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The old coconut is not looking too good
shit teams
It's over James cook is gonna get another 100 yards and run out the clock
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Come on Reggie Ray get up!
unfortunate, but you gotta admit - out of everyone in the NFL, Damar Hamlin ending Tua's career is elite irony.
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>[Adam Schefter] Tua reportedly vomited in the locker room multiple times. #Dolphins medical staff has approved his transfer to Jackson Memorial Hospital for further scans.
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If the Bills win this game, all beautiful women (especially women of color) will forever serve the sexual desires of white men.

If the Dolphins win, the same result happens.
no need for this thread, they're already dead

Such a liar
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this so much this
Tua dying this season betting odds?
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That thing he did with his hands was sketch af
>heem everyone even myself
So true. So true.
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Your terms are acceptable
>Nooo not that type of injury it doesn't count!!
You realize you're not watching boxing right?
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I have one of these, do you think it will go up in value?
god loves us
more like tyler ass
Holy fuck
just a bit outside
>nfl kickers
not like it matters
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what have you guys been eating for the game? wife and i didn’t wanna cook so got mcdonalds on ubereats in the first quarter
>helmet brushes his arm
>somehow this ragdolls his baby neck and heems him
pathetic way to go out, his other concussions were due to his head snapping like that as well. Tua has no neck strength
Hire Tannehill, start Thompson while Ryan learns the schemes.
Tua's career at this point has to be finished. There is no way any medical doctor should be able to clear him.
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And there it is
If true, pretty standard concision symptoms
I want to fuck Maria Taylor and Angel Reese
It only took 6 minutes for medical professionals to determine that Tua had a concussion.

What does /sp/ think they asked him during those 6 minutes?
You’re cooked
Phinsbros it is so fucking over I hope they sign some gunslinger retard who will just memechuck it over and over because this coconut is literally not going to make it another game
Glad you found a gimmick anon
make the call
Post it on your real account coward
Would that have even cleared the bottom bar?
weird how bitchknees also sudoku'd
RIP concussion man, Damar Hamlin is a murderer, Josh Allen's pistachio farm will pay
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fake mcdonalds order screenshots are boring and played out
who hes voting for
>pro kickers
>Tua suffered a traumatic brain injury on this play, no question. His right arm shows the "fencing posture" indicating loss of consciousness & is on the severe end on the #concussion spectrum. He is done for the night and must miss the next game.
This nigga's career might actually be over
Repaint the eyes so they're crossed
It was pretty obvious getting heemed, aka knock the fuck out, was what was being discussed, anon.
allen jumping around on the dolphins bench just taunting them lmao
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I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rhinds
But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
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>learns judo to master control of his body
>still dives headfirst into defenders
we are talking about heems and why zoomer QBs like Tua and Mahomes get heemed easily compared to Brady and other older QBs. How low is your IQ?
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I still cannot believe Tua ran head first into Damar Hamlin's chest like he was trying to finish the job
Have you niggas seen a worse backup QB? Get used to Thompson. Tua’s out for a while
>going 1-16 is worse than going 1-15
And he obviously said Drumpf
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>B-Brady would never be injured!! /pol/ said so!!
What day is it?
Who is the Vice President?
How many fingers am I holding up?
Count backwards from 20
Say the alphabet backwards
Here, look into this flashlight
we all know it's you
Thompson is fine he's had barely any time.
"name a PS5 exclusive"
On a scale of 1 to over how over is it?
>collect 100 mil in guaranteed money
>put head down and concuss yourself
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They hated him because he told the truth
runs into hamlins chest (attempted murder) then starts throwing gangsigns at him
McDaniel's good will is going to run out so fast and people will realize what a faggot little redditor he is
Damar back to 1 KD
Ninja is based af
What are you Dolphfags gonna give me for Daniel Jones?!
Tua actively concussed is still probably better than whatever the Panthers have going on. It could be worse.
I'm buying the dip on Tua Token, who's with me bros?
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Trump supporting bitch down
He probably couldn't even answer what year it was. Like you could see him walking back his eyes were just glazed over. He had no clue what was even happening.
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Why can't the dolphins score?
How low is your IQ when you think the toughest QB in the league who just led his team to a SB victory with a bad injury two years ago gets "heemed easily"? You're not even worth my time
Fuck you
fraid so
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Make the call, McDaniels
Hope so. I like the Dolphins. Mostly because of McDaniel though
thompson is completely flat-footed in the pocket
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KC buck broke them last season
Ok so you have one phone call to make if you were the Fins from office. Who gets it?

