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last >>144363871
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Bunch of fags in the NL West
no NPB thread damn
Aaron Judge is Yahoo Japan top news just because he hasn't hit a home run in 15 games.
Would all 3 but especially the one in the middle
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this is the thread, and let's keep it wholesome
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/mlb/ meetup habbeing right NEEOW!!!!!!1
Virus, don't click!
gonna play vidya til the good games start, let me know when it's time to make fun of the teams that lose/blow it.
Not clicking your virus fuck off
Kumar Rocker is set to become the 1st Indian player in MLB tonight. Will he shit on the Mariners or will he shit the bed?
as long it's not in the streets I think his manager will consider it a success, motherchode.
wrong thread
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I did click and turns out it's plaintext so bullet dodged
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m a r i n e r s
frens we had a visitor last night but he was in the wrong thread ;_;
see picrel for his post (or click link at the top of this post).
this is true terror
>winning one game against the athletics is like cheating to win the world series to the astros
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boone starting this bush league slob again
i am witnessing schizophrenia manifest
Trying to keep his job after he gets meme’d on by some central team in the ALDS
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winky we miss ya!
we need nu
You gave up a home run to Torres? What a loser.
nu tho?
lillistare has punctured the structure
nu in a few
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letting gayber get a hr is pathetic lmao
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It's over for my Carp, Morishita can't carry these bums any longer.
Nasty Nestor taking a nasty DUMP on the Red Sox right now
Jenny craves nu tho though
Nu thus
where is nu tho
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if you guys notice im not posting, its because im in the thursday night football thread.
Nu tho rican takeover
find nu
if you guys notice im not posting, its because im in the /mlb/ meetup
this asshole set my blood to boil
If you guys notice I'm posting, thanks, that's awesome. Let's be friends!
collar this rat
dogpile this asshole
Give genny the nu tho she craves
scrub ass red sox suck so bad they making this slob look good lmao
Good job getting out of that jam Cortes.
Which players would you like to see with jam all over them and why?
But it’s Baseball Night in America you stupid bitch
Jenny Recker [WORLD BOSS] has coalesced
Da bears
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anthony is his deadname. introducing jenny
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Hmmm... I can smell it... Too inorganic for me. Too... Not... the hip scene. Too lasterday, yesteryeary kinda park'd-n-reverse kinda not quite ya own thoughts coming out in there, are they?

I've seen parrots before, yuuuu know?

Declared UN-cool. *OFFICIAL[/MLB/]KING*
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I love The Martian bros
God bless you my liege
god bless you, inspector
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The inspector has played his dearest card
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>mfw getting the 2021 band back didn't work
>mfw Fried becomes a Dadre in the off-season
>mfw Morton and Chavez retire
>mfw Sale wins a Cy Young on a lost season
I’d Cub their Chicagos if you catch my pitch
we need to keep it calm
does anyone have a stream of the NY coverage of yanks/sox
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keep it calm
any mets whores who aren’t chinese?
I hope Judge can get going again soon…
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Fuck, one run won't be enough
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whoyangot now?
if the yankees lose soto this off season cashman should kill himself
Very true.
let's go ahead an give the cubs a chance
what consistency do you think her typical deposit is? more chunky or more creamy?
you're my eyes and ears around here big dawg
There has to be some alley near Yankee Stadium he could accidentally walk into.
yankee pig disgusting
It will be a Tigers vs Mets world series this year
im honestly scared of the cubs
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amazing how such a beautiful woman can completely debase herself like that. asians would never
let's go ahead an give the cubs a chance
im honestly scared of the cubs
omw to safeco to watch that mariners game bros
>two faggot ass teams
Tattoos aren’t debasing a woman, people are valuable beyond their appearances.
Sad but that they ranked first for a while with what strength they have was a fun ride.
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Have good time
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oh are they still playing? someone told me it was over for them.
thanks bro it's gonna be a great night
Jizz Cummyyum Jr.
>it was 1-0
Braves games’ remaining
Dodgers: 3 games
Reds: 3 games
Marlins: 3 games
Mets: 3 games
Royals: 3 games

