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>The PAC-12 may be coming back from the dead. The two-team conference of Washington State and Oregon State is targeting Boise State, San Diego State, Colorado State and Fresno State as new additions in a reimagined Pac-6. Those schools are expected to soon apply or have already applied for membership into the conference — the first step in the process to complete the deal. They would join the league starting with the 2026 school year.
>UMass is rejoining the MAC.
>UConn/Big XII talks are on hold, though the door is still wide open according to both parties.

>Week Three
#20 Arizona v. #17 Kansas State (Manhattan, KS)
#7 Oregon v. Oregon State (Corvallis, OR)
#5 Notre Dame v. Purdue (West Lafayette, IN)
Tulane v. #15 Oklahoma (Norman, OK)
Washington State v. Washington (Seattle, WA)
Colorado v. Colorado State (Fort Collins, CO)
West Virginia v. Pitt (Pittsburgh, PA)

/cfb/ pick 'em: https://fantasy.espn.com/games/college-football-pickem-2024/group?id=a55c8e21-61f9-42a5-ae49-cb87e3371c2c


previous: >>144374479
what even is an aggie anyways?
Coach Grapeape
>#5 Notre Dame
um ...
erm actually...
For me it’s the Big Sky, the most soulful conference.
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Who else /sip/
#5 most embarrassing program to be a fan of maybe
That was a beautiful throw. Cut the receiver tomorrow
lol copied and pasted from week 2's threads
unlv a shit
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/sip/ an ice cold water
>we’ll never see this again and we’ll just have to settle for Chokelelhomo jobbing to mediocre to bottom-tier SEC schools like Kentucky and SCAR
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I think you meant to post this. Oklahoma won on a last second touchdown. Also for every time Kansas beat Oklahoma in football, Oklahoma beat Kansas three times.
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what a name lol
That hashtag is what he hits 19 year olds with at the bar, right after introducing himself as Joey Freshwater
oh no not the heckin mandrama
I still don't understand why arizona kansas state isn't a conference game just because it was scheduled long ago
It's 2 teams in the same conference playing each other wtf
>having to make up fanfics to cope with losing
Scripted sweaty mandrama: cringe
Unscripted sweaty COLLEGE FOOTBALL: based
It's what happened. Oklahoma won, and would strangle the life out of Kansas 70-0. The team could take practice off, and still win.
Smackdown got moves to USA network
Heard it got cancelled
At no point do I want my offensive coordinator to look like he sells drugs on the corner after practice.
>black coach
>looks at football like basketball
>plays street hoops football
Can't make this shit up
Kansas can't stop a legit manlet 5'7" RB
that go-go is a no-no
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unlv looks like the better team but they will still probably lose
> lineup
And there it is
jimmy graham played basketball
Sometimes I can't stand watching cfb broadcasts because of these fucking story angles they take on about 4-5 items and harp on the whole fucking game.
I just got back from watching the colorado pratice.

all i gotta say is.. I feel bad for colorado state. Coach prime has his boys ready in warrior mode lmao. They said they gonna fuck up the white boy who hurt hunter last year lol

Its gonan be a blood bath tomorrow.

Coach Prime is ready for war tomorrow.
Alabama's gonna look weak/mid against Wisconsin, and then bumrape Georgia.
go eat a banana, Shiloh
>play hunter literally 100+ plays per game
>blame [insert random player] for him getting heem'd

i know that's just a shitpost, but deion definitely feels that way
lel wasnt that gus?
wisconsin is worse than USF, I think they'll get mogged just bc they are scared of the Alabama name
THAT Kansas is back
Yes. Dobbins went off against Michigan in 2019 and Gus decided the world needed to know he was almost aborted
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i'm told Colorado has vowed to make this game
> personal
Gonna order some pizza, what toppings you guys want?
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Four me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
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I'm a Wisconsin fan and we can't stop the run and Fickell is in way over his head. Milroe won't even have to throw the ball a lot. If it's only a two score game going into the 4th I'll be satisfied.
Extra Bussy is all I need. anon thanks
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double cheese
On my fucking knees praying for a CSU win, it would be the funniest thing that has ever happened
your linebackers are unbelievable putrid dogshit
never a thing I would be saying about Wisconsin, what the fuck is fickell doing
while you're down there anon....
whats up with all these Tyreek Hill commercials?
Hiring Alex Grinch as co-DC/safeties coach
did he really or is that a joke
that can't be real
I can't tell.

