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MMA saviors edition
first for O'Malley sucks
UFC noche sucks
Merab sucked O'Malley's dick
based thread
feel bad for aldana.
Dana seems way too happy for this not to have made him a ton of money
we forgot the easter eggs you goofs!
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An obituary to Sean O'Malley's title run
>Fluke knockout by Shito Vera
>Fought a bunch of cans
>Completely and totally robbed Yan
>Early Stoppage against an injured Aljo who was forced to make a 2 month turn around
>Cherry picked title defense against an undeserving Shito Vera
>Completely and totally wrestlefucked and spiritually broken by Merab, Merab was yapping off to his coaches and making a fool of him the entire time, even with Herb Dean trying to save him and loaded judge cards he couldn't win
Is this the most fraudulent project of all time
All of his good wins come with massive asterisks, he may be worse than Till because Goddard handed him the belt on a silver platter
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Reddit bob is the next strikelet to be exposed
Dana delivered.
-Herb Dean, 2024
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this is how slamdaddy will beat SHITman
is o cucky really retiring? respects honestly. he never gave a shit about fighting and just wanted to be famous. now he can just stream vidya all day and join faze.
>tfw champ is a bum
how is the quality of the fighters dropping so badly? look at bw, Aldo still had the best performance against the current champ, at altitude, Cejudo comes back at 37 after licking frogs with Tyson and basically wins the title, TJ comes back without an arm and a leg at 35 and does more damage to Sandhagen than he took in his 4 last fights combined
Merab is a little faggot who got outdamaged.
Fuck him, he can fade off to obscurity for all I care.
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>gets a free shot and cant even hurt him

He already said the gate was over 20 million and they had record merch sales
The problem in the world is central asia
Too much of a focus on lightweights. Heavyweights gave us the best brutality.
>he can just stream vidya all day and join faze.
he gets like 50 viewers a stream lmao
he is not a star
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delet this
outside of poatan who is a draw
Merab won and with this victory we rise once more
>if you are what you say yo-ACKK
Nobody wants to get paid peanuts to get humped by stinky mud rats. If you think you can fight, you become a boxer.
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who wins
he says that every ppv how it broke records
Does anyone have a webm of when the boxer statue heemed the camera?
pretty much
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>Bring me O'cucklley

are they really getting paid peanuts though? I see no name faggots getting away with fighting once per year, seems like they get too much money if anything
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>guys it took us 4 months and 20 million dollars just to get the lighting rigs set up right so there were no shadows being cast on the fighters
amazing stuff
people who watch streamers are more braindead than UFC fans and they have kids watching. Faze can easily "dana white privledge" his stardom much easier in the gaming community or social influencer or whwtevrr u wanna call it
Dana White is a faggot who sucks Mexican cock. Las Vegas is in the USA.
That Kendrick shit was so funny.
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I hate daner so fucking much
Dana just said Crawford does look like kendrick lamar lmao
>smothered covered topped and capped
>wake up
>noche was decisionslop
Thank GOD I chose to sleem myself
>Aldo still had the best performance against the current champ, at altitude,
Aldo's wrestling has always been GOATed, he's not just le kickboxer that won't be taken down he's just insanely skilled at wrestling
>Cejudo comes back at 37 after licking frogs with Tyson and basically wins the title,
There is no world where you can actually give Cejudo 3 rounds, that was a paid off scorecard
>TJ comes back without an arm and a leg at 35 and does more damage to Sandhagen than he took in his 4 last fights combined
TJ still had his arm when he fought Sandhagen. Also Sandhagen won that fight
you are low iq
>busts Merab's ugly faggot midget face open
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except he's a boring cuck with absolutely zero charisma and oratorial skill, at least with fighting he TKO'd every once in a while
French names are so funny
I remember sandreddit beating up dillashit quite easily and merab exposing cedoodoo
why do all American Whites make Eurofaggots absolutely seethe to no end?
did suga really retire
me when u talk shit about my wife's sons
it's all just a stunt to try and push UFC into the Mexican market which already loves boxing. Remember when UFC was going to do an African event since Izzy Francis and Usman were all champs? Dana was smelling the pesos like cocaine lines ever since Moreno and Grasso won the belt
People still believe this meme? In boxing there are like 5 guys that make stupid money and everyone else accumulates pure CTE for ufc-tier pay
That berlanga guy that fought canelo tonight probably made something like a million and that will be the biggest payout of his life
MMA is arguably a better deal because at least you don't absorb as much brain damage
we're not into cuckoldry
FACT: there are 0 white american UFC champions
Always check reddit when people troll here. If it isn't there, then no
Reminder that dana is a billionaire, which means he has a billion dollars.