Mets games’ remaining
Phillies: 7 games
Nationals: 3 games
Braves: 3 games
Brewers: 3 games

Metsbros, I don’t know how I feel about this. Doggiedoodoos better sweep the Braves this weekend
If you’re the dodgers, do you let the Braves win this weekend so you have less of a chance to face the Mets in the post season. 4d chess
Metsbros.... I'm gay
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you are valid
so phillies are probably winning the ws this year huh
Doesn’t matter who they play they will find a way to blow it
almost definitely
El Cubano kills the Raffy

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aint no thang
thats a man
holy piss
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The fuck?
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Yea, Mets have the toughest schedule left in the MLB. But, if you want to be the best you have to beat the best.
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homos los barfos
Come on Yankees

i already did
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Why do people say Stanton is good? He isn't.
Who the fuck loses to Boston? The Yankees are embarrassing themselves right now.

faggot mike?
Stanton owns your bitch ass!
mechanical issue
His name is faggot mike
Wells what was that god damn
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we out here
This is enough to make me vote for Trump.
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>Jizz Kissem
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sheeit lemme suck yore deeck papi
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/miller/ time
brawls prior to 2000 were so kino. Post moar
Volpe pls do something
Should have the fucking lead right now
video of you jumping in there and slapping his ass pls
Hell yeah
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thinking it's a beautiful night for baseball /mlb/
God damnit dude I can’t take it anymore
Why can't the Yankees get good players and win games?
>triangulating his position now, prepare the bussybuster... we are go.
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Without the base running blunder they would have scored. Things like this are common enough to where it has to be a coaching issue.

if you meet a sultry brunette with the same initials as this board, tell her i can't wait for december
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idk I feel like boone gets through to his players. no?
Ian Hamilton looking pretty great bros.
good luck nerd I'm literally behind 7 proxies
That’s wasn’t you? Damn that guy at the cricket stand must be really confused rn…
Score some runs you fucking pieces of shit
Soto is losing a couple of zeros for his next contract in this game
You wish cashmeme
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Thank you Dolphins for needing just two games to take the crown of worst deal in Miami sports history away from the Fish and Avi Garcia
Why do people like football again? That sport is so dogshit. I can't believe there are constant conversations about how to save baseball when it's already fucking great and doing well, meanwhile football is out here being the most boring and annoying piece of shit sport and all the normalfags slurp it up like it's god's fucking gift. I'll never understand
Yeah I’m thinking we’re getting Clay Holmes kino
we need the craver now more than ever
we need the craver now more than ever
Wouldn't he flip flop between the Yankees and Mets?
He doesn't even play baseball. He's just a gorilla who swings hard and sometimes makes contact for home runs
I really wish the Yankees did play like a team who has the best record in the American League
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How about Kumar Recker
Kumon Recker
not one team stands out as significantly better than the rest of the league this season
Walk this shit off and end it
That infield shift was retarded
You hit the next batter square in the back unironically
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>nooo you can't fake out my infielders that's cheating!!!!
excuse me sir, is that preworkout?
Glad your understand
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>holmes coming in
Come on, I tired of always losing to Boston
They're too invested in only getting sluggers who can't do anything but hit homers
Miguel Cabrera looking happy in retirement

fucking kek
Glad you don't
My pirates ):
Holmes didn't fuck it up. Now win this shit.
>Seattle with 3 Swords in one inning
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>News: The Minnesota Twins released catcher Derek Bender, their sixth-round pick this year, after he tipped minor league opponents the pitch that was coming during at-bats of a game with playoff implications

