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My Steelers :)
tua will get another concussion tonight cap this
>early thread
You really are mindbroken
Thingken about Tay again...
>posting in an early thread
You really can't help biting, can you?
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Stop mocking us. I won't tell you twice.
If you drink alcohol you are a sterile, low iq midwit
Why did Texas Tech still suck hard when Mahomes was attending there?
Missouri Shitty Queefs
Haha tell em Sis!
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name a player that has more rizz than 17

pro tip: you can't
Temujin is my lovely latina wife and I’m going to get her pregnant!
If you don't drink alcohol you are a boring, pathetic virgin
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the miami dolphins are not a good football team
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What if you're sober from alcoholism
The Buffalo Bills are the second most coddled team in the league.
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1. Kansas City Chiefs
2. San Francisco 49ers
3. Detroit Lions
4. Philadelphia Eagles
5. Baltimore Ravens
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. Houston Texans
8. Miami Dolphins
9. Buffalo Bills
10. New York Jets
11. Los Angeles Rams
12. Cincinnati Bengals
13. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
14. Jacksonville Jaguars
15. Pittsburgh Steelers
16. Seattle Seahawks
17. Indianapolis Colts
18. Atlanta Falcons
19. Cleveland Browns
20. Chicago Bears
21. Minnesota Vikings
22. New Orleans Saints
23. Green Bay Packers
24. Los Angeles Chargers
25. Arizona Cardinals
26. Tennessee Titans
27. Las Vegas Raiders
28. New England Patriots
29. Denver Broncos
30. Washington Commanders
31. New York Giants
32. Carolina Panthers
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50% vasectomies if the Bills win tonight!
based tradwife Temujin
>Panthers that high
>Bengals 12th for losing to a team fighting for first overall

Kek they're gonna be 3rd in division
Probably because the Big 12 refs didn't throw a flag every time the mutt threw an incompletion or pick...can't say the same nowadays...
>Patty Cuckitini
i literally cannot stop thinking about mahomes sex life
Mahomes quicksaves before every snap.
I know that feel, bro. I want to get loaded but don’t want go on another weeks long bender and end up with withdrawals.
>concussion andy

>black qbs

>left handed qbs
I can't stop thinking about Brittany squirming from the pleasure of my BBC while Patrick was in the corner with a go pro
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>except one
For me, it's Beyonce's new Whiskey line
Brittany is a Tr*mp supporter. She hates black people.
Save was corrupted because he saves too much and his ssd is becoming unstable.
>She hates black people.
I rather smoke a blunt and drink a Gatorade if I'm being honest
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Based, bow down to the true queen
based a bey pilled
>Save states
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
I'd rather snort yay and drink water desu senpai.
>Mahomes taking a picture of Brittany before she leaves with Rashee Rice for her date
What's wrong with that face? Is that a wax figure?
The size of the BBC permanently disfigures the face after a blowjob
Based gamer girl. I knew you were the one.
if you actually followed the cuck community, there's an abnormally large amount of rightoids that like seeing their wife get blacked
>left-handed, concussed, black qbs
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Is Kansas city a shithole? All I hear about it are the chiefs and the mob
If it's a feature in the game it's not cheating.
You're not part of the Chiefs organization, bucko. Now your wash your penis and clean your room. They both stink.
It's funny how half of us who are currently riding on on our team's week 1 victory will be right back into doomer mode by 3pm on Sunday.
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dolphins havent won a playoff game in 24 years
>t. mr. shekelmcgoldsteinberg of tel aviv
There's also a lot of shitty bbq and anal sex(with men)
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My Steelers get to play MUH FUGEN BIX NOOD :)
All of Missouri is a shithole
>not even 20 posts in and you fuckers can't stop talking about BBC and cuckoldry

