS favorable.

How long before there's just some outburst from another team's player on the field, at a ref or at a player who benefits from a call? Goodell is going too far, he's putting his thumb on the scale too much. There's too much pressure and it's going to explode. Everyone can feel it coming.
The offensive formation flags are fucking ridiculous
DET 28
NYJ 24
What's funny is the same refs that (inadvertently?) made the Chiefs good with all the calls their way leading to their SBs are the same refs now in awe of them and are calling everything their way due to that effect
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49ers are even better this year.
Its just the first week
The jet fans got real quiet real quick
>beat the jests with a 40 yr old qb coming off a serious injury
I pist and sharted
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>Spends literally the entire game making Zach Tom his son
>30 PFF grade
At last I understand that PFF grades are a total meme
da bears' REAL mvp
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since the tories got BTFO in the last election, no
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>straight white penis in zesty black anus
rodgers seems like a classical gay. he just hangs out with men and fucks their thighs instead of any actual penetration like the ancient greeks
WHIToids getting scared. The era of the >white qb is over. Back underneath my feet whitoids
anyone have that handy graphic about the absolute state of current qb play?

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