Based or cringe?
holy script
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do you like the name tommy taters? tommy didn't
Manfred wills it
>clay holmes is the winning pitcher
Make him a starter
What a retard
Wheel btfo. Very nice small ball kino.
It’s a wheel play but injuns really sold out on it and got beat by the slash bunt.
lets go ahead and get the backstory
welcome to the French Foreign Legion
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Do I look worried?
it's dumb because he's not a power hitter and wtf wants Stephen Nelson coining your nickname
An italian soccer-style gambling scheme in minor league baseball would be fun and not very surprising
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my metsies shan't be stymied
it's happened hundreds of times already
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it really feels like the Yankees are the protagonists of MLB and im tired of it
Unfortunately, the mets own the faggot yankees
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DeGrom is pitching tomorrow, I cannot fucking believe it. He’s still alive
rocker is looking NASTY
Remember when the mest didn’t sign him because Cohen is a jew
Francisco Lindor
by all indications at the time he was drafted in 21 and 22, the mets made the right decision and the rangers made a horrible decision. the rangers lucked out
And then Turner homered after the ump fucked Kumar over.
File deleted.
I'm thinkin based
I’m thinking 2nd place
No wonder why he fucked over Kumar, it's Rob Drake.
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shame about jung hoo lee. was looking forward to seeing his progression this season
one of the best stadiums in the league. got chills the first time I went
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>mlb wife life
Did the pitch clock kill this feel?
>The energy building up in the packed house after every pitch
>visible pressure on Pedro's face after those big foul balls

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Is anybody watching this Giants pitching performance right now?
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Imagine how comfy it must be to be the groundskeeper at a big league park
>Bender had told teammates he wanted the season to be over, according to sources.
kek I know that feel
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Chadres baseball is tomorrow! How's everyone doing today? Thanks for helping us out broo croo nord.
indians and jews have this strange alliance/deal and i asked indians and they won't ever really explain. it has to be more than
>we both hate muslims
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dis nigga cal raleigh looks like he wears flip flops
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why didn't i cash out when it was 4-1
>fake 2poo
>now 2poo but a fucking leaf
We have enough 2hu’s here
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There's too much pies poster here too!
My Rangies are winning right now! :)
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Rangers are climbing back to the top of the division ever so slowly
reminder: the mariners will be sub .500 at the conclusion of this series
gayest genny on /sp/
lawn stripes are hideous
my lawn is getting to be mostly dandelions but I refuse to buy chemicals
Like anything you need good help, but picture mowin in the outfield at sunset on a cool summer night, in an empty ballpark.
just file with the city to make it protected wildflowers
that dumb team lost to that other dumb team
It's over, Rangers win!
that's your mvp?
>that guy that went to the game had to watch the mariners memener it up
I just want to win for god's sake!
yeah, their fans are all at the sounders game
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Fandom is pain
next time put on a jacket then retard
I think both groups respect each other for valuing cunning over honesty
I don't understand
faggtoners! kek!
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>KOO-MAR! This guy, Kumar Rocker I call him KOO-MAR! Guy wants to be referred to as Indian I said well is he Indian? or is he black? I don’t with this guy he wants to be Indian all of a sudden.
>John Rocker now that was a pitcher, John Rocker, some of you might remember him.
Coomer Recker
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sensitive lmao, idc that you won. Mariners are cooked.
>schizo posting
go baseball!
elly for the love of god sign somewhere else this offseason
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that's a good bot
You understand that’s not how that works right?
classic schizo
The average Ohtani fan
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I see the Ohtani vs Lindor debate almost every day on the bird app
We need nu
We need you to rope
Crave're Nu'tho
Wheres nu tho
Ensign up periscope and find that nu tho
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I'm not new to the mariners I know how it goes. We still had a great night and it's a shame my mariners couldn't pull out the win. They're gonna win the next one though. :) It was the final bark at the park night of the season and there were lots and lots of dogs and they got to walk the bases after the game.
Please fuck my ass
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Wait til i fire up the venmos
Judging from that gif the only thing you fire up is dick asspie
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Why I oughta
We need houspina
>even in this gif he has balls in his face
That’s good dog
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This is /mlb/
stop being gay
A little self reflection in the genny tonight
We need to cleanse our souls
Who here /debtfree/ and /paidoff/
Fuck this guy
pound this guy
A casual full 30-30 in a 74 game stretch. He's the GOAT for sure.
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no, I don't think so
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Tonight is the night the Mets come crashing back down to reality.
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battle of the berds tonight
Morning /mlb/. My ass is sore from last night
Very solid outing by Rocker. Maybe we got an ace.
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take 2 heaping scoops of ivermectin
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Tigers offense rolling now
Up to 8 games over and only 3 games back
Sounds like Bender alright
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Good morning /mlb/. My Yankees had their second walk off win in a row last night, improving to two games up in the division against Baltimore. Hamilton looking good, closer by committee is going well, and Schmidt and Berti being back has me feeling optimistic. Let’s have a good day bros :)
didnt ask :)
I still hope you have a good day even though you are rude.
thank you. im going to see a dinosaur exhibit with my dad then lunch
Dinosaurs aren’t real.
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Today is an important day for Our Atlanta Braves, hope to see some good baseball!
manfred wanted a yankees/dodgers ws this year we all know that. but he'll settle for yankees/phillies
I’m gonna gape every single one of you.
Calm down asspie
He's getting Mets Orioles, rematch of 1969
prepare your anus for gaping
>Dr. Chud
Wow, that's really good, I bet when you add in his defensive stats he looks even better.
I feel for the Carp honestly, I certainly prefer them over the GAYants or GAYstars but it was inevitable that they would slow down, the pitching especially. Its a shame its happening right at the end for them but we gotta do what we gotta do to get to the top.
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Yankees' Aaron Judge hasn't homered in 16 games, longest drought of his career
What the fuck.
Watching the Mets going to the World Series in a rebuiling year would be kino.
paw patrol MINDFUCKED judge
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They've been the 2nd best team in the MLB since June 1 (behind the Dbacks). I know they're playing the Phillies 7 times but I don't even WANT to win the division because winning the division is a curse for the Manfred-offs.
It's rubble and crew you stupid motherfucker
>winning the division is a curse
Only in the NL
Well they play in the NL so yea.
>chad mets
>embrace memes like grimace and hawk tuah, use them to fuel meme magic and huge winning streaks

