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>Kars $ Kids edition
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Our Atlanta Braves
TOR: Alejandro Kirk went 2-for-5 with two RBI in a 4-3 win over the Cardinals on Friday
LAD: Tyler Glasnow underwent a scan after his setback Friday, and the Dodgers described the initial results as “promising.”
PHI: The Phillies will have Alec Bohm and Edmundo Sosa begin rehab assignments at Triple-A Lehigh Valley on Saturday
TB: The Rays will use Drew Rasmussen as an opener and Tyler Alexander as a bulk guy in Saturday’s game against the Guardians
NYM: Francisco Lindor could be back in the lineup Saturday after leaving Friday’s game with lower back soreness, manager Carlos Mendoza said
KC: Alec Marsh matched his career high with 11 strikeouts and held the Pirates to one run in 5 1/3 innings in the Royals’ 8-3 win Friday
CLE: Tanner Bibee allowed eight hits and three runs with nine strikeouts across six innings in a loss to the Rays on Friday
WAS: DJ Herz allowed four hits and one run with five strikeouts over five innings in a 4-1 win over the Marlins on Friday
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We shouldn't punch down and make fun of Illinois. Its like the retarded cousin you don't talk about, its bad form to make fun
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Hoping Lindor is okay but Alvarez getting back to back days with 3 run shots is very encouraging.
cubs should actually injure hunter goodman, don't let him walk again
I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin and half the people I was friends with in high school moved to like Peoria or whatever outside of Chicago and I've been so confused why you'd chose there over anywhere else.
Gonna injure you with my balls, pal
Barehanded kooch
The bare hand was nice tbqh
>don't let him walk again
Taillon better aim for the face next game. Fucking pussy.
Meh, no one can really talk shit to Chicago other than NYC. Everywhere else in the country is a joke compared to Chicago.
perhaps the worst half-inning of Cubs baseball this year.

ill never hear that name again
read about kars4kids and now im pissed off still love the mets tho
115 losses
Royals will not make the playoffs.
KC probably makes it. I am more worried about the Orioles. My god does Baltimore look very bad.
we told you what it was, should've just left it alone
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memes and dreams
Cubgers LOST that game
>Get 12 free wins off the white sox
>still miss the playoffs
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Kek 1k strike for cease. Thanks Umps God lol
No, they're not. They're not a playoff team. They can't win against winning teams or even decent teams.
fucking ******s, send the faggot to the hospital next game. also smyly
Are you retarded? They'll make it. It's Baltimore that'll be out. At this rate the WCs will be KC, Tigers and Twins.
dezu i dont understand how smyly's era is what it is, every time I watch him pitch he pisses down his leg. weird
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Hunter Deadman tomorrow. I want to see blood for that little fucking faggot
No. You are retarded. The Orioles are not going to miss the playoffs. The Royals are.
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>4 AL Central teams in the playoffs
he's always one pitch away. mutual option next season should be declined
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Saurez is doing too good. He needs to get hit hard so this FO doesn't trick themselves into extending him
Why is nobody talking about Nunez? Arguably the best Mets reliever and he’s done for the season
He has 1 good pitch, and it can't be thrown for a strike to be good so he walks everybody since he has nothing else. Fucking scumbag.
>GIDPstros again
>Yordan lazily swings at a pitch a foot off the plate
We always do this shit. Omar Lopez needs to be shot out of a cannon
>knuckle curve