Did normies buy the race outrage?
Or did they move on so quickly because nobody did?
got here late, who's this jiggaboo?
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chicken carbonara pizza from Kwik Trip I had recently
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Banana, pineapple, fish, and egg please.
>Double CP
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why did they do that!?
nobody bought it at all bc he released a statement yesterday saying "he could have handled the situation better" so the dolphins lawyer or his agent told him to stop
I don't think anyone involved was white, so no one gave a shit. Plus Hill, while a great player, is a total piece of shit person. Just kind of blew over.
That transfer from Arkansas #7 I think is dogshit and Chenney is out for the 1st half for targeting
You'll join me in prayer, giving praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Is this Kansas' normal home field?
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Nope, that shit's real.
Also holy shit that's where Kenny Guiton ended up after all these years?
Break his fucking neck already, Rebs.
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>it's real

oh wisconsin what the fuck
how many defenses does that human turd need to ruin
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>reffie grabbing his dick on the sideline
Mike Tressel is a pretty good DC, why would they match him with an absolute ape?
>mike tressel
>kenny guiton
>alex grinch

did they think hiring the absolute dregs of Ohio State football from 15 years ago +alex grinch was gonna make them good
what the fuck is that staff
Isn't Fickel a defensive guy? If so, I'd say a "Co-DC" title is just fucking words and Fickel is running the D.
Someone drove a truck onto Folsom Field, CU Boulder Police request people avoid the area
Jim tressels nephew needs to be fired. Idc what he did at Michigan State. He's not a B1G d coordinator imo.
At some point, UNLV is going to have to start breaking some people's legs if Kansas is just going to run around like headless chickens.
> Ashy Laura
What's funny is safety is probably the best and most deep group in that defense lol
>Someone drove a truck onto Folsom Field, CU Boulder Police request people avoid the area
welcome to last week, AOLNews
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They have Mike Tressel and Grinch, very expensive way to make him the actual DC.
Plus, last time Fickell ran a defense solo was 2013 Ohio State, one of the worse defensive units they've ever fielded. They had to go pick up Chris Ash that following offseason for their title run.
This stadium looks nice
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>playing in an MLS stadium
checked. well maybe Fickle is just a dumb son of a bitch.
guarantee when bama wins by 20+ tomorrow Grinch will already be throwing individual players under the bus by name in the press conference
it's what he does
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fickell and freeman are the only tresselfags that ended up getting big jobs
college football left that stupid style behind and neither of them can cope with it
I'm an alumni. And I believe KU should have just folded the football team, and tore down the stadium for a parking lot.
I don't think asst. coaches do press conferences anon.
I can't wait for one of the safeties to take a bad angle on a Milroe keeper and get either heemed or torched. The Grinch Classic.
Just rub some Ben Gay on it and it'll be alright.
When you gotta rub one out you gotta rub one out. It's just how God designed us.
DCs do pressers all the time
if not in the postgame then he'll do a midweek one
Fickell WAS a great linebacker coach, which is what makes Wisconsin's regression at that position all the more baffling.
i did a press conference with your mom
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What would you do with the basketball team? Big East?
Where is this game being played
Children's Mercy Park home of sporting kansas city
looks like a mlels stadium
My mom's house
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what are the odds that that guy is this guy after he realized he was a national laughingstock, snapped, got hooked on meth, and grew out his beard?
Yes. Then they can choke there, too.
if i was a colorado fan i probably would have snapped and done the same by now too
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why doesn’t my girlfriend suck my cock anymore?