>virgin Yankees
>entire season derailed by cartoon police dogs
The New York Metropolitans are brought to you by McDonalds, Buh-duh-duh-duh-duh I’m Lovin’ It!
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I’m finna stunt on these hoes, lfgm
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I’m thinking based
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It’s over.
This fucking sucks. Last traces of soul in MLB are quickly dying.
I’m going to be honest m8 these are ugly as fuck
>Through 2027, the German workwear company will appear on every helmet in the MLB postseason
angelsbros, we won
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It’s real…
This is why we should have never allowed gambling back into sports
I know a guy who puts entire paychecks into Draftkings. Granted, he’s a retard, but most sport betters are retards.
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Weekly Baseball curse
In all seriousness, everything's just falling apart, and Carp fans are highly upset over veterans being easy outs on the lineup. I just wish two things: the rest of the league a best of luck and Carp playing the Swallows at zumsta for a full season.
Honest question what would mlb do to a guy who just doesn’t wear the shit helmet, or covers there hideous ad with pine tar? They gonna fine and suspend a buy for that? I guess the players association agreed to all this shit so they would t have much support but they’d be based and my /mlb/ would support them
/mlb/ is full of boomers who seethe when someone says maybe we should tone it down with the patriotic bullshit at games so they would probably side with the corporations and say the players deserve to be suspended.
Patriotism doesn’t mean loving advertisements despite what some may say. It’s not even an American company anyway.
No but extreme patriotism and fellating corporations because they're not the gubmint are both things boomers do.
Huge win for Manfredbros
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Just think about how easy it’d be to wring his scrawny little chicken neck…
This is so fucking souless
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What final messages would Mets fans like to share with us before they disappear into the woodwork this weekend?
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Fat birds boutta get a gapin'
fentanyldelphia kek
It is inevitable that there will be more and more advertisements on unis every year. Very sad.
What the fuck?
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Today, I am Doyerfan
its real fucking gay
doyers will still lose the regular season
fuck this gay world
if y'all wouldve gone to more games and bought more merch this wouldnt of happened. smdh
What a way of saying the Yankees have kicked the Royals's asses like a soccer ball for going 35 years (180-96 against the Royals since 1990).
nl westbros........
Every city with an MLB team is a shithole. I never understood the "my city is better than your city" dick measuring contest wrt sports teams. I live in the burbs.
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Back from a 3-day vacation, thanks janny for reminding me to respect people of color and women!
What'd I miss in baybaw
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That's an ostrich logo? Looks like the fucking Wutang Clan sign with one of these going through the middle
MVP should be based on the entire game not just HR.