Can’t wait for UFC Caucasus
im just sad that grasso's reign has ended
>celebrating Mexican independence
>in the USA
>hope newfags are fans now
Still watching fights for free, Dana.
>combat sports promotion wants to make money by appealing to other countries
Jon Jones is white.
O'Malley is basically a bong with how much he wants to be connor same with ian garry
majority of faze members are literal whos that i dont know about but their channels gets reccomended and seem to have millions of subs, and i dont even really watch vidya related content anymore. cuckold molly would be the perfect candidate for faze
Damn... She'll be forced into lesbian prostitution now and resort to eating pussy all day while filming it to pay the bills... Truly dark days ahead..
Tom Aspinall is not champ and he is Polish.
Khabib v Conor was the nail in coffin, tonight was the hammer.
UFC South Ossetia
jon jones is neither white nor champion
lmao Dana got asked about the Bahamondes fight and he seemed to have no idea about it
i felt sort of bad for him during corner time in rd 3 and 4 dude looked like he was about to say "i cant do it" with his head down huffing at the ground

it's great to see that Dana is breaking into the georgian market like that
>need Polish semen to become champ
>Bisping was German
Reminder that Merab is an american citizen
He represents both Georgia and America
America still has the most champions
Diego Lopes has no head movement, both Topuria and Max kill him. Imagine getting jabbed to death by THE t-city
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Mike seems too comfortable in this position
>UFC Africa
That's where the real televised blood sports could be
haha holy cope
Sean is going to lose the pink lambos fuark the tides over
>he fell for the polish meme
tom aspinall was born and bred in england
my future top 15 journeyman vann won so it was an alright card
the fight night card coming up in two weeks looks better on paper than this card, this event was a colossal failure. it's a shame these journalist faggots are too weak to call dana out for spending 20 mil on some low quality cgi videos
first GSP now Merab
God bless the USA
It's nice to see that we have a new new generation of lightweights
Hopefully Nacho, Ribovics, and Klein are better than the fucking frauds that came through 4 years ago
so was Anthony Joshua
a mouse born in a stable, niggerr
I hope Sean is done. He sucks.
It was after the fourth round. Before that he was closing his eyes, inhaling meditatively and nodding along to Tim's inspiring messages. After the fourth he sat down hanging his head like he was about to cry and was obviously done fighting.
general reception to the cgi videos seem to be positive which i'm surprised about it
That wasn’t Kendrick, right?
Tom's parents are English, fraid you're a gullible moron
Dana is acting super chill. This must be a relief to have this event over.
with 2 georgian champions in the roster, there's a GOLDEN opportunity for the UFC to make it big there.
He lives in America, trains in America, and is a registered American Citizen. He's ours.
does aspinal sound polish to you?
His name isn't apsinolsjsajcnsowicz
>So today I did a thing
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Merab just took everything from omalley. Cooked him ate him shit him out and flushed him.
lmao they just did a whole ass card dedicated to mexicans and someone asked dana how important is the latin american audience to him
I told all of you that Merab was getting that unanimous decision
No, he doesn't have AIDS and isn't hanging out with Saudi Princes and Dana just confirmed it was really embarrassing.
he's Polish
Oh Leon Edwards must be pure Anglo cause of his last name.
see >>144438926
Thomas Pole Aspinall
woah what a bold prediction

Wasn't even a fight actually but ok
Guys, chill, the champ fights in november
Interim means temporary, "for the time being"
>he's Polish
O'Malley only got half the beating Yan did and he was still completely broken
This fight is going to sit with him for a long, long while.
Expect him to be way more jumpy and worried over takedowns in the future, if he even wants to keep fighting. His confidence on the ground has been stripped
chama with a phone is -1000 aura. he needs to stay in character and be a cannibal from the amazon rain forest when he's on camera
she aint like that, brazza
reddit won
>woman asking questions
>ruins everything
Every time
For all that hype 306 sure was something worse than bad, it was just simply boring. Started at 7:30pm and didn't end until 2am
o malley can make more money in boxing fighting ecelebs . he hates mma and like most fighters they call out boxers
>jon jones is partying with ryan garcia in vegas tonight
>are you going to make the UFC more inclusive?
It was strange, he looked broken very early on imo
given he never saw the chito fight as a loss i wonder how this will affect him mentally because he just got shut out and had no answers. his tdd looked poor, his striking never opened up and he barely landed on Merab
Yeah Aljo threw that fight
ailin perez twerked on merab
O'Malley ending up another tank highlight real after being completely demolished and exiled from the sport would be a fun timeline
Coach Nick Sig is a fraud.