We’ve only been dating for one month..
i think im gonna switch over to the Wildcats game
>faggy journo shitting his pants in the press box
>tim brando is still alive
is that supposed to be seductive or attractive?
Just fucking go for it, you pussies, it's only the Chickenhawks!
if you have a dick that narrow you should just an hero honestly
Maybe you should wash yourself better. That happened to me, I used to not wash myself well because no one taught me how until my girlfriend showered with me and showed me now she sucks it again :)
>you have a dick that narrow
disgusting whore!
>The last time UNLV beat Kansas was 1912
fox sports furries confirmed
what is the
Why is FOX appealing to furries with that graphic?
Clash of cats
Kansas State has the best uniforms in all of football, you cannot convince me otherwise.
>wildcats vs wildcats
Why is this allowed? They're literally playing themselves.
i like arizona's uniforms
You're the one that noticed it and needed to say something to the Internet.
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>both teams are called the Wildcats
>neither are even the best Wildcats
>band playing during the kick return
>hand to Neal
>chunk play
if this is what UNLV is giving up in quarter 2, they're gonna get raped in quarter 3.5
>pineapple QB
No no no no! Don't let him run! They can't slide!
I don't like the hwmdhelmet desu
We've got way too many teams named the Wildcats. We need teams to change to something original.
>montana lemonious craig
what the actual fuck
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why does arizona have so many pineapple players
I want my Badgers to get back to being themselve. Like Kstate never changed and they're still good. Why did McIntosh have to hire an outsider?
>Arizona Power I
If I was starting a d1 program, I would love a fire breathing dragon as my logo.
captcha sneak in there?
>he doesn't know
they're called coconuts in Aus/NZ

because their heads are hard but full of nothing but water
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Great to see that Big 12 defense at its finest so far.
Based Fajita, can't keep this man in his skillet
Is their qb a kiwi? I just always assume when I see those full arm tattoos their Hawaiian or Samoan
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you posted this just as Brando said "he feeds it"
My fiance left me after one year, she’s too scared to move away from home and her mom has crazy separation anxiety. I really hate it happened because she was such a sweet woman, it didn’t end ugly but it sucks that she ruined a great relationship for no reason.

I really pity her because we’re both 25 and she’s going to waste the next 5 years living at home. No guy is going to want to be in a sustained relationship with those expectations. She made a life changing mistake, I hate it for her because I still care about her and she deserves the world. Sadly, that’s just not with me.

I did everything right bros.. can’t win em all. Time to become a fat incel loser who sits on /pol/, I’m done dating.
>taking 4th and inches from under center
it's over, I want Arizona to win
>Keep Johnson in pocket
I've noticed college football using a lot more under center formations the past few years, why the change?
Wtf is the arizona coaches wearing around their necks are they playing in Hawaii or just pandering to all the Hawaii people on their team
you posted this in a game thread - she was right to leave you as you are clearly a subpar mate
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Here's your logo
UAB already has that. Based mascot, they even feed opposing fans into a bronze dragon statue that doubles as a 1000 degree furnace.
IDK, I just mentioned Aus and NZ because they're both countries that have whites and coconuts, have a culture of creating funny insults and I'm familiar with their slang because of rugby
that was a fumble lol
>Big 12 "defense"
Idk but I wish my Badgers would've kept the under center power game because watching them run out of the gun on short yardage and being stuffed is really messing with my patience.
k state defense a shit
lol these fucking UNLV receivers
>I just
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is this true
McMillan has good size I wonder how he projects.
This soccer stadium looks weird as fuck
Keep thinking they're in Europe something
I remember those seasons with Montee Ball at RB. Kino.
So why is this Arizona vs Kansas State game considered a non-conference game?
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jeebus state get your shit together
It seems that no matter where one goes outside of Aggieland, there are always those who ask, "What is an Aggie anyway?" I am so glad they ask because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects. I usually respond by first telling them what an Aggie is NOT. An Aggie is not a pig or hog, as they are called in the Ozarks. An Aggie is not a horse, such as the one representing that school out in West Texas. An Aggie is not a pony, like the one in "SMUland." We are certainly not a frog or horned toad, nor a Waco bruin or bear. We are not a little ol' cat or a fowl owl like those in Houston. Most definitely, we are not of the long-horned cattle variety. If we were, we would be a bull or a cow rather than some non-productive steer. (Since a steer is non-productive, and t.u. chooses to be represented by a steer, then logic would follow that t.u. must consider themselves...Hey, don't get mad at me or say, "that's a little strong." I didn't pick their mascot, they did.)

