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5'4" KING here.
sean did fuck all this entire fight
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first for marinara

hope this doesn't age poorly
tom aspinall kills merab
Based stocky wrestle chads winning this year. First belal, then dricus and now merab.
God I hate strikers
5'5 BVLL here
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5'5 Hispanic Chad reporting in
Umar has the blueprint to heem Merab
I will hold you down and fuck you
>gets outdamaged
Shut up nigger mma is for faggots
Lanklet bros, 6’5” tall king here. My gf kept biting her lip every time Merab took O’Malley to the ground. After his victory she looked at me and asked if I’ve ever considered limb shortening surgery. I don’t feel so good lanklet bros
scheduling a height reduction surgery tomorrow
I'm 7 feet tall my wife did the same thing. It's over tallbros
>Merab doesn't use an interpreter
merab is certified kino
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I've been slouchmaxxing and wearing flat shoes lately. I try to keep my knees bent when standing as well.
I told /sp/ but you wouldn't listen
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5'5 persian I wanna die everyday
I will get limb lengthening surgery and be 5'11 before I rope myself hopefully
I kneel, mountainchads...
Get out of Canada you fucking nigger.
You are an Arab.
Merab deserves to clean Grasso's ass after that
Just take epo and wrestlefuck everyone above 5'11
so what happens when umar teeps the shit out of merab and he collapses on the floor and dies live on tv?
you get out of america first beaner
I have never been more happy about a decision in my entire life. It's not 2019 no more, sucka show, time to grow and stop pretending to be a child rapist like 6ix9ine. No cap!!
6’1 chicano god checking in
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I'm 6'4" and you don't know what it's like. I have to pay $10 more for tall size shirts. Not a lot of shoes are made in size 15 so I don't have a lot of options.
Some guys have all the luck
Suddenly all the anti-wrestling fags are sucking Merab's dick.
Sean Shit Show O'Malley deserved to lose after that piss poorperformance. He just didn't fight plain and simple. Like 3 body shots per round and keeping his distance lol. Exposed for the shitter he's always been. Better start selling those lambos because he will never get that title back.and he thought he go fight Ilia LOL. Rip Shit Show lol
suddenly all the cucks are crying
I'm White with green eyes you fucking bitch. My last name is German. I hope die you fucking nigger. Hope USA will glass the Middle East for Kikes.
We were always pro wresting, but they called us fags... look at us now
>stop pretending to be a child rapist
Who would do that?
>Im talmbout Huhwayvos Ranchairos

>Talkmbout Pic-eye Degaioo

Authentic as shit.
He did no damage. You didn't win an actual fight. He won a contest. O'Malley outdamaged.
you're a fat low IQ poor spic and your dad peddles drugs
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lol based
mexicans have been on this continent longer than all of you jeets and muzzies have been in canada combined
Should've had gringo papi on the sphere durring shev vs grasso and merab vs o'fraudster
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It's over, the georgebros are taking over...
Your whole shithole is gonna be annihilated bitch. Viva la Israel let's give those Jews the whole Middle East. Iranians are brown mud monkeys.
>He won a contest.
Yeah it's a championship.
It's mma. It's an art nigga, wrestling is beautiful and who cares abt dmg when your being pinned to the ground the whole time lmao

I bet you thought Sean Shitland won his fight too. Lmao wrestlechads keep winning matter of fact we need to reward takedowns more
Fag championship for biggest penis groper.
if the fight just went on forever Mefag would have gotten knocked the fuck out.
LMAO nigga, O'Malley was protected by the grounded knee rules and Herb Dean standing them up all night.
i don't even like jews but i dislikes arabs so much more so i'm also team israel on this one fuck muslims
Why hasn't pussy ass Iran done shit yet? Remember they were gonna attack for the faggot ass Palestinians? Fucking brown transsexual faggots.
Nah if the fight was an actual fight merab would have literally raped Sean O'Cucky. Man strike fags never learn do they matter of fact we need less ko artist and more dags and d1s
he did no damage.
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>Your whole shithole is gonna be annihilated bitch. Viva la Israel let's give those Jews the whole Middle East. Iranians are brown mud monkeys.
cool story private paco
Oh Mexicans are gonna bomb your shithole to oblivion? Nice.
Who cares he took em down and molested Sean
Strikers and ko artist are boring af we unironcally need more belals and merabs just to see u autistic faggots and Dana seethe
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Why do you people flee from your shithole sandbox country just to be bitter assholes in your white host nations?
yeah actually hurting your opponent is boring. man sex is hot and way better than fighting.
huge win for all my chaparritos out there
True. So merab won.
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Why won't these vaginas do shit? They love that Israeli dick, huh?
wrestling is literally the most masculine martial art and striking is so faggy
>get away or I'll jab u! vs lemme grope u lil nigga
Also Leon Izzy and Sean prove ur striking is shit if u can't wrestle

Tell me bros, why is wrestling so OP?
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revved the spic
>spamming takedowns is more exciting than brutal heems
Kek he got you
Exactly. He felt Sean's rod all night long. He'll go back to Aljo's tonight.
Merab would have knocked out Sean O'Malley if he could land knees to the head of a grounded opponent
Ya it is, I love wrestling you have no idea
Show us your shit skin, monkey. I'm a pure blooded German while you're a fucking nigger.
Can you like, stop??? It's our fucking night dude, not cool.
shut the fuck up Boris von Turkshit
A champ in and out of the octagon (men's assholes)
>small low t hands
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>I'm a pure blooded German
Lanklet sissies are btfo
t. brown shitskin nigger
>posts a "Persian"
Nah wreslting is cool but caving your fists into another man skull is the most masculine
wrestling is cool if you actually do damage. how can you say Mefag is cool when he did no damage.
>shitskin nigger has no rebuttal
>admits he's a worthless Jewish science project
Hope you die you fucking worthless leech.
Implying giga chad black belt striker poatan wouldn’t knock them all out back to back in one night
Shut up fags
The only thing stopping Merab from forcefully entering Sean's asshole are the rules
mindbroke this spic so bad, mexcrement lost IRL and online GEG
why does Iran and China make mutts seethe uncontrollably?
I don't even like Sean but all merab actually did for all that dancing and rolling around is knee Sean's legs a few times. Atleast khabib would choke people out, merab just looked like a spastic retard for 5 rounds and won by points while getting his face smashed up. Even more boring than an adesanya fight
I look like that.
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>if you don't like nonwhites you're nonwhite
>conflating Iran with China
you're brown
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I have to pay more than that for clothing from manlet online retailers, fuck off, we're living life on Extreme Difficulty (God wills it, I will carry this burden, I have been gifted in every other aspect and it is only right that I carry this cross)
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Why won’t the Canadian muzzie post a hand pic?
Good morning sirs I hope you all enjoyed UFC Noche because I FUCKING DID NOT FUCK MEXICO
>no pinkish hue
nice try juan
I'm 6'4" but wear a size 13 thank god. The shirt bullshit is annoying though.

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