>Mr. Unlimited in a trade
>Jimmy G
Fuck man. This is unfortunately why I’m never letting my kids play this game. I love it and have spent so much of my life watching and playing, but the injuries, specifically head injuries, are so terrifying.
Time to sign Kap! He Fucking knows the offense and all he needs is the playbook!
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Bill would literally put Brady on the injury list every week just to fuck with teams and make them second guess their game plans.
That's barely enough for one person anon..
>0 concussions
zoomer bros...
none of those queers have ever taken a hit half this hard

How do you heem yourself running into a guy? I think if I ran full speed into a brick wall I'd be okay. There's now way they let Tua play again. No chance, his brain is swiss cheese at this point
Rather them call Fitzpatrick. He's already there right now for amazon.
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
uh i dont feel so good bros...
>talking heads calling for Tua to retire
he's done
Dumb coconut should have gotten the vax
Coaches should just be allowed to surrender a game to end it early, just for situations like this. This is just pathetic.
Phins season is literally over
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Ah of course. Lmao
remember last year when people said Skylar Thompson could and should be a starting QB in the NFL?
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>bengals lost
>raiders lost
>now phins season is over
Next is the 49ers because of Nick Bosa
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Giving me flashbacks to my DUI anon pls stop
Tannehill 100%
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Mac10, he has the highest upside and the season is basically over anyways.
NFL literally changed the injury report rules because Belichick listed Brady as questionable (shoulder) for most of his career kek
Anon, that’s just how things are already.
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Make the call, Mcdaniels
Fuck man. This looked like the only good TNF of the season and this shit happens.
Wonder if that has anything to do with him being a pocket QB... let's give it all our best brain power
you're not getting Rudolph. at this point he's looked better than Levis. titans would give up Levis sooner than Rudolph. they have a week 5 bye and Rudolph might be finishing the season for the Titans at that point
me on the left
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Anyone got a webm of the heem?
if this is true, you will never see a bahama flag on /sp/ ever again
the week he tore his acl was the first time in like 5 years he wasn't on the injury list
Do Haitians eat cats?
Crashing this field.....WITH NO SURVIVORS
based inspector
What the fuck are you doing still feeding Achane in this situation
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>Tua going to retirement home
>Tyreek going to jail
>McDainels going to the glory hole
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What are you driving at? That he got under your skin?
It's over, isn't it?
>lose a glorified game manager
>season over
there are at least 5 QBs they could sign off the street who would improve them. Or trade for Wentz or some other legit backup
NFL will be canceled after this season
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rolling the dice with Flacco
What is the Tua dead-pool looking like
Now I just threw up and collapsed
>Damar Hamlin kills a man on the eve of Friday the 13th
Girls at work are flirting with me and I don’t know how to respond
Zach Wilson
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lol turn off the game and see tua get injured. I am tired of the fucking roller coaster.
>showing a tua ad
>goodell was at the game watching tua die
It's hilarious that people don't understand this.
How dare you forget him so soon.
tasteless ad from paramount+
>Or trade for Wentz
Would be kino
I say Stidham honestly
>187 weeks injured
>15 weeks missed
He is too big a soiboi
I just have the same feeling as when Tannehill tore his ACL in training camp after choosing to not have surgery on the partial ACL tear he had the season before.
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OK, but who's on first?
Tell them the truth about you being gay. They will appreciate it
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The LAD got fired bc he was too busy finding new ways to abuse to rule-book to bother finding a real offensive coordinator.
He was just as good as Tua desu
its a setup bros...
just happens to run into the clone of damar hamlin?
c'mon wake up sheeple.
Soooo Bahama killed himself?
He retired bro, officially will retire as an Eagle on Monday night in philly.
say "I can smell your pussy from here"
>Commercial re-enactment of medical professional evaluating Tua
He’s retired
>did someone say number 1?