The fact is that an Aggie is not any type of animal. We have Reveille, who is our 1st Lady, but we're not the Texas A&M Reveilles. We're the Aggies. An Aggie is a human. When I think of an Aggie, I think of church, community, and state leaders. I think of the many Aggies who have sacrificed their lives as defenders of freedom through their service to the United States of America.
Oh god it's that weird fucking coach who wears a lei because he has a few Polynesian players. I bet that guy is an absolute fucking TOOLBAG.
Why is ESPN using such shitty music with SEC games?
bc it was already scheduled before the conference nonsense happened and both of them were too lazy to find another game
Arizona finally has a team good enough to beat usc after they leave the pac12
Are they having the same slipping problems as the NFL game in Brazil?
Why not?
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>it's the Aggie fag
I hope you fuckers never win another game. What an obnoxious, pointless program. Mike Evans. That's it. That's your contribution to football
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ah okay. thanks
Aggies are the first to answer the call to serve their country. Aggies are ministers of the gospel, coaches of Little League teams, public school teachers, and leaders in community projects. Many are medical doctors, veterinarians, and engineers. Others are civil servants, congressmen, and entrepeneurs. Thankfully, many are responsible for feeding the world as farmers, ranchers, and agricultural researchers. And we all know that if it were not for Aggies who become lawyers, there wouldn't be such a thing as a "good" lawyer. In essence, Aggies get things done. We are doers! Aggies are the Twelfth Man, builders of bonfires, carriers of tradition, participants in Musters, and, too often, attenders of Silver Taps ceremonies. Texas Aggies say HOWDY. We know how to look a man in the eye and shake hands. Aggies get a chill up our spine when we hear the National Anthem or sing the "Spirit of Aggieland" or "Aggie War Hymn," or when we march to chow under the direction of a drum and bugle corps.

What is an Aggie? Who are the Aggies? It is simple, "We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we, true to each other as only Aggies can be..."

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Do you really think a bunch of west coast liberal snowflakes care?

They’re all self-righteous assholes who think about what makes themselves look “moral.” That’s why they’re blindly voting for Kamala and Walz, who don’t have a single policy.
thats not an A&M fan
purdue will dab on ND tomorrow

Awesome Aggie Sayings

These are just a few of the many.

I would rather flunk out of A&M than to graduate with honors from t.u.

If t.u. were playing the University of Moscow in Red Square, I would be on the goal post waving a big red flag.

West Point is a good prep school for A&M.

t.u., t.u. - where the girls are girls and the boys are, too.

I would rather go 0-11 and be an Aggie than be National Champs and be a 'sip.

Texan by birth, Aggie by the grace of God

Aggies may get out-scored, but they never lose.

We've never been licked.

I would rather eat barbed wire than go to t.u.

If I had a low IQ, I would go to t.u., too.

No Aggie was without a job during the Great Depression

BOSS - What you call an Aggie five years after he/she graduates

"Howdy!", "Gig'em!", "Farmer's Fight!", "Ol Army!"

The 4 responses allowed by a fish:

1. "Yes, sir!"

2. "No, sir!"

3. "No excuse, sir!"

4. "Sir, not being informed to the highest degree of accuracy, I hesitate to articulate for fear I may deviate from the true course of reactitude. In short, sir, I am a very dumb fish and do not know, sir."

t.u.: Aggie term for The University of Texas, that small secular (Berkeley Of The South) school in central Texas

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>teams are wearing gray and black
>scorebug is red and blue
espn tards
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>arizona has a female mascot
i think johnathan smith is an early candidate for coach of the year
Is Avery Johnson a legit QB or just another Collin Klein/Will Howard?
How many times has K States qb been called Sunshine?
This announcer sounds like Kevin Harlan but it isn't him and it's driving me crazy.
k-state's new huuuuuuwhyte running QB looks much worse than will howard
why did they let him leave
I think it's just typical bluegrass but the sidelines look so fucking weird
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What are we eating tonight
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>stadium icing the kicker

Kino QB sneak, both teams played that snap well desu

Also, great throw even though he didn't catch it
She looks like those people who run like 10 miles a day everyday and just wear their body down.
your moms ass
Based and going for it pilled game
>college kickers
Arizona’s season hinges on McMillan’s health.
Game looks familiar but I don't think I've played it. Could be Ultima
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please stop
I gotta tell ya bros, I'm becoming an Avery Johnson fan.
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Friday fish fry
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meme synchronicities
My Pitt (:
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Just two?
I do not care for the Arizona helmets.
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>qb does literally anything
>omg just like muh-holmes!!!
Thanks for joining us on /sp/ Patrick Mahomes
The Mormon Menace is spreading.
#14 is fucking ass

