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File: wojaktani.jpg (98 KB, 828x735)
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Thread for fans of Ohtani and not necessarily baseball.

>Dave Robtards leaves door open for ohtani to get reinnured in the post season
>As of current year no full time DH has ever won an MVP award
>Shohei cam! Why this player has his own live feed in the team dugout that is only for him and some deranged logic about now that’s actually really cool
File: h8sbaybaw.png (898 KB, 828x761)
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898 KB PNG
This is the thread
In the past, there used to be Zlatan cams for when Zlatan played on whatever team. As in they'd have the camera locked on Zlatan only. Of course this was only in Sweden. I don't know if they did it every game either.
Nobody on my planet knows who this is.
everyone on the planet knows who this is
yes but not on my planet
based Andromedan
Finally, a thread for me. Baseball is so boring, but I want to support Ohtaner.

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