Witt deserves MVP over Judge. Lindor deserves MVP over Ohtani.

Give Judge and Ohtani the offensive player awards they deserve sure. But HR total should not be the only thing considered to be MVP.
The team that has infinite money bragging about beating up on a small market team that has had shit management for the better part of the last 30 years.

That's rich considering Judge's HR record was giftwrapped by his toybox home park.
He would have the same number of HR as Witt if he was a Royal and Witt a Yankee. And no one would be calling for Judge to be MVP because defensively he is a joke.
I agree but MVP is unfortunately a hitters-award if going by the precedent set by previous years
Nope. Comparing an undeveloped quarter-mile surrounding Citi Field in an otherwise awesome city to fentzombie-philly is retarded
new yorkers arent human and im tired of pretending they are
MVP voters are fucking retarded.

I will die on the hill that is calling Three True Outcome baseball retarded, boring, and gay.
Judge is better
Consolidate defensive metrics into one stat that every nerd can agree on and then you can weigh it the same as offense.
For now you have Lindor at:
3rd in baseball in OAA at 17
51st in baseball in DRS at 2
31st in baseball in DRP at 5
Which one is right? Is he good or is he mediocre? Or do you just get to pick the best one and pretend that only that one is valid?
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Doyers play today!
Dodgers have a 4 game stretch with the Braves
I don't remember Blue Jays fans being such whining little bitches in 2021. Mets fans are on another level.
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didnt read
They're gaslighting themselves into thinking Lindor should be MVP when he wasn't even an all star
Their meltdown when Ohtani wins MVP will be historic
Rangers were able to extend Chris Young's contract today. Also, Young is going to Japan to scout Roki Sasaki.
Europoor, opinion discarded
what the FUCK is a germany?
euros getting gaped…
>>144389898 #

rouki Sasaki is a selfish young man and should not be acquired.