smiley is a meme pitcher
Let’s be real he has something on Perry
No way he stayed on the team as long as he did and still gets called up AGAIN
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>Its still Edwin
>yfw there are not only 1 but 4 Comedy Central teams fighting for playoff spots and there's a chance all 4 will make it
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>Its still Edwin
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>Its still Edwin
can you take a measurement of your neck? give me the circumference
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does anyone have more cubs edits?
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>Its still Edwin.
>Maton has been amazing
>along with Danny Young.
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Lol thanks Logan Webb, you're so kind!
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mettis on ya azz
That "multiple other teams are interested in him" shit they tried to pull, and then he got put on waivers and NOBODY wanted him lol
I had 12 beef tacos for dinner
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He definitely fucked some hookers with Perry while on a bender
There is no fucking way that faggot should have stayed on the team as long as he did
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My Mets and Phillies are on top and no one can stop /us/
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I'm a Mets fan through thick 'n thin but this ain't it chief
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Oh its completely mindbroken at this point.
No Mets fan believes this
>Adley Rutschman has an OPS of .719
What the fuck I thought he was supposed to save the Orioles
Real mets fans KNOW EDwins is fucking trash. Fake fan detected.
>cubes paid top dollar for the same shit as last year
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Real Mets fan in here to laugh at this one
So sick of all these fake Mets fans thinking they know shit about baseball. Did you even watch the season?
To the defense of rutshcman, he's played almost every game at this point. Dude has to be gassed for playing catcher. Then again, Baltimore has shown way too many cracks from their foundation over this entire season.
Fake met fans outta NO WHERE
do you guys get any prizes if they hit the pole? we get free chickfila when they hit the fowl pole
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I think you need to hydrate, Edwin ain't it. And I'm a mets fan been watching since 2005.
Edwin stinks!! Peeeyouuu!
>early life
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ITT: the cubs faggot shitting and pissing his pants and replying on cooldown because Hunter Goodman ended any realistic chance of Chicago making the postseason.
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>didn't the Cubs faggots say that they'd be a playoff team, and here they are shitting themselves against the Rockies. It's honestly funnier knowing they spent all that money on Counsell, and their bullpen has been nothing short of a gas canister. Oh well at least the Cubs have Bellinger or some shit.
>Nunez was fine but best reliever? Its still Edwin. Besides him, Maton has been amazing along with Danny Young.
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it's probably the FAGGOTner trying to ingratiate himself with mest shitters for the metsiner shit earlier in the season
Edwin sighted
Edwin sighted
Edwin sighted
Edwin sighted
Edwin sighted
It's all one guy
>all these mestfags coming out of the woodwork
can't wait for them to collapse
None of this is real, nobody is real
This place had what, 2 metfags? Where did they all come from
>cubes get BTFO
>all this shit starts
Behead all cubes faggots
No fucking shit? He's crying so hard because the Cubs are missing the playoffs yet again. But hey at least they got PCA who's hitting .237 and their bullpen has become a tire fire. Justin Steele won't even fix that team because its all on offense.
It's all one guy
It's all one guy
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It's all one guy
It's all one guy
>suarez got out of it
Hell has frozen over
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it don't matter. none of this matters.
I didn't expect 4 scoreless innings from Suarez but wow he somehow kept us in this game
Femanon here! I cried a few days ago when I realized it was truly over. PCA has been great recently.
Milwaukee and Arizona haven't played each other up until right now. This new schedule format is garbage Manfred
now pull it off
Get em femanons
Femanon owns you. Bitch
Was that seriously Cusbpie that got posted earlier? No way, right?
Cubspie is my girlfriend
I can't believe the Mets gave up PCA for Baez. That will haunt them for centuries to come.
Stav from Cumtown is throwing out the first pitch for the Orioles on Wednesday
No thanks we’re trying to tank
1/2here, I did. Kill that furry faggot!!!
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Chadres Angels broship status?
FOR WHO????????
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>forcing this meme again
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>Go to the playoffs
>Just to get swept
I'd rather not fucking be in the playoffs man. This is going to be humiliating. We should unironically just lose out. Can't handle this shit.
Neither the Angels or Padres game matters to the other team. But I hope you win
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Ex-fucking-actly. Only newfag Met fans don't get it. It's better to regroup instead of have false hope. We need to demand better.
This isn’t even decent bait
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is he going to throw a cut-let fastball?
Damn almost a great play Wagaman
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Ethan Holliday
It’s there
You’re fucking kidding, I’m going to that game. Also did you know Stav fucked a 17 year old boy
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Thanks, gotta start winning games since Mets and braves are slowly creeping on us, hoping Brewers can help us too. Little tad nervous but I feel we control our own destiny now.
>memeiner fag thinks the team is making it
they're getting swept by the rags
If you aren't a real mets fan you don't understand. We haven't won in 37 YEARS. We need more change than just a new owner. Are you retarded?
>mets make the playoffs
>still find a way to spin that into a negative thing
met fans are genuinely mentally ill
What do you imagine Recker “dancing sexually” would consist of?
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maybe he'll just throw some high cheese
This desu, what a bunch of whiny faggots jesus christ
Mets are gonna win baby
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I actually heard that Stav was more of a junk-food baller
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go Sneks
he should probably stick with a steady diet of sliders
You're gonna make it bro. You just gotta believe like how I believe the Angels will one day be a good team again.
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I should make a Shiroko and Chen having a cold one baseball themed for us!
real fan: my team sucks, yeah we made the playoffs but we're going to get bounced in the first round

fake fan: my team is the chads and is finna win the 'eries
Lol, figures.
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i forgot the pic and I'm gay
can i get the discord i wanna post cock in it
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i'm just glad that i witnessed the cubs faggot meltdown yet again for the 18th time. don't worry the Cubs will get to play in the playoffs when the Ricketts decide its time to spend on a bat worth a damn.