the fuck is wrong with you people?
*solo loses like 3 games in one season as a receiver*
One of the best to ever do it
yeah you would know homo
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why even join the NFL if you can't call yourself a world champion after winning?
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It's a flyover shithole. It's basically a concentration of Midwest subhumans so it's actually worse off
Statistically speaking how many more times would McVay need to lose to Jared Goff for it to stop being funny?
Miami fans are mentally ill
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how do I get a cute bills gf?
oh my bad i was being ironic haha
I found out when I went there to watch my Lions win by 1 point against the Chiefs who were missing 2 of their most important players and I had tons of anal sex with men.
At least 5 more times
Rest assured I will not let any niggers near my wife, Temujin.
We don’t care much for KC, our beef is with Buffalel, PU England and Jew York
Step 1: Look somewhere other than Buffalo New York
My power is back on, just in time for the game :)

Fuck this backwards ass state
Only way to celebrate such a historic super bowl victory.
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>publix doesn't even bother to support the fish

Aren't dolphins mammals?
>looks absolutely insane

she must be incredible in bed
Did someone hit her with a shovel?
it's a meme, you dip
go find one at one of the SUNYs
ive heard fredonia is full of sloots
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bills mafia arent very bright
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IT'S GONNA BE OUR YEAR PHINBROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>TNF in an hour
>Thread is dead
Wow nobody cares about these teams huh
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>/nfl/ still screeching about my chiefs

stay mad
It's not a very good one desu senpai
Spike Dudley vibes
Not only that, but it's already 7:00 on the least coast so the wagies should be home and eating dinner already...
Aints really think they can beat the Cowboys now because they beat the worst team in the league
Watched a spike interview the other day and, not that it should be surprising since he is in his 50s, but he looks rough.
I’m too busy giving Temujin a foot massage to frequently post.
>crazy eyes

You're the one, dear friend whose season will end sobbing tears down your cheeks, and not happy 3-peat tears. It'll be like a boy whose dog died times five!

Let's get this shit started:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Bills fans are literal baboons, almost as subhuman as Eagles fans.
Temujin my tradwife did you get my 12 pack and the giant horse dildo to fuck yourself with while I watch the game?
Good evening sir!
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>Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Not really. It's more like a wish for us, we don't want to get hurt again.
This is the official song for tonight's game
Charissa owes me sex
this should be the year they overtake the Bills.
>chiefs fan face when the ref doesn't throw a flag to erase mahomes' 2nd would-be interception
>Driving while BLACK
Maybe just stop breaking the law.
Who is this white beauty?
This, but with Temujin instead because we’re happily married.
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>black qbs
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Love status?
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My gf and I are READY for the big game!
Love how they pretend they're so outraged when someone does le racism.
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i need an NFL related file name for this ASAP >>144373841
I'm going to Five Guys before the game, you guys want anything?
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Yoooo UNC thats not PG
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working on his HoF career...
Top 6 beat downs this week per Draft King odds

8 - Ravens over Raiders
7.5 - Lions over Bucs
6.5 - Eagles over Falcons
6.5 - Texans over Bears
6 - Cowboys over Saints
5.5 - Chiefs over Bengals
Double cheesebussy
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yeah, get me one cheeseburger, here's a fifty, should about cover it.
Please refrain from posting lewd and profane comments about my wife. Thank you.
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>Okay nerd, I have a date with the CFO tonight
The Baker disrespect is out of hand.
t. detoiletfag