And his body is fragile and will break down soon.
>people still think Sasaki might come over before 25
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You’ll never be rid of me
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Everyone knows 0fertani will win, it’s just he shouldn’t is all.
Very based and correct
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Have the Orioles ever recovered from picrel?
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blame god emperor trump and his conservative supreme court
you guys want to meet up at the titty bar to watch the game later?
how is it that the nfl is the last bastion of no jersey ads at all? you'd think it would be one of the first
You watch x5 as many ads in football game than a baseball game though
Yes L for Lindor, the best defensive SS in baseball. Based alphabetchad.
>the best defensive SS in baseball.
Or the 21st best defensive SS in baseball depending on your preferred metrics. But we'll just pretend not to hear that part.
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So Nike can’t be happy about this, right?
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Only two metrics I need
You’ve been posting a lot of gay porn fantasies lately, with the exact same very tiny penis in each one…
If Ohtani wins MVP everyone will have expected it. If Lindor wins MVP out from under ohtani (by being easily 10x as valuable to the Mets as Ohtani is to the doyers) the seethe from commiefornia will be unprecedented. Swede might actually commit suicide.
i for one welcome cockspie to this genny. i think he is a good addition for the upcoming postseason :)
>Hate the Mets
>is a homosexual
Checks out
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Jamie pull up the chart with Ohtani’s numbers in clutch situations
youre literally the gayest guy here
Should give it to Maldonado to really give people a surprise then? Who gives a shit about how valuable someone was to the Mets. That's like bragging about being the smartest kid in a special ed class. Good for him.
>who give a shit how valuable the player who wins the most valuable player award is to their team
you really are a single digit iq kek
If you believe MVP is an award given out based on muh value relative to the player's shit team, you probably belong in that special ed class too. I mean you are a Mets fan after all.
me on the right
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>only hits home runs in garbage time
>shit numbers with RISP
>literally the biggest statpadder in the league
>doesn’t play defense
the Swede is so mad this morning just discussing this, imagine if ohtani acutally doesn’t win it.
Nu comin up
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rare good post from sweden
>I actually agree with Sweden
Mets are better than your team.
gay louis
Femanon here
>the gapeway arse
oh no no no no
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Least mentally ill poster with picrel living in his head
Be mets lose

Be mets........ lose!!!!
turn your vpn back on faglord lmao
>inb4 he covers that file in dicks and pretends he’s won something
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Imagine. Just imagine using clutch stats as your argument against Ohtani when your boy looks like this.
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Might Shohei Ohtani appear in a postseason game this year as a pitcher? That may have seemed improbable earlier in the season, but Dodgers manager Dave Roberts didn’t rule it out Friday.

>“I think that you should always leave some margin, a crack in the door for any possibility,” Roberts said on SiriusXM MLB Network Radio. “If things line up and there's a need, and the game, [Ohtani’s] body, everything is telling us that it makes sense in that situation, great. It would be storybook.”

Roberts added that it would be “unfair” to assume Ohtani will definitely take the mound during the playoffs, but just the prospect of his return is a big development for a team that has been inundated with pitching injuries this season.
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>be Mets
>get no hit for 8 innings
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Imagine just imagine using any stats against Lindor when your boy plays here for 9 innings
Living in the past ain't healthy
This would be extremely funny and on brand for Dave "Huge fucking Retard" Roberts to put him on the mound with no rehab whatsoever and then the dodgers get eliminated in the first round when Ohtani gives up 7 ER in the first inning.
>ohtranny dicksuckers in previous years
>ohtani should win MVP despite Judge having more HRs because he has a higher war due to actually preventing runs (he pitched)
>it doesn't matter that Judge's team is way better Ohtani's value to his shitty Angels team is way higher than Judge to the Yankees that's what MVP is all about

>ohtranny fags now
>the MVP is solely about who has the most gaudy offensive counting stats ignore all run prevention and advanced stats like WAR that actually show who created the most "value" over a course of the season, also ignore which player was most valuable to his team and had the most impact on their success. A 50/50 SEASON GUYS WHY DON'T YOU CARE???????