only five more seasons for this quality of a SS at 28M!
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If you do tell him to make the line art black
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Ooh. For like other hats like the Chen one?
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stav was disappointed when adley rutschman explained to him what a forkball was
Stav is fat
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It's never been more over.
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he also thought it was caught
she's female, females can't be faggots
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Yeah I thought so too, the amount we’ve been robbed this season, it’s nice to not have one robbed
damn that was so close Mickey
ay what the fuck dood?
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I never got around to posting the temp of the other Chens because the color he used for the line art would bleed when i tried painting it
I’m not good with procreate so I did what I could
>tfw more handegg concussion drama
baseball will be king again, bros
Stav is a boy diddler. No seriously look it up
Ugly swing
I was anti-Stav but the Adam Friesland Show has been so bad I hope Nick dies and Stav takes a dump on his grave
it's just tua
Does LA or SD have more in common with OC?
3 concussions in 2 years, that shit is scary. That guy's going to die young
hawk tuah?
The three are not that different. They're geographically pretty close to each other.
but he's tough!
They’re all unfunny now. Just be grateful we had cumtown when we did

Honestly how did a bunch of 2hu fans end up getting into mlb? It's an interesting combination.
I hope nick gets his juice back at some point, he's too young to just fade into obscurity forever
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I reccomended a patchy Hentai a couple of years ago to some anon who needed to fap and he called me 2hudadspie so I went with it
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This place is nothing but oldfags
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TAFS really is shit beside like 3 sketches

gg astros
old guys on the mound tomorrow
GG Astros.
Saurez surprised me. I still have faith in Aldergheri though.
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gg astros
At least Suarez was alright
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ggs Angels
We are 8-0 when Kooch starts. Hope the Italian kid yal have isn’t too beaten up about this. See yal tomorrow.
yeah the tiedrich stuff is funny. i stopped watching pretty early tho. I feel like all podcasts have a short shelf life
thanks for pca!
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Ugh RISP is so bad with my Poodres. They need to start Solano more and move Croney and Bogey down, just so. Much traffic left on bases.
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It's possible they may never win another game.
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cal sac fly
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sub .500 in 2 days time
>Astros win and will probably win the series with the Angels to distance themselves from the Mariners while the Mariners will lose the series to the Rangers
>Mariners lose to the Rangers
This is an extremely funny turn of events
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alright boys pack it up season is over
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>$700M+tip btw
I don't get it
tipping culture is toxic and should be abolished
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my Sneks
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Thanks Broo croo, I can always count on you.
I'll watch until the bitter end
>Dbags lose
>Mets and Braves win
Jesus this is a tight race
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I'm glad they're finally going to tax those tipped assholes
>I want more taxes
Kek imagine being this cucked
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>instead of pulling away the sneks decided they too want to have a giggle and maybe miss the playoffs
they're not going anywhere anyway with that pitching
come on seabros
when was the last time both world series teams missed the playoffs the following year?
fuck all of texas
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double cringe
does everyone on the mariners have a first name that starts with J? what the fuck
>BREAKING: Per Ken Rosenthal, Lindor to undergo MRI to assess a possible herniated disc. Mets awaiting results to announce IL stint in the coming days.
A lot of R last names too
pussy, I just ran a half marathon in 90 minutes with a herniated L4
It’s 1am in NY m8
city that never sleeps
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JULIO actually used a clutch!
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Sit the fuck down Bazardo.
day of the rake looming
no pipi
JU-ROD [HOO-rod]

>JP Raleigh
>JT Rodriguez
we're getting a Padres World Series win this year
Where are the 27 rangs fags at then??
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Chadres shut-out the Giants and got to Webb early! Chadres win! See you tomorrow San fran!
it's working hours in india
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GG gnats see you tomorrow
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Nice foul territory catch!
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Coom status?
I really wanted the Braves to pick him up at the deadline
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>mfw randy
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gg rangerbros see you tomorrow. what a night for the retarded dominican, shame he couldn't play like this more often.
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I hope so man, but I'm staying optimistic, Padres are swinging the bat early and playing good baseball, so it's to me shows they care about making it. Also Lockridge is fast as fuck.
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I don't know what "read"
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mets calling up acuna lindor is kill
rizzyals own ya stankin azzz whole
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I see why Rays fans were so upset about losing him, but he seems to love being/playing in Seattle. He was an immediate fan favorite from what I've seen.
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RIP Lindor, sorry Mets fan.
>all the NL wc teams won
the diamondbacks lost, but to another wc team
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what does he do?
lose bets
go 0-4 every game for the rest of the season
statpad steals
gamble on baseball
throw best friends under the bus
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He bat's .188 against my Chadres.
sell his soul and become the villain
OK /mlb/ do you think Ohtani was gambling or was he a victim
He threw Ippei under the bus to cover up his homo and gambling
He absolutely was gambling. I feel like at least 80-90% of professional sports players do though, so him getting in trouble over it and admitting to it would've opened a can of worms no sports org wants to open.
I love to play the victim
Holy shit lmao

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