Honestly he can make retirement level money if he jumps straight into a Jake Paul fight right away. Granted the UFC won’t let him but that would actually sell pretty well and then he can fuck off with a few mil and never do this shit again
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>I'm a heckin takedown artisterino!
I heard Sean O malley is taking his talents to streetbeefs
True it was a demolition omally landed like 10 strikes
Aspinall was born to parents Tracey and Andy and was raised in Atherton, Greater Manchester.[46] He is married to his Polish wife Justyna with two sons and one daughter.[47] One of his sons is diagnosed with autism.[48] Aspinall can speak some Polish and says he feels very close to Poland because of his wife and half Polish children. [49]
His grandmother is also Polish.
Dumb loser can just do podcasts and film his wife fucking other men for the rest of his life for a living. His fighting career is over.
Yes, Dana paid him to
Dana also paid Merab to throw tonight, but Zuckerburg got wind of it and outbidded Dana, ensuring a Merab win.

Everyone thinks Herb was on Dana's payroll but it was actually Zuck.
A fight isn't a "demolition" when your opponent has literally taken no visible physical
Aspinall is Chinese.
His cornerwork was so shit
just cheerleading telling Sean he's doing great while Sean looks so dejected and has no interest in the fight
He called out Tank before too. He thinks he can box because he punches things and has better hands than most mma plebs.
*no visible physical damage
It's late
it's not a fight it's an MMA match
I'm glad shevchenko beat that ugly spics ass. All is right in the world
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>Completely and totally robbed Yan
Niggas really forgot how bullshit that decision was
It's not an MMA match it's an exhibition
The reality is most of his match ups have been favorable to this point. Yan was stylistically a bad match up and he had a razor close fight with him. After seeing Merab dominate Yan I wasn't surprised
gooby really was a one of one that nigga
has anyone ever taken a loss this well after being very successful and talking shit like they are the best?
sean 1, 3
yan sucks
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Ain't that the fucking truth lmao
Those audio issues were right across all the ppv apparently. Not just the bootleg streams
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you in the club and this guy comes up slaps you and your boyfriend's ass and says "let's work gentlemen" what do?
Sean looked buckbroke going into the 5th, just stared at his feet the whole time.
"just KO him with a hailmary knee or something. You got this champ!"
Merab could have literally raped sean and sean would have been unable to stop him
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You can literally hear the kisses
Ahhh yes more 25 minute wet blanket snooze fest from a middle aged hag. Peak mma.
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You know it's bad when even your coach knows your done
Uh ok. Maybe crank one out before posting next time
Nah. First round was a coin toss, 2nd was clear Yan and 3rd was clear O'Malley based on damage.
wtf was herb doing interfering with the fight before the bell rang
The Sphere sounds like a nightmare to get the sound right for it live, let alone broadcasting it. This was their first time live broadcasting from there btw. The UFC probably got paid for this test so they can work out the kinks of live Sphere events.
instead of the kisses he should of been punching him
wrestling is gay
Would be hilarious if Ilia does that to Volk next
honestly I felt like after round 2 Sean looked kind of checked out already. but i think Welch was telling him he was fighting great
apparently kissing him is against the rules
also standing up and circling is also against the rules
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BORING is trending
with 62k post LOL
Why would he punch him he had a front guillotine if he moved his arms he loses his position
They were telling him to "dig deep" after only two rounds too
They saw nothing in him
You're saying that isn't a demolition? He dominated him, and by the way out struck him like 5 to 1.
Yan threw the first round and thus the fight away. O'malley landed the better punches, yan could have easily put himself ahead if he through more than ZERO gnp when he took him down. Had he done anything but stall it would have tipped the round in his favor.
Yan is just one of the lowest IQ fighters.
Jon really in his gay villain phase
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I hate brazzas so much it's unreal
My idea from the other thread about limiting time on the ground is genius. Someone forward it to Dana thank you.
The solution to fighting was always to have a style where you don’t fight at all, fight without fighting
jesus that is a cuck breaking
Even after round 3 they were saying he looked great, and it's just a matter of time before he finds his punch. No rush champ, you got a whole 10 minutes left.
Welch is just a shitty coach man. Rides on Sean's coat tails for clout. Dude lucked into his position.
In close 3 round fights I usually decide who I think won by whoever would win a 5 round fight which would have been yan. Yan is built for 5 rounds and does much better in 5 rounds. Doesn't change the fact that he still clearly beat omalley a 3 round fighter in a 3 round fight.
