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>international slurpfest is finally over
how many gøls tomorrow?
>the only two relevant sudaca teams lost to no name shitters
The Firstie Era Continues
2 gøls
What is the GOAT drinking?
Horse cum
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*Scors a few gøls*
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Funeral times
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For some reason he looks kinda black to me despite being completely white
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Its the nose and the protruding forehead
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he is crazy
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I get through around 8 pints of milk a week tbqh.
Nothing about his nose or his forehead is black lol
raw milk
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Totally the same nose btw lol how delusional are u anon look at the bridge blacks noses are flat
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That’s called a snub nose not negroid
Who gives a fuck? There's nothing more sovlless than this tap-in merchant pushing it 2 meters behind the goal line after all the other cogs in Shitty's machine have already done their job. It's unbelievable how without Messi/Xavi/Iniesta/Busquets, Pep ball immediately became a non addictive substitute for benzodiazepines.
why is he so ugly? there are plenty of ugly people in the world but something about his face is repulsive at an instinctual level
No Haaland in FPL, lads
Another perfectly hetero soccer thread
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so unfortunate
Oh Jenny baby I love youuuu

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