absolutely no principles at all, your criteria changes based on which makes your dumb jap look better
>call on ohtani to pitch in clutch situation
>he becomes the 57th dodgers pitcher to get injured this season
>they lose the game and exit the postseason in the NLDS
They're not even baseball fans. If Ohtani didn't exist their stupid asses wouldn't even be watching this game.
nu >>144391856
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>also ignore which player was most valuable to his team and had the most impact on their success.
You don't have to ignore that, Ohtani leads there too. The argument for Lindor specifically hinges on Fangraphs' defensive metrics being absolutely correct, and Baseball-Reference and Baseball Prospectus's defensive metrics being absolutely incorrect.
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Since Mets fans love talking about WAR so much, Lindor is not even 2nd in bWAR. Behind a full WAR. And that's WITH his "superstar defense" added.
Half the people arguing with you aren’t Mets fans lmao they just don’t like you
>mestfags having a melty over some dicks and sweden
If it walks like a duck
kill yourself and turn off your VPN you attention seeking faggot
Alright I turned it off. Now what?
Now kill yourself nigga it’s literally written right there in plain English…
bro we're just pointing out you're an unprincipled faggot, i don't want to debate and argue about the differences in WAR calculations and defensive metrics with you, it doesn't benefit me at all, I want to call you out for being a loser who would be arguing the exact other side of this debate if it was to Ohtani's benefit.
>>I think it was Game 5 of the (2000) division series, I get a call that “Mr. Steinbrenner wants you to stop the drummers.” George Steinbrenner had someone call me to say he didn’t want to hear the drummers from wherever he was watching the game. And my first thought was, “Tell them to play louder!” I said, I’m not telling them to stop drumming, but they got someone from the commissioner’s office to say they could only pound the drums at certain times.
how can they take baseball from us it is not just or honorable
It's a bad faith argument. Who won in 2022? Judge did for the same exact same reason as Ohtani is going to win in 2024. How is 2022 a justifiable argument for why Lindor should get the MVP in 2024? It's the complete opposite.
How’s it walk like a duck? You’re on here every day arguing with people about ohtani, only recently have the Mets fans started campaigning for Lindor which has clearly made you upset.
Absolute scenes when Dave calls Ohtani in for an inning of relief when the Dodgers are up 5-0 against the padres in the nlds and Ohtani gives up a grand slam
It's funny because I post like once a week but the schizos are still in every thread vomiting out posts seething about me that I won't even read lmao
Let's bake dat bread
We’re in here! >>144391856
because you cultists argued the other side. which means your only principle is fanboying ohtani. most mets fans don't actually think lindor has a shot at MVP, it's not a big deal mets fans want to make the playoffs they don't really care about personal awards. the cuck writers are all obviously voting for your guy. but you're so unhinged about ohtani all the time it's fun to see you twist yourself into knots trying to justify your lack of consistent principles.
Or maybe I saw how the voters voted and applied the new information for my 2 year later arguments?
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Mets gonna win this ballgame tonight
now use fWAR, the metric that is preferred for non-pitchers
oh boy i can't wait to watch my braves lose tonight
Preferred by who?
Do not engage
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my doggies will doo it up
predicting a blowpen masterclass, braves win 8-5
Pictured: every schizo rambling about me unprompted in every single /mlb/ thread (most of which I do not even post in)
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mfw I actually like ohtani but it’s fun to stir the pot on here
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All WARs do that, DRS just doesn't think Lindor is good.
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White Sox have to go 9-7 the rest of the season to avoid having the most losses ever in a season. It's fuckin happening lads, the Mets will be dethroned.
You're forgetting
Be mets lose
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I actually like lindor
I just want to be an asshole
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5 foot 3 and an attitude
5 foot 3 and an attitude
MVP, shmeMVP, all that matters is that Zack Wheeler is winning the NL Cy Young over Chris Sale
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based cockspie
mest act like they're only shitposting but I guarantee they'll still be acting aggrieved about this through future seasons
I will doompost accordingly if/when the time comes, do you guys not remember april and may?
>Sale leads in wins, strikeouts, and ERA
Kek keep dreaming
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I actually hate dem cubbie wubbie bearie boos but I just like shitposting.
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Gen Z boss and a mini!
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>Iglesias has given up 8 ER the entire season
Jesus fuck I hadn't realized how good he's been this year
thats a man
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Nike can suck a dick considering the shit uniforms we have this season is because of them
Nike sent the order to fanatics both are shit but this is on Nike
nu >>144392701
non-weeb nu: >>144392706
bruh I thought I was alone
I got hyped when takahashi started fumbling pitches lastn

was all for disappointment

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