Aspinall: dual threat
Pereira: pure striker
DDP: dual threat
Belal: wrestler with some point striking
Islam: dual threat but leans towards wrestling
Topuria: dual threat but leans towards striking
Merab: pure wrestler
Pantoja: dual threat

all in all, it’s clear MMA favors a mix of striking and wrestling and generally not fighters who specialize in one
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sean wasn’t checked out he was just completely overmatched
Outstruck him 5 to 1 without inflicting any physical proof, powerful. No, it's not a demolition when you just lay on your opponent. You can test this theory by imagining the fight taking place in the streets. By the standard of any other martial art: boxing, kickboxing, jiu jitsu, the fight is decided when the other opponent is decisively defeated. Knockout, tapping, whatever. If Merab pulled this shit anywhere but the octagon every single spectator would be telling him to fight like a man. Now you can say, "That's MMA baby!" and maybe it is, but it's also simply not something people respect or want to see, and you're going to have live with that.
It's always funny seeing cazzies try to cope over wrestlers.
If there were no rounds and the other fighter couldn't tale 3 minute breaks to drink some water and get a pep talk, everyone would be getting ground to dust by wrestlers
Having to continually stand back up gasses your muscles to hell
skinny legs lmao
Who would've guessed that a sport with a ruleset that activelly rewards boring point-fighters ended up with boring point-fighters becoming champions, huh?
i've never really liked him but i've heard him with some decent corner work before i though, like in the yan fight
tonight he was cheerleader mode and literally offered 0 actual advice

both can be true
>Imagine the fight takes place in the streets
Then Sean gets the back of his head slammed into concrete by a manlet.
so you want the ufc to make no money ? why do you think wrestlers come to the ufc ?????? their sport makes zero money , no one wants to pay to watch them wrestle LOL
He's gonna cope and be like "wah I lost because he was humping my leg wah" when truth is you lost because you stood there and did nothing. Even when you had him hurt you stood there and did fucking nothing. He's a mid fighter.
In the streets his skull would’ve been caved in by a knee instead of the knees being aimed at his thighs
Got home from my wage cage and see all these fights ended in decision was it really that bad?
Merab didn't and wouldn't slam his shit. He's all lay and pray
He just kind of gave up after Merab hurt him with ground in pound in round 4
By round 5 he was so mentally and physically worn down he couldn't even tale advantage of hurting Merab
idiot should have spent the entire camp defending takedowns against midgets
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He's already prepping for the rematch
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ufc interns got too cocky. no way the kendrick lamar thing wasnt intentional
>By the standard of any other martial art: boxing, kickboxing, jiu jitsu, the fight is decided when the other opponent is decisively defeated. Knockout, tapping, whatever
This is not true and you're retarded. In fact everything you said was retarded
Tim Welch is a fraud
Remember when UFC was just two strikers beating the shit out of each other?
If it was a "real fight" the wrestlers would have no way to win because there would be no scorecards.
#UFC306 boring
If Merab pulled that shit out of the octagon the other guy isn't getting up unless someone pulls Merab off
He's free to rape choke, free to rake and poke his eyes, free to knee his head in, what ever he wants. And there is no round break that'll stop the fight. You'll be stuck there with an angry Goblin making you his plaything
Sorry, I immediately discard any post that resorts to "hurr durr you're retarded", I don't get into these screaming matches with fatties that have never have anything else to contribute.
Why haven’t they announced the december card yet?
Valentina looks so cute! I want to have sex with her
He's trying to cope by acting unaffected but he was completely broken, he skipped the post fight interview and press conference
so when stipe and John fight, is the belt announced as the “disputed heavy belt belt”?
This guy needs to stfu
You make Merab sound way more active than he was. He got ahold of O'Malley and spent all his energy hanging on for dear life. That's why Herb kept telling him to work. He would not have the freedom to do anything you're fantasizing about. And yes, he would be pulled off and told to fight
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She's for dyke pussy hegemony only I'm afraid
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The cut O'Malley opened on him would have resulted in a doctor stoppage if it were a 5 rounder.
I wish he would have dropped the retarded persona and attended the post fight press to express himself about the loss
him and welch seem lost in their le irony personas. never seen them be real about anything. essentially a pair of chandler bings
I'm just here because you're like actually seething about omalley being a shit fighter and It's funny.
omalley was never hurt in the fight
merab barely did anything on the ground
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Pop the Kvass boys
All other fights but the main and co-main were good, unnironically.
I stopped following the sport a couple years ago and don't care about Sean, you're mistaken if you think you have me pegged as some bitter stan.
>it's not a real loss because he just out grappled me to a decision
Objective truth, people here is suddenly acting like this happening via no-holds bar would somehow be more favorable to Sean. Regardless, Sean got manhandled and kissed then lost his belt.
Does anyone even like O'Malley's persona? It feels forced and it's kind of outdated, too.