cute boy
They don't think the Chargers are gonna utterly rape the Panthers?
Brittany Mahomes
Raiders with the incoming upset
Raiders and Falcons are winning outright tho
Philly nigga here, i think the Falcons will keep it close. They have weapons and our secondary is shit, we also didnt generate shit against Green Gay so Cousins will be more comfortable to throw
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Tua bros, how do we prove the haters wrong?
>8 - Ravens over Raiders
>7.5 - Lions over Bucs
>6.5 - Eagles over Falcons
>6.5 - Texans over Bears
>6 - Cowboys over Saints
>5.5 - Chiefs over Bengals
I love your optimism, babe! How was work today?
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Bros... she's back
My honey pimento love..
She sounds familiar ;0 :) ;)
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What is all that gross shit on top of the chicken
By winning the game tonight and not throwing up gang signs at Jesus.
Pregame thread
what is all of that gross shit below the chicken
get that goyslop out of here you fat fuck
Ron Rivera is really taking retirement hard
At my first ever home dolphins game right now
Making people play in temp/humidity conditions like this is a human rights violation
I thought the game was at 7, I'm just a bit pissed that we have to watch an interview of the latest victim of state violence. Bullshit, I paid Amazon for football not interviews with entitled shitbags that get beat
You and the Buffalo Bills are bitchmade. Bills @ Dolphins should've been a noon Sunday game.
Stop being gay. Thanks.
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>watching phins bills when there's real football on
I really hope none of you are doing this!
Drink beer to stay cool
dude I am a dolphins fan
Hate dumb interviews with dumb future defendants . What time does this shit start?
I think the Bengals always being this arrogant without doing anything is bad coaching. Belichick and Andy and other good coaches would never let their team yap like this constantly, let alone with nothing to show for it. Nobody is being the adult in the room and telling them to shut up and focus on the field
*picture not related
that Lions/Bucs line is wild
my condolences
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>No fun allowed
Aaron Hernandez killed a guy
Bro, they're getting devoured by Haitians just let them have fun while they're still alive.
I don't wear shoes either. Big deal
Have fun when you can beat a rookie coach in his first game and Jacoby Brissett
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>when it slips in accidentally
You’re alright anon. Hopefully you can get those demons under control so you can get off the wagon and drink with the bros again
Should I play Grounded or watch this game
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Reminds me of high school. Only time I really liked the blue ones
So far the TNF broadcast reminds me of the time I found shit in a pool and nobody claimed it. Fitz is washed, the blonde has an eating disorder -Sherman is legit but he'll never surpass his skip bayless moment -also fuck tyreek hill
Why the fuck are they focusing so much on this? He got arrested, big whoop.
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Go bills
A black man was arrested that’s national news.
>big whoop
Woop-woop, that's the sound of da police
Woop-woop, that's the sound of da beast
Woop-woop, that's the sound of da police
Woop-woop, that's the sound of da beast (yes indeed)
Woop-woop, that's the sound of da police
Woop-woop, that's the sound of da beast
Woop-woop, that's the sound of da police
Woop-woop, that's the sound of da beast (yes indeed)
Can someone tell me when this interview is over, Im not watching this dinger whine

I just want to see all of these people fight each other to the death
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Can you spot a biological woman in this picture?
police brutality is when a degenerate wife-beating child abuser gets let off the hook after a traffic violation because he’s le star foobaw player instead of actually having to suffer the consequences of his actions
They're holding the sign in the back
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He probably was given a fine of some sorts with his ticket. Not that that changes anything.
>Wiegrafposting in /nfl/
Based back the blue latina.
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The actual fuck is this??
I bet tyreek gets a career changing injury tonight
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>when it accidentally slips in
I bet Pooa throws up his set at Jesus tonight.
the future
Fuck Belly Swole, dude only made SummerSlam worse.
>with this character's death the thread of prophecy is severed
I bet jelly role is the guy from insane clown posse
Hey! Refer to this comment >>144373869
A literal demon
Gamethread up bros
refer to this bussy
Temujin is for the streets
>he doesnt know
Don’t speak about my wife that way.
Don't speak about our wife that way.
They're just reacting to the post without any counter arguments
They're just reacting to the bussy without any counter arguments
Bussy to the bussy without any counter bussy
Bussy bussy bussy wow thats so damn funny
Damn this bussy
Bussy make ya seethe?
Guess what I got for my bussy during TNF tonight?
na homosexuals are spawns of cancer
>those forearms
Fucking gay ass wop.
Leftists are upset that they have to work to survive
Tua throwing for 5 TDs tonight
and unfortunately those touchdowns will be for the Bills
How are Bills fans so confident after almost losing to Arizona?
I put down