Take away his scholarship
lil bro snapped his chain frfr ong
>breaking your nil funded jewelry in the game
lol thank you reffie
kevin mar my beloved reffie
k state receivers are SHIT
Yeah he's for real. Good size, delivers from a solid base, can do the arm angle stuff. Too bad their defense is pure dogwater
Women don't like the sort of guys who post in game threads.
lol jayhawks
This is a general not a game thread
what an end to the half
worse clock management I've ever seen
lmao amazing
kansas lmao
>14 play drive so far
My kind of football :)

what a shit team
What the hell Kansas?
italian hoagie and some sweet chili doritos
Nice I really want to go to long john silvers
last two drives were crazy
Cool / Unique FBS nicknames

Rainbow Warriors
Green Wave
Mean Green
Ragin’ Cajuns
Crimson Tide

I'll even say Fighting Irish is pretty cool.

Add your own, anon.
Yes but he posted in a game thread according to another loser who was in that game thread.
man a lot of shitty defenses tonight
yeah buddy it's kind of both janny apps will appear soon I promise
You forgot the future P5 Aztecs
That looked like Mahomes to Kelce :)
>letting a guy starting in a down position in the backfield walk into the endzone
Now that's what I call Big 12 football
classic big12 football
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I'm on like the 12th year of asking why the fucking Missouri is in the SEC
>rocket by smashing pumpkins
based fox
i'm a top juco all star and i tried out for coach prime and that dumbass nigga cut me.. yeah you herd that right. He CUT A TOP JUCO ALL STAR.

but i love watching his shitty team fall to peaces in front of the million of people lmao

colorado is staright booty
I kneel
Based fastest first quarter of the year (18:34)
Is T-Mac a top draft pick?
They won the East two of the three first years they were there. Going to be a problem this year their receivers are nasty
Because the Big 8 no long exists, nor does the Missouri Valley Conference - that's why
Long drives are kino
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Wildcat just looks like a regular cat
>I'll take my 3rd quarter payment now, Sunshine
he cut you because you voided your eligibility when you tried out for the XFL
Yeah, they're definitely a respectable program.
haitian detected
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EMAW, /cfb/! This battle of the wildcats is going great!
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>South Dakota State would bootyblast both of these shit te-ACK!
Tracy McGrady
YUP im commissioning art of those two
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Not FBS but they were DII before their conference stopped sponsoring football and then their next conference kicked them out so they gave up and discontinued football.
African wildcat
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should i go to the ucla game tomorrow? they're offering alumni $26 dollar tickets
the idea of schlepping out to pasadena to watch my bruins lose to indiana is holding me back from buying thoughever...
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the arizona wr
arizona nigga lookin zesty
Wilbur gives off white vibes- possibly some sort of cavalry officer during the indian-american wars
Willie looks ethnic
mhmmm Haitian cuisine
the only arizona wr that matters is Montana Lemonious-Craig
10 Unique / Cool FCS School Nicknames. As always, add your own anon.

Great Danes
Blue Hose
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>No Mrs Arizona wildcat
Fox couldn't let their artist be tempted
>Marvin Harrison Jr is a bust
Well, /cfb/, what do you have to say for yourselves? Why did you lie to us at /nfl/? My berds have wasted a draft pick on this supposedly "generational" prospect and he's been a WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT since he stepped in the building.
Her name is Wilma.
Delta Devils
Hall of Fame lips tho
I should have gone somewhere cool like the university of Arizona
fox takes more commercial breaks for cfb than NFL games it's kind of absurd
he's brown
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Because they're in the south eastern quadrant of the country.
>So is Kansas
Missouri warned us about Kansas so they're being kept out.
Seriously, the real real Missouri is in the conference is they joined when the NCAA still had a requirement that conferences be split into divisions in order to host a championship game. Texas A&M needed someone to offset their entry and Missouri was the easiest available school adjacent to the conference footprint.
He will be good but Nabers/Brian Thomas Jr. will be better.
some of the most braindead retarded people i know went there
>t. california
I went there and it was pretty neat yeah
our chemistry building was the designated suicide location
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gotta get those shekels
Damn shame the Lower Mainland is filled with faggy leafs like Linus Tech Tips, can't support such numales.
>black WRs
Brain dead retards are fun to party with
Why does Fox keep employing furries?
why did nobody tell me fox gives a free stream of their games and you can just delete cookies when the "preview" runs out
Did fajita go through a growth spurt? He looks like he’s almost 5’10”
>mega michigan
Most of us have a TV and antenna
he routinely disappeared the last 2 years for OSU but nobody noticed bc of the heckin STATS
luv me punt returns
>another commercial
wtf is this nonsense
punt return kino
How dooooo you do
wilma fingerdoo?
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nice return
It's on FOX. You can jam a paperclip in the back of you tv antenna jack and watch it,
>literal 5 minute commercial break
>punt return td
>commercial break