Also the people he tries to target don't even watch MMA
The GOAT boxer made his name by running away, making his opponent miss and occasionally love tapping them
Martial arts have scoring systems because they're sports as opposed to the mindless deathmatches that casuals like you want them to be
>decision, decision, decision, decision
Didn't watch them, didn't miss anything.
>He got ahold of O'Malley and spent all his energy hanging on for dear life.
He almost doubled O'Malley's strike output lmao
Ohmalley will have an out of body experience after MerGOD heems his cracker ass
Look at his cardio!
And that was fighting. You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about deathmatches, I said people want to see fights. Not cuddle contests. If you think I'm alone look online.
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>Hey its okay buddy you’re still a superstar come celebrate at my place and bring your wife
Cool so you're a cazzie. Explains why you're so retarded
You keep saying that but don't seem to understand that it's a mere technicality. He didn't inflict ANY visible damage to O'Malley and his "strikes" were excuses not to get up. Nobody cares
They need to legalize biting.
gayweather ? he's very lucky it was an era with no piracy , dude wouldn't make a dime nowadays
merab’s stamina and movement is prime lomachenko level it is beyond anything ever seen before in mma
*could have
Cool so you still have nothing to say but "hurr durr you're retarded," almost like I knew that would be the case from the beginning which is why you are still and always not worth my time.
Wrestlefags are gay, but you can't win by rolling over and doing nothing all round.
Cope, Sean still lost.
Me tappy his shoulder :P Me striking, no make stand pls :P
why do people who hate grappling watch mma instead of kickboxing or boxing?
do they just want the mandrama?
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>bring your wife
Why is a casual viewer arguing with me anyway. You are literally retarded you already admitted you're a cazzie
canelo vs bumlanga card was miles better then the slop poofc put on all fights except danny garcia was fun
that's adorable
Grappling = / = laying on your opponent
We're not arguing, because you have no argument. You are screaming and crying at me, and jiggling fatly, scratching your neckbeard while calling yourself a scholar and a gentleman, and I'm not interested.
Pereira would've heemed Merab
they're both super duper ugly yet the baby's cute
Don't forget the female fights being tremendously more erotic.
Someone shoud check the dna on that kid
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Jon is looking skinny again
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>merab get your lips off hi-
3 posts in a row of nothing but "you're retarded", why are you posting?
It's lame, but that's mma. Can't just beg the ref to make the other guy stop winning. They spend too much time practicing spinning shit and doing social media, they should learn how to stand back up.
You just saw a fight, you just didn't understand it, because grappling is not as intuitive as striking for the uneducated never-trained casual
>Mazzy Star shirt
These bitches are so predictable I swear KEK
then the wrestlers came and started ruining ufc. wrestlers couldn't draw a dime , it's why the bmf belt was created
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Sorry, meant for >>144439520
Merab's going to get Umar into a guillotine and then start shouting at Khabib about tax evasion
Pereira walks around 235 and Jon is probably 245. Yet everyone seems to think he is massively undersized for HW. Dudes a unit.
why didn't sean stuff the takedowns lol
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wow dana struck gold with merab and belal taking the title
Look back it really is the turning point. Stinky mudrats figured out they could cardio themselves to oblivion then lay on top of strikers to walk away with a title. This era of UFC is pathetic.
This is obvious projection and it's sad. Yeah you're basically a student arguing with the professor right not. You need to just shut up and take notes on how to not be retarded
Buddy, it may well be the case that I'm a casual and that you are one of the elect few who uniquely possess the arcane knowledge necessary to appreciate the fine art of laying on one's opponent, nevertheless, this will not be conducive to your sport's popularity, which I don't know if you know, is kind of the whole point of prize fighting.
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They need to allow knees to the head on the ground.
merab trying to duck umar so hard lol
>lost my child support on you
based real one in the comments
all babies are cute even the ugly ones
still need to check the dna in that child
zero resemblance to cuckmalley
Jon and Aspinall can both ragdoll Pereira with no training camp. Size doesn’t matter when the match ups are horrible for him.
wrestlers would benefit a lot more from that
khabib subbed conor and lay n pray existed long before khabib you mongoloid
Discarded, keep trying
their one song is pretty good.
He got out wresteled by Jan Blachjoslijhsh. Jon would ragdoll him.
this photo somehow managed to be gayer than that CKB photo, you know the one (don't post it)
Anyway, I'll accept your concession because I'm such a nice guy.
Yeah. Seeing as bottoms refuse to get back up, let wrestlers use their weapons to finish them on the ground. At least we'd get more heems.
the best brazza is islam because he stands and bangs , the rest of them should be cut

That was before he got his blackbelt b
Pereira is a munster grappler now
Getting kissed by a goblin whilst being the headline Latinx star. What a love letter to the people of Mexico
fersure he learned at 36 how to stuff jon jones takedowns
We're experiencing a drastic influx of casuals. Be a high alert.