$200 on Tua throws 325

S300 on Tua 4 pass TDs
tua stammering his broken english mushmouthed esl shit.... is he concussed already????
Tender babymaking sex with Temujin!
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can somebody put al michaels out of his fucking misery already? this guy sounds like he's narrating dried paint
He's sober.
Damn, that bills team beat the Chiefs? Damn. They must be very good. How many superbowl wins do they have?
For this we drink.
Why don’t teams just use two quarterbacks? Wouldn’t that throw off the defense?
I saw the best NFLer Tom Brady do a play where he threw the ball to Julian Edelman who threw it once more to a black player.
The defense was awestruck and seemed completely thrown off. The Patriots should run that more often.

Just draft a tight-end who also trained as a quarterback like Kelce or the fellow on the Saints team.
kickoff rule almost as big a bust as gayleb williams
this is completely normal commentary, and al has always been one of the calmer announcers. much more preferable to the gus johnsons of the world who yell like retards after every 5+ yard play thus devaluing the truly exciting moments
Most teams don't even have 1 quarterback
Nah, y’all drink to keep the withdrawals away.
How does that work? Is it all running backs?
Al is too old. It should be Kevin Harlan.
So it seems
>212 million american dollars
You fucking idiot.
His name is Pooa and he turns da ball ova.
What’s the point in an O-Line and receivers if there isn’t a quarterback to throw the ball?
>It’s called being a gunslinger retards
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they'll definitely cover the 9.5 spread
the gun in question
kekkarooni pizza
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Based. I drink AT LEAST 15 beers a night.
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Your 2024 NFL MVP.
Say something nice about him.
josh is gonna drag this depleted roster to the divisional round again and retards will still say he's an underachieving choker even though this is a 6 win team with an average qb
He should just become Chris Pratt’s stunt double
Am I schitzo or was there a red circle around the mike backer live for a split second on this past first down
Thats assault with a weapon chud
it's some new TNF feature where they try to predict if somebody is going to blitz before the snap using AI or whatever
said before the season started this is the best position they've been in. They don't have a shitter coordinator for the first time. Diggs was valuable earlier in Allen's career but he's better off without needing to force a quota to him now
didn't he beat lameme last year in almost everything and not get it?
>down by 10
>have to run the ball
Fucking Tua. Goddamn coconutnigger.
They have the playcall, given all the radio communication. Why do they need AI to show who's blitzing?
Tell me that won’t be implemented into some madden ass shit helmets with goggles/seeing sight to find blitz’s, read coverage! Or am I tripping. Also, thank you James Cook for the fantasy points :D
>Why do they need AI to show who's blitzing?
they don't but AI is the hot meme right now and everybody is trying to shoehorn it into everything
I really hope the AI take over and enslave us tbqh. Humanity hardly deserves the freedom we have.
remember when the panthers fumbled joe brady because matt rhule decided to make him his scapegoat
I don't know the exact rules but I know the TV coverage isn't allowed to tip anything off like that
yeah and guess where Dorsey ended up kek
This. It's the same reason they forced Tony Homo to stop being a fun announcer.
Imma kill any Terminators if they try to hurt you desu senpai
he's not calling plays at least, so he's a glorified qb coach
Yeah. I genuinely don't remember why the media pushed Lamar over everyone else.
>implying she isn't already lusting after BRC (Big Robot Cock)
What the fuck?! Where’s a coronal mass ejection event when you need one?
in fact they are the second-least coddled team so far, behind the Chargers.