Wish they would have aired this right after the concussion.
Could have been the equivalent of the "chicken fried....cold beer on a Friday night!"
Woah is this real
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Alright, niagaras. I'm out. My oshi calls.
anyone have the webm of justin herbert being "tackled" by damien wilson and bowling him over
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>tua commercial where he's too retarded to work fast food
no but tua sure did
whopper whopper whopper whopper tier
Should be a kino moment
Sniff their butts to assert dominance.
Mf’s on a rampage
enjoy it because as soon as you get a real job it’s over
So another decade of dolphins irrelevance. JUST FUCKING Die already ross
Retired ain't dead
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>NFL will cuck defenses even harder after this because Tua is a retard who dives head first into defenders
Goodell driving in front like a NASCAR caution lap swerving in both lanes to not let anyone pass at 20 MPH
twitch viewers are dropping like sand through an hourglass
it's over.
it was over a while ago.
Shit teams
anyone notice how you never see the tripfag and the bahama fag at the same time?
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rumor has it he turned off the tv to go slurp some semen
>based commentators talking about baseball

Haha based
It's real I'm the ambulance driver
What a Fucking insulting thing to ever say to a woman? What the Fuck!?
>Announcers literally shooting the shit
I love when they're fully off script. They actually sound like people
>they give so little a fuck they start talking about baseball
Based on what?
I would not be surprised if Andrew Luck gets in contact with Tua before the week is over to try and talk him into early retirement
justin herbert won
on being based
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Oh the final Grand Tour is up, screw this game I'm out
Legends never die
Multiple MDs on twitter who are neuro specialists are saying he was Fucking fencing and that indicates this is the worst type of concussion. They are pleading for his career to be over!
For me, it’s Al Michaels & Kirk Herbstreit
The Bills sent Stefon away and now they are even better....
>>Announcers literally shooting the shit

I don't think you know what "literally" means
>Tell me about the pistachios Josh
Shit. Sorry.
Some of the best games for commentary are blowouts or games so bad no one is scoring. They just start swapping stories until something actually happens.
Sexyy Redd would probably just agree with you and let you hit it raw.
Fuck I wish I was young again
t.was a restaurant lead at a beach side amusement park before cancel culture
This is why I wanted him working in the pocket and not scrambling, he is just a dangerous runner with concussion history.
lol at this point the Bills don't want to get another INT because they feel bad.
my bad. they were literally chewing the fat.
That's what happened last time
Its TNF this should be expected.
I like to think in the future mankind will get intelligent enough to develop flexible exoskeleton armor to safely play this sport
Dolphins bros, I feel bad for you the for the rest of autumn...damn
commentors were actually entertaining when they were talking about von miller's fried chicken knowledge
they should go off-script more
>Elon Musk was an early draft pick
What did the announcers mean by this
Punished Carson redemption arc.
A mother frickin fencerooni?!
lel what do you think you can be "canceled" from doing?
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Al what shitting on the quality of games last year, about how they never get any good ones
Shooting the shit is a figure of speech, but that doesn't mean it's a figurative expression which literally changes the definition of. You should learn the difference
30+ years and each year since flores' firing i wonder what the fuck I'm doing
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Make the call, Miami
Ok. The announcers in the booth are now just having a conversation that is off-topic to the football game they should be talking about.
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Welcome to Miami
Smokin' Jay is too busy drinking bush and crushin' puss to play again.
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Cooked fish
Do all the Browns players wear their birth year on their jersey?
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Trubros... were so back
This is feeling like a cursed season already
mitchie moment
Why don't the Dolphins just try winning?
The last two NFL games were such blowouts the starters sat out at the end.
Colts are gonna need him in 3 weeks when Richardson gets knocked out for the year
Jets fan here but I'm gutted. I've had a concussion before and it's the worst. I hope Tua is okay.
wait that's Joe Flacco, don't mind me I'm drunk as shit
Tua needs to retire before he dies
why does Damar Hamlin keeps getting hit in the chest?
I'm not even trolling, I wanted to see them unlock what could be. It sucks man. Still a ton of talent on the team but it just has to feel absolutely deflating
Nah, fuck him. He ruined my parlay.
>Thank god AI told me how to feed my kids
Do single dads really?
whats jay cutler up to these days?
Yeah, Why Not Be A Winner
>Look man, you're already a multimillionaire in your mid 20's. Call and quits and enjoy life while you still have working joints and fine motor control.
this. same w browning
McDaniel and Tua have been worse than gase and his retardation.
This is Bahamafag's fault. He put a juju hex on Tua.
>m-muh heckin bettorinos
Bro they are talking about his family surrounding him...it's over for real
Tua just wants to die doing what he loves. Who are we to stand in his way?
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I've tried to tell that motherfucker for 4 seasons now he's a curse. He does it on purpose I swear.
Bahamas bro...you alright man?

nah that's you
>loved ones surrounding him
its ogre
Damar stood in his way.
so bitch knees was a closet tua slurper all along
I mean it was a fuckling gnarly hit, but yeah it feels like it's over
Is this the end of bahamafag? there can't be any coming back from this right?
>We are told he can move
>No talk of his mental capabilities
Uh oh
Luck was smart enough to realize he doesn't need football. Tua was trying to convince himself that he is tough enough to come back and keep playing at the cost of not being able to put on socks or remember his name or address in 15 years.
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Damn the fins are shit
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Wordfilter KWAB when?
fraid so. fraid not
>all his family with him
If they love him, they'll convince him to hang them up
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How was Damar Hamlin cleared to come back to football!? That socker player that his heart stopped he was forced to retire because nobody would ever clear him!
I just looked at the hit. Tua was starting to throw up gang signs again.....