>all babies are cute
>posts pic of a baby that's not cute
What is it with you
messico is not allowed to post after that complete wash out
ohhhh I get it now, O’Malley headlined noche because his wife is a beaner
You can't say his chances are worse than a Derrick Lewis type to KO them though before that. Sure he get's taken down 9 times out of 10 but fuck it.
It's true, he hasn't been taken down since that Jan fight. Look into it.
We can't stop winning
>only 2 heems
>one of them was wmma
dana's love letter to /heem/
His daughter is also a beaner
>laying on one's opponent
That's what you saw and that's exactly my point. You don't get it. You don't see how merab was controlling the terms of the fight at all times. How he refused to engage with o'malley outside those terms and just completely shut him down. How he patiently sapped his stamina, rendering him harmless. How he won every grappling scramble. You just didn't see enough punches on the feet (and I guess you missed all the knees and ground and pound). It's bizarre to me that you're trying to take pride in ignorance and the fact that the general public is clueless, too.
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20 million dolla for THIS?
UFC is really dead
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Dana said he hopes people tuned out before the co main event and now they're life long fans
Africa is huge
Could easily do it in Morocco, South Africa or Egypt
Esteban vs that messiCAN lad was a great fight tbf but yes this card was fucking garbage lmao
they don’t actually like mma, they like the idea of liking mma
so fucking bad
at least the gringo delivered a fight of the night
Imagine you get in a fight with a guy, you're like "step out of the car jackass!" and he gets out and grabs you around the waist and rides you to the ground. He tucks his head into your chest and starts feebly tapping your sides. You try to shove him off but he holds on with all his might, turns out he's from planet RETARD and his retard strength is insurmountable. But this is not a fight. This is not what you had in mind. One of the two of you should probably be dealing damage at this point. But a spectator cries out that your opponent's strike count is 46. You look down. He is indeed tapping his hands against your sides very rapidly. You hadn't noticed. You elbow him viciously in the head and blood sprays. He doesn't care. He doesn't even have anything inside there. He was bred for one purpose, and that was to lay on top of you until you die. You elbow his head 50 more times, he doesn't even have a head anymore, just a congealed lumpy mass. He's still tapping your sides. Night is coming on. There is no longer a single spectator. There is a discarded newspaper nearby. You reach over and begin to read. Tears blur your eyes. What a stupid way to die.
It's three days later. You died.
This is the new way of fighting which the modern UFC offers to mankind. I, for one, am a massive fan.
Isnt Joshua a lightskin ?
He probably has white/english dna
He's got a punchers chance. Jon's great at range management and setups though. Gane didn't even touch him before getting put down. I'd give Periera equal odds to Derick Lewis at beating Jon.
USA wins again.
Yan is one of my favorite fighters to watch, I feel like the UFC hates him though
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Look at the intensity
This card was weak as hell but the trippy Sphere graphics is what people on social media are actually talking about.
Uuuuuh.....we drink wine though
lay and pray isn’t new to mma, you are
Honestly I’m sure the planetarium was pretty cool if you were there

didn’t add much to the broadcast
in a street fight merab would have murdered sean
in the lead up everyone said this card was shit
these crackers have the groove what in the world!!!
Yeah that's what my post describes?
Completely put Sean off his game standing too. Volume striker reduced to throwing a few body shots per round.
it's amazing wine too, especially your reds
It was the greatest fighting event the world has ever seen, goof.
in america most fights end in shooting
kek this is crazy, everything about this is unnecessarily bizare
I was 100% watching before you were sweetie, my childhood idol was Tito Ortiz. You're always wrong, stupid and have nothing to contribute. I hope you're not a regular
Maybe your stream was pixely cause that shit looked badass
you sound like a sassy faggot
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honestly, Megan Olivi's four seperate wardrobe changes threw me off more than anything
if I had been able to sneak backstage as planned, I wouldn't have even known which clothes to steal
Mershit KWABdvasvhili

Sean KWABmalley
why wasn't dan ige fighting tonight didn't dana say he was going to get him a sphere fight?
Being defensively responsible on bottom is a skill you don't recognize it because you didn't even know it's a thing. Like if I got on top of you you would be dead within one second because you're not a professional fighter and you can't defend ground and pound the way someone like omalley has trained hundreds of hours to do.
No you!
I'm just happy that cuck lost his belt
That's how I imagine a vampire would react touching a cross
based but keep in mind he is going to heem figuereido next
I think when the internet tough guy persona comes on and you start posting about how you'd kill me irl you've lost the argument.