[PFT] Tony Buzbee: New Deshaun Watson accuser will meet with NFL, has “pertinent” video
[PFT] Tony Buzbee: New Deshaun Watson accuser will meet with NFL, has “pertinent” video
[PFT] Tony Buzbee: New Deshaun Watson accuser will meet with NFL, has “pertinent” video
It's over.
>browns 19th

anon. just stop it already. The only way the Browns get into the top 20 is if Watson's season is over and Jameis takes over. Until then they are bottom feeders.
we need to study the tapes
based flu poster
People scoffed at me when I said he should be MVP that year
Why the fuck would she care to meet with his boss? Haslam plant confirmed
Unless she plans to sue the Texans
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NFL passing TD leader and Number 1 QB in the state of Florida (And your Hearts). Bakey.
lip implants. she can suck the chrome off a doorknob
Could've had an owl if he wasn't even more immature than his fans
>Ja’Marr Chase: We’re the team to beat in the AFC. We need to act like it, and we need to play like it.
Ja’Marr Chase: We’re the team to beat in the AFC. We need to act like it, and we need to play like it.
>Ja’Marr Chase: We’re the team to beat in the AFC. We need to act like it, and we need to play like it.
Ja’Marr Chase: We’re the team to beat in the AFC. We need to act like it, and we need to play like it.

Statbox droolers got caught up in muh turnovers even though a lot were harmless trying to generate something out of a bad situation. Most were 3rd and 10 mortars or 4th and 5 chucks in the end zone. Very few 2nd and 5 7yd dipshit passes that get taken back 30yds in a close game. A lot of QBs with half the turnovers have double of the latter types
Ja'Marr Chase plays for the Texans? Based.
The league needs to step in and stop having these primetime games be blowouts.
my jetties are going to bootyblast this dogshit fins team
The Dolphins are just the Cowboys of the AFC.
DeShaun....you got bigger fish to fry. Have you hired an attorney yet?
Your reply
So no proof?
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>Baker was the problem in Cleveland.
>Not the Browns tho bro
They're so cursed and cucked as a franchise. He's likely to win an owl because of this just to further rub it in.
That is ass
>black qbs
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>212.4million dollars for a qb that hasn't proven anything
Should've taken the risk
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Hawk Tua
Yeah that webm's getting posted all season
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tua's CTE kicking in
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fins cannot into buffalo
>white qbs
Josh Allen is the Last American Cowboy
the noodle arm paid the price bad there
Tua out there throwing up free pineapples again
lol i bet the bahamian tua apologist is crying rn and gonna kill himself. embarrassing
Tua’s dipshit father really screwed him over by forcing him to be a lefty ROFLMFAO.
Watch these fucking idiots run the ball while down by 3 scores.
wtf is this play calling, real dogshit
Can't really do anything when your QB is seeing ghosts.
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apologize to Brian Flores RIGHT FUCKING NOW

it's called Tua keeps throwing the ball to the wrong team so what the fuck else can we do
>Another head injury
Tua's retirement is imminent
Bro wtf
Pua concussed again
Tua got his eggs scrambled again
What are the fucking odds its Hamlin lmao
lmao what a fucking retard
Tua is going to end up like Junior Seau at this rate
on the bright side, Tua won't be throwing any more picks in this game
How has he still not learned how to slide or dive
Clear fencing response. That's 100% another concussion. Fuck, that's awful.
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>Hawk Tua