I think his career is officially done
>hes awake and alert
His dumb fucking ass decided it'd be smart to make first contact with his head.
>it's the worst
what's it feel like?
His dad beat him with a belt when he didn't throw right, he's probably in the locker room calling him a pussy
I could say the same thing about a goldfish
worked bitch
he's not wrong though, grier has fucked around for *8* YEARS and not fixed key problems with the phins.
that's his 4th? concussion in 2 years. His brain is probably already scrambled beyond repair. May as well die on the field so his family can make sure to secure the bag.

Another shit Thursday game in the books.

That guy is still playing. Wdym.
>awake and alert
>acts like frosty the snowman as soon as he gets the hat
>yep, everything is fine, on to Seattle
he needs to go on the adam friedland show
He spent a year playing less than 20 minutes of football and going around to CPR centers giving speeches and being used as a token to preach safety in the NFL

Of course they cleared him to go back, it would completely nullify the "Look guys, football is still safe!" that they had him do for them
Get over it Kevin
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Its a clone. Damar hamlin died.
He got CPR before he got any suffered any meaningful brain damage and it was a more of a freak accident than any chronic condition Hamlin has.
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>Pats sucks
>Jets suck
>Phins suck
Congrats on winning the AFCE in week 2 Buffalo
Soder could hook them up
This. So much this
You now remember Sean Mcdermont calling his Disney movie trick play to Hamlin that completely failed and lost them the Chiefs game
that's what I'm saying, Adam should get Soder to get Mcdaniels on the show.
soccer is a fag sport
His wife gonna tell him to stop being a pussy and get that bread.
Pats are 1-0, dumbass
Tua knows he can slide right?
His dad will 100% beat him this week.
Not anymore.
>that's his 4th? concussion in 2 years.
His 4th MAJOR concusion in 2 years. Most football players are suspected to suffer low-grade concussions every game.
True, but not as faggy as you.
he was trying to kill hamlin
not anymore
Probably forgot due to brain damage
>14 points against the panthers
Is this achievable natty?
the panthers lost by 37 and played the saints
I can appreciate the bills.
They get a lot of snow up there and I love me a good blizzard game. If they don’t fucking delay it that is
>NFL knew this was going to happen which is why they scheduled it for prime time
I'm starting to think Tua is made to be some sort of ritual sacrifice for some unknown higher power.
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yeah that’s because my saints are elite. just watch them dismantle Dallas this week
he ran full on into the clone of damar hamlin while goodell watched.
>GB and Miami both having their seasons end in September
Bro, fans go in and scoop the snow off the seats to watch the game lmao
at least Tua was having a good game when he got forced into retirement
Yeah I know. I remember that pic
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>clone of damar hamlin
>implying that wasn't tulpa damar instead
Well that was definitely a Thursday Night Football game.
hearty kek
Yeah, right into concussion protocol
>for some unknown higher power.
Hamlin escaped death by offering Tuas soul
Is Tua going to be even crazier than Antonio Brown in the future?
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kek tulpa damar is fucking killing me
Hawk TUA
Chris Benoit
really not much out there besides tannehill. guys like wilson, heinicke, wentz, rudolph just aren't available until the tank is on for teams. you could probably get jones or cousins if you can figure out the cap lol.
a concussed tua is still better than a healthy danny dogshit
Pick up Pickett from Philly for peanuts
Bills fans may keep eating cakes filled with razor blades but dolphins fags just flat out eat razor blades and get confused why it hurts
The sliding CTE scale of Antonio Brown, Dave Mirra, and Chris Benoit
You want the real answer?

>QB can't read defenses because his brain is smooth as glass at this point
>entire offense is based on le run fast guys and timing based plays to the first read
>opponents figured this out and are just playing man with 2 safeties up top
>jamming the receivers at line fucks up the timings and Mr. Smoothbrain can't figure out what to do after the first read doesn't work
Doesn't help that the line isn't great.

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