Yes I'm aware the fight should theoretically continue on the ground, the reality is that lay and pray artists don't allow for that possibility.
I miss dillashaw era
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That's fine, if that happens I just hope it happens in a fun fight.
>the future mexico was futuristic buildings and some shit about a flame
>meanwhile irl mexico is cartels, liveleak vids, dirt and donkeys
honestly if you allow someone to hug you for five rounds you should be held responsible not them
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I miss Tank Abbott era
What if they kiss you too?
If Bryce took down Ilia, Volk can do it for five rounds
I say this because you didnt know ground and pound defense was a thing. The average person finds themselves in a position like omalley was they are completely fucked because it's a very dangerous position no matter who is on top of you.
yeah cody/tj 2010s flavor of white trash is better than 2020s omalley white trash
merab’s hug and kiss is genuinely more humiliating than izzy’s heem and hump
that was the fun era
the iceman just blitzing his opponent with a flurry of hooks
No, I did know, and you knew I knew, you're just extremely mad that you lost the argument and are resorting to this smarmy superior tone and murder fantasies.
Do you want to know what a fight can look like when it isn't lay and pray? Conor vs Mendes. Mendes got Conor down and tried to cave his face in. That's how wrestlers should fight. It also gave Conor the opportunity to "butcher him from the bottom" like he predicted he would. It was still a fight.
The problem with the new crop of "wrestlers" like Merab is that they specialize in neutralizing all physical violence and in only using strikes as an excuse to lay on top of you. They deal no damage, no actual fight is taking place, they're just trying hold you down. This is a legal strategy! It is also not what anyone wants to see.
so begins the nu-brazzas era
business idea: 100k mandatory for heems, 50k mandatory for getting heemed
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thank you, great to hear that from the homeland of Barolo and Barbaresco
Cejudo's intel was clearly correct. I'd imagine Sean was getting laid and prayed all fight camp. Super scared of the TD to the point he was throwing no volume
Because they are babies
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>holds you against a wall and gently kisses your forehead
>casually just turns and walks away while you desperately swing at him
jesus christ I’d climb the cage and resign
imagine hiring out the sphere for yourself and playing porno on the screen
phwoar the VR porn would be crazy
the result wasn’t surprising considering he already did this to cejudo and yan who have much more elite td defense than the lanky cuck
oh man...watching chuck just lunging in with those wide ass hooks
We showed great warrior spirit, now we only need to win.
Is picking O'Malley a strong enough indicator for a medical classification of mental retardation?
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Every single guy who has this video ready to link wears gas station sunglasses, listens mainly to Nirvana, drinks Mt. Dew and is unfuckably skinnyfat (with yellow teeth)
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>This guy's good. He's not just a clown
Stop clownin around /heem/... We all knew that o'malley was slop to begin with
who kissed Omalley better Merab or his wife?
It sounds like you don't like mma. Grappling is a part of mma. Idk what else I can say. Go watch street fights I guess
Now that O'Malley is no longer champ, I hope I never have to see a Nelk boy ever again sat cageside.
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herb let him get out of the arm triangle for free
Again, grappling = / = lay and pray. You're acting like the latter is the sum of all possibilities of the former. It's not. It's an abberation. A loophole. Submission artists, ground and pound specialists etc. engage in GRAPPLING. This is fine. Merab engages in HOMOSEXUALITY. This is not fine.
This was the hardest and worst that o'malley has ever fallen. Straight up fraud levels.
Do you guys think he'll be okay to recover from being exposed?
yeah he wins the rematch easy
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>it actually happened
not really, merab was doing enough on the ground in my opinion, real lay and pray is usman against woodley or movsar vs dawodu
I dont love merabs style but it's on omalley to fucking fight back. He fought like shit. It's not like merab refused to engage and was just diving for legs the whole time. Omalley was fighting like a pussy and offering nothing of threat on the feet. The fight was boring because omalley sucks
Did he really just forget how to fight after this win?
Dude looked like a bum tonight
>It's not like merab refused to engage and was just diving for legs the whole time.
But that's exactly what he was doing. He literally stood there punching at the air. O'Malley, a counterstriker, started reaching in just trying to skim his stomach and get SOMETHING going, and Merab would hop away and mime punching at the air again. He would do this for two minutes without allowing any fight to take place, and then suddenly dive for the takedown. That's literally all he did.
aljo was never good he had to pretend to be merabs friend so he doesnt call him out for title
Usman definitely had some of the worst examples. You just made me laugh remembering that cornball. Remembering the faces he would put on as he tried to talk smooth and cool.