Seau was a much better qb than Tua ever was
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nothing goes together quite like TNF and Tua losing 15 IQ points
Damar Hamlin posted this
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Horrryyyy sheettttt
Based orb ponderer.
Phins should sign Tennelel
>Higgins + Hamlin = Hamlin ded
>Hamlin + Tua = Tua ded
>Higgins + Tua = ???????
He always does the retarded hands, it's so bad.
Phins are probably calling the Broncos for Zach Wilson or Stidham right now
that's the slowest I've ever seen someone fall down to give themselves up
we say this every thread
So much for judo
Yeah, I have no doubt that's a concussion. If he doesn't go into the protocol and sit out for a while someone needs to step in and shut down the league.
Milf Hunter in Miami would be fun.
lmao at the Dolphins and bahamafag
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>With the first overall pick of the 2025 NFL draft, the Miami Dolphins select: Shadeur Sanders. Quarterback. Colorado.
Fucking coconut dipshit
>The #Steelers are trading Quarterback Russell Wilson to the Miami Dolphins for a 2025 1st and 2025 2nd Round pick
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> have QB with a very public series of concussions
> know he's at risk for more
> don't plan for it by having one of the worst backups in the league
Why did they do this?
It's over.
Don't let the concussion have you forget that Tua threw a pick because his noodle arm couldn't get the ball to the sideline.
Thursday night, week #2, and the Dolphins season is over
McDaniels is too busy snorting coke off of hookers asscracks to care
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Where were you when Tuanon was kill?
I blame his coconutnigger father for forcing him to be a lefty.
if i was a cat in the bahamas id be hiding rn
>"It's a lot of strategic falling that is patterned after things that happened to our quarterbacks during the season," McDaniel said. "So kind of recreating those things, because the master of jiu-jitsu had to study some game tape to understand how he was falling, where the impact points were, and what we could do to help correct it."
How about "SLIDE NIGGA"
i know he's fighting instinct but it's really dumb to half ass fall forward limp in traffic. Hamlins a little stick too just keep the effort if you're not going to slide
Gee, maybe don’t use your head to make contact with the fucking safety.
think tua's judo practice payed off?
You can tell he's completely unaware of hiw to be a mobile QB. He's never been good at going down and he clearly doesn't know how to take on a tackle. Power running QBs like Hurts and Allen don't go head first into a shoulder like that. Your whole body has to be into taking on the oncoming force.
3 yards beyond the first down marker. Maybe practice that.
Just goes to show You don't win with sơy.
He needs to retire.
Soon the wind will ko him
well i have no idea where the Dolphins are supposed to find a new starting quarterback, or how the fuck they're going to pay him, but i do wish them luck. hopefully it won't take more than a few years.
All the practice in the world won’t help if you’re too dumb to slide once you’ve already gotten the first down and you’re about to get lit up
They should pick up Pickett for peanuts from Philly.
ryan tannehill is available lol
this thompson dude is fucking awful
judo practice entails being thrown on your head dozens of times... tua isnt very bright.
Why cant the dolphins get over the bills hump?
Shit, with how Tua got concussed makes me scared for Jayden
oh the irony
Please fine him for lowering his helmet, out of genuine consternation and not just bc it'd be funny
Most QBs could be doing what Tua and Purdy are doing in these schemes with their rosters. That's why paying babbys like that and killing your cap is fucking retarded. Just get Zach Wilson, Pickett or Tannehill or some random QB like that for nothing. Tua and Purdy are unironically replaceable

they shit canned Tannehill a long time ago, he probably wouldn't even pick up the phone
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>I see you need a QB
Tua has never played as well as Purdy
Thomas Brady.
Tua is more injury prone than Jimmy G
God please some one take Pick-it
team is a gimmick and if you aren't shit they're easy to figure out facing them 4 times every 15 months. they're hard to beat as a one-off game if your personnel is shit though
Even if this is the end of Tua's career, as I fear it may well be, I will always appreciate that I was here to witness it while it lasted. Like living to see Beethoven compose his symphonies or Shakespeare write his masterpieces, the gift of greatness is not to be taken lightly, no matter how fleeting.
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Andrew Luck springs to mind
Mike wishing he was railing lines right now.
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looks like he's about to cry :(
"Joshua 'The Passtronaut' Dobbs has signed a 2 year 50 million dollar contract with the Miami Dolphins!"
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49ers are the better team
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what a legend
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>the gift of greatness
I think I missed that part
Adam Shefter reporting he believes Tua is “unlikely to play professional football going forward”.
lmao what a crybaby faggot nerd
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Why does Schefterstein always have to insert himself into everything?
That's clearly on Tua. How do you fucking dive head first there with a history of concussions, after spending entire offseasons dedicated to not getting concussed? He had plenty of time to slide. I get the first down is there. But you're clearly losing the game and not worth risking. I feel bad for some concussions, thinking maybe you're not """""injury prone""""" and you're just unlucky. But lowering your fucking head into a linebacker's knees clearly makes you prone to fucking injury. What the fuck is wrong with him?
Everyone knew this.
>Fencing response
This dude is cooked
if shefter is saying that then its DONE. maybe he even retires tonight.
Niners still winning when they are injured. See the blowout to the jets. Aiyuk dropped a bunch, cmc hurt. Rookie rg. He unironically played mistake free football in a week when everyone threw ints. Just made the right plays u like pooa
Bro went head first into his chest. Just slide you fucking idiot.
Baby bro thought he was Big Ben.
Why is Brisket playing instead of Maye next week?
he was trying to kill him again, kinda based desu
so, what's the minimum amount of games Tua is gonna be out?