holy fuck fox fuck off
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it's over
Break my Stride is a great song and I want to fuck whoever the fox intern is who decided to use it though
>transfer from Colorado
Prime bros...
Does Ohio still feel smug about having gotten Toledo out of that deal?
that would be me
More like.....
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ads ads ads ads ads
I have to watch bering sea gold at 9 o'clock
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And here it comes
you dont *have* to
Where are my bum wine bros at?
I got a 3 day ban for racism so I can't say it anymore
Holy fuck
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matthew wilder also made the music for disney’s mulan or a movie like that. very fun song
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For me it’s the wildcats
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kevin mar best reffie
>uncircumcised florida
I'm fat and I need to lose weight
This T-mac fella seems alright
>causes random black man to be the fall guy for the impending NCAA fun

uhhhhh based?????
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arizona sucks lmao
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Fucking Fajita
Me too I'm going keto only ate chicken and eggs today
what a terrible pass
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>mayne, you wyte boi always on da chanz /cfb/ postin, ya feel me, ya know we got da rams dis week ya feel me. only thing gonna be rammin' is sheduer ramming his dick down the defense tomorrow ya feel me? sheeeeeeeeeit. you wyte boy funny tho. one you wyte boys drove ya truck on MUH GERSH DERN FIELD. sheeeeeit. meth a hell of a drug. prime know nothing bout that. i just took lines of blow off ya mamma ass back in the 90s. i got to go over the gameplan, so CUT THE BULL JUNK AND GIBS ME one dem dere' wangz.
kill yourself
>doesn't pass to 4
That's what happens when you lose your safety blanket
Wildcat bros....
Which came first?
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deport this QB back to whatever island he came from
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Shut up, Furio.
Yeah I'm gonna win
Easiest bet of my life
>friday i'm in love
fox music intern is on fire tonight
Im gonna cope and seethe and say that was just a great play by KState if you see the throw it was dead on perfect and was 100% a touchdown.
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time for a proper bootblasting
>going keto
If you stay on it long enough, you're going to start feeling like shit. I did it and felt like shit, hair falling out, dark circles under eyes, tired all the time, just looked like shit. Just try to eat a shit load of protein and a wee bit of carbs to keep a little water in your body and muscles.
That 4th down ref bail out really set the momentum for K-State
Did you lose any weight though
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>mfw making my Pick'em this week
Yes, but I wasn't "fat" I was just trying to cut hard to show more muscle and ignoring carbs made my muscles look like shit. Not full and plump.
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
see >>144394662
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Based Tiger bot
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Ok, but what's a New Mexico Aggie?
a guy holding two guns
new mexico *state* aggie
Mostly poor.
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>college kickers
Pretty sure that's not a very good way of growing crops.
>college kickers
>college kickers
You pass an intimidation check on the crops
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Reveille (New Mexico State)
I'd rather listen to Beth Mowins than fucking Brando
>reo speedwagon
this fox intern needs a raise
Beautiful, almost "Moss'd" kind INT
New Mexico is too sparsely populated and poor to afford two senior level universities. They should be like Wyoming and just have one decent school instead of two truck driving colleges.
Are we in for a spooky Friday the 13th ending to the game tonight?
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fox intern just got a compliment from the commentators
he's putting on the show of his life
Fuck you Bella Ramsay you just look like a taller freak instead of growing up cuter and you weren't even American this is a scam.
An Aggie is a student at Texas A&M. In the early 1900s, our students were called "Farmers." The term Aggie — reflecting our agricultural roots — was first used in the 1920s, and in 1949, the yearbook changed its name from The Longhorn to Aggieland. At that point, Aggie became the official student body nickname.
>black qbs
Black jersey bros....
she literally looks retarded
more like naggie lmao
unlv +9.5 was free money
jayhawks are gonna lose because daniels cant stop throwing ints
OK admittedly it was a bad throw but it was still at the player anyway.
>culture-driven program
this is like complimenting a woman by calling her funny
>i'm tellin ya doc they/them pussy is different
>Wisconsin-Bama is on Fox tomorrow
oh great, so who gets the faggot Gus nickname?
that guy must be descended from the Roman general Lemonius
>we wuz roman generals and shiet
captcha: M0DS
K State really paid off the reffies
U of A just sucks
Jalen Milroe will be called J-money
Nah, the check cleared
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> hey Iakopo Kahale Pineapple look at my fucking lei, I'm so fucking worldly and diverse come play football for me!
wait is finebaum on right now or is the sports animal just playing a rerun?
It's that NIL necklace from earlier
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My high school streams their games on youtube. Students do all the production and commentary. Extremely comfy stuff.
>fuck them wildcats lol
shouldn't you be making some spaghetti rn
>1st & 30
>has a 300lb pet pig
Is his team filled with Pacific Islanders?
this man has the look of a fellow who goes on Fijian sex tourism vacations on a yearly basis
Reffies we stay holdin'
>coach most likely to drive a 10 year old Prius
who is it?
>Kansas and Kansas State playing
Do they have a measuring contest if one of them loses tonight?
Who's your favorite band that nobody's ever heard of
the beatles
dayum that water girl was thicc
Jim Harbaugh
abandoned pools
Rilo Kiley
What coach gets fired first this season?