*campfire voice* sounds like you're not a real... African.
Very Conoresque
Congrats on your first belt Georgia
>Dana White is classless
>here's an essay long run on sentence about my homoerotic humiliation fantasies about people I'll never meet and have no connection with
Jesus Christ.
I love fighters like O'Malley. Because of their look and their personality, they get a lot of "retard bucks" thrown on them from guys who are cock-sure that no stinky Muslim (they think Merab must be one of these Muslim fellas) is gonna beat this cool western guy with the pink hair who smokes weed and wears bling. So a lot of money gets put on their guy, and I'm sitting they're waiting for it to pile up, and when it does, I bet against their guy because I have one advantage over all the cool kids who put their money on Sean: I'm not a complete retard.
And on Sunday morning, I collect my money.
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he's come a long way
I'd get all emotional as well desu
It says page doesn't exist. Learn to screencap
fuck me running
No, he was actually giving omalley a lot of respect on the feet and was worried about engaging him. Shit several minutes would go by of merab circling the outside and omalley starding there with his thumb in his ass. I don't want to talk to casuals. Lurk more
Thank you bros, but that's the second one
now that the suga era is over what did we think of the biggest sports figure of all time
Way ahead of you, brazza
Back then he was an entrepreneur. Now he's just a UFC champ, a profession known for its drastically underpaid wages. SAD.
I think he's a nigger faggot.
go to bed Dana
How asshurt is Dana right now? On a scale of 1-10?
Merab win the UFC championship dominantly, but only took second place in the World Sambo championship. What can we learn from this?
I literally have no clue how the judges scored a 48 for o'malley the fuck rounds did he win by losing them all?
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6 hours of furiously beating your shit to poor quality streaming site porn on the biggest possible screen
grasso, sean, and leon all lost the same way doing nothing and getting blobbed on and looking dejected
unfortunate case of heartletism, seems to be contagious
I'm gonna be real here. Sean looked shit and slow. Obsessively targeting the body even in rnd5
>B-But it le worked!
Out of nowhere in the fifth where it was too late. Sean was slow, dumb and weak last night. Unironically a bad performance. He should take roids and bulk up. If they fight again just go for break swinging.
>>You're that he didn't engage, he respects O'Malley's power that's why he didn't engage
Powerful, I'll reconsider.
Stop acting so above it all by the way, it's a meathead sport that you apparently don't even understand despite considering yourself something of a scholar. You should be happy I haven't been insulting you, not acting like I'm not worth your time.
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he's already popped for ostarine in the past
I gave Sean the third (close round), the fifth (most damage with those gut kicks), and I think also the second when he landed those shots right at the end when Merab walked away out of sheer exhaustion and was probably seconds away from being stopped.
You might also give Sean the first round (he did more damage).
4th was super close too, personally I had sean taking it but can see how you could maybe give that round to merab
>>>You're that he didn't engage, he respects O'Malley's power that's why he didn't engage
Wat means...
You're clearly mentally ill but I humor you. Omalley is fighting merab dvalishvilli, not canelo Alvarez. Frankly omalley should have walked merab down and ko'd him before merab ever got his confidence going. There's really no other way to put it other than omalley completely shit the bed and had a mental breakdown.
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merab is a goblin but somehow he gets all the girls
I am a Georgian patriot. I love my country.
>moves to USA
*You're right
He claimed I was wrong that Merab wasn't engaging and then explained why he wasn't engaging lol. Oh ok, my b.
Wow I'm mentally ill now. That's crazy. You said "it's not like Merab did this" and then described precisely, to a T, what Merab did. It would be generous to say you don't understand the sport, it's more likely other factors are uninvolved. But I won't insult you back, because I'm not losing the argument, and I'm not mad. :)
By the way, as to what O'Malley should have done, you're wrong about that too, despite being such a scholar. If O'Malley tried to walk him down he would have exposed himself to takedowns. Oops. Know your facts before you come at me little goof.
I remember Sean talking about his wife being interested in one of his friends, I wonder if it was this one
he goofymaxxed
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No, brother, I'm way more pissed the Andre Soukamtat fight has been memory holed. JESUS TITTYFUCKING CHRIST THAT WAS A FIXED GODDAMM FIGHT.
O'Malley literally CANNOT STAND. If Soukamtat backed off and called O'Malley to stand it would've been an automatic TKO.
The era of boredom has come upon us. No more will you have exciting strikers, technical submission artists, or even brutal savages becoming champions. No, now it's all about being safe, yet winning. Welcome.
From Chuck Liddel and Anderson Silva to Merab Dershajakcsvbaali. I kneel.
Perfect reflection of the company itself right now desu

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