4? 6? 8? season ending IR? or is this the last time Tua ever plays pro ball?

what say you /sp/?
Serves him right for trying to give Hamlin another cardiac arrest.
Minimum is until he clears the protocol. Often it's 1 game.
Shanny to Jimmy G to an owl. You can keep doing this ad nauseum but everyone is pretty much in agreement Pirdy is a babby but does it well.
The 49ers paying him anything more than $35 million would break them cap wise.
Tua is not playing again.
rumors tua collapsed in the locker room and hit his head AGAIN
He should honestly retire. A stiff breeze would give him a concussion at this point.
Josh Allen having ptsd
>Compares Josh Allen to Thanos
>Allen puts on the infinity gauntlet and snaps the remaining half of Tua's brain from existence
Kneel to prophet Brandt
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Poverty teams cannot avoid the salary cap like rich teams can by having fat stacks on hand. Pay purdy a ton guaranteed upfront. Shift everyones cap hit around. Open up space now to load most of purdys cap hit immediately because guaranteed bonus can be amortized over 4 years. Then when the cap increases again in the future you still technically have space.
kek those retards gave him the bag too
If he retires, does he keep all the money?
>took jimmy g to an owl
>took the legitimate last pick in the draft to an owl
Imagine what Shanahan could do with a great QB, maybe they'll win an owl. Too bad Shanahan doesn't care about QBs and sees them as replaceable
Crazy that Josh Allen managed to get 3 turnovers to seal the game. Truly elite
tfw your mom won't make you tendies
Depends on his contract but my guess is absolutely not all of it.
he keeps all the guaranteed money irrc
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come home, white man
Fuck Tua
Give this man a drink
Just took a fat steaming Tua lads
>his qb died so now hes grasping at straws
its ogre
Lolphins should take Pickett.
It's fake you dumb fag
What would be the point of guarantees otherwise
For the small price of a 2nd round pick.
Checked. It's happening.
quads of truth
>$167.1 million
Essentially 3 years. It's not that big of a deal. We're halfway through the first year already.
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>kicked to the curb to tank for pooa
>team comes crawling back after pooa dies
I want this to happen so badly
Is Dak the only QB that got paid that doesn't look like shit?
>oohaah hurtingallova
Until playoffs.
if he retires? dunno about that. depends if it was a signing bonus i think
for now
>Biggest playoff choker
These QB's are way too overpaid
He got BTFO in the Wild Card at home by the 7th seed.
I can’t wait to see him stat pad against better teams.
getting cut != retiring
>Love gets paid after one good season
>immediately gets injured
>Tua gets paid after one good season
>immediately gets injured
personally I would wait for at least two good seasons
Dirtiest player since the AFL-NFL merger or dirtiest player of all time?
love didn't even have one good season, he looked like shit the first half
I would pay QBs peanuts from now on.
i’m so pissed i could eat a cat
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BS dirty plays from Buffalel as usual
Tua will be back next game stronger than ever
IT'S STILL OUR YEAR PHINBROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
burfict was dirtier
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>leave sauron to me
>BS dirty plays from Buffalel as usual
Tua made contact with his head like a retard.
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He's got nothing on Billy R
>tua throwing up gang signs again
He's done.