Giving away a look at my bussy to the correct guess.
Visions of Atlantis
way way back in the 1980s
Polvo, but they're not really that obscure
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Thanks ill check them out
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>What coach gets fired first this season?
Napier might not survive the weekend if TAMU bends them over.
wow, just wow
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TAMU isn't bending anyone over. It will be a close game.
Can McMillan play defense?
Why do they call it a cumback?
>Gee Bill, two mouth guards?
One to actually use, the other to chew as a nervous tic
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How much longer can the frauds of South Bend keep their big NBC deal? Irish-Americans and Catholics aren't a distinct group anymore. There's nothing special about ND.
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This might be the lowest effort of a mascot
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Brando have a stroke in the middle of that Alabama vs Wisconsin promo?
Stanford's "haha it's shit on purpose" meme tree will always be the lowest effort
New Begas
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oh shit I didn't even realize that chink ref is calling the Wildcatb Owl
KSU are refbabbies confirmed
He hates talking about rap music
Notre Dame just has some shadowboxing manlet wearing green.
He used to be a Pac12 ref IIRC
fucking flag every other play
he's always stumbling over his words
how he got promoted to broadcaster I'll never know
He's a 99OVR ref
kevin mar slander will not be tolerated. he is the based buff asian reffie
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old kansas is back and it will NEVER get better than this
u aint a real arizona wildcat if u aint neva fucked a student's mom during parent's weekend
>college kickers
lmfao kansas state
>college quarterbacks
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It's time
someone please make that a webm
>college football
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Lmao nice field goal kstate
Mangino is an obeast
>college in general
>goldilocks qb
>You know when you feel like a million bucks? Add a couple more
>Appreciate it.
Are kansasians autistic?
is he still alive?
Johnson running out of bounds?
You guys should watch more high school football. It's fun and will make you appreciate shitty college football more.
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him just running around for 20 sceonds and the time running out
Cellar Darling. I'm sure people somewhere have heard about them but it certainly isn't people around here.
I can't watch any sport under a college level. It pisses me off.
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Kansas ref babies
ok. ill make it the OP of the next thread
Nebraska buck broke them, it's over
My old high school moved their game to yesterday for rain only for the rain to not come
>cawlidge hawkey
Are all of Kansas' home games in Kansas City this year?
>try to turn Wisconsin into an air raid team
what the fuck was he thinking? It's almost as bad as when Nebraska went from option to pro-style and completely nuked themselves out of relevance
great, another planet of the apes reboot
Yes but I don't know why maybe they're renovation the stadium in Lawrence
frankly having known Deion for a number of years I can say with great certainty that he is above the petty racialism and race-baiting you all seem to enjoy participating in
Used to watch streams of my old high school's games but then someone decided to charge for them. I wouldn't have minded a small fee but they got together with dozens of other high schools in the state to sell all of their games in a streaming package. I don't give a fuck about other schools and I'm not paying $50/month just to watch a couple of my old high school's games.
Yes they're renovating it

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