Seeing it the first time was crazy but a 2nd time, granted it wasn't animated like before actually felt more serious and scary.
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Know what, idk. But I'm guessing that something like this is exactly what guarantees are sought
pretty dogshit game overall tbqh but a nice W for the bills

2 easy wins on the board
tua got hexed by bahomo's bad vibes and negative aura.
Too young to remember Romanowski
>66 games left in the Tagovailoa era
>So Mike, can you walk us through Tua's back injury there?
same story every season till he gets kicked out in the playoffs by Mahomes or Burrow
Tired of the Josh dick sucking
tua seems like an idiot lol. why the fuck did he think he could truck someone?

he was the locker room drug dealer, too
Zoomie zoom zoom
so sick of that piece of shit thug on miami throwing gang signs every game
>60 milscott
Tua is my most hated QB after the Flores debacle so I don't care
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>Tua Turndaballova next season
in hindsight, giving that much money to a guy with a history of concussions seems ill advised
bro thought he was him
He literally killed Antonio Brown and cause the birth of AB
Bruh you guys almost lost to the fucking cardinals. It was 28-34 so calm down
Spent the summer everyone on earth associate his name with sucking dick and is feeling insecure
love had a good half season
tua had a good nothing. anyone can just throw it and pray for tyreek
What the FUCK was that game?
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lmao based
an assassination

Tua has taken a lot of big shots to the brain, he's getting a little dumber every game he plays
After today I can firmly conclude that your 2025 AFC Champion is the Kansas City Chiefs
bahamafag is performing some ancient caribbean vodoo ritual to resurrect tua as we speak, as he has done many times before. but tua always comes back that much weaker, the monkey's paw of his little ceremonies. how much longer will they get away with it?
caused the birth is so funny. like he created a supervillain.
Half a billion dollars in 2 quarterbacks who will never play again.
Over/under on Tia dying in his sleep tonight?
who the fuck is tia? is she cute?
My digits confirm it.
Dolphin faggots were SO loud after barely beating the Jaguars last week Goodell said "Not on my dollar bitches here's another injury season for you"
This is just setting up for Brady to return and finish off Mahomes in the AFCCG
Classic TNF
The correct format for that would be
>over under .5 nights of sleep before he dies
I'm gonna say it, he deserved it
last two digits is the percent chance
tyreek was pretty quiet tonight bros does he need to get arrested to be good?
The owner deserved it for that bloated contract. Hope this retires Tua for good.
It's sad how basically every dog breed is extinct now. No matter where I go or where I look, the only dog I ever see now is some pit bull variant
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these two are complicit
I assume you live in a city. I rarely see them in rural areas.
Miami is a shit city.
That would be massive scripting but I'd still watch
Make a new thread retards
if Tua comes back he'll have to be the first player to wear a guardian cap in game
What shithole do you live in
multiple players already have. o-lineman on the steelers, and a colt player whose name i forgot
Guys are already wearing guardian caps
>gets another concussion
>gets progressively bigger guardian cap
could’ve done it earlier
>Tired of the Josh dick sucking
he deserves it desu. his team let him down time and time again. he has to play perfectly otherwise his team loses. last season his defense did not force a single punt. the chiefs scored on every drive. even if josh made that read to diggs on that final throw, the chiefs just would have let mahomes march down the field anyways like they did all game.
I'm glad you lost faggot

We're gonna need a bigger cap
Nah, that old fuck is making too much money doing shitty broadcasts on Fox
We finally get an irl big head cheat
He didn't post a slip so it's a LARP
Miami can't even fill up a stadium for a single sporting event outside of Messi. It's like a shitty aids-infested Spanish speaking wannabe version of LA.
Nah dude jiu jitsu
Basically. Trevor looked fine, too.
The world cup and Olympics are coming so they'll be fine

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